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*L* The group across the way was annoyed on Sunday Morning...but they were also up late drinking/being loud on Saturday night so I'm sure Fox's morning rawwwwwwwr here I am world didn't help their heads any...They at least had the sense to not send their chew toy dogs over to us to play...unlike the chew toy that wandered over on a walk...when the fubabies were all RAWR snacks! NEAT! and the owners just watched without getting out of their chairs or calling their chew toy back to them...

Yep, partying and early morning noise don't mix - but... consideration works both ways! Amazing how idiotic some people are, isn't it? You'd think they'd at least try to call back the stupid little dog, wouldn't you? I'm amazed, sometimes, at the number of people who worry more about being bothered more by the actions of others, than how what they do might inconvenience other people... Really makes me prefer my dogs to most humans!

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Okay so...Husky camp 2011 the experience:

Personal Quote of the Weekend: Toss up between..."Bear No!!!" and "One...Two....Get back here!!!"

Random notes:

I did want to say a special thanks @Mazz re: presenting the flags and the moment of silence. 9/11 is something that my kids and I sit down and talk about every year for a lot of reasons...one of them being that they don't teach anything about it in schools until closer to late middle school/high school, I did spend a year away from them doing the Iraq thing, and I'd rather have them know what happened than end up with a confusing water downed version from the education system...I was worried that we wouldn't make it home in time to sit down and do this...and instead we got to talk about it for a bit in the car on the way home and they're each so very proud of their flags. We've talked about putting a flag up outside, but haven't done it yet as the only one we had was the one from my Father-in-Law's funeral, however this is a really big deal(when we were in Iraq you couldn't fly them anywhere but the main flag pole @ base so we had soldiers actually told to take down the US flags outside of their sleeping quarters due to the treaties we'd signed with Iraq).

@Sparks No...you can't have Fox, he may be a loud crackhead at times but he's our loud crackhead!!!!

The drive there:

Left four hours late, the first 200 or so miles the boys were sitting next to each other...they got bored with the drive and decided to alleviate the boredom by picking at one another. Rearranged seating arrangements...oldest son picked on oldest daughter...rearranged again...drove some more. GPS is win...even when I couldn't find the highway after stopping to get gas or missed a turn it said nice pretty things to me and reassured me that IT knew how to get back on track...which in turn probably saved a great deal of time.

Toddler decided that now was the time she wanted to begin announcing that she had to potty in the toilet...we've been struggling with her and getting her to use the potty for a bit...when we'd stop she would refuse to use said toilet. Attempted to take some pics at various stops...realized that camera wasn't charged...*facepalmed*

Several hours into trip realized some vitals were forgotten...made short list. Sent oldest son into a walmart to grab them...he took 45 minutes to get six things...Finally made it to Ackley...GPS failed me as it said I was where I needed to be...it lied as I was across from city hall and I definitely didn't see anything for camping in the small little parkinglot we were in. Called Becky...she came and got us and led us to the WIN that was husky camp.

Actual Husky Camp:

Arrived at last!!!

The bathrooms weren't 1/4 mile away...that was very very important as usually when I went I drug the toddler with me...but I didn't have to drag everyone which if anyone recalls my last kids/dogs camping trip...well you know what a big deal that is.

When we got there my biggest priority was just getting things unloaded and getting everyone situated. Was met with a myriad of offers of help, and began barking orders at kids...Things eventually got set up and I met a ton of beautiful pups and some very very special people. I am horrible with names so I did not retain all of said names right away....thankfully, including everyone's name in every sentance is unnecessary in our current social structure so I had a bit of time to catch onto who was who.

The kids were pretty good overall...I did rawr at them alot more than I would have liked, and I keep dreaming that someday they'll do what's asked the first time instead of the fifth but they didn't start any fires (despite their fascination with said fire), they didn't accidentally let anyone's dogs (including our own) off lead, and for the most part they did listen. Bear was fascinated with Becky's camper...specifically the couch inside it. Every time anyone opened the door and headed inside she'd ask if she could go in...in the event that the answer was no...she ignored them and scrambled up the steps into the camper flung her bottom down on the couch and proclaimed triumphantly that 'I'm sitting down!!!' Now...I can't get her to sit still for ten minutes on our couch at home...so it was almost tempting to steal the one bolted into Becky's camper to transport into my livingroom...somehow though I think the novelty of it would wear off...and Becky probably would have gotten suspicious at some point when I was looking for bolts and taking up a collection of random power tools....Oldest daughter wanted to brush every Husky that was there...She won't brush Fox or Eponine at home, so this bit was a little amusing. Jacob's favorite part of things was when we were gone at walks...he said it was because he got to see some of the other dogs without Fox being a jealous monster. Carl doesn't have a favorite part of Husky camp at this point...he said he loved it all...which is funny because as of Saturday morning he was asking if we could go home (the pictures we looked at this morning are of him having a fabulous time...so he MUST have had one and suddenly the child brain forgets all the complaining he did).

Also we left the end of our stroller at home...which meant that rather than nice restrained toddler on the walks we went on I got to find out that Bear is terrified of grasshopers...particularly mating grasshopers and will not step over, around or on top of them but will instead stand in one place telling me, 'That's soooo scary!' over and over and over again.

Fox...fox, my darling darling Feisty Fox. He was louder than I think I've ever heard him. He hasn't been on tie outs or the like at all and he wasn't a fan of it...he also was very picky about who he was going to be a crackhead with and who he wasn't. He seemed to get on with the female pups better than the males...BUUUUT he also adopted the mentality/behavior of...'If I can't play with you right now...I'm going to be a total jerk so you can't either' to Eponine and pretty much any other dog that was close enough for him to be a butthead to. He did better by far on a leash than he did on a tie out...(which I figured he would, just not to that degree). When he and Eponine play they do play pretty rough...but with other people's pups I'm not sure how rough is too rough and I was perhaps a bit paranoid bout that.

