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Huskies Off Lead


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I had fun with my two once like that; a place we usually sulky sits right next to a big cow pasture (you can guess what's coming). Tashi jumped OVER me as I had the car door open, I swore, told husband to put Kochak in the car while I went after him, suddenly I see Kochak racing past me--she'd gotten away from Jim! I ended up following them around a muddy cow pasture for I don't know how long; I knew I couldn't catch 'em, just had to stay nearby until they got tired of "playing" with the cows. In my case, it WAS to chase, which they thought was a great game...cows, not so much! Got 'em both eventually, slogging back to the car the rancher lady starts hollering at me to get my dogs out of there. Barefoot, covered with mud, bent over 'cuz of my back, I hollered "I'm TRYING!" She was real sweet, opened the gate for us (I'd had to go through barbed wire). We've been reeeeeeeel careful to get them safely in harness ever since!

Ain't huskies great? (mutter, grumble...)

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If Seren was with another dog she was perfect offlead, we would walk miles and miles with friends through various terrain etc and she was as faithful as a lab.

There was only one situation in a park when It was just me and her and she ran off after another dog - I thought she wouldn't come back (there was no way i'm fast enough to chase her) she got to the other side and as soon after I screamed Seren come twice she stopped still and ran back...I was ecstatic

There were times of course when it wasn't suitable for her to be offlead (near roads, at dog fun days etc) and thats when her 50ft lead came in handy, I also used it to test the water before she would be let off (some whistle recall etc) there were days when she wasn't listening, so she wasn't let off. Of course she was still pretty young so could be she would become more independent after 2

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  • 3 weeks later...

I would say yes...... I leave my Husky Hiro Off the lead everyday.... However...... I watch the time of day I go out ass well....

I only let him off at times I know people wont be walking by much. Early Mornings, before rushhour, before school is out,Late at night.

We don't have any dog parks near our location BUMMER...... I never really trained him or took the time on Recalls. He just does not like to be alone or lose sight of me, I do always leave the leash on** If I take it off he acts to wild and doesn't like when I try to put it back on. If I notice he starts to wonder off or gets distracted I start walking in the opposite direction and say "BYE!" which is the word we use when leaving him alone at home, and he runs to me and I reward him.

I see that if he runs off and YOU start repeating his name dozens of times and or chasing him he wont come back. (tested with friends huskies as well)

I kinda trick my dog when I notice people or animals around I guess it varies with each dog. ITS a different story however when he finds a piece of PAPER or plastic he'll try to Gobble it up and RUN away till he eats it...

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We take Echo to a conservation trail in the woods by my FIL's house, and we walk Echo on a 30ft lead, and drop it if we are the only ones on the trail. The trail is about a 1/2 mile through the woods and goes to the bay. She won't go more than 40ft in front of us. The only other place we allow her offlead is in a fenced in soccer field down the road from us.

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Kora gets out the door some times and with my experience with other dogs the dog should go running down the street right? No, Kora stayed in her yard and was waiting to go on a walk or went up and greeted the frighten UPS lady who though a 7 month old puppy was going to kill her. Then proceeded to run around the truck and back onto the porch. O.o What?

However currently working on her off-lead now and she seems to have no problem with it.

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Of course at the dog park or large enclosed areas. When he was younger I always let him off lead and he would follow me wherever I went. Unfortunately my border collie who is never leashed for two reasons 1.he always listens 2. he's a rescue and has many friends in the neighborhood who who visits. taught him how to look both ways before crossing the street and ever since he will go anywhere! so I use 25 ft leashes and make daily trips to the dog park

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Elai goes off every day at the park in my village. He loves running around and playing with other dogs and he always comes back to me and follows me when I start to walk or call him. He's the only husky / malamute in my village who's able to do so. All the others can't go off lead cause they will just run away and never come back lol.

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  • 1 month later...

I must be going blind or stupid (probably both lol) as I couldn't find the poll but it would be 2 votes yes and 2 votes no.

Out of four huskies I have had 2 that I can trust of the lead, 1 that was a definate never and my latest is a pup do will not be trying anytime soon.

I don't like to let them of the lead tbh as it only takes a moments distraction and theyre gone.

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Well i went for the e-collar, after a month of training on it i rarely have to use it now.

My dog Rio comes back every time with just a call or a bleep on the collar

Some people might not agree with them but they work and Rio has a good run off lead all the time

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  • 1 month later...

