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Last Post Wins!, the person with the last post wins!!!!


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how ?

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 2

Because I am the LOrd thy God

and you shall worship no other god than me. . . 

Simples :P

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Sigh. . . 

Argue it out between yourselves

I'm tired and need sleep

catch ya all on the flip flop

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Guess who's back, back again, Emma's back, tell your friends. Ummm....dunno the rest of that song so I'll shut up I think..... Maybe not......undecided.

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    -DOH-      ,'           |              \ 
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Now that is cool
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its got to be a copy and paste surely

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 2

That's what I was thinking, do many of them would take hours to complete surely? But they could be saved files that he's created previously. Either way they are awesome!

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These are copy and paste.


I have several that I have done using EditPadPro... The first one I done (The Husky) and Homer I did about 2 years ago, The guns were done by a friend of mine here in Ohio.


Some other ones that I have done are:

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          """"888888888888888P    "888888888888P           - By Jeff Brown 1995

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      -JDB-      ` ;:       |    `--\__,' 
                   '`      ,' 
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