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I dont know how to fix my huskys problem with other dogs ?


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I post here a lot lol but i just dont know where else to go for answers/advice. I posted something similar before but my husky is just all over crazy ! He does not know how to act around other dogs. Theres been 3/4 times that hes smelled other dogs normal fine but most of the time he pulls me to see another dog but ends nipping the dog. Today i muzzled him and we bumped into a another dog so i was excited just to think that he would actually just get to smell the dog and not nip at him. The first thing he does is he bops the dog with his head since he was muzzled. Its like why is he acting this way. I tell him No or i give him a quick pull on the leash its like, i dont exist, i understand he gets so hyper as hes not to familiar with other dogs except my other dog but why is it that he bops and nips and doesnt actually just smell and act normal excited. I dont know what to do, i want him to be more comfortable with other dogs but i rarely bump into other dogs because people cross the street or i do, because he is so dramatic !


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I post here a lot lol but i just dont know where else to go for answers/advice. I posted something similar before but my husky is just all over crazy ! He does not know how to act around other dogs. Theres been 3/4 times that hes smelled other dogs normal fine but most of the time he pulls me to see another dog but ends nipping the dog. Today i muzzled him and we bumped into a another dog so i was excited just to think that he would actually just get to smell the dog and not nip at him. The first thing he does is he bops the dog with his head since he was muzzled. Its like why is he acting this way. I tell him No or i give him a quick pull on the leash its like, i dont exist, i understand he gets so hyper as hes not to familiar with other dogs except my other dog but why is it that he bops and nips and doesnt actually just smell and act normal excited. I dont know what to do, i want him to be more comfortable with other dogs but i rarely bump into other dogs because people cross the street or i do, because he is so dramatic !


Did have have him as a puppy? If so, did you properly socialize him?

Do you know how to read dog body language? Knowing how is a good way to analyze different situations like this, figure out what is happening, and correct the problem if necessary.

How is your dog's posture when he sees or approaches the other dog? Bouncy and playful with tail wagging rapidly? Tense and walking 'stiff legged'? Tries to make himself look taller by walking on his toes?

What is the other dog's posture like when it approaches your husky?

Any vocalizations?

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Did have have him as a puppy? If so, did you properly socialize him?

Do you know how to read dog body language? Knowing how is a good way to analyze different situations like this, figure out what is happening, and correct the problem if necessary.

How is your dog's posture when he sees or approaches the other dog? Bouncy and playful with tail wagging rapidly? Tense and walking 'stiff legged'? Tries to make himself look taller by walking on his toes?

What is the other dog's posture like when it approaches your husky?

Any vocalizations?

The way he looks is like " OH. . MY. . .GOD another dog !!!" and his tail wags fast and his pupils get bigger, something like when he first saw a squirel. Then hell move side to side jumping and sometimes he'll end up on his hind legs and pull me hard and throughout all of this he cries and talks and barks, he sounds really exicted so thats why i let him but the first thing he does is nips them and i pull him and say no. And he knows in command what :give kiss: means which is greet, lick and smell he does this with people but he doesnt really do it with outside dogs just with my other one. And no i unfortunately did not properly socialize him, i had him since 9 weeks and by the time i finally i got his shots he was a little more weeks old and everyone around here didnt want to get near my dog so he didn't get to greet too many dogs. I took him to a doggy class but i didnt like their techniques and out here i need a car to get to the doggy schools and i dont have one , so i basically tried to train him myself .

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For him to be in the right state of mind, you shouldn't let him greet the other dog until he is calm. I know it is hard for a husky, but if you can manage to hold him back, ask the other person to stay there. You also might want to explain why - that you're trying to train your doggy to greet nicely. If they don't stay, then they're jerks...

It might take a few minutes of his excited behaviour, but eventually he should calm down. When it does, and is visibly relaxed, then you can allow him to greet the other dog. Make sure he stays calm.

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I would really try to find a school or a trainer that you can work with - it would be so easy to give you bad advice, not being able to see what he's doing, that I really am hesitant to offer too many suggestions. It sounds to me like he's mostly excited, and not really aggressive, but I could be easily "reading" him wrong from only going on what I read here..... You might also want to check out the links below, and see if you can't make a connection with one of the Siberian Clubs in New York - I'm thinking that the Seneca and Niagara Clubs might meet too far away for you, and I couldn't find a web page for the Greater New York club - but it might meet someplace you could get to more easily, and you might find someone in one of these clubs that could actually work with you a little bit. Most of the people in the Siberian Clubs I've encountered have been quite friendly, and willing to help newcomers out... (There is some good information and some good links on the Seneca Club's page!)



