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Our Huskies are DRIVING US NUTS (long post lol)


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I do not know where to begin lol.

we have two Huskies, Roxy who is a 11month old female, we have had her for 8 months, and Dexter who is a 6month old male who we have had sinse he has been able to seperate from his mother.

Innitaly we got Dexter because Roxy needed some company, pack animals need a pack so here we are, our little pack. Both pupies are really great dogs, they listen to comands that we have drilledd them with, Dexter caught on a lot fast than Roxy though.

now here is the issue, about a month ago, Roxy, who sleeps in the kitchen on the main level has gotten extremely restless (which is expected because she LOVES to run), but she wines, and wines, and wines, and wines, and then begins to bark and dig in her cage usually in the morning. if Dexter is relaxing and not wanting to play, she wines, and wines, and sometimes she jumps all over him attempting to play and he gets upset and that is when the teeth come out. well today, Roxy, Dexter, and myself were chasing one another throught the living room, and as soon as i started to focus some attention on Dexter, Roxy goes behind me, squats, and pees on our carpet. she is house trained, typically we only need to take her out 4 times a day, 5 max. when she did this i was baffaled, and made her sit in her cage with the door open, i know i should not do this because i do not want her to associate the cage with punishment, but i was so angry i just wanted her out of my site (now i feel bad talking about it).

Dexter, who lives on the bottem level of our home, because of the floors, has begun wining, and howling, and barking at bed time. This has been his bed time sinse he came to live with us, around 10-10:30. We leave a chew toy in his cage to occupy him while we are at work during the day. He hasnt had any accidents in the house in a while which is GREAT. but at feeding time, Dexter FLIPS OUT, he jumps all over the kitchen, sometimes into the trash, barks, and barks, and barks, and just FLIPS OUT. we feed Roxy first because she is the eldest, and he no longer bothers her food, THANK GOD. but when i grab his bowl off of the counter to place it on the floor, he goes crazy. we have gotten into the habit of making him sit before he can get the food, but we would like him to come inside, sit in his spot, wait for his food, and eat like Roxy does. Roxy actually sits in the living room and waits for her food to be sat in her spot in the kitchen.

whenever we call for one, they both come running, if one is being pet, the other literally tries to pull them from our grasp. Dexter snaps at Roxy all of the time when she is trying to play, he even snapped at a pit bull at the dog park about a month ago. I get between them when he starts snapping at Roxy, but Roxy jumps right back in to play less then a second later.

i feel like Roxy is getting on Dexter nerves lol. both are jealous of one another

I just do not know what is going on with my pups...

any tips, suggestions, ideas??

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Thank you Sarah for your response, Roxy has already had her first heat and she is due for another in the next month. we only get to take them to the dog park about once a week, and we are usually ther ALL DAY lol, and we all have a ball. we havent gone on any realy walks in the past two or three weeks due to drastic changes in the weather, but the do spend some time playing eather in the open area in the basement, and back yard.

roxy is actually pretty calm, she has just gotten really resstless.. Dexter is calm as well, except when food comes into play.

How much exercise do they get - they sound quite hyper lol

With Roxy being restless lately - is she due her first season or has she had it?

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Maybe you should try to exercise them more? It might help with their hyperness.

It also looks like they are coming into their 'rebellious' teenager phase - I heard it happens around 7-8 months. They'd also be trying to establish their place in the 'pack' by now, so that would explain why they're snappy at each other.

I'd wait for more responses, though, as I'm not entirely sure on this. Never owned a puppy before.

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At 6 months of age, Dexter is becoming a teenager, and is likely trying to assert himself when he snaps at Roxy. If she's due in season next month, he may be smelling her hormones changing, and be a little cranked because of that, as well. Hormones really tend to wind both genders up, for that matter! Life might be easier for you if you can get him in and get him neutered asap, before Roxy comes into season again!

Giving both dogs more and more regular exercise is probably also a good suggestion - I'm sure you've noticed how much quieter and calmer things are after your day at the dog park! Mental stimulation is also very effective, and often takes less time. A good training session, one that involves physical activity plus the necessity of thinking, is an especially good way to tire them out. Have you taken them to any obedience training classes? LOTS of stimulation, and especially mental stimulation - they usually are pretty well pooped out afterward!

My guess, as regards Dexter's hyperactivity at feeding time, is that he's super hungry! You could try giving him a small snack shortly before you feed him - take the edge off (remember - he's now a teenager!). How many meals a day do they get? Feeding twice a day is optimal, if you can do it, and if Dexter thinks that he's starving on two meals a day, you could also feed him 3 meals a day, giving him just a little bit more food than he is currently getting (too much food and he's likely to develop diarrhea!). Hold his bowl until he's sitting quietly, and if he moves when you go to set the bowl down, stand back up without saying anything. It might take multiple repetitions - and LOTS of patience, but he should get the idea fairly quickly. He should also finish his rapid growth phase over the next couple of months, and become a little less intense about dinnertime.

