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Little dog that was more like a rat than a dog


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just running around freely, again as usual with most off lead dogs in the woods opposite me....Owners where NOWHERE to be seen. Me and Kiz were happily walking along like "la la la" Akira occasianly nearly taking my arm off as she caught a scent of something in the grass, the next thing this little dog comes speeding past us and like i swear it was the fastest I'd seen a small dog run. As it was moving fast of course it was bound to catch Akira's eye. So she brings her hackles on her back up straight away, and tries to lunge forward and go after the dog. She's getting pretty strong now and she's 9 months old tomorrow xD <3 but anyway, the dog runs away, we carry on walking and Kiz quickly calms down...only for it to come speeding back to us, Akira then making an even more stronger lunge towards the dog, so much so that i swear she was half an inch away from biting it and breaking its neck. So I'm there using all my strength to keep hold of my puppy and make sure that the little dog isn't already on its way back. In the mean time there is STILL no owner even close to being noticed! This just frustrates me SO much, I know I've ranted before about off lead dogs but the thing that annoyed me the most this time is the fact that, what if I hadn't of been able to stop Akira from getting this little dog, the owners eventually come back and see their dog laying there dead as Akira has shook it to death aswell as broke it's neck. WHO would have been the blame then ??

Well the answer is simple isn't it...the owners would have simply blamed me and my dog, and Akira would have more than likely had been put to sleep when really they are to blame, akira os a husky, her instinct is to chase after small things, especially that run, she see's it as prey! it annoyed me SO much >.< :rollingpin::rollingpin::rollingpin::rant::banghead::banghead::arghh:

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I would just shout into the woods "I am walking my husky & she thinks this tiny dog is dinner, would whoever owns it please call it back!"

Then you've done all you can & the owners will probably speak up!!

I didn't think of that i was just trying to stop akira from getting the dog i didn't think that because she was on a lead then she wouldn't get the blame, my mind just went straight to worrying about what would happen to kiz if she'd have killed the dog

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This irritates the living daylights out of me! There are so many irresponsible dog owners. Sabien has been attacked by a Staffie that was just wandering down our street with no owner. It grabbed Sabien by his neck and would not let go. I had to kick it to try and get it off to no avail. Luckily some lads came down the street and knocked on the owners door, it then let go of Sabien. Luckily Sabien was fine as he has such thick fur round his neck. The owner of the Staffie then knocked on my door and said her dog was injured. Excuse me but my dog was not in the street on his own and was on his leash! Another time he was attacked by a German Shepherd. Again Sabien was on his lead. The German Shepherd and its owner were walking towards us and had seen us. Did he put his dog on the lead...no. It then proceeded to charge Sabien and grab hold of his leg. The owner stood miles away and shouted 'come back' but did not attempt to come over and retrieve his dog. You can imagine the torrent of verbal abuse he got off me when his dog eventually went back to him. And then last week in the local park there was a couple with three dogs. One of them would not come back to them so they walked out of the park to put two off the dogs in the car and left the park. Sabien was sniffing a patch of grass when next minute one of their dogs had got out of the car and charged in and grabbed Sabien. Sabien being the bigger dog quickly pinned it to the ground. when the owner eventually came for her dog she gave me a dirty look. GRRR!!

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This irritates the living daylights out of me! There are so many irresponsible dog owners. Sabien has been attacked by a Staffie that was just wandering down our street with no owner. It grabbed Sabien by his neck and would not let go. I had to kick it to try and get it off to no avail. Luckily some lads came down the street and knocked on the owners door, it then let go of Sabien. Luckily Sabien was fine as he has such thick fur round his neck. The owner of the Staffie then knocked on my door and said her dog was injured. Excuse me but my dog was not in the street on his own and was on his leash! Another time he was attacked by a German Shepherd. Again Sabien was on his lead. The German Shepherd and its owner were walking towards us and had seen us. Did he put his dog on the lead...no. It then proceeded to charge Sabien and grab hold of his leg. The owner stood miles away and shouted 'come back' but did not attempt to come over and retrieve his dog. You can imagine the torrent of verbal abuse he got off me when his dog eventually went back to him. And then last week in the local park there was a couple with three dogs. One of them would not come back to them so they walked out of the park to put two off the dogs in the car and left the park. Sabien was sniffing a patch of grass when next minute one of their dogs had got out of the car and charged in and grabbed Sabien. Sabien being the bigger dog quickly pinned it to the ground. when the owner eventually came for her dog she gave me a dirty look. GRRR!!

Oh no and here's me moaning about things when luckily [thank god] akira hasn't had anything like that happen to her.

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You know, I really don't think I care to EVER go to an off-lead dog park, by all I read on here! Sounds like way too many idiots go with their dogs to them!

probably cuz for most owners its an easy way to exercise ur dog - go there let it offlead n sit n chat with ya mates till ur dog gets tired

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hahaha you get it just in every place you go around here

Very true, especially where I live. I forgot about the man whose dog was off its lead in the park and kept on harrassing Sabien. Again, Sabien was on his lead. When Sabien growled at his dog he said to the dog 'come on that dog can't play because it will drag her all over'. The cheek! I may be small built, but my dog would not 'drag me all over' because unlike his dog mine is under control and trained and not allowed to harrass other dogs in the park. AARGGH, can you see that I have been desperate to get all of this off my chest!! This is so therapeutic!

