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Well then there now...Back to square one.


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Hello my fellow Husky owners.

I have a bit of a problem that i need a little guidance with. I have my dog Brening, who is 16 months old...he is housebroken or possibly trained to hold it long enough (will get to this). I recently moved out to a new location with Brenin as well he has been neutered, three incinsions and he is not allowed to be in the dog run outside, so he is kept inside.

I also have adopted a Husky X (Akira is what she was/is called) (looks pure husky to me, but the spca thinks she is a cross)

Spca said she was housebroken

Now to the problem, when I am at work I have decided to let them have the run of my apartment. However I returned to multiple accidents pee and poop, which I initially thought were obviously Akira's and not Brenins. However this afternoon i watch as brenin walked over in front of me, squatted and peed. Well damn.

Then not a moment later Akira squatted almost on top of the pee and went herself.

Brenin is crate trained and has never had an accident when in his crate even when i was stuck at and accident on the way home, he was stuck in the crate for 10 hours (which is why I try no to do it when I am at work any longer). He will still go in no problem though.

My vet I use is out of town so Brenin had to stay with my mom for a few nights to get some stiches out as well as for a re-evalutaion etc. She stated quite clearly that he barked when he needed to relieve himself at the back door.

Brenin has always been a very dominant and willfull dog, many a trainer has told me so. I am wondering if my laxing towards him as a result of Akira has forced me to start all over training both of them as if they were pups?

Akira, well she is a beatiful girl....but incredibly smart as well as a tad wild, not in an omg way but more of a ugh..way.

I am skeptical of the spca claims she is houstrained however. I have a cupboard 5.5 feet of the ground (she got up an into and ate two bags of dog treats, and what a mess that left when it came back out. She also knows that water comes out of the sink and has on occasion jumped onto the counter to look into sink...i mean fully onto counter as in walking...she is quite agile :)

I worried I relied to much on the outdoor dog run with regards to brenin, and now Akira seems to need traiing as if she were a pup.

So do you think it is back to square one, and again nothing in life is free...or?

Any suggestions tips....adopted dog stories etc?

There was a really good housebreaking or nilf guide I believe someone pointed me too awhile ago...might someone reorient me towards it again?

Sigh...i love my dogs...i love my dogs....i love my dogs...i love my dogs....


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I read somwhere that the old dog will get jelouse of the new dog and make it do bad things? or do things for attention. Maybe try doing more mental and physical stimulation with them together ? Thats all Ive got to help atm :P If I come up with anything else to help you I will add it.

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If Akira is doing her business in the house, then she is leaving her scent / markings all over the house.

This claims it as HERS.

Brenin is attempting to reclaim the house by marking over Akiras scent.

When you can get Akira fully housebroken then Brenin should stop.

Also If Brenin is ALPHA, the Alpha dog marks over the top of others scent in the pack.

So that if a predator is tracking the pack by scent, it will be drawn to the strongest member of the pack.

Brenin won't differentiate between outside and inside, it's a natural protective instinct.

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Well that makes sense. Guess it is train Akira and brenin should fall back in line...Any hinst for the meantime with brenin...besides Pin Sol and some enyme buster.

Time and patience, love and training.

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Its like a conga line of peeing dogs when you have more than 2 :D

Ha, yes it is. . . :doglaugh:

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On a bit more today than I'd figured I would be, but waiting ever so patiently for our girl to get here.

Jelousy and Huskies...when we brought home Tinkerbell the demon beagle Fox went through a jealousy phase...we're not talking small bits of jealous we're talking huge huge ammounts of spastic I am king of the universe and I will prove that I am so by acting the fool and being destructive. Anything that was designated as hers...he would pee on. At 6 weeks old she was one heck of a bully though and as retalliation she stole every treat, bone and high value food item that he got...and he let her...becuause she was loud and wasn't afraid to get in his face. She is another story entirely....

We combated this by separating them frequently and giving them each 1:1 time for training, treats and lovings...then we started working with getting them to not be jerks to each other at a slower interval...We also pretended that he'd gone insane and took him out to potty when he wasn't in his crate about every hour and made a huge deal about going potty outside...there were also crate treats that were for each of them that were specifically theres...and then some treats that were for everyone...unfortunately the everyone treats seem to give Fox very loose stools so we've had to go back to offering raw meat as his treats...okay unsidetracked again...here we go...

Tinkerbell has been her for some time now...and given the opportunity he will still take a massive dump in the places designated as hers(specifically my daughter's bedroom when she leaves the door open)...thus he is not allowed in certain parts of the house...and she's not allowed in other parts of the house unsupervised. It's frustrating to say the least...and I totally feel your pain. The good news is...it doesn't mean going back to square one...bad news is...it does mean reexamining your house, your rules and not letting things slide even a little bit...

I'd definately go back to using a crate for both of them until they stop tinkling on your floor...

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Seems I hvae to go back to a crate when not being watched....free reign over the house at nighthas resulted in a huge mess. if they could chew it or get in it they did. Seems Brenin has reverted to his former ways as a result of the new girl (or other various co-factors) I'm going to have to crate them when I am at work and while sleeping. although Brenin is good Akira seems to be less then able to behave. She wont eat her food regularly...she has a vet appt. in 2 days. Wehn she eats her food when I have mixed it with Brenins she eats it but gets the runs. I want her off Iams as quick as possible.

She is highly trained though...she knows sit, stop, off, go away, come, bed (in to crate). leave it etc...but she lacks discipline. I think a lot has to do with so many new things at once....and same with Brenin. can someone point me to the Nilf guide again...maybe i have become a softy on Brenin over time as he behaved and I'm getting my ass handed back to me for it.

Both are very affectionate dogs....and I may overindulge them. I am as happy to see them every morning as they are me and I let them know it. Maybe som self-restraint is in order...for their own good as well as mine.

I've misplaced my book I had for traing Brenin, but again there was a step by step guide somewhere in internet land. I do better with a guide as I tend to waiver less and stick my guns...

anyways any more info would be great.

We are going to obience classes again, together all three...trainer said she will work on their interactions with both each other and me and evaluate things...but it will be a few weeks... :(

Cheers....nite shift over....1.2 hrs cleaning over...me...out :)

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  • 10 months later...

Well...old thread, same problems. Anyone have thoughts on crating one dog and not both? Seems my boy brenin can only hold, or rather will only hold his pee for 8-9 hrs if crated...if not he pees. I'm wondering if my feeding schedule does not lined up properly with my work schedule? For those who work, what is your feeding schedule like...withholding water etc?

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