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Husky nipped girlfriend

Derrick Floyd

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well this is my first post and unfortunately a worrying one. I received a female husky named Akita pure breed 2 weeks ago. and she has been great. well today my girlfriend was putting a costume on the little poodle we have and after she did that she went to put a shirt on the husky because we was going to take then trick or treating with us. well tonight when my girlfriend tired to put the shirt on she growled at her and bit her on the hand. I instantly yelled NO to her and put her in her crate. now I'm at a stand still. I like Akita and she is good around the kids but idk now. She is 6 years only and came from a woman that had her and she gave her to me because she was going to a apartment and couldn't keep her. the previous owner said she growls when people pet her but not to worry because that's her breed so don't worry about it she never bites. Anyone have any suggestions?

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Basically, Derrick, don't worry about it. She's not a kid, she's a Husky and she just told you the best way she can that she doesn't like being put in a costume.

Did she draw blood, did she break bones - she could have, easily; dogs have personalities, just like people. Some like to do some things, others don't. You just found out a "Don't".

At two weeks with you, Derrick, she's still learning how to live with you and you're still learning how to live with her. If she's been good with the kids, then I'd just take this for what it appears to have been - her telling you something.

How has she been with the kids, does she growl at them when they pet her? Some dogs don't like the tops of their heads touched, with some it's the throat - some don't care they just want attention. If she's been okay for two weeks, then I'd say that GF just hit something that the dog doesn't like - probably scared both of you, especially if she hasn't nipped before, but by your comment - she growled, which says "I don't like this!", then she nipped, which says "I told you, I don't like this! Someone didn't realize the growl was a warning ....????

fin //al

One last comment: Dogs growl for a reason. Normally it's them trying to tell the stupid human that they're uncomfortable. If you go to pet her and she growls, or she growls at your GF but doesn't growl at the kids then I'd look real hard at how you and the GF are approaching Akita ...

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I agree with the above, for the most part. I would, however, suggest that you both, but especially your girlfriend, take her to an obedience class, where hopefully, the instructor can see how Akita interacts with you and your girlfriend, and can hopefully give you advice based on what he or she sees. It sounds to me like Akita is fairly dominant, and has learned that she can be a bit of a bully to get her way... That said, many huskies do not enjoy playing dress-up!

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Growling when people pet her has nothing to do with the breed. She's not growling just because it's what huskies do. If she's growling, she doesn't want to be pet. You have to look deeper into the situation - what causes her to growl? Did she approach to get attention or does someone go to her? Was she sleeping when someone came to pet her? Was she showing fear toward the person approaching her? Is it a particular place on her body that she reacts to?

So you have a 6 year-old dog that you've had for two weeks. Akita has probably never had a shirt put on in her entire life. Now here's this strange woman she barely knows trying to shove some awful Sack of Certain Death over her head! That's threatening, if not downright scary!

She's already a dog who sounds like she's uncomfortable with attention from strange people to begin with, so she's going to need some time before she feels like you're her new family. I doubt you have to worry about aggressive dog issues. My advice would be wait until next year to try putting on a costume - she's still getting accustomed to her new home and that's stressful enough! You'll still be getting to know each other over the next few months, and by that time you'll have a better understanding of her personality, the kind of dog she is, and whether she'll tolerate something like that in the future.

To help her feel more at home you can do several things. Give her a space she can go where she won't be disturbed. Call her to you to give her attention, rather than going to her and forcing it on her if she's uncomfortable. Daily walks. Set boundaries for her - places in the house she isn't allowed to go, or can only come when invited.

Best of luck!

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uve only had her for 2 weeks shes still settling in and this made her uncomfortable - are u sure she was well looked after at her previous home - huskies dont growl when people pet them - i would be worried about why she doesnt like being petted

i agree with gigi - obedence classes seem like a brilliant idea even if its just to help establish some rules and boundries and so akita knows she has to respect not only you but ur girlfriend aswell

also dont use her crate as punishment - u want her to see that as a safe haven instead just remove her from the room for a couple of minutes

good luck

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She's still settling into living with a new pack, she's probably not fully comfortable with you/your girlfriend yet. Give her some time to adjust to being with you and you'll find she improves. I think you handled the situation well. Or maybe she just doesn't like being dressed up :P

Btw, I'm not against dressing your dog up for special occassions - I bought Little Nel a costume for halloween (you can see the pics in the thread 'halloween costume') - however Millie wouldn't let me dress her up, she just doesn't want to lol

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A lot of good advice given already...hopefully you choose to pursue it.

As for the notes that one shouldn't be putting a t-shirt on a husky...well, to each their own. My perspective is perhaps a bit different than some of those offered here.

When placing something over your new girls head...like a t-shirt, an x-back harness, or anything like that...you really really need to take baby steps with it. I did it once, so now i can do it again doesn't always work out (as your gf unfortunately has found out). If it's something that you feel is important enough to pursue after you've gotten the general reasons for growling figured out with a trainer or the like start small and with lots of praise like you would if you were trying to get an older dog accustomed to tolerating having a harness come off and go on...one step....praise/reward, repeat a few times....step one and two....praise/reward, repeat a few times...don't try to do too much at once. It could take some time for your girl to get used to or be willing to be more tolerant of things...

The only thing I didn't really see is to take your girl to a vet for a check up, talk to your vet about things before you bring her in, let them know that you're going to have her evaluated for the growling by a trainer...but that you want an exam specifically to rule out medical causes for her not liking the touch...I only suggest this because if it is a medical cause...all the behavioral training in the world won't necessarily fix it...

Eh that's all I got today...good luck

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Akita needs time to adjust to new life style... however try to get her to respect and trust you and your GF...

if your husky trusts you, you can then train Akita to not bite, or growl at the leader:):)

stimulate the mind, teach the husky tricks or shake hands or something and reward the dog...

sounds silly, but these are working dogs, and they love to be worked:):) go for long walks as a pack and make sure your gf holds Akita to gain and start the trust bond together...

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In agreeance with what has already been stated, you said she came from a lady. An INDIVIDUAL lady, and she had her since she was 6 yrs old? That's a LONG time to bond with just one person, so her whole world has just been turned upside down, she went from a single household to a woman, a man and CHILDREN!

I think it is underestimated how overwhelming to the senses children can be. They scream, run about, throw things, and if they're young, they may not treat a dog with the right discretion seeing as they don't know any better.

Also, as others said, if she had a bad experience with someone trying to throw a bag, tshirt ect... over her head, she may associate that bad past experience with what your girlfriend was trying to do.

AND, as aforementioned, these dogs, while they CAN be patient with us, with all of our human weirdness, they aren't toys. You have a poodle and children to play dress up with, leave the husky alone.

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