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How far do you really walk your dog?


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First of all I apologise if this is a re-occurring thread and would appreciate a link to an existing one....

I would like to know how far people genuinely walk there dog. I have heard people boast about walking marathons etc, but sometimes I take it with a pinch of salt.

This is how far we walk Shinobi:-

Monday - Friday

Morning walk = 3km

evening walk = 5 - 6km


One walk only = 10 - 12 km


One walk only = 10 = 15km

Sometimes it is more, sometimes less. For example...Shinobi ate his Halti yesterday, so we cut his evening walk short (due to arm tiredness!!!)

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It's different every time. Some time ago when I cared for the huskies all on my own I had brought my GPS with me. it was in the summer and Glala and Dana both didn't felt much for walking for most of the time. After a full week I had walked 65 kilometres/40 miles, spread over 16 hours in total (3 hours in total have been spent standing still, waiting for them be done sniffing! :eek:). The numbers would be way higher in the winter and when they both feel more like walking big distances.

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I walk both my girls

Monday - Friday Morning 1-2 hours evening about an hour

weekends morning about 2-3 hours evening about 20mins ( There are times the evening walk is shortned due to what happens during the day on other things but mostly these are the hrs

There are days I meet up with friends and we walk anything up to 6hrs then my girls don't want to move the next day so i get a day off.......lol.

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depending on what shifts Kelly and I are working at our jobs we split the walking duties.

an average day would be. . .

1st walk 4.30-5.00am either just getting up to go to work or just getting in from the nightshift.

2nd 7.30am quick round the block 15 mins

3rd midday - 1pm approx 3mile

4th 4pm 15 mins round the block

5th 6pm 15 mins round the block

6th 10pm last walk 30 mins

As we don't have a "secure" back garden all their "bizzness" is done on walks.

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TBH my dogs aren't walked every day.

Mish is a great running partner and he comes with me sometimes if I'm doing intervals rather than one long run, because of his arthritis he can't jog along side me for very long.

I don't walk or run with them for more than 30-45 minutes a day, but each dog probably has 2-3 walks a week max.

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I really dont walk mine my neighborhood is NOT safe for the dogs but I take them to my dads 5 times a week and they run their brains out for at least 3hrs maybe more if I stay for dinner. They also get playdates with my friend's pug and her grandma's lab and my friend's collie mix.

Unfortunately until I get into a better place walking is just not an option here :(

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Kissu isn't walked every day either. And we live in an apartment. He doesn't get destructive or misbehave either. But he isn't ever left alone. I'm home all the time. And when I'm not he goes with me. I play with him when he brings me a toy, and train him.

Our average walk these days are 2 and a half miles total. Time differs. We walk to the best spot I've found that has the best part of the river for a dog. So he then swims for anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes before walking back.

He is walked in the very least 2 times a day. At most, 2 and a half mile walk every day that week.

He's happy and healthy. Though I really want to get a bike and a springer to run him.

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Our collies we never really walked much, because it was too difficult with one blind dog and a seeing dog. It wasn't until the blind dog (Kote) died that we started walking the other (Kali).

We walked Kali about 4 Km a day, but she died 3 months later from cancer :(

Both dogs had great lives and loved us and everyone else.

Since then, my wife and I started to love walking, but I was curious as to how much walking a typical Husky owner would do.

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Our 4 are walked for 45 mins to 1hr 30 mins each morning,and a minimum of 45 mins again in the evening,but they are always running around off lead in a field next to our house,so it's difficult to say how far .I have to walk them by myself,separately in the evening(1x2 and 1x3!!) ,but Sass who is the most hyper,goes twice,cos she never gets tired!!:rolleyes:

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Our 4 are walked for 45 mins to 1hr 30 mins each morning,and a minimum of 45 mins again in the evening,but they are always running around off lead in a field next to our house,so it's difficult to say how far .I have to walk them by myself,separately in the evening(1x2 and 1x3!!) ,but Sass who is the most hyper,goes twice,cos she never gets tired!!:rolleyes:

Separately? So is that 4x 45 mins plus another 45 mins? Totalling almost 4 hours? Wow! That is a long time in the evening.

