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Query, Quandry...Heck I have questions to ask of ya'll

Neil Sletten

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1) I think I read here, someplace, Sibes don't have full bladder control until about 6 months. True/False/Depends (not the adult diapers, Depends, either 'cause Sasha would just shred em anyway:) ) Reason for asking is Sasha has been having piddle puddle parties (say fast 5 times if you can LOL) at night in her crate. Pam is getting tired of us cleaning it up and having to bathe Sasha on a regular basis and more than she probably should be having. Yes she drinks a lot at times so we have been metering her water to her every evening it's helping but doesn't seem to solve anything but total amount. We are talking Lake Tahoe here...big puddles!!!! We cut her off about 830pm and she does not get anymore until 6am when I get up and take her out for our morning walk. I normally take her out one last time about 10pm and walk her before going to bed about 1030pm. Oh and Sasha is 12.5 weeks old now...

2) Do all Sibes talk/sing/howl? At what age do they start picking things up?

3) It's been a few years since I've had a puppy around but when do pups get their big girl / boy teeth and loose those "sharp nasty teeth"? ...there are some who call me.....Tim

4) If a tree falls in the forest, is the man still wrong? :rollingpin: lmao

5) ????? I know I had at least one more Sibe Q....but darned if I can remember it now...

Well, it be almost 10...time to have Sasha take me for a walk around the yard so she can do what she has to and for me to enjoy looking at the stars and enjoy the cool 80+ degree air...is it winter yet?!


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Well let's look at #1. Don't know if it's a bladder control issue or a bladder capacity issue (maybe they are the same), but any puppy, Husky or not, simply cannot hold their bladder for more than a few hours; say between one and two. When Zoya was a puppy, I set my alarm to wake up every two hours during the first few months, to take her out. The first night that she was able to hold it all night, she was between four and five months.

Now for #2. Some Huskies will woo at a very early age, some come into it later, and some not at all. It really depends on the individual Husky. Zoya has always woo'd since she was first brought home at 9 weeks. She'll be three years old in two days, and she woos every day. Eisa, we rescued a few months ago, and she's about the same age as Zoya. She is also a woo-er, but I don't know when she started.

Next, #3. Zoya started losing her puppy teeth around four months of age. By the time she was six months old, all of her adult teeth were in place. I think she was fairly typical.

And #4. Yes.

Oh #5. That's called CRS.

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Yeah, at 12.5 months, she's too young to hold it for more that probably 4 hours at a time. You could try taking the water away a little earlier, and letting her have a few ice cubes, instead. Being cold, they quench the thirst a bit better! I know how hard it is - I have to get up after about 5 hours and take my elderly guy out!

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Okay, for question 1 - agreed with the others. I plan to sleep downstairs and take a month off when my pup gets home not just so they're used to things but also to ensure that puppy breaks also don't involve me going down stairs at night all the time. :P

For two - my previous girl was pretty quiet, unless you talked to her and she was all excited, then she woo'ed/howled. It was kind'a like a mix of both. But she was mostly silent and never straight howled.

I agree also with three; six months or so they should either have them all or be near to finishing.

Number four - Of course - always and forever. :whistling:

Number five is either a brain fart, or Alzhimers/Dementia kicking in. :whistling:

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1) From my experience toilet training and bladder control is a maturity thing. You can do training but in the end they figure it out. Different dogs seem to get it at different ages. My Husky was 6 months before it clicked that the grass was preferable to the carpet.

2) Not all Huskies howl, although I'm sure they can, some just choose not to. Friends of mine who have a Husky who just barks but I think thats because he lives with a Golden Retriever who barks.

3)Normally dogs loose their baby teeth at 4-6 months of age. Most of the time you won't notice because they swallow them. I've got two of my Huskies teeth because I had to pull it for him because it was hanging on and causing him pain.

4) Men aren't wrong. Women are wrong about this.

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Yeah, what they said to your other questions. :)

1) ...there are some who call me.....Tim

Question for you, based on your above statement.

"What is the wing speed velocity of an unladen Swallow" ??

