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Husky attacks 3 year old

Michelle Melsom

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When I read this at first i laughed because I thought it was a complete joke...a husky attacking a child strapped in a car seat yeah right...they dont even know which dog did it specifically and there were 3 dogs were they all huskies? they only show a picture of one husky which looks liek a malamute to me :/


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Oh man, thats horrible! I have never heard of a husky attacking someone like that or killing in this case. I would like to know what other dogs were there because like you I HIGHLY doubt the husky would attack the baby. Even if it was caught in the middle of a scuffle, why would the dog maul and kill the baby?

If I had to take a guess...the baby was 3 weeks, still very very small, so the dogs maybe thought it was a toy?

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After watching, I dont think that husky attacked the baby, I want to know what the other dog is. I think the news is focusing the husky because huskies are not known for being violent so it would capture peoples attention. Also, wouldnt there be blood on one of the dogs? Its not like blood washes off that easy.

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First comment, all three of the dogs were huskies. They did not belong to the couple (parents of the child) but to someone visiting the house.

Second comment: I do sympathize with the parents, but at the same time the mother was criminally negligent - leaving a newborn in the house was bad enough, to leave it alone in the house with strange dogs was way over the line.

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Sometimes it's not the breed it's self but the individual dog.

I fostered a 10 yr old Husky who without warning bit myself, my partner and had a go at my two huskies (when i had both, I only have 1 now).

Not saying that this husky 'attacked' this child but imo can't really say " ppl dont have the right to say nonsense about a breed without having owned one" when you, myself and everyone else DO NOT know how it has been brought up.

Anything can happen!

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Sadly this isn't the first incident with a Husky and a newborn that I've heard of...in the other I believe the child was also less than three months old, the dog had recently been brought into the home and the mistake of leaving the child alone with the dog was made. Small children are unpredictable...newborns cry and make other noises that could probably tug at that prey drive...it's a huge risk to leave a dog that you know alone with a small child...and definitely not the best judgement in the world to leave a dog or dogs that you don't know alone with small children.

I'm confused as to why the owners of the dogs weren't charged but the mother was.

With kids sometimes you're going to leave them in the house to run out in the car and grab something, they are going to be unsupervised for a few moments when you potty, etc...I'm not excusing the bad judgement here...as this wasn't a potty break or the like...but in reality I can't imagine how the family feels right now, and my heart goes out to them during this time that they obviously must be grieving.

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the guy on the video said "specially huskies because they are so unpredictable"

it is a really sad case I will admit, but ppl dont have the right to say nonsense about a breed without having owned one. specially since we dont kn ow what truly happened.

I agree people shouldn't pass judgment on an entire breed for the actions of a few. Sadly it happens all the time. I know all to well since I own a pit bull.

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I've heard of another incident involving a husky attacking a baby so sadly even though huskies aren't likely to attack it still can happen. Just because a dog is of a certain breed doesn't mean it will or will not attack. While you can make generalizations about a breed and their temperament all dogs are individuals. It really is a very sad incident that occurred but like most incidents it could have been prevented. People get too comfortable in trusting their dogs around their children. No matter how sweet and loving a dog is it is still an animal and animals are not human. Animals don't think they way we do, they don't understand everything we do. Its when people forget that they aren't human that mistakes are made and tragedy follows. A child should never in my opinion be left unsupervised around a dog of any breed no matter the size or personality. What makes it even worse is the fact that the baby was left strapped in a car seat in the floor which is where dogs usually are.

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<< snipped >>

A child should never in my opinion be left unsupervised around a dog of any breed no matter the size or personality. What makes it even worse is the fact that the baby was left strapped in a car seat in the floor which is where dogs usually are.

let's see if I can get this to quote correctly ...

<< major parts snipped >>

Police said she had been left strapped in her car seat on the main floor of the house ...

The infant was left inside the house strapped into a car seat that was sitting on a chair.

Not quite as you thought, but figured since I was going to comment ...

I know my Misty and she's among the most gentle dogs I've had (only one, my old Lab was gentler) but I still wouldn't leave her alone with a child less than, maybe 5 - 6, depending on the child.

I really can't picture anyone being so comfortable with dogs which weren't theirs as to leave them loose with a 3 week old child. This is one of those ït makes *NO* sense" moments! (( Actually, I can't picture anyone leaving a 3 week old child alone under any circumstances! ))

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let's see if I can get this to quote correctly ...

Not quite as you thought, but figured since I was going to comment ...

I know my Misty and she's among the most gentle dogs I've had (only one, my old Lab was gentler) but I still wouldn't leave her alone with a child less than, maybe 5 - 6, depending on the child.

