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Can you live with it when your Husky does not have a certified pedigree papers?


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My husky was born last April 23 and up until now, his papers are not yet being processed. i don't know if I was swindled by the breeder from which I bought him from, he even welcomed me to his house, introduced one of his daughters, gave me his bank account and then went to the church after I fetched my husky to bring him home. Do you thing he's a scammer? he sent me pedigrees/certified pedigrees of the dam and sire of my puppy. But I can't be sure that they're even his real parents. This issue is really taking its toll on me as I cannot focus. Being a college student, I have a lot of final exam this week. i am really bothered.

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If you do not intend to breed then you don't need papers.

He's a pet. Love him and be the best owner you can be.

If your dog is a heinz 57 varieties breed of mongrel or a pure siberian Husky

doesn't matter.

Give him the best life you can. Papers or no papers that doesn't change.

Stop worrying, focus on the important stuff.

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Good luck with your exams - try, though it's difficult, to concentrate foremost on them for now. Any other problems will still be there when you're done with your exams! I can't say if your breeder is honest, or not, never having met him, or having had any dealings with him (as far as I know, anyway!)... I'm assuming that you've contacted him asking about the papers? I would try asking again, and if you don't get a response after asking a couple of times, you probably have been scammed. Take it as a life lesson that is of more practical value than a lot of what you'll learn in uni, learn from it, and love your dog, just the same! Unless you had plans to show your dog in conformation or other events (or to breed - in which case you really ought to show or otherwise prove his value to the breed in performance events before breeding!), the papers are not really necessary. Your dog remains the same creature that you love (and who loves YOU!), regardless of his registration status. :)

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I got my husky from the shelter. I'm not even entirely sure he is a purebred...might be a Mal/Sibe cross, but I love him all the same.

I feel your pain with the exams, though, as I'm in university too. Try to contact the breeder a few more times, AFTER your exams...

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Papers should only take about 6 weeks. They should have been sent in when the litter arrived. Then on transference to you. You should have received them long before now. Then again some breeders are over their heads and he may have forgotten. Certainly try calling him again or sending an email. Good luck. With my first sibe I was soo worried about the papers too. With Rusty he is papered and has been mine for over a year and hald and he still is not registered in my name. I have never switched over ownership and completely forgot till now. I guess I beter do that befor his bitch comes into season again :D.

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Oh, thanks everyone. Actually I also don't care pretty much if whether he's got a paper or not, it's my dad who's pressuring me on acquiring his papers. As he actually is so into B3, treating him like a son, however he's so serious about his papers. I think, he's planning on entering him into some competition. Also, it is my first time to have a husky and a purebred dog and maybe that's what makes me anxious. The breeder anyway, told me that he already sent application forms to PCCI ( counterpart of AKC in the Philippines) but according to him the shipping or logistics company (like FEdex, if you're more familiar with it) lost track of the papers so he resubmitted. This time I checked in with PCCI if they received the applications and they said they haven't received any. I contacted the breeder this evening but he's not replying. It's really getting on my nerves:(:(:dramaqueen::headbang:

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It appears to me that he probably isn't a very honest breeder, so you may well never get his papers - just be prepared for this. :( Irritating as it is, it is not as important for you, right now, as your exams are. Can you ask your dad to try contacting the breeder while you are busy with the exams? That might give your dad something positive to do, give your mind a break from the worries, and the breeder might also be more responsive, hearing from your dad... Good luck! xx.gif

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I'm with everyone else here. Politely tell your father that the exams are more important, at the moment, than getting papers for the dog.

Then, give the breeder another call; if you don't have any success there, then I'd find out if he "normally" files papers with the PCCI ( let's assume for the moment that it's just been a comedy of errors ) and if so, then just keep in touch with the breeder; if he doesn't see if there's any complaint process through them that you can follow to get him to release the papers.

You might also ask if having the papers on the sire and damn would allow you to register Benjiro ( can't see it happening, but there's no harm in asking ... ) maybe if you can write up a statement of parentage and get the breeder to sign / notarize it.

(( Registration with the JKC is very informal for non-Japanese dogs; just wondering if it might be similar in the PI ))

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If you do not intend to breed then you don't need papers.

He's a pet. Love him and be the best owner you can be.

If your dog is a heinz 57 varieties breed of mongrel or a pure siberian Husky

doesn't matter.

Give him the best life you can. Papers or no papers that doesn't change.

Stop worrying, focus on the important stuff.

:ditto: great reply andy.:up:

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If it comes down to papers or the dog, I'll take the dog every time. We received the application papers when we picked Zoya up from the breeder. Never sent them in. Don't care if she has papers or not. I got the dog, that's the important part, for me anyway.

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I also agree with everyone else, unless there's plans to breed him, what's the use of papers?

Also, papers are NO guarantee who your pup's parents are anyway. ANYONE can breed two mutts and register them under two purebreds as parents, the only way to know for sure would be DNA, so why stress yourself out over a silly piece of paper?

