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Jogging with husky pup


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As alot have already said, she's a bit young for jogging yet. I'd suggest a walk maybe 20-30 minutes then a good tumble around around at home to dispel some remaining energy...often a rough n tumble game is a great way for puppies to use up energy, you don't want to overdo it when she's still young and growing.:)

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What do you mean diet? Like change her food or give her less?

not necessarily, look at what your are giving her (ingredients) and the amount. huskys really dont need much food, any supplus is just turned into un-necessary energy. she is a pup so should be on a good quality pup or junior food. with about 30% protein. add up the ingredients and see what is actual food and what is filler (rice, potatoe, corn etc). measure out the amount and gauge if you are overfeeding etc. i know in the US you tend to use cups where as we use kg's. my 10mth pup has 250g per day. however each food is different so yoru food may be totally different.

additives etc can have an impact on energy too

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We've found that a long lead works wonders. ours is almost 9 months and I fully agree that they have more energy than you expect and I'm not sure I agree with the 5min per month rule as based on that Teeko would currently be walked for no more than 45 mins. Some days he'll get an hour and a half on the beach and still be pelting around and ready for action. The long lead gives him the option of running as much or as little as he wants and we take home much more chilled out pup. I've done some very little jogging on sand with Teeks to practise commands for scootering when he is older but my jog is only the speed of his trot and I wouldn't run in heat or o a hard surface. The bonus of running with him is that when I slow down he tends to do a few fast steps and it urges me to keep going! He'll be my very own personla trainer when he's big enough! But like I said...I only do it when its cool, on sand and its only 20 mins in total where we do some walking and short bursts of jogging.

Rough and tumble all the way! We love to wrestle in our house! Just be clear on the rules as they can get carried away with those busy mouths! Play fetch in the house too. Or hide and seek witha toy. And hide and seek on a walk! We love that one!

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Okay, Matthew, no-ones saying that you're a bad guy - but they are saying that you should consider the level of exercise you're giving her.

You're in Cal but you don't say what part, if you're up by Edwards AFB that's a lot different from the LA valley which is a lot different from Fresno which is a lot different from SF ... you can help us help you with more info ...

As for the heat, I tend to agree both with your vet and the comments made here. I live in Terlingua, TX which is much like the area around the Mojave, hot!! and dry. Misty (and my two mixed breed pups) stay under cover, stretched out for most of the day trying to stay cool (it's coming down now, we're at 101f). Misty does handle the heat better than either of the two pups and they're short haired - the comment had been made, and I agree that the guard hairs do let them control their temperature better but if she's out running and gets hot, she'll hole up somewhere (until her internal temp cools down??).

I've never had a Husky pup so I'll bow to the experts here and we do have real experts around. Most of our correspondents, I think, live in very (sub?)urban area so when you said that you ran her ... it was an automatic assumption that it would have been on pavement ... see where a little more information can help??

Take care and keep cool guy //al

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Okay, Matthew, no-ones saying that you're a bad guy - but they are saying that you should consider the level of exercise you're giving her.

You're in Cal but you don't say what part, if you're up by Edwards AFB that's a lot different from the LA valley which is a lot different from Fresno which is a lot different from SF ... you can help us help you with more info ...

As for the heat, I tend to agree both with your vet and the comments made here. I live in Terlingua, TX which is much like the area around the Mojave, hot!! and dry. Misty (and my two mixed breed pups) stay under cover, stretched out for most of the day trying to stay cool (it's coming down now, we're at 101f). Misty does handle the heat better than either of the two pups and they're short haired - the comment had been made, and I agree that the guard hairs do let them control their temperature better but if she's out running and gets hot, she'll hole up somewhere (until her internal temp cools down??).

I've never had a Husky pup so I'll bow to the experts here and we do have real experts around. Most of our correspondents, I think, live in very (sub?)urban area so when you said that you ran her ... it was an automatic assumption that it would have been on pavement ... see where a little more information can help??

Take care and keep cool guy //al

Ok I live in Bakersfield, CA which is an hour away from Edwards airforce base, it gets pretty hot out here. I guess I was basically asking 2 questions, is it normal for my husky not to be able to keep on a steady jog(not running), I mean even if its a 1 min jog I feel like I am dragging her. For the second question since I can run her or jog her more I need to find more ways to disspell that extra energy walking doesnt get rid of.

