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Huskies Off Lead


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I usually let my dog off leash in parks or places where its isolated with plenty of room and its only me and him. Of course there have been times where he has wondered off to another dog with another owner that I did not see. I think it depends on the training. My husky wonders far away enough to where he can keep his eyes on me. When I call him he comes mostly to me and sometimes near to me.  I think if you want to train them off leash then isolated areas are a good place to start and then slowly start adding distractions. Or you can get a professional $$... just my 2 cents

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                                          I have a 7' fence around 37 acres. Sarah has escaped multiple times and i had to stop traffic to catch her. I live way out in the country but people drive fast on these back country roads.  I bought a collar that has beeps, vibrates and shock.  I dont use the shock but the  vibration mode does wonders. When she goes towards the corner of the property and i press a button, she comes back at full speed. this will save her life.

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I’ve always let my husky off the lead from around 8 months and she has been awesome. We have local woods that she can run and chase vermin till her hearts content... as long as I keep an eye on her and keep her close and in sight. I get a lot of compliments on her behaviour/character. Even when we have been for a run and going back home there is a spot she will always stop at to get her lead back on, same with at the house I take her lead off as soon as I open the door and she will go in herself while I am taking my bike into the house.

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Oh, my back garden fence is 4ft at most, gate 3-4 ft at most and she’s never once tried to escape, she will sit with her head between the slats just watching the day go by, I also know when someone is coming to the house as she will run in to go to the front door. If we get a takeaway our delivery driver brings her a biscuit and when we get our weekly shopping delivered she is always at the front door to say hello and have a rummage to see if we got her anything. She never steps out the door if I say no

Sent from my iPhone using Husky Owners

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Luna sounds like the exception to the rule, they can be like that for years and then one day they just go. We take ours with us on days out, they have 3 hours + a day walking plus off lead runs and still Cai would be gone in a heartbeat if he was able to escape and Luka blue shows no interest in escaping but he would follow Cai. When Cai’s on his walks all he does is look for prey, he just wants to hunt!

Sent from my iPad using Husky Owners

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  • 1 month later...

 A couple of comments Ill make im surrounded by cows and sheep. ive two acre garden which is lots of fences walls but a bit of a bug to maintain. \\\\problem is the cows ive about 1000 trees ive grown around my place but it attracts Trebs ( a local term used by foresters around here/ Tree eating barstewards) they eat the leaves climbing the stone walls causing massive damage yearly even  broke the gate open last year  causing a escape.Ill add just before Christmas a possible Christmas postal worker when delivering left my big farm gate open when delivering . id not spotted it when letting my two out for morning abloutions. But spotted it as soon as I opened door and fortunately they have there regular spots they wish to go before getting quickly to gate to shut it and curse. But ill add a few points  I did have a escape a few month back when the normal brass lock we all use came off  Topaz it took a few seconds to see what happened I tried to call her back but when she realized she not attached she went off. ( I had to get assistance from farmer on quad bike to retrive her  my gate left open and he virtually rounded her up till she went home to my yard. But suspect as its happened before its because of them being huskys. Its the jump start they do it bang jumps the clasp and opens it. I had my big Malamute jump start and completely break his big leather collar he also used to go backwards and drag it off his head. To make Topaz more secure ive two leads attached when we out one to her collar  the other to her harness and one goes under the other.  My male (now Monty ) can undu a harness not sure if he does it deliberately but he loves doing upside down dog angels in thick grass or snow.  hes rubbing up and down the grass and stuff and the plastic connection has uncoupled before now and ive spotted it and managed to get it back before problems ensued. Topaz had children thow stones at her so very scared in the garden and soon scoots in . But Monty I attach a 60ft lead that's proved usefull. Ive most places stone walls 4ft to 5ft tall and added on them 3ft of chicken wire but am aware that that is not sufficient  . Ive had them jump straight at the chicken wire and it burst  or get through gap between chicken wire and wall. The 60ft lead came in usefull then as the lead caught in the wall  and enabled to go round capture him and reel in the lead to lead him back. Earlier on in spring Monty was in garden "nuzzling" a lamb. It had jumped over my fence something its mother could not do to help it. Monty was just gripping its fur  so no harm done 

