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Confessions of a dog walker...


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1. No it's not a wolf (ever seen a wolf with a curly tail ??????, and obviously a dwarf wolf too)

2. Yes it's one of them snow dog fingies.

3. What is it ?? Hungry !!!. . . so I'd stay away.

4.Does it bite, . . . come closer find out.

5.How much are they. . . more than you can probably steal.

6. Why has it got different coloured eyes. . . . it's David Bowies, cross breed love child

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1. No it's not a wolf (ever seen a wolf with a curly tail ??????, and obviously a dwarf wolf too)

2. Yes it's one of them snow dog fingies.

3. What is it ?? Hungry !!!. . . so I'd stay away.

4.Does it bite, . . . come closer find out.

5.How much are they. . . more than you can probably steal.

6. Why has it got different coloured eyes. . . . it's David Bowies, cross breed love child

Ha I get the price question all the time, I tell them ALOT!

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These are things I found rather upsetting when walking on a path(The Bluffs).

-Yes its a husky...

-Dont call my dog over to you when Im walking so you can pet it.

-Dont stop and ask me a million questions about huskies

-Dont let your kids bombard me

-YEAH! its a husky...Not an "alaskan" dog or a wolf(AHHH, Dont touch her!)....

-Dont walk near me if you have a dog that can control itself when it sees another dog, pull off to the side and wait for me to make proper distance

-Dont stop on the bench with your 8 kids and have them block the path, then all talk about the dog when I pass so my dog is distracted...ugh....

-Pick up your dogs poop, not because its nasty, but because its very hard to get my dog to stop sniffing it

-Dont run past my dog with 2 inches to spare

-Yes its a husky...

-Dont let your dog have a loose lead, it always leads to bad things.

-If your walking 3 dogs at a time, dont let them be all over the path, CONTROL THEM! If you cant handle it, dont come to the path, go around your nieghborhood.

AND YES ITS A SIBERIAN HUSKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They act likes its the 8th world wonder.......

why on earth do some of these things upset you? Im the opposite really.

-Yeah its a husky, but some people are ignorant to dog breeds, I wldn't know every dog breed I come across we can't expect everyone to know.

- Yes feel free to pet her, as long as you make it clear thats what you would like to do before you actually pet her

- Yeah she's great around kids, but please dnt let them tug her constantly every way since sunday

- Shes a husky yes, not a wolf, though wolves are majestic creatures, Ill take that as a compliment

-Yeah our dogs can meet :)

-its nice to see kids taking an interest in my dog, talking about her, she has sparked off a discussion and i will chime in to give them info

-please mind the husky when u r running she is clumsy and will want to chase you :P

- nothing wrong with a loose lead o_O, Kita walks with a loose leash alot of the time. If your dog causes trouble, sorry thats not my problem

- Of course 3 dogs are going to take up the majority of the path, no matter how well they are controlled......

I'm sorry but half the stuff you listed are many joys of owning a dog, especially one as amazing as huskies, people dnt neccesarily see them an aweful lot, no point getting upset over ignorance, I wldn't get upset if you didn't know what part of your PC was the motherboard or cpu or RAM...

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i agree with @James as sum1 who has 3 dogs herself - i do tend to take up all the path - i do however move them if some1 is wanting to get past - or move well out of the way if theres another dog coming

the wolf comment just makes me laugh

i dont mind the questions - specially if it puts wronguns off owning them :)

i also like how kids like to fuss them - means they are socialised well with them - and i even helped 1 little lad get over his fear of dogs by letting him stroke mine :)

i dont mind people trying to call my dogs over either - cuz i know they wont listen

and i suppose they get treated like the 8th wonder is that they arent the most common dog you see around :)

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I agree with @James too. Wow this agreeing thing is getting pretty regular James lol.

I actually love it when people stop me to talk to me about Aleu. I find walking her gives me the opportunity to be social, which I really struggle to do otherwise. It gives me a reason to talk to new people and it's nice to see people taking an interest in my dog and how lovely she is.

As for the loose leash stuff. What??? I couldn't disagree more! What is worse is a dog on a tight lead going absolutely ballastic that could then potentially pull their owner over. I don't think any one should be discouraged from trying to achieve a loose leash, it is polite however to give enough space when passing which is fully achieveable with a loose leash.

As for not allowing a dog to walk near you if it is in a controlled manner... these are not things you should hate, you should embrace them as opportunities to socialise your dog. It's hard enough to socialise dogs now a days because of people being particularly anti social.

Stacey xxx

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I agree with @James too. Wow this agreeing thing is getting pretty regular James lol.

I actually love it when people stop me to talk to me about Aleu. I find walking her gives me the opportunity to be social, which I really struggle to do otherwise. It gives me a reason to talk to new people and it's nice to see people taking an interest in my dog and how lovely she is.

