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Liz Jones

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Also having worked in a veterinary clinic, I rather agree with both @Staceybob and @James - while she may have been annoying in her persistence, and quite likely doesn't know Siberians as we do, she was doing (likely) what she was taught to do, and making a referral to a specialist. Remember that she doesn't KNOW you, so can't know how much you know. There are a LOT of people out there, as someone else said, "in denial" about their dog's behavior, and a lot of idiots who don't have a clue what they're doing. So many people really don't understand how dogs think or why they react as they do, that I can understand at least her initial reaction - although persisting enough to truly annoy a client is downright stupid!

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You're sorry because you ran into an unexpected situation - naw, you gotta come up with a better reason to be sorry than that!

Sometimes we need to rant - or I think it's correctly called "venting". Something didn't go the way we expected and we need to be able to "get a reality check" or "let off steam" doesn't matter which. We've all been there and sometimes the best way of "cooling off" is by posting a rant!

Feel better Liz??

Thanks Al yes I do feel better and reading some of the comments help. When telling the kids what happened and the OH they all said what INDI never :) so maybe she was just doing her job, I was pleasant when in the surgery only felt upset while pondering on it later :)

will keep you up to date with what happens on Thurday the day of the op :(

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Pffft u don't need a behaviorist that nurse as part of her job I believe is supposed to suggest something at first but when you explain to her thats not the issue shes supposed to shutup :P I don't get to see the same vet everytime I got to the clinic thank god becasue I couldnt stand the last one she was like your nurse and wouldnt stfu. Like somone said dont change vets tell them u dont like that nurse and you do not wish to have her there next time your in ^.^

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i think you should talk to the vet - you know theres nothing wrong with ur girl - and as sum1 who works in a vets - should be able 2 tell the difference between a dog that actually does need to see a behaviourist and a dog thats just a tad nervous

oh n i agree that she wouldnt have forgot the incident with the chip either - very clever are dogs

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I've not read all the replies as i didn't want them to cloud what my thoughts were. Once i've posted this i'll go back and have a read. :)

I think to be honest, she's doing what she's been taught to do - that said however, there are ways and means of putting something across - Veterinary Nurse's as should vets - always respect the owners wishes - they should guide them and offer advice from both aspects, not just one, to give the owner an all round view of the situation.

Should you be worried about Thursday - no not at all, don't let this incident worry you or let it put you off getting your girl spayed.

Should you take her to see a behaviourist - my opinion is no, but at the end of the day she's your dog, you are the only one who knows the interactions she gets - at HO meets, and general daily walks, you know her capabilities and limitations better than anyone - if you feel there could be a benefit by all means take her :) xxxx

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after all the stress of the other day she was an angel when I took her today and the vet was brilliant let me stay while she had her premeds and then took her off me when she was drowsy so no barking or growling ;) just awaiting for the phone call when to pick her up :)

Thanks though to everyone for their support and still think Indi can sense when people are off with her and that's why she barks :) the vet today was lovely and although she was extremely nervous and slipped her collar in the weighing room she never growled, snapped or barked :) don't know what she'll be like though after today :)

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I can also relate. I have a problem with one of the techs at my vets place. She doesnt like vlad, and is somewhat scared of him, but it is a fact that the vet knows vlad does not like it there. She tried to tell me similar about the vet behaviorist and such. I wanted to tell her a few choice things, and that she does not know vlad, and some of the other things she said, she knows absolutely nothing about Siberians anyways. I personally do not get along with the vet, but she is good and has always taken good care of the boys since they started seeing her. I would love to find a vet that I liked, the boys liked and that knew about siberians and took good care of the boys. I cant have it all. At least she does a good job with the boys and likes the boys.

I would talk to the vet or owner about the nurse. Maybe they are not aware of how the nurse is completly, and this may help them to know if they have a bad nurse working for them.

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after all the stress of the other day she was an angel when I took her today and the vet was brilliant let me stay while she had her premeds and then took her off me when she was drowsy so no barking or growling ;) just awaiting for the phone call when to pick her up :)

Thanks though to everyone for their support and still think Indi can sense when people are off with her and that's why she barks :) the vet today was lovely and although she was extremely nervous and slipped her collar in the weighing room she never growled, snapped or barked :) don't know what she'll be like though after today :)

Aaw, only red through this thread today and am so glad it went well when she went in. I wouldn't take the nurse's comments to heart, some professionals do tend to stick to the book and won't look passed the surface. Any true dog advocate would know that Indi was just anxious....she probably became a vetinary nurse to look after kitty kats!!;)

Big love and cuddles to Indi when she comes home xx

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Aaw, only red through this thread today and am so glad it went well when she went in. I wouldn't take the nurse's comments to heart, some professionals do tend to stick to the book and won't look passed the surface. Any true dog advocate would know that Indi was just anxious....she probably became a vetinary nurse to look after kitty kats!!;)

Big love and cuddles to Indi when she comes home xx

Thanks luna's mum been to pets at home and got new chew bone and cuddly toy :) know it won't last long but might cheer her up :)

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I would suggest that everyone has a bad day, though this nurse doesn't seem to know how emotional memories are formed and persist - this is in respect to the 'forgotten' comment, which shows he doesn't have any behavioural knowledge. Ask her if she has any knowledge of even where your dogs limbic system is, let alone the neurological basis behind emotional memories.

Your dog can over-write the emotional memories, with a good experience that she will associate with the stimulus...which may well have happened this time as it appears to have gone well.

Remember as well that your dog will pick up and 'mirror' to an extent your emotional state. If you remain calm and confident, if you have an emotional connection with the dog the dog should follow suit too.

Does annoy me though when you end up with the person who's having a bad day!!!!

Good luck!


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So glad the surgery went well!

I can totally relate to your rant. I had to change vets when Sarah had her tummy issues and the vet we saw flatly said that she's never seen a well-behaved Siberian. In fact, she had two assistants in tow when she came in, and after the exam she told me that Sarah was the first Sibe she'd dealt with that wasn't a nutcase. I'm pretty sure she doesn't know much at all about them, given that Sibes aren't very common in my area, and when she and I started debating the best food for Sarah the vet's lack of experience was obvious. At that point I wasn't very experienced either but I'd already joined HO and had received good advice that I was determined to follow.

Hugs and hope she heals with no complications!

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Hey Liz, glad things went well this morning. I remember the day I got Misty spayed. Went to pick her up and she was still coming out of the anesthesia - she was awake, but really kinda "drunk" still. We walked - well, I walked, she kinda staggered - out to the jeep, I opened the back gate and said "load up" and gawd I wish I'd had a camera, she looked at the back of the jeep, looked at me and I could just see the "you have, hic, seriously, hic, gotta be kidding me?" Carefully picked her up, put her in and she crawled up behind my seat and went back to sleep...

Hope your girl is a little more "together" than mine was ...

and hope that things go as well this afternoon as they did this morning ... but wait, it *is* afternoon there ... don't forget the camera when you pick her up so we can appropriately sympathize with the poor girl!!

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