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Noob with a white pupp


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Hi all

I bought a Siberian Husky and its been one week, he's 9 weeks now. So far house breaking has been good and bad, and i know hes only 9 months and there's still work to be done, but never the less i have some questions that hopefully you guys can answer.

I feed him at around 10am and 9pm, water usually before and after walks, and much less after 6pm.

1. He deosn't pee or poo in the house because he's either in his crate or right besides me, however, he does pee in his sleep, any. thought why?

2. Because of this i tend to shower him too often than i should, 3 times since i got him last week.

3. WHEN WILL HE STOP CRYING AT NIGHT?!?!:banghead::(. At first it was REALLY difficult because he would wake me up 3 times a night, but now i keep him from sleeping after 5/6pm and he sleeps from 11/12 to 6/7am but six hours is too little for me, is there a way to get him to sleep for longer.

4. He tends to eat/chew on everything while we go for walks, i have to shove the leash or bring him close to and tell him no way to often.

5. He doesnt follow me unless i force him with the leash, and even after that he wants to do his own thing.

Thats all i can think of now lol, i know it's a lot but i would very much appreciate any help.


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welcome to the pack - hes gorgeous - i have a white too - give him time hes still only a baby - they cant hold their bladders for long n tend to need to go out every hour or so and straight after eating , drinking , sleeping , playing ect - teach a leave it or drop it command

- tho i assume he hasnt had all of his shots yet? so shouldnt be going out for walks untill then

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Hello and welcome, your new boy is cute as a button.

Kara is now 10 weeks old, weve had her 3 weeks. We crate trained her straight away overnight. She goes to bed at 12pm latest and is let out at 7am. Even at weekends we set the alarm for her morning wee and breakfast at 7am. I found if we lay in then her bed was wet. Which is hardly surprising really. A week in and she stopped crying in her crate. TBH she wasnt really that bad for crying, we did cover her crate with a dark blanket initially to help her think it was her den. Now we dont need to cover her crate.

She was brought up with the back door open so always had access to go outside for a wee and a poo without asking. This has been a bit hit and miss at home when the door is shut. However I seem to be able to keep her cleaner in the house than when my daughter or husband are in charge so I suspect human error playing a big part.

It took us a week to leash train Kara and yes she eats anything and everything she can get in her mouth. Usual puppy though really. Do you have plenty of toys for your newbie?

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Oh and I was advised to never feed after 5pm. This may help with less mess during the night. She tends to do her poo's an hour after eating. We have watched her like a hawk to get her in a routine that she is happy with. That way it is easier on all of us.

It's strange cuz at first he would poo 7-10 hours after eating, but today for the first time he didn't finish his food at once, and he pooed an hour or two after eating. Just when i started to figure him our he changed so suddenly.

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I can take a stab at some of this but be warned, other members will probably have better ideas, as they have dogs. :P

1. He deosn't pee or poo in the house because he's either in his crate or right besides me, however, he does pee in his sleep, any. thought why?

He's a pup and might not have total bladder control yet. However, I'd get a vet to check for a UTI or bladder infection just in case because he shouldn't be "leaking" while asleep. He should be waking up to let you know he has to go out. As it is, do you let him out anytime during the night if he has to go? Also, try keeping him from water two or so hours before bed and taking him out one last time before bed.

2. Because of this i tend to shower him too often than i should, 3 times since i got him last week.

Don't know how to answer this one. If he's peeing and it's getting him filthy, you can't leave him like he is so cleaning him up is all you can do.

3. WHEN WILL HE STOP CRYING AT NIGHT?!?!:banghead::(. At first it was REALLY difficult because he would wake me up 3 times a night, but now i keep him from sleeping after 5/6pm and he sleeps from 11/12 to 6/7am but six hours is too little for me, is there a way to get him to sleep for longer.

I would have his kennel in your bedroom and when you go to bed, put him in it. Drape a sheet or towel or something over it to keep him quiet, but have the door side facing you and free of the sheet. Have it close enough you can touch if you roll over and reach out to the kennel; this is so he can see/smell you even while you're asleep. If he still cries, pull the sheet down over the front part to completely close him in. And put a Kong in with him as well so if he does wake up during the night - and it's not for a potty break - he's got something to keep him occupied.

4. He tends to eat/chew on everything while we go for walks, i have to shove the leash or bring him close to and tell him no way to often.

Bring treats with you and when he goes to eat/chew something, "lure" him back with food and show him that the proper place to be on walks is at your side. Give him lots of "good boy" when he comes back to your side too to encourage his return. Remember though he is a pup and he'll want to explore. But be careful too because being so young he could pick something up where he's still vulnerable to things.

5. He doesnt follow me unless i force him with the leash, and even after that he wants to do his own thing.

Forcing him will only make him fight and keep doing it; he's got to want to walk with you. Try the treats, or a tug/toy to refocus his attention back on you. How far do you walk him and for how long? Being a pup he shouldn't be going out for very long.

