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One husky or two hmm?

Tom Irons

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Hello all,

Loki is now 10 months hes a ok good dog but loves throwing hypos and being a bit disobedient sometimes, can anyone help me with this or is anyone in the same boat as i am. I walk him 3 times a day on big walks averaging 30mins too a hour each time. Abd somehow even when he acting like hes tired he still find some energy too go on a hype.

I seen yday that the is a huski that is 9 months old a female the need rehoming and i would love too have two huskies but would this be a bad idea due to loki hypes? Also id like too add that he was the dominate male in his pack. But on the other hand i thought maybe if he had a friend he cpuld play with them and get some energy out of him?

Any help would be much apriciated.


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already you are showing signs of the common disease we all get ....


Multiple Husky Syndrome.

co's one is just not enough..

this is how i started .. then caught the highly addictive disease ...

now i got 3 with more to come !!!

having a play mate is always good for them.. not only can they expell a lot more energy playing but have company to stop them getting bored.

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Usually having more than one is helpful - be aware, however, that they can teach each other bad habits, too! :jawdrop:

Yeah like digging craters for me to trip in while I try to pick their poo out of he grass with a shovel.

But Shiloh has learned 'please' already he's started doing it with the other two so they can teach eachother good habbits/tricks too. I also love that they talk together.

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Huskies are like Pringles as having one is never enough. You start out with good intentions of not being corrupted, but it doesnt last long :D As for the hypos, dont worry, they are normal haha

Then you get an upset stomach from getting to many, and swear to not get another...

...Only to find you're hand reaching back into the can for more!

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Two is definitely better than one!

I've had my second for 2 weeks now, and he and Tikka play almost constantly. Tikka was a howler whenever she was left alone - even for 10 minutes - now she hardly notices if I'm there or not!

Tikka is also helping me train him.....she knows she is not allowed to jump up on people, or onto the furniture, so whenever she sees little Malakai jumping she grabs his back leg and pulls him off!

The only potential problem I see is that little Malakai is not happy to be left on his own :rolleyes:, so if I have to take Tikka somewhere and leave him, he screams his little head off.......hmmmm, maybe if I got a third...........;)

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We found having two is better than one. When we got Micah, Ozzy was probably the happiest husky in the world. They really do like, and need company around them all the time, even though they do sleep a lot. They tire each other out wrestling and playing, and are inseparable. One word of caution though, you really need to be happy with your first husky's training before getting a second. Two huskies together are difficult to train.

They will still be hyper and run around, having two won't stop that. We found with Ozzy and Micah that they became more focused on each other, and the bouts of running, jumping and general mayhem was not so intense, and was more manageable because they tire each other out wrestling, which is their favourite passtime. If you have a secure yard, they can keep each other entertained for hours.

So yes, if you are happy with where you are training wise, a second husky will definitely be the best thing you ever did, for yourself, as they are hilarious in pairs, and for your huskies.

Good luck with your decision. :)

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We think 4 is definitely better than 1!!.:rolleyes:As everyone rightly says,huskies are contagious!!We find we have non stop playing with ours.They pair up differently all the time,sometimes it's the 2 youngest,sometimes the 2 older ones,all very often a threesome or even a foursome.They can be left happily for 3 or 4 hours and have NEVER been destructive.Our garden is really tidy,considering,just bare patches on the lawn where they have peed alot!!:eek:When they are out walking,they play like crazy and then carry on in the garden the same.Consequently they are very calm and sleepy when inside,and seem very contented!! Occasionaly we have the odd argument over a toy or chew,but they all know their place in the pack and are generally very good.Be persuaded and have another one,really 2 would be a doddle!!;)

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Two is definitely better than one!

I've had my second for 2 weeks now, and he and Tikka play almost constantly. Tikka was a howler whenever she was left alone - even for 10 minutes - now she hardly notices if I'm there or not!

Tikka is also helping me train him.....she knows she is not allowed to jump up on people, or onto the furniture, so whenever she sees little Malakai jumping she grabs his back leg and pulls him off!

