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LOL no, not without your permission of course :P anyway let me explain.

Remember my previous post in the steam room section? http://www.husky-owners.com/forum/threads/im-so-sick-of-stupid-dog-owners.26301/

I have just came across this not-so-good fact today: they are not only neglected, but also abused :eek: How do I know? Well, at my night-walk with Dime, I often hear a LOUD whining from a nearby house. If there's one thing I can tell from the terrible whining, that would be: this is not a separation anxiety case. These dogs are whining because they're being hit :( Whenever the whining and crying starts, Dime always stops walking for a while--trying to get close to the voice and perk his ears up. Idk... Probably he's trying to say: "Hang in there, friends!" =\ Dime knew the pain of abuse all too well, so it also hurts my feelings when I hear the whining :cry1: TODAY, I found out that the whining came from this castle-like house that "owns" two little dogs. Their original owner rarely comes home, and they were left in the hands of some dog-haters that is afraid of big dogs and try to vent their hatred to smaller dogs :( Now that I think about it, these dogs are obviously underweight. Still can't get pics bcoz don't have the opportunity to go for morning walks in school days, but trust me they ARE very skinny :confused: probably the only thing they eat is scraps they find when they're out for a walk by themselves =\

After I found-out that these dogs are abused, I feel so bad for not doing anything when I meet them on my afternoon walk couple of weeks ago :( In fact I felt slightly guilty I (alright, me and Dime) guided them home! They are both very lovely dogs. Adorable, non-aggressive and friendly. If I happen to meet them again, there are 99% chance of me freezing in my spot and think: "should I take these dogs home with me?"

Now do you mind answering the question for me? My mom says she feels for these dogs and she will allow me to "steal" them... But she says: "They are older dogs, will take more effort to care for them" Is that true? Don't think so! I think the phrase "you can't teach an old dog a new trick" doesn't work for me. Diamond is basically an adult when I rescued him, but it's not hard to rehabilitate him! I'm sure a dog of any age will respond well to rehabilitation if handled properly. Am I right? Yes? No? Well, what do you think then? Should I be a thief? No? But then what?

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i think you have to be very very careful with a situation like this hun. I know you have all the good intentions and have the dogs best interest at heart - but i would get a local rescue center involved. Can you make a complaint to the police or do you have a animal cruelty organisation where you are? x

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definately do not steal the dogs Olivia! Although you mean well and the dogs would be better off, you could get into a lot of trouble!

Can you report these dogs to any type of animal police? Or even just the normal police force? Something needs to be done to make sure these dogs don't suffer if that is what is happening, but by no means should you steal them.

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RSPCA First.

If they don't do anything.

Then another course of action might be considered.

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I agree with everything above. You may need to be more creative in the way you help these dogs. Firstly, you seem to be assuming a lot. Maybe you imagine what's going on with the dogs incorrectly. Maybe there's another explanation to everything. But then, who knows? Maybe you're right. Still, stealing the animals is the wrong answer.

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I agree with everything above. You may need to be more creative in the way you help these dogs. Firstly, you seem to be assuming a lot. Maybe you imagine what's going on with the dogs incorrectly. Maybe there's another explanation to everything. But then, who knows? Maybe you're right. Still, stealing the animals is the wrong answer.

I totally agree.

Indeed it is possible that you could be assuming it due to the fact Diamond was abused, Kita can make all sort of noises and whines for hardly any reason at all other than she wants attention, This is a very wobbly subject and like I said before without proof, you could get yourself in alot of trouble and the dogs will be returned to the owners.

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LOL stealing the dog is just a joke ofc I won't do that XD it's just a thought that often slip through my mind

and btw there's no such thing as "animal welfare organization" and "animal protection laws" here. If you want to protect/defend animal rights you have to do it on your own =\ police won't be much of a help. Only fellow dog-lovers will offer you a hand =(

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Well I adopted Suka when he was 6 years old. He's learned MANY tricks since then, and he's a wonderful dog.

And, actually, older dogs aren't hard to take care of at ALL because they don't demand for walks every day. Suka can go a whole day without leaving the house and he doesn't complain - just as long as we're with him and he's not left alone he's cool with it.

I'd take pictures and report them to your local humane society though, before restorting to stealing.

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Diamond's right (though I seldom question her comments too much) there is NO Human Society in Indonesia. The Human Society International out of Australia is trying to some work there but with very limited success.

Apparently there was a 2009 draft law (which appears to be aimed at the slaughterhouse's) but it has never been implemented to date.

Olivia, joking or not taking those dogs could land you in some very serious trouble. You know your culture and the penalties for theft ... don't even consider it.

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if it does come to it tho - yes u can teach an old dog new tricks - my bings was 3 years old when we got him

That's true!! My Mokodo was a complete outdoor dog, having full run of a half acre backyard his first 2 years 8 months of his life. He'd never been in a crate before. My wife and I were thinking, 'boy, this is going to be fun'. We had him TOTALLY crate trained to where he'd walk in all by himself, and lay down and sleep the whole night, in TEN DAYS!! So yeah. The old saying of old dogs, new tricks is valid, but certainly not a constant.

Still, I'd like you to confirm your suspicions before you even call authorities.

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Olivia, no matter the situation, stealing is against the law and you would get in to serious trouble if you took them. Also, you've mentioned before that your dad and brother do not like dogs, so to suddenly have another two in the house could cause you an awful lot of stress at home, even if your mum is on your side. Not to mention food & vet bills.

The best thing you can do is talk to an adult, prefereably a friend of the family who is also a dog owner (someone you know, not a stranger on a dog walk), and ask them what they think. They might be willing to investigate the situation themselves, if there is no help from "officials" in your area. You mustn't take these people on yourself!

I hope the situation resolves itself but please do not try to "save" these dogs alone.xxx

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U could just ask nicely to the owner, OLIVIA...:) (just be careful with "what ur going to say" when u ask them do not offend them). If they really too busy to take care of them, i think they will let u keep them...Ben's previous owner, they don't really like dogs and they bought him just for their son's birthday present when it turn up that their son is allergic to dog...then "bye...bye ben"...A friend of my Dad visit their home and saw Ben...he feel sorry for him and asked them if he can have him...They said : YES...right away...:) But my Dad's friend has already have 5 poms so he asked my Dad if he want a mini Dachshund...Well, my parents always thought that if someone give u a dog..it's a bless (weird, right...). So, my Dad said : OK...;). About ur Dad and Brother whose not really fond of dog and the fact that ur maybe a little bit busy as a highschooler maybe u could rehome them...? That is if the previous owner will let u keep them... DO NOT STEAL THEM...OLIVIA....i mean it...:P

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Olivia, if you steal, which is against the law, you will get a criminal record. If you wish to go into certain jobs here in the UK and it is probably relevant in many other countries, you cannot have a criminal record. Also if you took the dogs what is to stop the owners just putting another set of dogs through the same thing. Maybe they don't look after the animals through ignorance. @Luna above has made some very good points that you should consider. I know how much you care about animal welfare, but Diamond needs to be your first consideration and you cannot afford to upset your Dad by bringing more dogs into your home.

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