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i have sadly got to admit defeat. which upsets me.


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after events recently with Angel / Cheya and those that read my post about knowing why i am here etc will understand why i decided i wanted to help more with the Husky welfare's .. more than just taking on a new dog for myself... so when HIN phoned me last week and asked me if i would temp foster a dog i gladly said yes.

so Friday evening Kinzi came to me from Cornwall. a cute little 1 yr old.. she very quickly was playing and settled in.. no signs of trauma or being scared or anything.1st night she was a bit restless but to be expected. saturday she was perfect. i couldn't find fault with her well except she can clear stair gates very fast and very quietly.. Sat night she had learnt the routine and slept well. Sunday tried her in harness and for her 1st go she didn't do to badly..

and she was great all day. tried her in kennel and went out of sight for short while.. had few mins noise then that was it.. took her to pub last night and she was great.. didn't jump up at anyone who didn't speak to her first .. didn't try and mug any kids. and didn't try to nick my food even though she sat there almost begging me to let her have some.with those puppy dog eyes.

my report / assesment to HIN as of last night is nothing but a great one.. i couldn't fault her in anyway.. have done so much with her in short time and evrytime she has passed with flying colours.

she would make a fantastic dog for anyone..as i said i couldn't fault her.and the word "couldn't"

now today i have found the one fault she has... massive seperation anxiety.

every time i or my wife went out of the room she had a little wimper but i put it down to what she has been thru..

my wife goes to work at about 8.45 am and by 10.30 she had rang me.. a call from a neighbour letting us know she was screaming the area down..and hadn't stopped ..so they wife comes out of work to go have a listen for ourselves and assess if its just a little or a lot of noise.

a lot of noise i think is an understatement so i head out of work and drive the 45 mins home. she is now happily laying on the floor..

i go to speak to a few neighbours to apologise and try to gather more info. the noise started at about 9am and was constant. i live in the country and the next road that has houses on is 4/5 mins walk away and even the people down there were complaining and came up to see as they thought one of the dogs must be injured.. they check that is not the case .. just one being noisy ..so they are happy there is no danger.. apart from to their hearing.

so i have got to admit defeat that i can't help this girl.. and have had to inform HIN that she needs to be re fostered to a household that has some one home 24/7.

its a shame as she is fantastic in everyway. i have had to loose this afternoon at work and probably at least tomorrow till we can sort somewhere for her. my company ain't happen ..but hell i don't care.. there attitude was take the dog with me..to work..

hmm sum this one up ..i work in construction. the car park is about 5 min walk away.

yeh like hell i will..good thing is that if the don't use me anymore being agency i don't actually care co's in 9 years its only the 2nd time i have done work for them ..so no great loss.

my main aim at moment is to make sure this little girl gets sorted and is happy..

i know HIN are short of foster homes .. so if your at home all the time and can be there for this little girl... please please contact them or even me and offer to foster her till the right home can be found for her..

but sadly i have got to "admit defeat" and realise i can't help every dog even though i wan't to be able to. !!!

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that's okay, you did the right thing. Separation anxiety takes a LOT of time to be "healed", and if you don't have time for the training you better find another foster home for Kinzi. It's easy to be selfish and keep her anyway, but then you'll be an obnoxious neighbor that everyone hates and on top of all Kinzi's SA won't be cured @ all :(

really wish I could help, but I'm also not home 24/7 and I live in the other side of the globe x) best of luck for Kinzi

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Aw Richard, don't beat yourself up :(

I work 9-5 and have someone come round half way though the day to take Cookie for a walk and spend a bit of time with her. I know that if Angel/Cheya had been at my house when I wasnt on holiday from work, my house would have been destroyed lol. I'm glad I was off work the whole week!

Don't beat yourself up, you did your best, and I'm sure there is another one in need out there with your name on it :)

At least you have her best interests at heart x

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I am going to be home all the time on my mum's farm in Cornwall, If I wasn't already struggling with my two I would have taken her as a foster in a heartbeat. My Oisin has SA aswell but he is fine if left with another dog, if he is totally alone he will howl the village to the ground. Don't think I could handle another right now. :(

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as said Richard - SA takes a lot of time to get through. Some dogs more than others. As you work and have no one home, it would be best i some one who had the time foster her.

Maybe there is a dog you could swap with another foster that is home.

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usually having other dogs around help calm down with the separation anxiety.

So sad, SA takes a lot of time and patience to cure.

Regardless you are doing a great job, don't get disheartened.

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i feel for you Richard

you are doing a great job,but, sadly like you say Kinzi is the one you are not in a position to help at the moment with your working hours.

also,she could end up unsettling your girls too:(

i know we had Tia with bad s/a when we got her,but,the fact i am around and the other 2 here for her to keep her company has cured her.

she would jump the baby gate as soon as you turned your back

we stopped her though,we put up a full length wrought iron gate.....soundsodd but actually looks good in the hall as i have black and red decor

and as soon as she realised there was no escape.........hey presto!!! :clap: she was fab!

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Well, Rich you know that taking on a rescue - even temporarily - is taking on their past problems. Sorry you had to find out the hard way what her past problems resulted in.

I like your description of the neighbours responses; no one seemed, from your description, overly upset, just concerned.

My sympathy and due respect for trying, now it's on to finding someplace that HIN can place her that's more appropriate.

Better luck with the next one, eh?? //al

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Aya has seperation anxiety as well so I feel you. Luckily we have got it so that she's ok if she's left with Yuri but omg when we tried to take Yuri out for a walk last night (me hubby and my daughter) she went nuts, it was the first time we tried it as Aya is in season and if hubby is coming I usually take them both.

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I know you well enough that you gave it your all.....don't look at it as a defeat - rather as an opportunity to learn and grow.

There's another one out there who can use the love and guidance only you can give, just as there is someone out there who can give Kinzi exactly what she needs.

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we would be willing to help, but dont think hin would accept us as the boys arnt done

I thought all dogs that comes from a shelter/rescue is spayed/neutered? I believe Kinzi is old enough to be spayed so there will be no reason why she is not yet spayed. If she is spayed, you might stand a chance to help her =)

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I thought all dogs that comes from a shelter/rescue is spayed/neutered? I believe Kinzi is old enough to be spayed so there will be no reason why she is not yet spayed. If she is spayed, you might stand a chance to help her =)

not necessarily,especially if they are fostered out as oppose to being adopted

it could have been an urgent foster too.

once you decide to adopt,if they haven't been already, you will usually sign a contract to say he/she will be.

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ah, neutering/spaying... x) this subject reminds me to my unfinished argument with my mom =\ Still struggling to make her neuter Dime, but she says neutering is "a dangerous procedure and will surely kill Dime" =.=

can you not get your Mum to read up on it and all the benefits of having it done?

its far better for Diamond to be neutered as you know.

why does She believe its dangerous or is she worried about the anaesthetic? it is a very common procedure

but God forbid anything happening to Diamond,him getting cancers in that area will be far worse for him!

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I was just going to post about this endless argument in the steam room section x) it's getting tiring and frustrating to talk to my mom since she only listens to gossips and random people's opinions x(

Her friend recently said that neutering will make the dog prone to cancer O_O Told her that's totally wrong but she just won't believe me =\

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I was just going to post about this endless argument in the steam room section x) it's getting tiring and frustrating to talk to my mom since she only listens to gossips and random people's opinions x(

Her friend recently said that neutering will make the dog prone to cancer O_O Told her that's totally wrong but she just won't believe me =\

show her some threads off here!! :D

sorry Rich totally hijacked your thread!!:offtopic:

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