 Ill add one other tip because ive got two huskys I have a dual lead attached to rope I  tie around my waist   you can have them jumpstart snatch normal leads outta your hand

 so putting it round you waist stops that but them two together is major advantage as they are stupid in this respect as they will run off and if any big stones or tree around they will go either side consequence is they easy to catch  them

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Well, my dog is part shepherd and pretty obedient.
On a long line, he always pauses and looks back at me if he is more than 10-20 feet ahead. He comes when called.
So, it is tempting to let him offleash! 

But every time I even think about it, something seems to happen...
For example, once we were all alone in a high meadow in the woods. Not a place where many dog walkers or hikers come.
I was thinking, "I'll drop the leash and let him run around and explore!"
But I couldn't quite work up the courage.
Just as we were heading on the trail out of the meadow, a herd of deer dashed by with their white tails flashing.
My dog went nuts.
If he had not been on a leash, he would have taken off after them and who knows when he would have stopped?
He might have gotten lost deep in the woods, or chased them across the road - probably it would have been ok, but you just never know.
I am not a risk-taker! 


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  • 7 months later...

I think it is possible. But it cannot be  without a good breeder that starts teaching 5 week puppies . 

My breeder taught each of the pupps what's their name and what word 'come' means.

I got Conan at 8 weeks. I start working on recall almost the first day I got him.

He is 1 year old now. We've been through a lot of work, socialisation, recall from different dogs, animals, different places.

Here's some of our work:

As a puppy

With my other dog and a cat


With other animals








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9 hours ago, DreamCatcher said:

I think it is possible. But it cannot be  without a good breeder that starts teaching 5 week puppies . 

My breeder taught each of the pupps what's their name and what word 'come' means.

I got Conan at 8 weeks. I start working on recall almost the first day I got him.

He is 1 year old now. We've been through a lot of work, socialisation, recall from different dogs, animals, different places.

Here's some of our work:

As a puppy

With my other dog and a cat


With other animals









Just bear in mind he is still young , I've known Huskies that have been good offlead for years then suddenly bolt , never become complacent 

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17 hours ago, BingBlaze n Skyla said:

Just bear in mind he is still young , I've known Huskies that have been good offlead for years then suddenly bolt , never become complacent 

I know, I'm still waiting for him to become escape artist and show his true husky temper :) 

I don't want to be naive and I still keep in mind that he might change. 

I'll do my best tho.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If anyone is in the Norwich area, look up Puppy paddocks. 

It's a 2 acres site that is fully enclosed and it's only your dog/ dogs there for any booking slot.


I just took my 9 month old there, who loved being able to run free. And I loved that she was safe and secure too.


Hope this helps you


Ps. Where can I get a really really  lead?



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Just go into Google and use any one of the following terms in the search.


Husky kills

Husky kills sheep

Husky kills livestock


Every year people let  off thier husky and it ends badly for the dog and some poor farmers live stock

In the UK now farmers are able to shoot the dog or have it put to sleep by police, they also now sue for damages and loss of income from lost live stock

so you bill could end up costing 70 or 80 thousand plus farmers legal costs

Husky's have a high prey drive, every time some one lets one off and it ends badly it puts out a bad image for the breed

its ok to let a husky off in a fenced area but in open woodland or farm feilds  don't 

simple rule   never let a husky off lead , do not do it, nope, never, never ever  just don't do it


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On 8/17/2019 at 1:19 AM, PaulG said:

Just go into Google and use any one of the following terms in the search.


Husky kills

Husky kills sheep

Husky kills livestock


Every year people let  off thier husky and it ends badly for the dog and some poor farmers live stock

In the UK now farmers are able to shoot the dog or have it put to sleep by police, they also now sue for damages and loss of income from lost live stock

so you bill could end up costing 70 or 80 thousand plus farmers legal costs

Husky's have a high prey drive, every time some one lets one off and it ends badly it puts out a bad image for the breed

its ok to let a husky off in a fenced area but in open woodland or farm feilds  don't 

simple rule   never let a husky off lead , do not do it, nope, never, never ever  just don't do it

Thank you for this input, however I was not concerned about her killing sheep !!!. 