I really can't picture anyone being so comfortable with dogs which weren't theirs as to leave them loose with a 3 week old child. This is one of those ït makes *NO* sense" moments! (( Actually, I can't picture anyone leaving a 3 week old child alone under any circumstances! ))

I missed the sitting on a chair part :oops1:

But the point still stands the child should not have been left alone.

I also agree with you about not leaving any dog, even one you know very well, alone with small children. I know Koopa my pit bull very well. He is a huge sweet heart, doesn't have a mean bone in his body. Plays nanny to kittens and loves everyone. Knowing all this I still would never leave him alone with a small child. You never know what can happen and a child's safety isn't something to risk.

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It may not have even been an "attack". Perhaps the baby's smell attracted the dog, who started biting and digging at him. Babies are very fragile, and huskies can be pretty rough, without really trying to be. I think it's possible that the dog may not have even been trying to harm the baby, but nevertheless, I agree that the baby should not have been left alone with the dogs. This is so sad, but like someone already said here, dogs are not human. What a tragedy.

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sad to read tht....

not matter how well-trained any breed of dogs are, we must understand that they are still animals after all.... frost have not bitten any1 b4 for the whole 9 yrs with me but this year there's some incidents.... for some reason, i were shifting ard 3 times within 4 weeks (guess it coz him to be troubled, seeing different ppl n living in different environment) he did bit my FIL n MIL.. :(

another incident wld be tht he nvr likes my nephew who is 4yrs old by now... i guess part of the reason is tht he is the youngest in the family n every1 dotes on him... thus causing frost to be jealous (my guess)... but sad part is tht frost is always showing his teeth when my nephew is ard... :(

and last, there's been a incident that a husky bitten a 3-4yrs old kid in the park in my country..... but the report is very brief, so i juz guess tht the little girl might irritate the husky.

lastly, i wld juz advise any1 with any breed of dog, juz to be extra careful when dealing with dogs n young children. Do not leave them alone by themselves, do not let tragic happens.....

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^^ in a lot of cases even kids with adults the dog can bite.. I witnessed my mum's friends daughter get mauled by a dog, happened in seconds (Boarder collie x Kelpie) .. the girl didn't do a thing to him either, was just sitting on the floor in front of me.

as said, anything can happen!

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I ment 3 weeks....this toothache is messing with my brain, and definitly children should not be left alone with dogs they are still animals. I also heard them say there were 2 huskies I didnt hear what the third could have been the 2 were playing and knocked over the baby and ergh...stupid people to leave the baby alone anyways. Also a dog raised horribly could turn out to be aggressive in any breed really ..

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Stuff like this scares me to death..I feel like I can completely trust my young doggy around kids including ones from my family. Guess I have to keep a closer eye on her.

However 21 days is FARRRR too young to be left alone with dogs especially on the floor strapped in. I'm talking about toddler ages with freedom to move in case something ever does happen.

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Anything could have happened. Maybe it was prey drive, maybe the baby started fussing and one (or both) of the husky's were trying to "help" the baby. The fact is NO ONE was there. The baby should not have been left alone, especially around animals. Seriously? Common sense people...

exactly :/

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Who do they think they are commenting on "how unpredictable and dangerous huskies are" bet they have never had one???? or even been in the same room as one.

There was an arguement on fb the other day and I admitted I do go to the toilet or nip upstairs leaving the dogs with the kids but mine are almost 11 and almost 5. I almost got crucified!!!

But this was a tiny squeaky crying baby, and the mother and grandmother should have known better. Unfourtunately they will pay for it for the rest of their lives and so will the dogs most probably, or at least pay for it with their lives.

And I agree with @Matthew where was the blood?????? mind you i spose if one dog was interested the other would have joined in.

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this seems all to common place these days, I saw a story of grandparents leaving a 6 month old child upstairs with 2 GSDs and the same happened! Same thing happened with a families 2 rotties iirc, who in their right mind leaves a child alone with any dog, they're so fragile something as simple as a mouthing to the head of the child could possibly be fatal :(

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omg how terrible in my eyes what a stupid mother! i would never leave a small baby with any dog!! plus if the dogs hadnt been around babies before how are they ment to know its a baby and not a small animal? id never leave my 1 and a half year old son unattened never mind a tiny new born :jawdrop: silly silly people!

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That is such a sad story, that poor girl has to live with the guilt for the rest of her life. I can't help but feel if she was older than 17 and had gone to answer the front door or something like that instead of going out for a smoke she may not have been charged.

There was a story like this about 5 years ago that i remember...it can happen and it does happen

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