As for the loose leash stuff. What??? I couldn't disagree more! What is worse is a dog on a tight lead going absolutely ballastic that could then potentially pull their owner over. I don't think any one should be discouraged from trying to achieve a loose leash, it is polite however to give enough space when passing which is fully achieveable with a loose leash.

As for not allowing a dog to walk near you if it is in a controlled manner... these are not things you should hate, you should embrace them as opportunities to socialise your dog. It's hard enough to socialise dogs now a days because of people being particularly anti social.

Stacey xxx

I know wow! :P, I'm on a roll lol! :yahoo:.

But yeah I cldn't agree more Stacey, especially about the socialisation part and meeting new people, its amazing, I've spent 30mins or so talking to someone with a dog, just tlking about our breeds and our specific dogs.

I love walking Kita, its one of the happiest times, for me at least :D

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Well this thread took a u-turn fast.

why on earth do some of these things upset you? Im the opposite really.

-Yeah its a husky, but some people are ignorant to dog breeds, I wldn't know every dog breed I come across we can't expect everyone to know.

- Yes feel free to pet her, as long as you make it clear thats what you would like to do before you actually pet her

- Yeah she's great around kids, but please dnt let them tug her constantly every way since sunday

- Shes a husky yes, not a wolf, though wolves are majestic creatures, Ill take that as a compliment

-Yeah our dogs can meet :)

-its nice to see kids taking an interest in my dog, talking about her, she has sparked off a discussion and i will chime in to give them info

-please mind the husky when u r running she is clumsy and will want to chase you :P

- nothing wrong with a loose lead :confused:, Kita walks with a loose leash alot of the time. If your dog causes trouble, sorry thats not my problem

- Of course 3 dogs are going to take up the majority of the path, no matter how well they are controlled......

I'm sorry but half the stuff you listed are many joys of owning a dog, especially one as amazing as huskies, people dnt neccesarily see them an aweful lot, no point getting upset over ignorance, I wldn't get upset if you didn't know what part of your PC was the motherboard or cpu or RAM...

Well you turned this thread against me, wheres why it gets me upset.

-I get asked that 10 times a day, it gets really old, really fast. I know these people dont care so why ask?

-I just wanna walk, I dont mind if someone says, hi can I pet your dog, but no a group of 5 kids just rush me and scare my dog to death with hands, who knows how rough they are being.

-I do take compliments on people who know dogs and like huskies, but its always the people that just wanna say something to say something.

-I dont mind if dogs like each other, its just I stop on the side to see if they let their dog say hi, but its always them walking away and their dog behing them trying to look at my dog while Im walking so Navi is pulling.

-The kids dont care about the dog.....why would they?

-Im not talking about responsible loose leashed dogs, but the damn big pits and rots that wanna bit and bark at every dog

-How does it not bother you when someone with 3 dogs are all over the path, not walking, but they look like their doing gymnastics trying to keep the dogs on one side or continue walking, its funny, but I just wanna walk. Those dogs tend to be the ones that wanna go after navi and start trouble.

Dont get me wrong, I enjoy having navi and enjoy having her around other dog lovers/husky lovers but not everyone is like that.

PS: this thread was more of a joke then a serious GRRR......

PSS: I am a IT Technician so I do know :D

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Well this thread took a u-turn fast.

Well you turned this thread against me, wheres why it gets me upset.

-I get asked that 10 times a day, it gets really old, really fast. I know these people dont care so why ask?

-I just wanna walk, I dont mind if someone says, hi can I pet your dog, but no a group of 5 kids just rush me and scare my dog to death with hands, who knows how rough they are being.

-I do take compliments on people who know dogs and like huskies, but its always the people that just wanna say something to say something.

-I dont mind if dogs like each other, its just I stop on the side to see if they let their dog say hi, but its always them walking away and their dog behing them trying to look at my dog while Im walking so Navi is pulling.

-The kids dont care about the dog.....why would they?

-Im not talking about responsible loose leashed dogs, but the damn big pits and rots that wanna bit and bark at every dog

-How does it not bother you when someone with 3 dogs are all over the path, not walking, but they look like their doing gymnastics trying to keep the dogs on one side or continue walking, its funny, but I just wanna walk. Those dogs tend to be the ones that wanna go after navi and start trouble.

Dont get me wrong, I enjoy having navi and enjoy having her around other dog lovers/husky lovers but not everyone is like that.

PS: this thread was more of a joke then a serious GRRR......