When we walk its normally around 7-8 PM and the sun is almost down, she is walking on grass most of the time. I try to play fetch with her but she will only go get the thing a few times then she just sits out there with it or just looks at me like "Why did you do that?" So then I have to give up. I dont know how I would wrestle with the dog since I dont want to it to think it can be that way with me.

Heat isnt a big problem I am facing with the dog since she is an inside dog and we have the A/C on all the time and when she is outside she has lots of shade and a lil puddle of water she plays in.

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I'll make my comments and then others will chime in, probably. I know some of Bakersfield, yep you get hot there like I do here. Pretty much the same type of heat as well.

I thought wrestling with your dog isn't good because it makes em more aggressive and is a step back when establishing pack leader

If you're teasing her and not playing then it can be detrimental. Think about it though, she's been taken from her litter mates with whom she was (probably) always tussling. Even as a puppy, she can handle a pretty good amount of playing (rough-housing) and with those puppy teeth of hers, probably more than you can! If you're as careful as you seem to be, then you can get pretty rough with her - and she'll enjoy it. You just have to keep in mind that there's also training involved here and that when you indicate "stop" (however you want to) she has to know you mean stop! On the other hand, she'll tell you that she's tired (or bored) when she pulls back and essentially says "enough". She's a young pup and there's a lot of learning you *both* have to go through!

If you've read around here a bit, you'll have seen something that sounds like "you can train your Husky to do anything you want him to do, as long as he sees the reason for it!" When you get the "Why did you do that?" look playing fetch, she's telling you somethings - she's hot, she's tired, she's bored or she doesn't see any further reason for entertaining you. (BTW, Misty, my 3 yo Husky is not into fetch either, she'll chase it but won't bring it back ... oh well!)

If I remember right, the recommended time for exercising a puppy is 5 minutes for each month of age (right guys?) so since Navi is "almost 6 months" you're going to want to keep the exercise time down do about 1/2 hour at a stretch.

As far as pulling her when you're jogging, you probably are. She's still a puppy and her legs aren't quite as long nor as strong as they'll be in another year.

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Thanks for the good respone Al Jones, I have wrestled with my dog when I first got her but she trys to dig at me and climbs ontop of me with her big clawly paws lol and it hurts!

I have scars on my arm from where Misty and I wrestled when I first got her. For some reason they do like to use their front paws and yep, they can hurt! I would have expected that she'd get to you with those sharp, pointy puppy teeth first though. << laughing >>

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I have scars on my arm from where Misty and I wrestled when I first got her. For some reason they do like to use their front paws and yep, they can hurt! I would have expected that she'd get to you with those sharp, pointy puppy teeth first though. << laughing >>

My wife pointed out, what if she trys to play like that with my 2 year old? My son likes to chase Navi around with his push toy and navi loves it lol, going around and around the coffee table.

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Don't forget mental stimulation, learning tricks and obedience training will also tire them out,

especially when combined with some walking and in home playing, chasing after balls and tugging (gently) on toys etc. :)

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Don't forget mental stimulation, learning tricks and obedience training will also tire them out,

especially when combined with some walking and in home playing, chasing after balls and tugging (gently) on toys etc. :)

She is so stubborn right now, I can get her to sit, stay and come, but I have been trying to teach DOWN for a week now and she just wont do it, shes fusterating me with this one.

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She is so stubborn right now, I can get her to sit, stay and come, but I have been trying to teach DOWN for a week now and she just wont do it, shes fusterating me with this one.

We got ours to do it by holding a treat in a closed hand over their head, then slowly bringing the hand down, whilst saying "Down"

until the hand was on the floor a few inches in front of them.

Because their head follows the hand they almost naturally drop to a lying position to try to get to the treat in your hand.

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My wife pointed out, what if she trys to play like that with my 2 year old? My son likes to chase Navi around with his push toy and navi loves it lol, going around and around the coffee table.