To say that he was loud is perhaps an understatement...and in the mornings when he heard the first stirrings of life outside, it sounded as if we were in the tent ripping out his toenails rather than just moving a bit slower than he'd like so he could go potty.

The mornings bit is typical...but the rest of him this weekend was not. Normally he is the mellow yellow lounge around the house, go for a walk...then do some wrestling then go back to lounging....and Eponine is the woowooing at us...

Eponine was loud sometimes, and a bit rough at other times....for the most part though I was really proud of how well she did with so many other Huskies...I think most of the time she was more interested in the people and getting pet and hugged on and loved...she won't eat outside her crate unless it's a treat, and refused to eat any actual meal type stuff the second day we were there...by the third day though she was back to the food stuff...She was definately more puppy than Fox (even though she's older than he is *L*), but the experience was really really good for her...

My time:

My time was typically after everyone cut out for the night *L* silly, yes but oh so appreciated. Even out camping the dogs slept in their crates inside the tent with us as neither of them are willing to be debased into sleeping outside in the dirt when it's dark (during the day...suuuure...at night...nope...I want my crate). Toddler went through varying degrees of cooperation and by the time that she was sawing logs, most other people were on their way back to the cabins for sleepies time. Still...I had nice quiet conversation with people who didn't crawl out of my insides that didn't revolve around what rules we're supposed to follow, the latest video game craze, or pokemon cards and that time is oooh so precious.

I didn't get to know as many people as well as I would liked to have, but I've resolved to work harder at that next year. Hubby may try to get off the time from work to come along, or we might send the wee-est ones to visit auntie for the weekend...

The Trip Home:

Sunday morning was spent doing a walk, and much much rawring about getting the truck loaded up and camp broken down, but after that there were some Husky games that the kids enjoyed...

Things were a bit spastic as somehow we managed to loose Eponine's leash, and well the loading up and such with the kids and the furbabies...I didn't get a chance to tell everyone how terribly wonderful it was to enjoy your company this weekend. As i said when I got home last night even if it seemed I was running around like a headless chicken I really did have a fabulous time.

On the way home we stopped at a Walmart (rest stops were surprisingly rare), and of course he snapped his collar and took off running...heart attack? Yes...we were as I mentioned @ a walmart, 1000 feet from the freeway...thankfully we'd parked out back in the empty tire/lube lot (it had a bigger grass lot for us to walk/potty the pups than the gas station just off the freeway, glad we ended up there instead) and Carl went to the car, grabbed treats...held them up and shouted..."Foxie!!! I have treats!!!" at which time he ran over to Carl and sat like all was right in the world and he hadn't just given me more grey hair...

We were only two hours from home so that was decidedly our last potty break. The rest of the trip home went much like the trip there, with the exception being that we didn't take as many stops, and when we got home after everyone took their turn for potty (pups included), we were all pooped and everyone went to bed. Fox and Eponine are still pooped this morning/early afternoon so my laundry list of things to do will have to wait until tommorrow as I intend to take advantage of this quiet time.

All in all a great experience that I wouldn't trade...it gave me some things that I know I need to work on with both of the furbabies, got them around other responsible owners and furbabies, and got the kids out in the wild...okay well the outdoors anyway in a great environment. I met amazing owners, and generally just wonderful people that make me smile and remind me that there is still hope for the world and people in general even if the gooduns are getting fewer and further between. I really really really can't wait until next year. There's so much I haven't gotten into this post but yeah...again if you didn't make it this year...start putting your quarters in a jar for next year!!!!

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It was SOOOOOO great finally getting to meet everyone! And the pups are even more beautiful in person!

Thank you Becky for gettimg all this organized! AMAZING job putting all this together. And thank you to Gigi, who helped but doesn't like to take any credit.:P

BIG thank you to Gigi for giving my dad and I a place to stay on Thursday night, as well as feeding us!:thankyou:

Thanks to Dave and Sally for grilling up a great lunch on Saturday!:up: Also Sally makes an AWESOME cheesecake!:D

Great to finally meet you Nanci and Jeff, as well a Andrew and Jackson. Andy is such a handsome boy!

It was great meeting you Stephanie! I have no idea how you managed 4 kids and 2 dogs on a roadtrip by yourself all while pregnant!:shrug: Lots of respect for you being able to manage all that AND have a great time! LOVE Fox and Eponine!

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Here's video of the Allison Grocery store fire. The shop where our shirts were printed stands to the left of the fire - haven't called him yet, but i suspect our replacement shirts (for errors made on the order) are history..........

@Andy - yours was one of them...........will get you one as I can. So very sorry..........


Hey :)

No worries.

I'll wear it with pride, whenever it comes :up:

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Here's video of the Allison Grocery store fire. The shop where our shirts were printed stands to the left of the fire - haven't called him yet, but i suspect our replacement shirts (for errors made on the order) are history..........


WOW !!! Mazz really took the mispelling to heart.

Bit harsh dude. . . bit harsh. . :P

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WOW !!! Mazz really took the mispelling to heart.

Bit harsh dude. . . bit harsh. . :P

I don't normally get up at 4 in the morning either.

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I'm surprised she wasn't really hurt!

@Mazz was out later Saturday to the park than everyone else.:D

Was he on the BIG tractor. . . might be a bit of a giveaway :)

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I have loads of questions after looking at the pictures in the other thread but this one came to mind first:

I see other campers <??> in the backgrounds of some of the pictures - what was their reaction to this crowd of nuts and huskies??

The huskies were no problem.........it was the nuts that owned them that drove 'em crazy! LOL

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