PSS: I am a IT Technician so I do know :D

woah you have a really bleak outlook dnt ya! :P

People do care and are genuinly interested >_<

Dogs always look bk at each other while we are walking away, its 100% normal o_O and not really an issue.

kids do care! When I was a kid I loved animals and always wanted to see different kinds of animals.

I didn't intentionally turn this thread against you :lolman: you just seemed to be one of those grumpy arsey dog walkers if im being totally honest with you.

I'm also an I.T Technician ;)

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we didnt turn it against u matthew we just said why we like the things you dont

-I get asked that 10 times a day, it gets really old, really fast. I know these people dont care so why ask?

how do you know they dont care? they might be genuinely intrested - specially if theyve not seen a husky before

-I just wanna walk, I dont mind if someone says, hi can I pet your dog, but no a group of 5 kids just rush me and scare my dog to death with hands, who knows how rough they are being.

ok fair enuf - but u can always use this as an oppurtinity to educate kids on the correct way to greet dogs - or just politely tell them he isnt keen on people rushing at him n would they mind if u kept walking

-I do take compliments on people who know dogs and like huskies, but its always the people that just wanna say something to say something.

then just ignore them or just smile n move on

-I dont mind if dogs like each other, its just I stop on the side to see if they let their dog say hi, but its always them walking away and their dog behing them trying to look at my dog while Im walking so Navi is pulling.

mine look back too - i think its just a dog thing they see another dog n are intrested but sometimes its not always the best idea to let dogs say hello - if a dog is pulling and looking backwards to try n look at my dogs ill wait

-The kids dont care about the dog.....why would they?

they might LOVE dogs - MANY kids see a dog n get happy n like to talk about them i think its just the way kids are

-Im not talking about responsible loose leashed dogs, but the damn big pits and rots that wanna bit and bark at every dog

you also dont know they all want to bite - my staffy barks at other dogs but hes just excitable :)

-How does it not bother you when someone with 3 dogs are all over the path, not walking, but they look like their doing gymnastics trying to keep the dogs on one side or continue walking, its funny, but I just wanna walk. Those dogs tend to be the ones that wanna go after navi and start trouble.

not always easy if one sniffs something n the others join in but have 2 move around each other to sniff tangling themselves up in the process - you could always walk a different way - or as navi is friendly ask if they would like a hand :)

Dont get me wrong, I enjoy having navi and enjoy having her around other dog lovers/husky lovers but not everyone is like that.

also you have to remember your going to encounter LOTS of different types on walks (humans and dogs) its just a way of life - instead of getting frustrated just try to ignore them :)

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Im not talking about responsible loose leashed dogs, but the damn big pits and rots that wanna bit and bark at every dog

I skipped over that part, thats really quite unfair to just stereo-type dogs like that, all the staffies and Rots I'm met have been big lovers not fighters, dog barking usually is just a sign of excitement or communication not aggression

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Is there not a different path you can take? Walks should be enjoyable. While I'm in agreement with others, I can see a little why you would be annoyed.

The nearest path is downtown, 10 miles away, my neighorhood has to many hills(hence the name Hillcrest). So its hard to walk there with 2 dogs and a kid in a stroller.

I just wanted a vent a little about the things I dont like running into at paths.

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The nearest path is downtown, 10 miles away, my neighorhood has to many hills(hence the name Hillcrest). So its hard to walk there with 2 dogs and a kid in a stroller.

I just wanted a vent a little about the things I dont like running into at paths.

Its not that you are being hated. They are trying to help you by giving you a different outlook on it, and suggestions is all :)

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Its not that you are being hated. They are trying to help you by giving you a different outlook on it, and suggestions is all :)

And yea did, Im going to talk to everyone that says something and if they dont like it, im going to tell em not to say anything then. I just wanna walk my dog and get home, I dont go walk to chit chat.

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And yea did, Im going to talk to everyone that says something and if they dont like it, im going to tell em not to say anything then. I just wanna walk my dog and get home, I dont go walk to chit chat.

Yeah. Most of the time I don't mind. But I've been training Kissuna to not pull, which already adds another 15 or more minutes to my walk. Then my back gets sore and I just wanna get home. In times like that the last thing I want is to stop and chat. Especially people tealling me I should get a shock colar to train him :angry:

My brother doesn't go on walks with me any more cause of how many people say "beautiful dog!" :P

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Yeah. Most of the time I don't mind. But I've been training Kissuna to not pull, which already adds another 15 or more minutes to my walk. Then my back gets sore and I just wanna get home. In times like that the last thing I want is to stop and chat. Especially people tealling me I should get a shock colar to train him :angry:

My brother doesn't go on walks with me any more cause of how many people say "beautiful dog!" :P

Did ya ever figure out the harness name? I like how big and rugged it looks. I get tons of beautiful dogs, flattering. If i was single....sigh lol

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