Is the Pedigree paper pretty? Yes. Does it give insight into past generations? To an extent. Is it required to love and care for a good dog...Not in the slightest.

Granted you probably paid for those papers, but truly if they were such a big concern, why, over a year later, are you JUST NOW trying to press the breeder into coughing them up?

If I had plans to breed/show, before I put down a deposit on a litter, that breeder would've already had papers to show me, or I'd have moved to another breeder, one who was more organized and on top of things, ya know?

Not being rude, just logical and trying to shoot straight with you.

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My first husky was never papered. I never planned on using him for anything other than companionship. He provided that and all the love he could give for over 15 years without papers. He was a purebred husky and made me fall in love with this breed and he didn't need any reason other than he loved me back.

My second husky is registered. My breeder provided me with the opportunity to breed her should I so desire. I chose not to and had her spayed. There are some competions that require your husky to be papered, but not all of them. SHe cannot be in the show ring because of spaying and at times, I do feel I've done my husky a disservice because she has the right look, the right moves and the right attitude for showing; but the bottom line is I don't know enough to get through showing her. As far as breeding I am unwilling to risk her life for pups.

Would I let an unregistered dog worry me? Absolutely not. Though I would get her spayed as you have no proof, but the geneology that your breeder provided (and at this point, I certainly wouldn't trust his/her word on that or anything else!) To put it frankly, because you don't know the lines, for absolute certain) I would definitely take any thoughts of breeding off the table. (You didn't say you were considering that, I'm just saying....)

So in answer to your question...yes, there are reasons to worry (hereditary diseases), but if you spend your time worrying - when will you have time to enjoy her?

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Fox isn't papered...we did meet both his parents and such but yeah...don't intend to show him...he's a family companion and he does some working (ie running, pulling, etc) for recreation. Eponine...well she's a rescue...she's at the bottom end of the breed standard for weight and height...her tail curls too much and...well she'll be enjoying working a bit eventually but for now we're working on alot of house manners type stuff. Doesn't bother me at all...neither of them are going to be having offspring...and realistically I think that the prospect of puppies ever ever ever again is something I've opted against...it could change...but at this point in time I'll take a teenager who acts like a crack head every so often for a dog...over a snuggly puppy that knows nothing and is going to chew up everything, pee and poop all over the place until they get the habit of going outside down and all the other joys of puppyhood...because said puppy is going to turn into said crackhead eventually anyway...

So the short answer is no...no it doesn't bother me that our dogs don't have papers...they don't have any bearing on their personality or the joy they bring to our household.

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thank you everyone.. all your comments, ideas and suggestions cheered me up. Well, as I've said earlier I really don't care whether he's got papers or not because I really really love him so much like a baby brother. Maybe, I was just pushed to worry by my father.. (that's because my dad is really scary when he gets angry and that he's really just protective, he doesn't want any of his children to be fooled around and be played at).. I'm now again more than inspired to study for my exams, by the way I'm planning to be a medical doctor so I really need to study hard. My younger sister on the other hand is planing to be a veterinarian so good for benjiro and to all future huskies I'll be getting they will be well taken care of.. Thank you again everyone.. :grouphug::heartbeat:

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I understand your issue with your father - mine can be the same way. I think they're (atleast in the case of my dad) are just trying to teach us life lessons...like to not be pushovers and to stand up for yourselves...but sometimes they put too much pressure on you, and that's when you have to tell them to STOP. If they argue, just throw their logic back at them. "Well, Dad, you want me to stick up for myself. I am, by telling you that you are distracting me from my studies. Please stop!"

Your sister wants to be a vet, eh? Cool - I wanted to be a vet for the longest time when I was smaller...but I turned to zoology recently because it covers more than just the medical aspect of animals.

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Glad that you can relate with me well, it really made me smile. Moreover, it seems like we're on the same field of study. I like zoology, as a matter of fact my pre-med course right now is Biology which compasses not only zoology but botany as well. I really am loving this site. P.S I'd like to tell my dad stop on his face but if I do so, I'd be surely dead.. :monkeydance::lolman:

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After I finish my Zoology degree (only in the 1st year out of 4), I want to specialize into Ethology (the study of animal behaviour) - as I find that stuff really interesting. I'd also like to specialize so I only work with wolves and/or other canids...but then I probably won't get a job because I'll be so specialized? lol

H-O is awesome. Too awesome. It should come with a warning label. WARNING: This website is very addicting and will ruin your social/academic life. lol

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i am really thankful to everyone.. I'm in a very good mood to study again.

Keep your head in the books. Don't worry about husky papers when there are exam papers on the horizon! I'm with everyone else....we got Teeko for a pet. He is neutered...will never be used to show....isn't KC reg and I honestly don't give a good god damn! He's the best thing we ever got and I love him dearly. Certainly don;t need a certificate to tell me that!

Good luck on your exams! :D

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