He's a gorgeous looking boy... and I'm slow typing considering the replies posted before I got my reply up :P

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4. He tends to eat/chew on everything while we go for walks, i have to shove the leash or bring him close to and tell him no way to often.

Bring treats with you and when he goes to eat/chew something, "lure" him back with food and show him that the proper place to be on walks is at your side. Give him lots of "good boy" when he comes back to your side too to encourage his return. Remember though he is a pup and he'll want to explore. But be careful too because being so young he could pick something up where he's still vulnerable to things.

Will def try, but something tells me hes gonna go right back to his way.

5. He doesnt follow me unless i force him with the leash, and even after that he wants to do his own thing.

Forcing him will only make him fight and keep doing it; he's got to want to walk with you. Try the treats, or a tug/toy to refocus his attention back on you. How far do you walk him and for how long? Being a pup he shouldn't be going out for very long.

He's a gorgeous looking boy... and I'm slow typing considering the replies posted before I got my reply up :P

I'm fortunate enough to have a park right in front of my house where plenty of owners walk their dogs, it usually take anywhere from 5 min to relief himself, to 30-45 min exercise time.

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Will def try, but something tells me hes gonna go right back to his way.

What you have to do then is build value for you, not other things. In this case if he were my pup I'd bring seriously high value treats with me - whatever you think he might really, really, really like - and on my walks, when he walks beside me I'd give him a treat and seriously praise him, lots of "YAY!" and "Good boy!" and petting. When he makes the choice to stop and sniff at stuff, you can lure him, or you can wait him out and the moment he looks back at you, praise and treat. Eventually the point is to build value for YOU, not for what he's sniffing at.

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athena scream howled constantly every night for 2 1/2 weeks. We had to buy ear plugs. also, young pups should have a potty break every 20-30 mins. this meant my boyfriend and i had to take turns getting up at night to take her out to prevent accidents. as they get older, you could extend the time from every 30 mins to every 45 min, every hour, and so on and so forth until you're confident he could hold it through the night.

athena had terrible separation anxiety and often pooed in her crate when we weren't home. it would get all over her and we had to bathe her entirely too often too, not much else you can do. just use a mild, gentle dog shampoo, never products made for people. i use bio groom, a bit pricey but gentle enough it doesn't strip the coat or skin of much needed oils.

leash training is good at a young age but a puppy who hasn't has all his shots should be trained in his yard. a park where other people and dogs frequent has all kinds of potential hazards and contagions. find a place in the yard where you want him to "go" and if he ever does have accidents, take him straight there! potty training is tough business but be persistent and consistent. i thought athena would never get it but after 3-4 weeks, she can hold it and lets me know when she needs to go. but leash training with high reward treats or a favorite sqeaky toy should work. cheese is a favorite. As previoisly mentioned, teach him a drop it or leave it. make sure he gets treats and praise when he does this successfully and you should have no problems in the future. unless it's something too good to pass. in that case, good luck.

just keep up with training and a potty routine and keep him out of public places till he's had all his shots and you'll be fine. he's absolutely gorgeous!!! mine is white too, they get a lot of attention! good luck!

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I assume that Yaroni might be in the US, because I never heard of not walking a puppy out in public until I came on this forum - it isn't anything vets here have a problem with. I would NOT be walking a little puppy that hasn't been fully vaccinated in a park where a lot of dogs go, however.

It will take a while before his bladder is big enough that he can sleep for more than 7 hours. You might want to set an alarm for 4 hours after you go to bed, take him out, and then go back to bed while you still have time to sleep!

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What you have to do then is build value for you, not other things. In this case if he were my pup I'd bring seriously high value treats with me - whatever you think he might really, really, really like - and on my walks, when he walks beside me I'd give him a treat and seriously praise him, lots of "YAY!" and "Good boy!" and petting. When he makes the choice to stop and sniff at stuff, you can lure him, or you can wait him out and the moment he looks back at you, praise and treat. Eventually the point is to build value for YOU, not for what he's sniffing at.

Actually walked alongside me me right away, didnt even have trouble :) that's a first for a first, no treats nothing but ill be sure to give him one next time.

I just shortened the leash and we went for a nice walk.

O my goshhh its so cute it looks just like titus(my puppy)

and mines also 9weeks :) good luck with him:welcome:


Thanks yours is also adorable.

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I assume that Yaroni might be in the US, because I never heard of not walking a puppy out in public until I came on this forum - it isn't anything vets here have a problem with. I would NOT be walking a little puppy that hasn't been fully vaccinated in a park where a lot of dogs go, however.

It will take a while before his bladder is big enough that he can sleep for more than 7 hours. You might want to set an alarm for 4 hours after you go to bed, take him out, and then go back to bed while you still have time to sleep!

Im in Toronto, i spoke to my vet, she said keep him away from other pupps as adult dogs pose less of a danger than i do:s:, and to keep him on the sidewalk as long as its clean.

She said there's a higher chance that raccoon would frequent my backyard than a vast park, this area has open backyards not that a closed one would stop a raccoon anyway, plus its squirrel haven here.

Anyway, thanks for all the help, very much appreciated it.

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