I didnt take the pole because i dont believe there is really a right anwser.

i have a 1 year husky who i have had in training since the day after i took him home at six and a half weeks.

i let him off frequently as he has shown no interest in leaving my side or at least going out of sight. im unsure if this is due to his young age, his training, or just his personallity. i let him off at dog parks that have no enclosed area with other dogs around and have had no problems. i also let him off lead to do traing as it is required for him to be able to progress to advanced obideance. he is also often left at home either by himself or with my two GSD, for long periods of time in an area of garden im sure he could get out of if he tried, however i do take him with me when ever possible. i would appreciate any advice you may have, as after reading other posts i am concerned that his behaviour might be due to his age and change.


im sorry for bad spelling.

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  • 2 months later...

Both of ours are off lead, we started early with kobi on a long lead running him between us, eventually we took it off and he won't normally venture more than 20 yards away - unless he see's something and then he's off, but we've had no real problems getting him back, we just keep walking away and he soon catches up!

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  • 2 months later...

Hello Terry, once your dog has been trained with the ecollar he should come back with a bleep or call. I rarely shock my dog it's only used as a last resort. I walk with a lot of other huskies all with collars and they they have a great time together

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Hello Terry, once your dog has been trained with the ecollar he should come back with a bleep or call. I rarely shock my dog it's only used as a last resort. I walk with a lot of other huskies all with collars and they they have a great time together


where did you learn to train your dog with it? did you self teach the dog or did you take your dog to a course/program?

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where did you learn to train your dog with it? did you self teach the dog or did you take your dog to a course/program?

He was trained by someone else, a women who has 5 huskies of her own. She has him once a week for training and walking, I don't think I would of managed Rio without her

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A bunch of my friends own huskies and surprisingly quite a few can be offleash. 2 are trained with an ecollar. One just never strays far. Panda i would never trust, he has too much curiosity and his nose will lead him into trouble lol

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A lot really depends on where you live.

Most of us here in the UK live in Urban areas with a lot of traffic.

An off lead dog is a Nightmare especially those like Huskies with exceptionally bad recall.

And so we heavily advocate not letting your Husky offlead except in an safe enclosed area.

If however you live in an area off the beaten track with very little traffic then perhaps your dog may be 

safe off lead.

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A lot really depends on where you live.

Most of us here in the UK live in Urban areas with a lot of traffic.

An off lead dog is a Nightmare especially those like Huskies with exceptionally bad recall.

And so we heavily advocate not letting your Husky offlead except in an safe enclosed area.

If however you live in an area off the beaten track with very little traffic then perhaps your dog may be 

safe off lead.

Safe from traffic maybe but my husbands uncle lives on a farm out in the sticks in Canada (think its in Ottawa, Ontario. Hubby lived there for a while when he was a teenager and went to school in Huntsville so must be near there). Anyway, he had a malamute and husky that got offlead and disappeard. A few weeks later he had a phone call from another farm owner saying his dogs were running around loose and killing his livestock. He had shot the husky dead and captured the Mally, who was old and easy to catch. Mr Mally was returned safe and sound but not a happy ending for the husky. :(

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Safe from traffic maybe but my husbands uncle lives on a farm out in the sticks in Canada (think its in Ottawa, Ontario. Hubby lived there for a while when he was a teenager and went to school in Huntsville so must be near there). Anyway, he had a malamute and husky that got offlead and disappeard. A few weeks later he had a phone call from another farm owner saying his dogs were running around loose and killing his livestock. He had shot the husky dead and captured the Mally, who was old and easy to catch. Mr Mally was returned safe and sound but not a happy ending for the husky. :(

Yeah, Al Jones Lives in the middle of nowhere (literally) had a girly who used to take herself off for days, feeding herself on the run.

always Coming back, until one day she didn't

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Yeah, Al Jones Lives in the middle of nowhere (literally) had a girly who used to take herself off for days, feeding herself on the run.

always Coming back, until one day she didn't

Yeah, that was around the time I joined the forum. I remember hearing the story. So sad, I guess the moral of the story is there's no such thing as a safe situation, everything carries a risk. Just some more than others. Totally agree that here in the uk, the environment is definitely not husky friendly. Too much traffic and not enough dog parks.

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Yeah, that was around the time I joined the forum. I remember hearing the story. So sad, I guess the moral of the story is there's no such thing as a safe situation, everything carries a risk. Just some more than others. Totally agree that here in the uk, the environment is definitely not husky friendly. Too much traffic and not enough dog parks.

Yeah mine are strapped to me 24/7 when I'm outside the house

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