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1st Husky Question

Jared Holtane

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We received our first siberian husky only a couple days ago.

His name is Koda and he is 12 weeks old.

We got him from a breeder who had him together with his family outside most of the day.

I understand being in a new place is strange. But I assume it is only natural for owners to be concerned as well.

He whines while he is indoors occasionally and doesn't much like venturing to other rooms. He wants to be around us but if we ever leave the living room he is afraid to join us. He doesn't much care for leash walking either.

Was 12 weeks a little too late? I'm afraid he is stuck in his ways and may never get comfortable in our house. Should we start crating or wait till he is comfortable with the house first?

We're trying to be patient but we are both a little worried.

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dont be worried

he's come to a strange house and people away from all he has known

it will take him a few days to settle

as for the leash,just keep putting it on him and giving it a go he'll get use to having one in no time.

welcome and pics of your new pup please:D

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try not to be too worried - we got our girl at 14 weeks old after being in a previous home for a week after being at her breeders - and she settled in and adjusted fine - took her a while but soon she was part of the family - it will take a while to settle in after all everything he knew for the first 3 months of his life have changed - hes no longer with his family or siblings and hes been given to people he doesnt know that smell different to what he is used to aswell - give him time n you will wonder what youve been worried about :)

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my boys cried and cried when i brought them home and were my little shadows - don't be overly worried but don't pander to them and comfort them either as this will reinforce their behaviour.

Welcome to the pack by the way - where's the pics :D

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The sensitive period of puppies is generally considered to run from 3 to 16 weeks. The best age to get a puppy is 8 weeks because it will have had several weeks with it's mother and litter mates to learn about being a dog, and then it will have plenty of time in its new home to adjust and learn the ways of living within a home/family environment. With your pup being 12 weeks you've missed some precious time within this sensitive period but it's not the end of the world. You've only had the puppy a couple of days so it's not surprising he's not completely settled yet. If he's nervous about going into other rooms try keeping all of the doors around the house open so he can roam around and keep his things in different places - bed in one room, food and water in another, toys in another. Praise him when he does venture from room to room and just try to make him feel comfortable and relaxed. Also I would definately start crate training as soon as possible; start as you mean to carry on, that way he won't have to keep having his routine changed and he'll settle quicker.

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Like the others, I'll tell you to not be too concerned. He's just been uprooted from everything he knows and has been "dumped" in with this crowd of strange people, think how you'd feel - maybe a little confused, unsure??

Every dog is different, some take the challenge and go exploring (and getting into everything!) others are more conservative (like all good Brits!) and want to test the waters first.

All it's gonna take for him to feel at home is a lot of love, a whole lot of patience and consistency. as @Hy'Shqa said, train him now as you want him to be but also remember to be forgiving because this is *really* all new to him. Set the goals that you think you need to have in hand first - the important ones (leash, crate, etc??) and work on them. Then go for the ones which may not be so important to you (sit, stay, heel, etc) Pups are quick to learn but take it in reasonable steps - he can't learn everything about you and what you want right now any more than you can learn how to read all his signs right now.

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As others suggest, patience!

I do think that you'll want to begin crate training asap. Yesterday already! LOL. A crate becomes the pups den or safe house and the sooner you begin the crating experience, the easier it is. We've many threads on how to begin, crate size and more.

Welcome to the wonderful world of huskies! Looking forward to getting to know you better!

And, WE NEED PICS!!!!! (bossy group we are when it comes to pics!!!)

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It's only been a few days, he's just working up his confidence in this brand new environment. I would start crate training him as he might feel safer in his own little den. Just make sure its not too big for him to begin with, if you've bought a crate for a full sized husky you might need a crate devider to make it a little more cozy.

Enjoy your new member of the family!!!

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Definitely start crate training right away.

Although 8 weeks is the "typical" time to get a puppy, there is some school of thought that says a few weeks longer with mom and pups is better. They learn so many important things from their siblings. If you got a pup at 12 weeks that had been in an isolated enviornment and not socialized, that would be a bad thing. Congratulations on your addition!

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He has shown rapid improvement! He now explores most rooms in the house and he whines much less, really the only time he whines is when the house is too quiet for his liking, haha. He walks surprisingly well on his leash already, but the crate training his tricky. He screams all night in his crate and we feel awful because our house is connected to another (we live in military housing) and we know he is keeping our neighbors up at night. We don't know if they will call housing on us, technically they can order that we keep our dog from howling at night =(. Other than that he is doing better. he still prefers the outdoors but we are giving him treats when he comes in when we tell him too and its helping a little. He is a quick learner for the most part. We have only had him for 3 days and we already taught him to come, sit , and lay down. i think he will do better and feel more comfortable when we get our Pembroke Welsh Corgi pup in 2 weeks. Then, he will have a constant companion and playmate!







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