I don't think I could do that

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When I had Eponine I walked her three times a day, all the same lengths... I went down the air strip one way and then back. I forget the length of the strip in total, but I figured I was averaging about an hour and forty five minutes all together every day...

She was fine with it, though I'm sure she would have been happy with much, MUCH more. Which is why I never asked her ;)

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TBH my dogs aren't walked every day.

Mish is a great running partner and he comes with me sometimes if I'm doing intervals rather than one long run, because of his arthritis he can't jog along side me for very long.

I don't walk or run with them for more than 30-45 minutes a day, but each dog probably has 2-3 walks a week max.

I have to say I am really shocked. I thought you would be one of those who religiously walked yours for hours everyday.

I walk mine for about 45mins to an hour everyday. Time varies, distance varies, and walk itself varies. My two are quite happy with one walk a day, would have more if I did but are very content as they are. When we go to meets they have loooong walks and are knackered.

I can also miss walks but not for more than 2 days at a maximum because Storm gets huffy and barks at me.

I suppose it helps that mine play a lot and run around the front garden when the car isnt there.

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I'll be the first to confess then lol.

In all honesty i used to walk keifer 5 miles every other day but then my back disks started playing up again and it went right down, my husband works all hours and doesnt have time to walk him.

My backs better now and as he's not used to the 5 miles now i'm taking him on short walks gradually making them longer and longer to get him used to it again.

he was a puppy when i walked him 5 miles so it was prob a bit too much for him, however now he's a BIG dog (husky x malamute) he needs the walks, i hope to get him back to the 5 miles every other day.

I did dread walking him as he's a bit of a puller but now i've found the wonders of a halter lead things are a lot easier and more enjoyable.

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Guest Nush&Koda

Not sure exactly how far etc we walk... but our pups are only 9 months so we dont overdue it!

Nush gets tired easier, Koda would walk forever if we let her.

At the moment they have around 40 mins to 60 mins per day, but they go to work with James, who has a large secure garden and large kennell, James lets them out of the large kennell (it has an inside and outside area) around 4 times a day, and they charge around the garden chasing each other the entire duration.

They are not descrutive at home at all, so at the moment, they get enough exercise, obviously as the grow we will have to review it.

Around once a week, we go for a long walk with my friend and her GSD Diesel, and that can be anywhere between 30 mins to 2 hours, they love it. but then sleep the rest of the day!

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Kremlin is usually walked between 1.5 - 2 hrs every day. I will have to be honest and say that sometimes nobody is really in the mood for walking him, but we still end up taking him out for more than 30 minutes at a time, so he will be walked for at least an hour even on the worse days.

Now as for distance, it really depends. Sometimes I walk faster, sometimes I just stroll. I don't have a set distance for walks, but if I were to calculate it depending on the walking speed and time spent outside, it would probably be between 2 and 4 miles every day. To me, it doesn't really matter how far I go as long as we spend a decent amount of time outside.

It's not that he starts being destructive or crazy if not walked, but it's not really fair to him being inside an apartment all day. I have to admit, I would never have enough time to be outside with the dog for 4 hours on a daily basis. If we are out with the dog for so long, it's probably because we've gone to the countryside or visiting friends. It's really difficult to find 4 hours just for the dog alone.

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I work 4 on 4 off, so on my off days or when I get home at 7 pm they get a long trek in their running gear, with the tug line and spliter and cannix belt. We do 5-6 miles once a day, I keep them out in front having them pull me all the way, I offer the resistance by slowing my pace ( this is where you need a good pair of mountain boots ) so I can keep them working as its too hot to run. I still use the bike commands to give direction and control their speed.

If its me and Angela doing the walk it takes an hour and a half, but if some of the other dog owners come along it can take twice as long and more. We do are walks through the woods and tracks where we do our bike runs, but the same walk done on the bikes takes less than 30 mins and the dogs are well more tired out by this. So now its getting colder I will bike them on my four days off and walk them of a night after work, and should we need to miss out a day, so what, they are exercised enough that they wont become hyper.

Quote: A tired husky is a good husky ;)

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