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You know, I really don't think I care to EVER go to an off-lead dog park, by all I read on here! Sounds like way too many idiots go with their dogs to them!

These incidents didn't happen in an off lead dog park which is even more irritating as if all the idiot owners went there I could avoid them xx

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Very true, especially where I live. I forgot about the man whose dog was off its lead in the park and kept on harrassing Sabien. Again, Sabien was on his lead. When Sabien growled at his dog he said to the dog 'come on that dog can't play because it will drag her all over'. The cheek! I may be small built, but my dog would not 'drag me all over' because unlike his dog mine is under control and trained and not allowed to harrass other dogs in the park. AARGGH, can you see that I have been desperate to get all of this off my chest!! This is so therapeutic!

did u say anything to him? i would have had to - i cant hold my tongue

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did u say anything to him? i would have had to - i cant hold my tongue

I didn't on that occasion. That has changed now though and I have to remember to get my point across but try and be polite as well, i.e. not swear my head off at them and go off like a screaming banshee! lol, which I did to the man with the German Shepherd. My boyfriend was with me on that occasion (thank god!) and I think I embarrassed him!

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hahaha last time i spoke my mind at some woman, this isn't anything to do with dogs but i had my mate over from Holland and we where down town, just walking back to the bus station from asda when my friend accidentally well (supposedly) bumped this woman in the leg with the shopping bag. This woman starts going mad and screaming at my friend...to which Rose just went "Oh sorry" the woman is still there ranting and raving at rose, so I turned round and said "look she said she's sorry what else do you want her to do" DAMN wrong thing to do, as she then turned on me, started ranting and raving at me, screaming and f ing and blinding at me, next thing i know she'd slapped me across the face. A COMPLETE STRANGER SLAPPED ME ACROSS THE FACE!! So now i'd be too scared to speak my mind to anyone incase that happened again >.<

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hahaha last time i spoke my mind at some woman, this isn't anything to do with dogs but i had my mate over from Holland and we where down town, just walking back to the bus station from asda when my friend accidentally well (supposedly) bumped this woman in the leg with the shopping bag. This woman starts going mad and screaming at my friend...to which Rose just went "Oh sorry" the woman is still there ranting and raving at rose, so I turned round and said "look she said she's sorry what else do you want her to do" DAMN wrong thing to do, as she then turned on me, started ranting and raving at me, screaming and f ing and blinding at me, next thing i know she'd slapped me across the face. A COMPLETE STRANGER SLAPPED ME ACROSS THE FACE!! So now i'd be too scared to speak my mind to anyone incase that happened again >.<

:eek: i would have slapped her back - fcheeky cow!

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hahaha last time i spoke my mind at some woman, this isn't anything to do with dogs but i had my mate over from Holland and we where down town, just walking back to the bus station from asda when my friend accidentally well (supposedly) bumped this woman in the leg with the shopping bag. This woman starts going mad and screaming at my friend...to which Rose just went "Oh sorry" the woman is still there ranting and raving at rose, so I turned round and said "look she said she's sorry what else do you want her to do" DAMN wrong thing to do, as she then turned on me, started ranting and raving at me, screaming and f ing and blinding at me, next thing i know she'd slapped me across the face. A COMPLETE STRANGER SLAPPED ME ACROSS THE FACE!! So now i'd be too scared to speak my mind to anyone incase that happened again >.<

Bloody hell. I never thought of that happening, unbelievable! Your friend apologised so what's the problem! I had better be careful, it's usually blokes that I have to have a go at!

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yeah the woman was all like "oh you givin me s**t yeah ? you givin me s**t now" an i was standin there like... -looks around- "umm no, i just said that my mate said sorry what else do you want her to do" then BAM slapped right across the face, the police haven't even done anything either, they reckon nothin would be found on cctv..when really they can't be bothered looking >.< but loadsa people saw and they just sat there watching. I was terrified! So i tend to just keep my mouth shut now haha

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yeah the woman was all like "oh you givin me s**t yeah ? you givin me s**t now" an i was standin there like... -looks around- "umm no, i just said that my mate said sorry what else do you want her to do" then BAM slapped right across the face, the police haven't even done anything either, they reckon nothin would be found on cctv..when really they can't be bothered looking >.< but loadsa people saw and they just sat there watching. I was terrified! So i tend to just keep my mouth shut now haha

Typical police, they never seem to do anything about anything. One day it sounded like our neighbour was beating the living daylights out of his girlfriend (yep, I live in a lovely area) and we phoned the police. They didn't even go into the house, just stood outside and talked to him, of course he is going to admit to it isn't he! Somebody also pinched both of the number plates off our car and they didn't even take finger prints x

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I am always terrified that one of those microscopic dogs that come into the Large Dog off-leash area is going to trigger Sadie's hunting instincts, too. So far, so good, but yikes! These little dogs are conniving: they'll run after my husky and when she gives chase, they'll roll onto their backs and scream bloody murder. The owners will come racing from a far corner and look outraged at me, as if I had let a timber wolf into the suburban enclosure. :Ppost-7782-1358608327269_thumb.jpg<--Who-me?! I only look like a wolf...


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