The only potential problem I see is that little Malakai is not happy to be left on his own :rolleyes:, so if I have to take Tikka somewhere and leave him, he screams his little head off.......hmmmm, maybe if I got a third...........;)

Careful, that's how it starts! If I just had a third, I could take one out, and the other would have someone here... Then you decided taking 2 out at a time might be nice, sometimes, so you need a 4th. Then you decide you need a rig so you can exercise all 3 0r 4 at the same time - and get bitten by the sledding bug! :rofl:

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I don't own a husky, but we had one for a while that was a stray and I rehomed her because nobody was taking care of her at all.

She had that really sad lone wolf cry every night, it broke my heart to hear it, and is probably one of the biggest motivations to find her a new home. Even though it's unacceptable to have a husky and not take care of them, it's really best to have two if you can't spend hours upon hours with them. They are pack dogs and quite a bit more so than other dogs I've noticed. They are independent, but that doesn't change the fact that they get really lonely really quickly.

They don't necessarily need another husky to keep them company, from what I've seen they do well with other breeds of dog. On their side at least, it's just getting the other dog to behave with the husky. The one I rehomed killed a chihuahua mix because the little chi kept trying to kill her (ha) and from what I could tell it was more of a warning shot, but she was so small it didn't matter. She always wanted to play with the other dogs, but they had another idea in mind.

She went to a home with another husky and a beagle (the person is @Fox Tink & Eponine on the forum), and seems to have been doing really well, not only with her other husky but her beagle.

I used to not like the idea of two dogs, one to keep the other company. But huskies are really unique in that sense and need a bit more attention than other dogs otherwise they will get into more mischief. It seems to me that two dogs will make some things easier (though some harder) which is a conclusion I've come to recently. If I ever got the crazy scheme to get a husky, I would get to. Which isn't to vague of a possibility, just won't happen for a while if at all.


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Tink is staying with my hubby in PA right now...but her and Eponine get on great at this point (cept over French Fries...for some reason those are doggie crack here...the dogs don't get them intentionally but sometimes the toddler is super helpful with helping them have things I don't want them to). Eponine had/has some resource guarding issues that we're working through so if you do end up going for a second do try to get all the info about the other dogs past that you can.

Having more than one Husky in our house has meant that yes...the pups do wear one another out...it also means that they pick up on one anothers habits both good and bad. That's everything from chewing on stuff you don't want them to chew on, to adapting wrestling styles, and taking cues from one another regarding whats acceptable in the house and what's not in the household. We haven't given leaving them both uncrated in the house whilst we're gone a try yet but late at night they'll both lay down by each other for a bit before they wander off to their crates for sleepies times...

Things Fox and Tink have helped Eponine with:

  • Understanding when it's bed time.

  • Understanding that you don't get fed when you run around like a crack head trying to nom nom the food in my hands...rather you get fed when you go to your crate and sit...

  • Realizing that we can be trusted to take you out for potty, feed you, give you love and attention, and keep you out of bad weather

  • Learning how to wrestle without hurting

Things Eponine has helped Fox and Tink with:

  • Being around other dogs

  • New killer wrestling moves

  • Being reminded of boundaries

Funny and annoying quirks that have come up since Eponine came to stay with us:

  • Paws. I swear to the lord in heaven above I regret teaching Fox 'Shake' more than any other command ever. So much so that I don't ask him to do it anymore. Eponine also uses her paws for everything. When the pair get wrestling sometimes it looks like a slapping contest

  • The hamstring cheap shot.

  • Ear nomming...Tink and Fox didn't do this before Eponine came to stay with us, but Eponine goes straight for the face/ears

  • Noise...lots and lots of noise, particularly when we get home and they hear the back door open....be it for ten minutes or two hours

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Tink is staying with my hubby in PA right now...but her and Eponine get on great at this point (cept over French Fries...for some reason those are doggie crack here...the dogs don't get them intentionally but sometimes the toddler is super helpful with helping them have things I don't want them to).

So your toddler's a French Fries dealer! How many licks does she charge per fry? What sentencing does Sheriff Mummy give? Wonder what other foods huskies go crackheads over?

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i do not think one husky is enough lol

my other half has promised when we move in to a bigger house and when diva is about a year old we can have another one but i think ill get him round to get me another when we have moved hehe

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