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SolitaryHowl is correct... its all about body language, read it and dont let the excitement escalate, once it reaches to full level 3, you must take control and be the boss.

dogs love to be followers... sorry to say but it seems that you are the dogs follower, instead of he/she following you.

mine did the same in the beginning, however the ears pop up, they alert, minute you see ears or body getting stiff or any type of sign, you must snap it out of it...

to snap it out of them, try this:

all about your posture and your energy. you feel scared or angry, the sense it minute you hold the leash.

when you walk out of your property, let the dog sit, and wait till you go out first, let him/her know you the boss.

never let your dog walk before you, you as a leader must be infront or your dog must be parallel to your legs.

yank the leash to the side, not up, when you pull up, you only escalate the excitement.

if your dog is fine at home, and not outdoors, you must master the walk.

your dog should respect and trust you.

it may trust you, but may not respect you as the pack leader.

let me know how you go with my steps:)


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SolitaryHowl is correct... its all about body language, read it and dont let the excitement escalate, once it reaches to full level 3, you must take control and be the boss.

dogs love to be followers... sorry to say but it seems that you are the dogs follower, instead of he/she following you.

mine did the same in the beginning, however the ears pop up, they alert, minute you see ears or body getting stiff or any type of sign, you must snap it out of it...

to snap it out of them, try this:

all about your posture and your energy. you feel scared or angry, the sense it minute you hold the leash.

when you walk out of your property, let the dog sit, and wait till you go out first, let him/her know you the boss.

never let your dog walk before you, you as a leader must be infront or your dog must be parallel to your legs.

yank the leash to the side, not up, when you pull up, you only escalate the excitement.

if your dog is fine at home, and not outdoors, you must master the walk.

your dog should respect and trust you.

it may trust you, but may not respect you as the pack leader.

let me know how you go with my steps:)


Thanks mike, and theres no argument there, outside my dog thinks hes boss, but i have and still do what you have listed. I always make him sit and stay right when were about to leave, and he doesnt pull on walks anymore.

We actually had a little doggie play date with another husky, at first he was doing all of the above so i suggested to the girl to have our dogs walk beside us so they feel closer without too much touching. After many blocks tommy was calm and he was behaving well and they were closer, so i guess it takes time and i have to find people who can also spend time with my dog like we did yesterday.

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Dogs have this confrontational system

eye to eye is not good, thats when fights can start, let dogs sniff the backside..

My dog got into a fight just yesterday at a walk with pack of pitbulls, as soon as I so the dogs getting stiff and tails flipping up and ears going straight up, i immediately snapped my dog out by snap pulling the collar to the side and putting my dog on its back in submissive state... the pitbulls did approach and as much as I hate hitting or being cruel to dogs, I was prepared to attack as even though your dog can be calm and controlling other people's may not be, the owner of the pitbull was a lady and I immediately so her fear and nervous looks, and I said DO NOT BE SCARED, stay where u are and let ur pitbulls come and sniff and smell my dog..

after about 3 seconds, one of the pitbulls went eye to eye with Mya and he tried to snap at her, and i grabbed the pitty put him on the backside in submissive move.. and got My husky to sniff him anyway she wanted to, after about 3 minutes, all 3 pitbulls and Mya were sharing treats, a toy and running around as they were best friends.

whole point of my incident to share and advise is: never lose your cool, do not show any fear, take control from first second, by putting Mya in submissive laying position, I was welcoming the pitbulls to come sniff and be introduced.. and same time the pits saw me as a leader how I manipulated Mya to lay down and relax so quickly..

Any dogs are like humans, eye to eye starts fights and stirs trouble..

I have owned so many huskies, pitbulls rotti, doberman, German Shepherds. I had all them as all the ones I owned were on death row, ready to be put down, I gave them all second chance and I still see every single one of them as they bring them over to play with Mya...

One dog I had for 12 months, kept biting any dog with no eye contact and OMG it was hard to train a big pitbull, but at the end it gave up because I never did.

Show loads of confidents, no fear, no nervousness and you do great..

this may sound cruel, but having so many huge breeds to save, I own a taser collar.. I only use with the most vicious minded dogs I save for first 1 week and it worked on all except for the 1 pitbull. That pitbull was used for dog fights and was so set to kill dogs, first thing I did was find pack of wild wolves and rougher rotti and pitbulls, basically went back to the pound and asked for 10 more dogs which were rough to deal with, took them home and put them all in secluded cages and let them watch me deal with Mya and couple smaller pups and one by one I introduced each other... that pitbull now is owned by a dog walker near my home and used the pitty to help with unbalanced dogs who don't know how to walk..

BTW i never trust muzzels or hitting or even harnesses for behavioral training. as dogs need to earn trust and learn naturally. sure I get slight wounds with bites, but nature of loving and saving dogs is to get minor bites here and there... I can honestly trust my baby boy with any husky, rotti, pitbull i have saved/trained.

Its all about love and no bad or fear and being the PACK LEADER..

work on more being the leader and dont be scared to not punish, but correct your dog at first second you can, dont give up:)

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