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Huskies Off Lead


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My garden is 75'x35'.

As I wrote earlier the wet weather snd my two tearing round has virtually ruined the grass and given me a mud hole!

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I will be ringing them on Monday (I'm sure they will just tell me to p*** off though :( but its worth a try. Maybe I get donations then they would consider it :) yes the garden (absolutely tiny garden) is a muddy patch of death :( but as long as they enjoy it!!!

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Why don't you get your dogs an e-collar, once trained on them you only have to bleep or vibrate them. They are are not cruel to use if you have someone to train them properly. I know I will get stick for this but I have a husky I can take anywhere off lead


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Please do not use e-collars please it is a negative training method and cruel...hopefully it will be banned soon in the whole of europe same as anti bark collars... get a long lead 20 or 30 meters and you furkid will still be happy with a good old run...

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Please do not use e-collars please it is a negative training method and cruel...hopefully it will be banned soon in the whole of europe same as anti bark collars... get a long lead 20 or 30 meters and you furkid will still be happy with a good old run...

I wholeheartedly agree with Robke.

Would you train/discipline your children like this?

Dogs conditioned to an e-collar could so easily have been trained (even if it took a bit longer) to a clicker or whistle (the latter overall better for long distance recall) AND under trust, not fear of pain with a shock.


(Or I will really rant!)

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Where can I get these Long leads please?

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Indi dog does brilliant one and remember the 10% discount you can get....just always use them with a harness only...

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I admit we had a terrible time wanting to allow leeli off lead and did buy an e collar and only used vibrate but it doesn't work on some dogs and after a bit leeli just thought the vibrate was normal and we stopped using it. And also I have someone who lives nearby. The used an e collar on their husky and lets it off lead but whenever he calls the dog back ot really does not come back even though he says it worked? Its a pointless method that after they figure it out whenever you don't have the e collar on the will know and go back to normal behaviour. There is no quick fix.

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Please do not use e-collars please it is a negative training method and cruel...hopefully it will be banned soon in the whole of europe same as anti bark collars... get a long lead 20 or 30 meters and you furkid will still be happy with a good old run...

Various types of training;


Positive Reinforcement - You add something pleasurable... treat, play, praise... action/behavior more likely to reoccur

Negative Reinforcement - You remove something pleasurable... freedom, play, affection... action/behavior is less likely to reoccur

Positive Punishment - You add something uncomfortable... a correction... e-collar, check, stern attitude... action/behavior more likely to reoccur

Negative Punishment - You remove something uncomfortable... taut leash, e-collar, without reward... action is less likely to reoccur

Extinction - action/behavior doesn't receive any reinforcement


I don't know how people expect to train a dog without using all the tools available to them. Yes, you need to use techniques that provide a positive experience for your dog, these teach them what is rewarding and helps them repeat good behaviors. But, I also think you need techniques that provide a negative experience for your dog, these being the things that your dog does not care to repeat, and in turn discerns what the difference from correct/in correction- right/wrong.


A dog is never going to understand it's human world. We have to get through to them using methods that are easily understood and clear in intent.


I used and still sometimes use an e-collar... I hope it's never banned. It's truly not the medieval torture device people seem to picture. The same line of thought that got pitbulls banned in my region is the leading cause for the collars disapproval. My girl experience no abrasion towards the collar. 2ft, 6ft, 30ft, 50ft, e-collar- it's a progression.


After you've clearly taught them what is required with progressively longer leads...


Keep the long lead on, add the e-collar, then give them their recall and push down the button until they turn to listen. Once they turn in your direction, release the button, and cheer/guide them into home base. After you're able to recall them with e-collar and vocals alone, remove the lead. After several weeks of this, stop using the e-collar to recall your dog unless they choose to turn off their hearing. Use this correctly and several weeks/months after implementing an e-collar, you'll have a husky with a rock solid recall.


There is no pain involved in the process- none what so ever... PUT IT THIS WAY...


My e-collar has seven intensities with three various strength levels (1-7 on the remote dial and low/med/high settings on the e-collar itself).



I trained Dakota primarily on 2/low with 3-4/low for high distractions like other dogs.

On my skin it the e-collar isn't even slightly uncomfortable below 2/med.

Pain isn't felt by myself until 4/high or above.


Use a e-collar or don't... that is up to you... any dog you can train with an e-collar you can train without... HOWEVER... if your against the mindset behind the e-collar- progressive training techniques and the implementation of corrections- you'll never have a well trained dog unless it's Velcro- I've never known a velcro husky- they're naturally a very nomadic breed.

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I've never ever used an e-collar mine are perfectly well behaved.. I once sat on an electric fence can't say it made me a better person.. But was very uncomfortable!!

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An electric fence? That's the pitbull mindset in practice... an e-collar is not like an electric fence.



Do e-collars actually work through all that fur on a Husky? I thought the collar had to be on the skin..?

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Yup, they work just fine. You just need to make sure you use the proper tabs and part the hair for proper contact.

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Heck I'd be scared to use one and I know I'd be very cautious too. I'd so like to know mine would really respond positively however I need much more time to get through the training. Every day. Every week. Every month and be sure I'd get 100% recall in the end.

Don't think so. Don't have that time even if I do something everyday. At home one thing. Out n about...quite another.

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My biggest fear is losing my dogs and together they are deaf.

I am rewarding every time they come indoors when I've called or blown a whistle. Chester is 100% so far over three weeks.

Eski 45%.

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