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I agree with what Gigi said -

At 6 & 11 mos. - both are going to be pushing boundaries. Training, exercise and mental stimulation will def. help.

This is the prime age that YOU will need to learn discipline before they will learn discipline.

I also agree that it would help if you could get them fixed.

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I would definitely increase their exercise, I am sure this will improve things a lot. They both sound like bored, hyper huskies hitting their teenage stage. They could also use more mental stimulation.

With regard to meal times, we had the same issue with going crazy, jumping on the door, running around etc. If you keep asking him to sit, this will go away with time. What we usually do is: if we picked up the bowl from the counter and he started going bonkers, put it back immediately and wait until he calmed down again. Basically, every time he got crazy, we stopped and waited for him to calm down and focus on what he was required to do again.

A great little exercise for Dexter would be to practice impulse control

The goal would be for him to eventually be able to wait in front of bowl until you give him permission to start eating.

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Before I got Harley I read here that a tired husky is a happy one. I've had no bother from him at all, we got him 8.5months and he's 14months now. He gets up to an hour cross country bikejoring or canicross 6days a week then an hours walk on the 7th day. He goes out for 2 other walks from 25-60mins each day. One of these walks is always a designated 'smell' walk.

morning I took Harley for 6miles canicross and he's asleep beside me. He'll sleep through my first hypnotherapy client, i'll walk him at lunch, and he'll sleep through my second, in the room with me. I'll take him out again, then he'll potter around the garden while I do my personal training clients, before snuggling up with me and Wifey tonight.

It seems that every husky owner I talk to who has problems with their husky doesn't give them much exercise, and every owner

with huskies who are fine do lots of exercise...and give company...

Check the protein and fat content of the food too - it can lead to hyper huskies I've read here as well - in fact, when I upped Harley's carbs he calmed down even more, and I work my little friend...

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regardless of weather, they still need regular exercise, one day at the dog park really isnt enough

if its too hot, get up at 6am or earlier, and/or walk late at night. Im not a morning person, so when its hot we walk at around 11pm

if its raining, snowing, hailing etc. tough luck! They still need their walks

The only time they dont get their walks, is if your knee deep in water or stuck in the middle of a hurricane!

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regardless of weather, they still need regular exercise, one day at the dog park really isnt enough

if its too hot, get up at 6am or earlier, and/or walk late at night. Im not a morning person, so when its hot we walk at around 11pm

if its raining, snowing, hailing etc. tough luck! They still need their walks

The only time they dont get their walks, is if your knee deep in water or stuck in the middle of a hurricane!

n even then they moan about it ;)

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I definitely agree with more exercise for our pups. They are absolutely pooped after the dog park, and they both love to just run. We have a pretty nice size backyard, but it isn’t completely closed off. We are trying to figure out now, how to close it off.

As far as any training, Roxy has had training and we have been very consistent with it. I do find that she reverts on certain things. For example, there is only one area in the entire house that neither of them are allowed to be in. Roxy knows this and she would not cross the board into that room until a few months after getting Dexter. He is still working on not coming into this room. He is good about it except when anyone comes through the front door. It is like he just cannot wait to greet who ever walks in. now Roxy is beginning to enter the room whenever someone she isn’t really familiar with walks in. it is almost as if she is saying “um excuse me, don’t acknowledge him, I was here first, come say hi to meâ€Â. But the thing is, she isn’t much of a people person to people she does not know. Dexter is the exact opposite.

Dexter has not had formal training the way Roxy has, and my fiancé and I were talking about it yesterday. We have to commit the time we did with Roxy to Dexter. It was a one day a week training and we did follow up for 10-15 min 2 or 3 times a day, each day. Dexter definitely needs that training.

When we do sit down with Dexter and work on, sit, stay, no, leave it, come ect.. (Which he catches on fast) Roxy comes over and starts attacking him because we are giving him the attention and treats and not her. lol they keep us pretty busy… Roxy is good with “stayâ€Â, but if Dexter is involved in any way with her sitting and not moving until we say move, she moves.

You say stimulate them mentally, what types of things could I do with them?

Could you suggest some activities we could do with them to show that one is not favored over the other? I honestly think Roxy feels like we give Dexter more attention. This is true because we are constantly correcting Dexter. Is it ok to bond with Roxy alone sometime? And also with Dexter? I should post of video of them. They are SOOO ADORABLE! They are both my first “real†pets and I would do anything to make sure we have a great relationship, and that we are all happy.

