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New here. Doing a lot of perusing of the forum content to learn! I am not yet a husky owner, but I have had my heart set on owning a husky for a few years now. I'm a senior at Iowa State University, and will be graduating with my BFA in Integrated Studio Arts at the end of May 2010. I've been promised a husky puppy as my graduation present, hahaha. So, that's right, I have to wait a year... But it's for the best, so that I can concentrate on my school work instead of juggling puppy and school too (she after all will deserve my undivided attention!). I've been reading through forums and books and internet resources and pretty much everything I can get my hands on to prepare myself for my first "big" dog. I grew up with dogs, but my childhood doggy friends were west highland white terriers, which are small dogs.

I am not a new dog owner, I do own other pets. My first and currently my only dog is a red and white pembroke welsh corgi named "Sofi". She's my best buddy! I did almost about 4 months of research and self-searching before I brought her home, and I now firmly believe that without having done as much research as I did, she would not be as wonderful of a companion as what I was able to make her. That in mind, I am doing just as much research on the husky breed! I also own one blue lynx bicolor purebred ragdoll cat named Yuki who was my first kitty and is an absolute joy in my home. The rest of my animals are geckos! I own about 50'ish geckos at the moment (the figure fluctuates because of eggs hatching and babies finding new homes). Feel free to check out my website if you'd like! www.designersgecko.com

My experience with geckos has taught me that forum communities are an excellent resource for sharing wisdom and knowledge, and a great way to gain camaraderie with others. I look forward to having my first husky puppy, but in the meantime, I hope y'all don't mind me comin' round here with my questions!


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Wow Sarah, you have a lot on your plate. I'm new here as well, also live in Iowa. It's a good thing you are doing research on Huskies. There are a couple red flags that went up, however, in reading your post. Huskies can be an issue with cats. Not all Huskies, but some will have their prey instinct triggered, and the cat usually loses. You need to be aware of that before bringing a Husky into a home with a cat. Geckos? Not sure how those will do with a Husky. Best to keep them so far apart that the Husky knows nothing about them.

I think you'll find, as you continue to do research on Huskies, that they are highly intelligent, easily bored, have selective hearing when it comes to commands, will dig, dig, and then dig some more. Huskies are escape artists. They can easily jump a 4-5 foot fence, easily dig under just about any fence, and can climb a 6 foot chain link fence, all in the pursuit of freedom. They can be destructive. Our last Husky totally destroyed a recliner, pulled up newly laid carpet, and bored a foot wide hole through the dry wall just to see what was inside the wall I suppose. Our current Husky is nothing like that. . . .yet!

Above all, Huskies are such a beautiful breed, they try your patience, they challenge your authority, they completely ignore you when you want their attention the most, but that's what makes them Huskies. Keep doing your research, check out some other Web sites. Husky Rescue Web sites are good for information. Also, if you find a reputable breeder, they most often would welcome a call if you have any questions or concerns. You've got time on your side.

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Hi welcome to the site hope u find everything u need 2 no on here dont worry bout asking questions no matter how silly u think they may be after all thats how we learn :) i personally wudnt see a problem wit u bringing a husky in2 a house wit a cat and other small animals if they r introduced properly and never left alone (just to b on the safe side) because like Dave has just said they do have a high prey drive so u might find that ur husky can live wit ur geckos and cat but all other cats n small animals are fair game! in the meantime we have a other pets/breeds section so dont 4get 2 post sum piccies and tell us all about ur other animals aswell :)

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Hi sarah

Welcome to the pack :D

Feel free to bring loads of questions up or throw in answers.

Loev your website :) We have a "other pets" Section on here where you can chat away about them and post pictures on. If you get stuck with anything just shout.

look forward to seeing you around and sharing your anticipation of waiting until your fury friend comes home :)

are you thinking of buying one from a breeder or rescuing from a shelter?

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Hello and welcome to the site. You are definitely in the right place to learn...i have learnt more being here (and actually owning a Husky) than i could have ever done from reading books. You learn the good and the bad, as well as the stuff you need to watch out and prepare for! Your life will never be the same (in a good way!)

(oh and another Sarah too lol!)

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From a fellow Iowan, welcome to the site and kudos for doing your research first!

I have a older sibe - he'll be 15 in November. (Lovingly known as my 'golden oldie') Moving slow, but still happy and healthy. We're dealing with arthritis, it slows him down, but is far from stopping him! He's the blue-eyed love of my life and when something happens to him, I hope to have another as I'm addicted to this breed. Their intelligence is awesome and they continue to amaze their human parents their entire lives.

This is a great place to learn about the breed, we have many very experienced owners with loads of knowledge to share and our newer owners have lots to share as well.


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Hey Sarah and family, welcome to the pack :)

I love your Geckos!!!! I would like a Gecko (I have most of the tank set up for Leopard geckos apart from a few hideouts) but at the moment we are looking at moving house so wont be for a while. I would really love to get a Tokay, I think they are awsome but I think Leopard geckos would be the best place to start.

Sofi and Yuki sound lovely, hope to see some photos of them (and the geckos ;)), as Sarah mentioned we do have the other pets section so you can also talk about your geckos, sofi and yuki too :) and we also have a pet of the month and pet clip of the month hosted by siberianandy and bingnblaze which is the same as husky of the month and husky clip of the month but for your other pets :)

I have to agree being part of a forum ius definately the best place to go for advise, hints and tips, and a great way to make new friend around the world :) I have learnt loads about Sibes since I have been on the forum and still learning something new each day :D

If you need any help at all, please give us a shout and dont hesitate to ask questions, we have many members here all from different backgrounds and all at different experince level too :D

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