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Mission Accomplished!

Fr Carmen OFM

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Hello Folks!

It's been awhile but that will change now.

August 8, this past Monday, I successfully defended my dissertation and have been given the

Doctoral Degree in Education specializing in Pastoral Counseling in the Community. It's been a long but a wonderful journey. The School is Argosy University School of Psychology the Sarasota Campus The time went quickly although it was packed. The defense took about an hour. A few questions then sent out of the room while the Readers conferred. I was called back and told, congratulations, Reverend Doctor Scuderi, you are indeed a doctor! I'm still getting used to the idea/reality.

I want to thank all of you for your good wishes, energy and understanding. Now that I've gotten my life back somewhat I'll be around a bit more and hopefully get a few more pictures and stories of my five babies. Boy! when I came back from campus my little girl (Ivanna) gave me the royal dressing down. She was squirming like a worm she couldn't decide whether to mouth my hand or lick it intermixing that with her trademark "harking" (cross between a howl and a bark--a sound only a husky could make you folks know what I mean . . .;)) and telling me all about what happened the three days I was gone and what the boys were doing to her and each other, why did I leave her all alone with them . . . what a stitch! Then it was the boys turn, I got knocked down with a gang licking spree. I didn't need a bath that evening! There's no greeting that ever matches a Husky greeting, especially if one has been away for a time.

At the moment I'm getting ready for an afternoon of teacher orientation at the local College I'm going to be teaching at this fall and when that's over it it's not too late, out come the harnesses and leashes and one by one we're going for a long awaited and much need walk. Octavian needs his nails pared and a good 20 minute walk on the sidewalks should do the trick! I'll talk with you later, it's good to be back and thanks a million again!

Carmen OFM, Ed. D., P.C.C.

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Congratulations Freré, you realize that if you get many more initials before and after your name that it's gonna get lost in there!!

The kids were glad to see you home, eh? Yeh, they get like that sometimes!

A later edit: as a Franciscan you were defending your dissertation against what, a load of Jesuits?? << 'scuse, please, I'll leave quietly! >>

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Congratulations Father (Doctor?) - all the hard work and long hours have finally paid off. It is good to hear from you again, and am so glad we will be getting to hear from you more often. Look forward to seeing photos and hearing about your pack.

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Congratulations Freré, you realize that if you get many more initials before and after your name that it's gonna get lost in there!!

The kids were glad to see you home, eh? Yeh, they get like that sometimes!

A later edit: as a Franciscan you were defending your dissertation against what, a load of Jesuits?? << 'scuse, please, I'll leave quietly! >>

HA!-HA!-HA!:doglick: actually it was a Presbyterian Minister and a Methodist-Episcopal Minister and both were extremely congenial and more interested in what i had learned in the process than in fomenting argument! All-in-all it was a wonderful experience! Would I do it again? Only if I could take with me what i now know about producing a dissertation. That knowledge would save months of work!

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Thanks, one and all for your kind words and congrats. I'm very grateful the support and good energy it really helped carry things through.

The kids are settling down now that "Dad" is home. They've suffered a bit during this time however. I've got to get them back into shape again. NOt being able to get them out walking and running on a regular basis has caused loss of tone. Poor Octavian could barely make it 3/4 of the way around the block when he literally had to sit down and rest! He needs to lose weight badly. He love to chow down what the others leave in their bowls as soon as they walk away from it. Hero at 16 yrs. with a cataract in one eye bravely took the walk but stumbled a bit on his own paws. We took it very slow and took a very short cut back across the grassy back lot to get home. He still has some drive in him when he smelled a ground hog (marmot) that had just crossed our path it took all i had to pull him back on the path and get home! At 108 lbs and very large boned I didn't want to carry him back! I really believe he's a cross between a Malamute and a Husky. Tuvok was the athletic one and sniffed, marked, trotted and sprinted the way. Great shape and at 10 years old still a puppy. It was too late for Ivanna and Apollo so I'll get them out either today or tomorrow some time. My goal is to get all of them out and walking everyday we have decent weather. I'll have to post some pictures of the kids soon. Well, it's almost 3PM and time for confessions before Evening Liturgy for Sunday. Gotta go, but i'll be back thanks again a million and keep up the great work!

Carmen OFM.

P.S. Oh Yea! to answer the ubiquitous question: As I stated to my Readers, no matter how you slice this pie it's always messy! I guess the best way to handle the title formally is "Reverend Doctor" This is really going to take some getting used to on this end, but seriously, I'll readily answer to "Hey you!!" or anything but late for dinner (diabetes won't allow for that . . .) ;-)

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