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My five month Husky has been having real soft stools and every now and then she'll have a good solid one that you can actually pick up for a couple of months now. The vet recommended Hills Prscription diet, ID for her in which I have been feeding her 70~75 grams, 3 times a day.

Well, I really don't think this food is doing anything for her or could it be that I'm feeding her to much? When prepare her dry food, I add a little warm water to it for a couple of minutes to soften it up because she just inhales her food and I don't want her choking on it.

If anybody here has experienced anything similiar to what I'm going through I would appreciate hearing what you did to remedy this problem or point me in the right direction would even be good.

I'm losing my mind here and getting tired of cleaning creamiy crap all the time, excuse my language. Thanks for reading.

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Diesel was the same. I feed him boiled rice and chicken and although his stools arent completely solid they are ALOT better than they have been.

So maybe try boiled rice and chicken/fish for a few weeks and see if that makes things any better? Or you could try putting a bit of pumpkin in the food, stops runny poop :)

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I experienced a similar thing with Dexter, and i think for us the problem was feeding him too much and giving him a mix of dry and wet foods. I cut back the food a bit and started only feeding him dry food for meals and I've seen a big improvement.

One thing I've found is the recommended amount of food to feed your dog on the back on the dog food bags is way to much for my dogs.

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I put a small amount of dry down in the mornings and again in the evenings. But one of them has very very runny poop last night and this morning but I want work out which one it is. I defo know its not simba as she sleeps in the kitchen so its either trooper or echo. So I'm being nasty mummy this morning and not feeding till later.

Hope you sort your problem out soon xxx

♥εїÃ· H εїÃ·â™¥

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@Molly, what kind of rice did you use, brown or white rice and is the boiled chicken okay for a five month old pup? Also, how much of the chicken and rice do you make (the ratio)?

@Rose, do you think the amount I'm feeding her is to much? How about the way I'm preparing it(adding water to soften it)?

@Louise, never heard of Pro Kolin. Have you ever used it?

@Allison, do they sell these items at a pet store or do I need to obtain them from a vet? Also, are these a temporary fix for my problem?

@Everyone, do you think it could be the Hills Prescription Diet/ID food? The vet had originally prescribed a while back after testing her stool and noticing that she wasn't fully digesting her food.

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@Molly, what kind of rice did you use, brown or white rice and the boiled chicken okay for a five month old pup? Also, how much of the chicken and rice do make (the ratio)?

Diesel is 4 months 1 week and he's fine on it. Was told to use it by the vets.

I use white rice. Ive got a big stew pot that i fill with rice and put a couple of chicken legs in and boil it for a few hours until its all cooked. Then i pick all the meat off the chicken and put all the rice and meat in a bowl.

I use probably 4-6 big tablespoons everytime i feed him (4 times a day)

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Diesel is 4 months 1 week and he's fine on it. Was told to use it by the vets.

I use white rice. Ive got a big stew pot that i fill with rice and put a couple of chicken legs in and boil it for a few hours until its all cooked. Then i pick all the meat off the chicken and put all the rice and meat in a bowl.

I use probably 4-6 big tablespoons everytime i feed him (4 times a day)

Thanks a lot Molly, I just might have to try this. I'm desperate to find a cure for my little girl, I feel sorry for her and hate seeing her like this. One more for you, if that's okay. Do I need to gradually implement this into her current diet or do I just switch over entirely. Thanks again.

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We have problem with Vlad but me personal I have start to feed him raw as chicken wings and legs, and as dry food Orjen .When we feed Vlad with dry he will have a tin of sardine in oil ( oil drain ) a bit of carrots or yoghurt . Our boy has solid stools and yes sometimes but not so often a few loopy

Here on the site is section Food and diet just read other people experiences.

Good luck finding the right diet for your little baby

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pro-kolin is available from your vets or online(its cheaper)

its fantastic for helping get their tums back right,would highly recommend it.

you may well be over-feeding her,even ever so slightly can cause runny tums.

chicken and rice and pro-kolin for 3 to 5 days and she should be ok

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Thanks a lot Molly, I just might have to try this. I'm desperate to find a cure for my little girl, I feel sorry for her and hate seeing her like this. One more for you, if that's okay. Do I need to gradually implement this into her current diet or do I just switch over entirely. Thanks again.

I just switched entirely. He wasnt doing well on the food he was on before so i had to switch. It shouldn't upset her because its just rice and chicken.

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@Ella, thank you. Looks like I have do some more research on this. The vets seem to recommend the stuff they sell which is supposedly not high grade. I personally think the food they prescribed isn't doing anything for her.

In the food and diet section u will find what u need me personal when i took my little man to the vet and i have been ask when i feed i said raw and i cut the vet trying to recomand me the food what they sell and supersizing my vet said is fine if is work for me the barf diet

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I found it that swapping gradually will build the tummy and get the stronger...

I now feed my dog dry and soft food and doesnt upset the tum..

try to give more solid foods then soft. and also don't forget changing the diet can also affect too, if you change the food, it could be they are not use to it..

when I asked my vet, he actually said don't buy any of the food we sell, stick to home made dog stews and stick to rice, chicken, tuna, sardines... and he also mentioned alot of the time its from over feeding it too.

now Mya is fine eating anything I give and her stools are good...

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I had issues with Willow constantly having runny or soft pooh as well. I learned from some very knowledgeable people on the forums that alot of siberians do not do so well on grains. Based off of recommendations and after looking up www.dogfoodanalysis.com I decided to switch to Taste of the Wild, a grain free food rated 6 stars and she finally has solid pooh! Plus, TOTW is cheaper than Hills, which is only 1 star rated. The reviews on Hills Science Diet are actually kinda scary...

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canned pumpkin (not pie filling) is suppose to harden up the stools. However, I would be careful how quickly you are changing anything in the diet, as it is hard for a puppy's tummy to get used to something different.

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Try pumpkin, part of the problem could be the watering down the food try getting one of those balls that go in food bowls to prevent the food inhaling :P there are also special bowls with a bump in the middle for the same thing. If all else fails try a no grain food siberian huskys are known for being grain intolerant :P Marius is on Orijen. Also as suggested before carrot treats :confused: I also noticed that puppies in general tend to have softer stool as Marius aged his stools got firmer (along with other pups ive looked after) if its not the runs then its not that bad. As far as amount goes I went under what the bag of food told me to give him

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My boy has the same problem, I've tried everything.. Rice and chicken, less food, no treats, no human food, only bland foods, pumpkin and the only thing that seems to help him is burnt toast! I was told by a sibe breeder in my local pet store that burnt toast is one of the best things for it.. Give it a go anyway, it might work for your dog too :)

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My boy has the same problem, I've tried everything.. Rice and chicken, less food, no treats, no human food, only bland foods, pumpkin and the only thing that seems to help him is burnt toast! I was told by a sibe breeder in my local pet store that burnt toast is one of the best things for it.. Give it a go anyway, it might work for your dog too :)

Ive never heard that before thats neat :D

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Burnt toast is charcoal, and charcoal absorbs toxins from the system and helps them pass.

It's very possible that you are overfeeding - not sure how much your feeding, as I don't have a feel for the volume given, with the amount given in grams... I would try cutting back - and switching! I am NOT a fan of Hill's foods! I've found that my Siberians do better on fewer grains, for the most part, especially no corn or soybeans in the kibble. Good luck!

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