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Training is one type of mental stimulation. Work on a new trick, how to walk at hip (or heel), how to open the refrigerator or fetch you something. Or sit/stay, wait, leave it - well, you get the picture

There are also many puzzles that make them think: http://www.designerdoggy.com/toys/puzzles.html (these are really nice ones, btw) or these: http://www.petexpertise.com/dog-toys/treat-puzzle-toys.html

Play 'hide and seek' simply hide a treat in the other room and then teach them to find it.

@Staceybob @Bec - can either or both of you give some more ideas ...........you guys know much more about training than I.

As far as "sit" and "stay", I'm working with Ryn. I don't use the command "stay" at all. She is learning (and quite well, I might add) that 'sit' means 'sit' until I release her. She's up to about 12 minutes and I can even throw treats around her and she won't attempt to get them.

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Training IS mental stimulation, and if it's done correctly, should be a happy game for them. It needs to be filled with excitement and praise- also know when to quit so they don't get to "bored" with it.

But that is something you can do at ALL times around the house. Not just at "session" times.

I would necessarily worry about game type of stimuli as you can use various types of training to accomplish that.

As Becky mentioned, leave it - or away - back - stay - down - down stay - come & come here (there is a difference) and of course ALWAYS throw in working on a recall. Very important.

Figure out what their triggers are and work on desensitizing them to the triggers. i.e. I've had dogs that went crazy with excitement when they saw me get the leash. So- spend time picking up the leash and then just put it back, or down on the table. Do that a lot- then try to leash them. If they get excited, put it back on the table till they calm down, repeat. Always tell them to sit an do not leash them till they do. They will soon figure out that they need to sit and calm down if they want to go.

One thing I would NOT teach them to do is open the fridge (sorry Becky) That could be a BIG problem when your not home or not looking.

Spending time with them every day in short training sessions will make a big difference in a short time.

Also, you say Roxy has formal training but at her age, it has to be ongoing or she will lose it and revert to bad habits.

And to answer your question about one on one- Absolutely!!! - Do spend time with one on one training as well as just play time. It's important that they are not more bonded to each other than you, as well as you will accomplish more with out the distraction of the other dog.

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Lol at opening the fridge, when I read that I thought “I do not think that would be a good idea when they realize food is in there†haha

Thank you for responding to me yet again, @Roxy1 I can already see signs of her reverting. She actually started going in her cage again when we had them sharing a room, so we separated them and now, we have no more accidents. I also watched the video @persephona suggested, I am going to try it this evening with both pups separately. I will also try and do a third small meal a day for Dexter, he eats a cup and a half of blue buffalo in the morning, then one cup in the evening for dinner, Roxy eats 3 cups a day at the same times Dexter would eat.

We were feeding Roxy more than that at his age, she never ate all of her food and gained a lot of weight, but she is pretty lean now with her 3 cups a day.

I am going to try and take video of him this evening at dinner so you guys can see what happens.

As far as games, I want them to always use their noses, so I let them sniff things that may seem new to them, but not for to long, usually we let them get a few good sniffs, and tell them to “leave it†and they walk away. The hide-the-treat game, Roxy loves this game; we use to play when she was a little younger. But we have all of this space in the basement, we should start playing again. (I love letting them chase me in the basement, it is hilarious).

When I do one on one with Dexter, ill do it in the basement where there is plenty of space. What are some ways I can get Roxy to allow Dexter to have his training time, and vis versa? If I try and work with one, the other one comes over and it becomes a battle for the treat. I put the treats away and send the other pup away, but when I start back up again, they start again. Should I go into a room where the door can be closed? (silly questions)

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  • 2 weeks later...


do not want to sound rude, but I say this to all dog owners: PACK LEADER...

the hormones are some key points too, but pack leader is big thing, they need to respect, and trust you.

if the weather is bad, try getting them trained on jogging on treadmill... I do that when its bad weather, and Mya loves it...

let me know how you go with treadmill:) it works, but you need patients and persistent to help them get use to it.

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roxy seems like she has loads of pent up energy, more walks should take care of that as of dexter he should beable to keep up on the energy level with roxy, it doesnt take much to convince a dog to play even when they are tired to he should still play with roxy when she asks i think he gets excited when you do his food because he is really hungry Kaylo used to do the same but we started feeding him a little bit more then changed his his food to a high energy food and his attitude changed loads.

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Can't really add to much wonderful advice already :D As for training one on one I live in an apartment so I don't have a space for just me and one dog to train in lol. What I do is put one in the crate while I train for about 10-15mins and then switch them when we are done. I make sure to let the one I was training get a good drink firs though it's like eating chips with no soda :confused: Then I bring the other dog out and repeat. When I first started this Kiana was a turd and would tell Diesel off when I let her out jealous but after a week of these sessions she has come to realize that she must share mum with Diesel. It'll come with time and patience and above all persistence.

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