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Huskies Off Lead


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I Love the video and can appreciate the work Willem put in to training his dog. For me, however, it doesn't change the basic point that huskies can't be trusted offlead in unenclosed areas. I have known at least two huskies as well trained (if not better) than Willem's dog who, one day, for reasons known only to themselves decided to ignore the training and ended up dead under cars. I am 100% approving of training huskies to go offlead, doing obedience, doing agility etc etc - I think it is brilliant! But - I would still never trust them 100% offlead in unenclosed areas.


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saw a episode of its me or the dog yesterday and it was good. She showed you have to run away in the opposite direction and make high pitched noises and call the dog while waving your arms around. It worked the dog kept coming back. She also said if you only call the dog back to go on the lead it wont want to come back so you have to trick it. wasnt a husky though!

This is on of my favourite games to play with Teeko. I'll wait until he is interested in something else then sneak to the very end of the 100foot line before running like the clappers. When he catches up we have a good rough and tumble and a treat. Not really a training tool...more just for the damn fun of legging about with my dog (if you aren't having fun what's the point?) but it did once work in an emergency situation when a clip on his lead jammed open and he got off.

You will look like a total loon tho! Ha!

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This is on of my favourite games to play with Teeko. I'll wait until he is interested in something else then sneak to the very end of the 100foot line before running like the clappers. When he catches up we have a good rough and tumble and a treat. Not really a training tool...more just for the damn fun of legging about with my dog (if you aren't having fun what's the point?) but it did once work in an emergency situation when a clip on his lead jammed open and he got off.

You will look like a total loon tho! Ha!

lol yes I intend on using the 100ft leads to train their recalls.

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  • 1 month later...

Just have my pup home and ive decided ill never let him off lead, read al jones story and it made me think NO WAY OFF LEASH, ive being drumming it into the missus and kids about never leaving the door open and explaining to them if he gets out he'll be gone for good........... and ill go incredible hulk on there ass's if i see the front door open

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i would never say never coz ours is 13 months and he always comes back. teach from a very young age. Having a pup is the best time to teach him. but it is up to you but try it and see how he is.

Sorry ... keep thinking that. Misty came back every time except the last one. I thought we had it right but obviously I was wrong, damnit!!

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i would never say never coz ours is 13 months and he always comes back. teach from a very young age. Having a pup is the best time to teach him. but it is up to you but try it and see how he is.

You say that now but 13 months is still young. No matter how well you teach them in the end they are huskies and they always take off sometimes not even becasue they dont listen but becasue they are not paying attention to how fast or far they are going. Ive had friends who had huskies with AMAZING recall but there have been a couple of times where they take off even Al from the forums has had this problem :( The only huskies I know of that dont take off are the really old ones because they just dont run like they use to :P So for the safety and sake of your husky never completely trust it because you are not your dog you dont for sure EVER know.

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Skyla is nearly 2 n shes brill off her lead - do i let her off tho? NO - it only takes that 1 time for her to spot or smell something and for her to be gone

i know sum1 who let their huskies offlead for YEARS then one day one of them didnt come back she still has no clue what happened to him that was 3 years ago now :(

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Skyla is nearly 2 n shes brill off her lead - do i let her off tho? NO - it only takes that 1 time for her to spot or smell something and for her to be gone

i know sum1 who let their huskies offlead for YEARS then one day one of them didnt come back she still has no clue what happened to him that was 3 years ago now :(

I've heard this before, met this guy with a husky when we were biking today, he asked if we le Kobi off the lead and I said we never would cos we can see how strong his prey drive is. He lets his girl off in the woods and says she always comes back even though it took her half an hour one day :o

I just said we would never do it.

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Not sweet nor otherwise ... I just hope that where ever she is someone's taking good care of her. She's chipped so there's a chance I may see her again but I'm not holding out much hope now. Beating up on myself pretty badly ...

I have fingers crossed for you that she comes back or is returned safely due to chip x

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I've heard this before, met this guy with a husky when we were biking today, he asked if we le Kobi off the lead and I said we never would cos we can see how strong his prey drive is. He lets his girl off in the woods and says she always comes back even though it took her half an hour one day :o

I just said we would never do it.

i dont understand why people still do it despite how many husky organisations say not to!

Not sweet nor otherwise ... I just hope that where ever she is someone's taking good care of her. She's chipped so there's a chance I may see her again but I'm not holding out much hope now. Beating up on myself pretty badly ...

:( *hugs*

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Not sweet nor otherwise ... I just hope that where ever she is someone's taking good care of her. She's chipped so there's a chance I may see her again but I'm not holding out much hope now. Beating up on myself pretty badly ...

I know it's easier to say than do.... Please don't beat yourself up - it was a mistake ......I really do hope as you do that she will find her way to someone who will look after her and start investigating whether she's chipped or not...I hope you hear soon. Take care x

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my huskies only 9 months old, and I will never let her off lead, my father in law has left the door open a few times and she gets out, she only goes to just outside the gate and then comes straight back in, but you never know so its leads all the way for my sibe, although she does get rather jealous when she see's our other dog a yorkie running around off lead aha the poor thing!

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Iwe have found since we brought Kobi home 2 weeks ago that we have to be ultra vigilant around the front door. Our old boy Akuma didn't even bother getting up to the door most of the time and we managed to get him trained to sit ans wait. Honestly I don't think we could trust Kobi even if we did get him trained and I'm terrified of him getting out. I think all you can do is be smart and hope you also don't get unlucky :(

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I reiterate again - once they're fully mature and don't "need" mom/dad anymore they (generally speaking) become unreliable. Come back to this thread once your dog is 2-3 years old and let us know if they still recall reliably.

In my mind, huskies are like cats - rather than coming when they're called, they take a message and get back to you later!

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Oh wow. I would never let mine off lead -- atleast not outside of a dog park.

Delilah will play the chase me games for hours when she does get loose.

Kodi has only gotten loose one time the short time we've had him. It was a joy to try and get him back in the house -- Haha.

Even at the dog park Kodi is a pain, we have to chase him around the park -- his recall is HORRIBLE (>.<)

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When me and my sibes are up in the mountain house, we let them freely off lead. They are 7 months. The first night, I didn't trust them therefore I tied them up to a tree with at 50ft leash if they were to be outside without supervision...somehow, the same night, they got loose. I went outside and they came running towards me..so who knows how far they went off lead. The family finally decided to let them off lead when they're outside. They do pretty good...we go hiking, they'll take off and come back within no more than 5min.

So to answer, will I let them off lead, I'll say yes in enclosed areas as well as the forest, or farm. But never in the city.

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When I first posted in this thread many moons ago (or a similar thread, I forget which) I said we let teeko off in certain areas...but now, not anywhere. We have a 100ft lead and I really don't see why he would even need to run further away from us than that.

We still do recall every day and thankfully the times he has come off (his lead randomly unhooked yesterday and I honestly don't know how or why!) he has come pelting back after doing a couple of cheeky 'i'm free' circles.

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Not sweet nor otherwise ... I just hope that where ever she is someone's taking good care of her. She's chipped so there's a chance I may see her again but I'm not holding out much hope now. Beating up on myself pretty badly ...

Sorry to hear there's still no sign. I will keep right on hoping for a happy ending tho.

Take care! X

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we let our girls off only in enclosed areas but when we arent in enclosed areas we have 50ft leads so they can still have a run around on the fields next to my house lol

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