I wanted to know where to get a really long lead.



On 8/17/2019 at 1:19 AM, PaulG said:



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I have this one for Darwin it's good strong lead that gives him plenty of space to roam and have the illusion of a bit more freedom.

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15 hours ago, Jon and Luna said:

Thank you for this input, however I was not concerned about her killing sheep !!!. 

I wanted to know where to get a really long lead.




lol if your husky is on a Long lead its not off lead.....   just google Robinsons they sell horse stuff and you want a Lunge line

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  • 2 weeks later...

I voted yea kiera is better off lead then on lead she will walk by my side until I say go on then but that's only said on the local farm lands I very lookie that way I think is was our boarder collie that really trained her well with my help lol she has only ran off once in 9 years but came back to to spot she ran from I just sat and waited shouting now and then but like all dogs once they get something in there head there nothing u can do as from past experience with the collie jess not with us now bless her she went all night and turned up at home in the morning.😁😁

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On 8/17/2019 at 1:19 AM, PaulG said:

Just go into Google and use any one of the following terms in the search.


Husky kills

Husky kills sheep

Husky kills livestock


Every year people let  off thier husky and it ends badly for the dog and some poor farmers live stock

In the UK now farmers are able to shoot the dog or have it put to sleep by police, they also now sue for damages and loss of income from lost live stock

so you bill could end up costing 70 or 80 thousand plus farmers legal costs

Husky's have a high prey drive, every time some one lets one off and it ends badly it puts out a bad image for the breed

its ok to let a husky off in a fenced area but in open woodland or farm feilds  don't 

simple rule   never let a husky off lead , do not do it, nope, never, never ever  just don't do it


Sorry but I know husky have a high pray drive as kiera will kill any bird or duck that she can get old of but she will not go for live stock she trained not too I work on a farm and live in a small village where there are all sort of live stock she loves horses and will go to them an kiss them. So I do disagree that all husky are killers depends on the training and were u live I suppose.

Kiera in the woods and kiera with jess on the beach.



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On 8/7/2019 at 8:33 PM, BingBlaze n Skyla said:

Just bear in mind he is still young , I've known Huskies that have been good offlead for years then suddenly bolt , never become complacent 

It's not all to do with the breeder it's the owner that has more control when you get them home ice and storm are now 8 weeks old we've had them 1 week so when there 9 weeks I will start training as they are pups and need there play time to learn I'll give them 10min a night first will be leave nothing els when there 12 weeks I will take them up to the farm and show them all the live stock pigs bulls cows chickens sheep you know the score on a farm 😋😋

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On 8/28/2019 at 9:47 PM, Kered said:

It's not all to do with the breeder it's the owner that has more control when you get them home ice and storm are now 8 weeks old we've had them 1 week so when there 9 weeks I will start training as they are pups and need there play time to learn I'll give them 10min a night first will be leave nothing els when there 12 weeks I will take them up to the farm and show them all the live stock pigs bulls cows chickens sheep you know the score on a farm 😋😋

I'm not sure what u mean in regards to the breeder ? But even as an owner they can be good for years and suddenly bolt , it's not worth the risk imo to have them offlead , of course a recall should always be trained for emergencies but I would never have mine off especially around livestock 

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The issue with dogs is around the owner all dogs are sweet and innocent but time and time again dogs not just huskies have escaped and gone on a rampage

all dog breeds have the capacity to be natrual born killers. all dogs need to be watched and looked after with due care those breeds known to have high prey drive more so

too many owners are complacent with thier dogs that result in live stock being killed and injured every year.

They say dogs are like 3 to 5 year old children  would you leave a child of that age un watched in a kitchen full of pans cooking on the stove and sharp knives or leave them in a workshop with saw and chissles

No you would not.

but people do that with dogs all the time

and its the poor farmers and thier livestock that pay the price

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