That's where the training comes in. If Navi get's too rough tell her "No!" and give her a time out (in house leash?) If your 2 year old gets too rough - give him a time out! :) Odds are though that they'll get along fine. If Navi gets too rough your son will pull back (withdraw) and vice-versa. Obviously though, Navi isn't a pummel toy and kids at that age like to hit - gotta make sure your son understands that. Chances are though, they'll get along fine.

Remember, Huskies were kept in the Chukchi houses during the winter for, among other things, the purpose of keeping the kids warm - with training (watching) she should make an ideal companion for your son.

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She is so stubborn right now, I can get her to sit, stay and come, but I have been trying to teach DOWN for a week now and she just wont do it, shes fusterating me with this one.

I just push Marius down and say down. No I don't push him hard -.- or if he trys to jump up if im fast enuf ill just put my hands down so he runs into them :/

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I'm not running her..... It's a 3 mile walk where only about 5-8 mins is jogging because I know she can't do a lot. I can play fetch for about 5 mins then she doesn't want to do it anymore. All I know is every since I did this walk jog routine she is calmer at night, just before this I couldn't have her in side at night because she goes crazy with tearing up anything in sight. Also it's a neighborhood walk and I make her walk on grass 70 percent of the time, so I don't believe I'm doing any harm to her and feel like you guys are trying to make me out like a bad guy like I'm RUNNING the dog for a long time on hot hot asphalt.

Not making you out to be the bad guy, I misunderstood what you said. From the posts I read it sounded like you were running her on concrete for hours.

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Patience, she will eventually. She's still a puppy and you've done well so far. Just don't let her see your frustration, work a little and if she doesn't see why to do it, take a break .....

I know, its just she learned the other tricks in a matter of a couple days but this one she wont do, I think its because down is a submissive position?

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Not making you out to be the bad guy, I misunderstood what you said. From the posts I read it sounded like you were running her on concrete for hours.

No, today I toned it down, no jogging or running, just a nice 45 min walk in the park, she looks like she just say jesus every time we pass a dog, and the dog owners all wanna say something about Huskies, group a kids came up and all petted her, she got scared.

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Hi Matthew - I've just finished a wicked play fight with Harley - and I lost this time lol! He had me well pinned...yet I'm not in the slightest worried about dominance. I've picked up that you are worried about dominance during play - but I wouldn't be worried if you do it right.

I'm not worried about dominance because I initiate the play, I give him the 'look' that comes with it the projected energy of play, do a play bow and slap which means 'everything that follows is just play', get a head dip back 'ok!' and then we GO FOR IT! When we play fight, there are rules...and I have set them.

He's allowed to jump and climb all over me, get on my back or on top generally, he's allowed to use his head, his legs, his mouth, everything. He's allowed to be as rough as he likes. Yet he is never allowed to close his mouth (TOTAL bite inhibition), nor to have my hand in his mouth and twist his head (his teeth may get caught on my bones etc), he's only allowed to have my arms/hands in his mouth, he's always to turn an open mouth away from my face, and he's to listen to my commands at all times. And I check he does the latter too!

I use my mouth to play bite the underside of his neck, I use my hands to stimulate play bites, I rub my face in his, I'm as rough with him as he is with me - anyone watching will think we are really going for it! Today I ended up on my back, him standing on my chest panting...and then I called time.

I yawn, lick my lips, turn my head (calming signals), take a deep breath and let it go and relax, (giving him my calming energy) move him off, he'll always go to move back and gets an ah-ha!, I then make him sit, lie down, give him a rub, then he can go and get his water...Sometimes I will just go instantly calm, relax, projecting calmness, just to stop him straight away which he does. I also practice starting and stopping...and read his body language too in order to maintain doggy etiquette for play fighting.

I look to play with him the closest a human can play with a dog on his terms.

It is helped that I'm a professional fighter, and can sense the tension and relaxation in his body, and move safely in order to not stress his bones and joints. I've also built the play up gradually to ensure control. And it is soooo much fun....he loves it...and so do I! Although I do end up covered in hair after a good 10-20minute blast...

I wouldn't be worried about dominance during play - dogs aren't! Harley ended up on his back with a 6 month Jack Russell pup on his chest and play biting his neck the other week, Harley flat out in submission position...play is practice, it isn't real. That's why I clearly define what is play, and what is not.

Hope that helps!

Best regards,


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