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1) We got bella at 6 weeks and were taking her out once during the night i think by about 3 months she could hold it all night she still does have accidents every now n then inside during night but we dont restrict her water and she knows only to go on tiles if she has no other choice

2) When we first got bella she was very quite would only woo when she was really excited like when we got home from work (shes now 9 months) and has started wooing when she wants attention/toy/food and still when we get home lol also she woos to get us out of bed =D

3) Bella had all her adult teeth by 6 months

4) Of course!!!

5) haha its the husky crazy brain hitting you

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got blaze at 7 weeks n a few days - cant really remember how long it took to toilet train him - skyla we got at 14 weeks old and she was around 6/7 months old before she started being dry for a good few hours n could hold it over night

vocal - mine arent really EVER vocal - they have their moments - when blaze wants a walk or skyla wants our food - but ive never heard skyla howl n blaze ive only ever heard howl twice (shes nearly 2, hes nearly 3)

mine both teethed around 4 months old n had their adult teeth by around 6 months old

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"What is the wing speed velocity of an unladen Swallow" ??

What do you mean? African or European swallow? ;) lol sorry...sorry everyone I just get carried away...

OK enough from me...for the moment...of movie quotes...

Thinks ta ya'll fer urines prampt enputt!!! Weez shore lee duz appretreeatetz et!

But seriously if you can read that without much effort I'd say you were from the Missouri / Arkansas Ozarks... I was mainly reconfirming what I believed to already be true to reiterate it to my lovey wife... wik :rolleyes:

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Tasha only had a couple of accidents at first, most of which she would do if she couldn't get her own way, she was trained quickly. Found that if in when she woke up I'd put her straight outside and walk around until she went - as I'm doing with Shtiya. Then add gaps between it, so she'd wake up and I'd wait a couple of minutes, then building it up. It wasn't easy ( I had help as well) now she takes herself to bed between 10 and 11, wakes us up between 6 and 7 to to outside.

As the others have said, some start wooing straight away, some take a while some never at all. Tasha barks and howls, especially if i I've slept past 2pm ( family look after her for me) I howled at both of my dogs, shtyia started right away.

Both situations are one of those things that take time.

It is both man and natured fault.

One of those blonde days?

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Kissuna doesn't woo. He barks when he gets treats, and does these little "woof woof" noises when someone knocks on the door, but that's about it.

He used to howl and yip and cry when I would crate him and leave, but he comes with me all the time now cause someone can wait in the car with him with the AC on. Plus I can't leave him howling in his crate as we live in an apartment now

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The potty issues; I've not been overly discouraged but the wife sure has been.

The overall potty training / house breaking is working well. She's not had any accidents on the carpet in past several days. Tonight she's gone to the door three times and bounces when we ask if she needs to go potty and waits for me to hook up her lead. So I'm proud to say she is progressing in that regard.

She's calmed down a bit and comes to my wife or I more frequently to be scratched and loved on without being prompted or to try and play.

Sasha is woo'n a bit and at times to my retort to hers. Not doing it everyday but maybe every other day once or twice. She still barks and yaps a lot. It's a little disturbing at times to since she's so much louder than Sophie & Wally (Chihuahuas).

In regards to #4... Whatever!!! :rolleyes:

Oh #5. That's called CRS.

Funny story...this is true and my wife's name was changed to protect the innocent :redface1:

I met my wife through a co-worker little over 6 years ago. Both victims of failed marriages and divorces of 16 years each.

We were talking one day and I had a moment of brain fade and told her I was suffering from CRS. She said "What's CRS?" So I told her.

A week or so later her parents were over for coffee and she had a moment of CRS. She said "I'm suffering from ??????? (puzzled look of what was it) she said "dear what was it you told me the other day?" Me being just as confused since I had slept since then said "can you be a little more specific?" "the other day you said something about you can't remember something...what was that called?" I replied calmly with my common smirk of you just opened yourself up for this one... "You referring to CRS?" "Yeah CRS...that's it! What did that mean again?" I chuckled and said "you're kidding me, right?!" She said with a sigh and in her lovely southern accent "well shit fire I can't remember what it means" :rofl: I was laughing and said "honey, you just answered your own question twice"... Here she is ladies and gentleman...my beautiful wife Pam... I just wanted ya'll to see she's not a blonde bless her pea pickin' heart


disclaimer: I was making a literal quote of another and therefor does not qualify as profanity in the sense of trying to inflame a topic but my apologies to all for adding it in here...


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