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Long foster/watch?


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Hi, not looking for someone to critize me or anything, I have not gave my answer to this person yet, just wanting some questions or advice on this.....

This couple is looking for someone to watch/foster their dog for 9 months untill they get out of their lease in their apartment and find a home. The dog is a half german shephard and half something else.

I have met with them and the dog, Navi my husky got along great and they played for about 20mins until they had to go. Here are my questions.

1. They played well, but towards the end the dog started snapping at Navi and bit her once and she cried. Now the German mix's tail was still wagging but her teeth were full blown out and snapping like crazy. Is is just play or does it seem the german has some issues?

2. Is a 9 month foster dog to long? Will I be taking on more then I can handle?

3. They say its just until they can get out of the lease and into their own house, but how do I know they will come back or even get a house when they have minimum wage jobs?

4. Should I make a contract stating I am not liable for anything that goes wrong with the dog?

5. For people who foster or have done this, what are the positives and negatives you learned from it?

Anything else you would like to add would be helpful, Thanks.

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I haven't fostered a dog before so I'm not sure whats involved but before you agree to it, make sure your comfortable in yourself that they are friends and you can trust them together. The last thing you need is vet bills if they get into a fight.

Without knowing them its hard to say but there is the risk that they won't take him back, do you know them very well?

9 months is a long time but if you dont mind looking after 2 for that long then you should go for it.

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I haven't fostered a dog before so I'm not sure whats involved but before you agree to it, make sure your comfortable in yourself that they are friends and you can trust them together. The last thing you need is vet bills if they get into a fight.

Without knowing them its hard to say but there is the risk that they won't take him back, do you know them very well?

9 months is a long time but if you dont mind looking after 2 for that long then you should go for it.

I dont know them well, they moved here from Arizona with family, but family kicked them out, now they were living on the streets and only place to live in a place that doesnt allow pets. They gave me a long sob story so I felt bad, how they live in a one bedroom studio and they dog is sad. I told them as long as the dog gets attention and daily exercise she doesnt really need a yard.

I told them if it was more like 2 months I wouldnt care, but 9 months is a very long time in my book, might as well get a second dog eh?

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I dont know them well, they moved here from Arizona with family, but family kicked them out, now they were living on the streets and only place to live in a place that doesnt allow pets. They gave me a long sob story so I felt bad, how they live in a one bedroom studio and they dog is sad. I told them as long as the dog gets attention and daily exercise she doesnt really need a yard.

I told them if it was more like 2 months I wouldnt care, but 9 months is a very long time in my book, might as well get a second dog eh?

Yeah by the time 9 months goes by it will pretty much be like he's your dog anyway

I guess its up to you....its a very nice thing to do for people in need but i personally wouldnt

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9 months is a VERY long time considering you don't really even know these people. It's a very nice thing to do, so that's your decision.

As far as a contract, if the dog bites someone while in your possession, it's on you. Regardless of the contract.

As far as the nipping goes, you didn't say how old he was. It could be he hasn't been socialized very much and hasn't had any training in bite inhibition.

So - the 9 mos. would be you training it.

Also, consider the possibility of the GS and your dog getting into it and costing you vet bills if your dog gets hurt.

And what if the GS gets hurt, or loose and hit by a car? Do they have money to pay? Or will they stick you with the bill.

Just some things to consider.

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9 months is a VERY long time considering you don't really even know these people. It's a very nice thing to do, so that's your decision.

As far as a contract, if the dog bites someone while in your possession, it's on you. Regardless of the contract.

As far as the nipping goes, you didn't say how old he was. It could be he hasn't been socialized very much and hasn't had any training in bite inhibition.

So - the 9 mos. would be you training it.

Also, consider the possibility of the GS and your dog getting into it and costing you vet bills if your dog gets hurt.

And what if the GS gets hurt, or loose and hit by a car? Do they have money to pay? Or will they stick you with the bill.

Just some things to consider.

Dog is 8 months, I have insurance that does cover if my dog attacks anothers pet or person, but that is still something to think about. This is true about the training, its like they are handing me a puppy and I will be giving it back to them fully trained lol.

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I would be careful, regardless of how much you want to help... How was her tail wagging? If it's moving side to side horizontally, and rather lazily, that's friendly. If, however, it's straight upright and stiff, that's a very dominant signal, and not super friendly. Read this for more info...


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I would be careful, regardless of how much you want to help... How was her tail wagging? If it's moving side to side horizontally, and rather lazily, that's friendly. If, however, it's straight upright and stiff, that's a very dominant signal, and not super friendly. Read this for more info...


Thanks, it wasnt wagging a lot, just side to side like it was loose, not stiff. But I think it was just tired of Navi bothering her?

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I think that they are trying to do the best thing for the pooch, in a difficult situation.

However, Once you have the dog I don't think you will see or hear from them again.

Unless you are 100% sure you are ready to take him on for the duration.

whether it be 9 months or forever then I would say no.

Are they offerring to pay for his keep / food etc. ??

If they are staying local, just not allowed to keep pets then. . .

I would expect them to come around to help with walking etc

and pay towards his food etc.

If they are expecting you to take him on full time / full cost

then I would say you won't see them again.

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I think that they are trying to do the best thing for the pooch, in a difficult situation.

However, Once you have the dog I don't think you will see or hear from them again.

Unless you are 100% sure you are ready to take him on for the duration.

whether it be 9 months or forever then I would say no.

Are they offerring to pay for his keep / food etc. ??

If they are staying local, just not allowed to keep pets then. . .

I would expect them to come around to help with walking etc

and pay towards his food etc.

If they are expecting you to take him on full time / full cost

then I would say you won't see them again.

I agree with Andy, unless they're saying that they'll be staying locally and will be visiting, taking out for walks etc. I'd be a little suspicious that they won't come back.

If they're on minimum wage and trying to find a house then I doubt they'd be offering to contribute much to the dogs food & vet bills.

It's really lovely of you to want to try and help them but I would be very cautious.

Best of luck

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i would say NO straight away.. my opinion is you will end up full time with their dog.. paying for food , vet bills and everything.

if you knew the poeple well then i would say differently but its not as if they are people you have been friends with for some time..

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i think this should be a no too

i think they are maybe pulling a fast one,how do you know what they have told you about looking for new home is true

and no disrespect to you whatsoever,but,

but who would trust a total stranger to look after and care for their dog properly?

they dont know you,and just because you have a dog doesn't mean you are a good owner......that again is not directed at you personally

i'm talking in general terms:D

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I'm going to go with most of what the others have said and say no. The story sounds a bit dodgy and as if they are trying to make you feel sorry for them and take the dog. I think it's fantastic you are trying to help and do a good deed and do right by the dog but if they end up never coming to get it/ it bites someone/ attacks navi it would be horrible. Still in the end the decision is yours. Keep us updated =D

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I think it's a bad idea. I fostered a kitten (before i found out I was allergic) for a friend and with out going into it too much because she is my friend, she got funny when I said how much she owed me for food and litter. There is a high chance you could get saddled with the cost of feeding/insurance and vet bills and I couldn't look after a dog for someone for that long. I'd want to keep it as I'd be attached. Short term fostering is fine, but long term turns into a family member and then you want to keep them.

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