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Grey been attacked


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Im sooooo Bloody mad :cussing::cussing::cussing::banghead::angryfire: We took Grey out for a walk befor going Shopping and when we went the park (Grey was on the lead) these two dogs (1 Rottie & 1 Staff both off leads) came running from the top of the road and went straight to attack Grey. In panic I grabbed reece into my arms and Tony tried to steer grey out of there way( at one piont Grey being in mid air as tony was swinging him around to stop the dogs getting him) but they just went in for the attack. (poor Tony in the middle) :mad: Poor Grey was in such a tangle and the other two was bitting and ripping his fur and me and Tony was shouting and screaming and juming in trying to break them all up. :mad::mad:

All while this was going on the owner was just walking towards us so slow and didnt show any urgancie or remorse :mad::mad: Everone was looking but yet no one came over to help even tho they could see I had a child in my arms(Reece was so scared) when the owner finally came over to us he had the cheek to tell our Grey to get away. By this point Im boiling over with pure rage!!!!:2up:

The owner just walked off and never said sorry. This is our 2nd run with this person and everytime we see him he never has them dogs on leads! it scares me to think what might have happened if Reece was playing with Grey and was caught in the middle and if we never saw them coming. It aint effin fair on people like us who have there dogs on leads so why the f**K should w****rs like that get away with it!!!!

We Flaged down a police car and reported it after. To be fair to Grey he gave as good as he got but really didnt stand a chance up against two stong breeds like that.

Sorry guys for all the cursing but Im so upset about it and wanted to share this with you im ringing the RSPCA & Council Monday to report him as I know where he lives but because of his life style he unapproachable (in other words looks like he off his face on drugs)

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OMG!! I am so sorry, hope Grey is OK. I am sure it really shook you up, especially with having Reece with you. Hope the idiot with the dogs gets punished. Like you say, it is so annoying that people can be so irresponsible and not put their dogs on leads.:mad:

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OMG!! I am so sorry, hope Grey is OK. I am sure it really shook you up, especially with having Reece with you. Hope the idiot with the dogs gets punished. Like you say, it is so annoying that people can be so irresponsible and not put their dogs on leads.:mad:

Aww thanks Sabresmum! yeah Grey is fine thanks just lost some fur but I guess on the funny side of it saves me hoovering it up of the carpet :D It more gave us the fright cause we had our little boy with us but Thank God Grey wasnst Hurt bad!!! Will defo report him next week tho as it could have been alot worse and as for all my neighbours they can go suck eggs cause non of them helped even tho they could see what had happened they could at least offered to hold reece while I helped tony get the Dogs of Grey.

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What can i say? You dealt with it perfectly, i was going to say: Call the police, report the tossa, and get the RSPCA on his back! I have had this done countless times, only the other night i was going to the shop and thought to take my two out with me, an American Bulldog came over and went for Balto, i had to let go of the lead as thats what your supposed to do (so my trainer tells me), he had Balto in full submission in the middle of the road, shaking, ripped out fur and bloody. I was seeing flames, the woman was about 50 and was clearly walking her son's dog, but she was usless and i had to get HER dog off!!! << Unreal.

Alaska has been attacked soo many times she now attacks most dogs she encounters when she's on the lead >> We are working on her and she is getting better:)

Im soo sorry to hear you have also had to go through this, poor Grey, i hope he is okay. Huskies do and will fight back, and that guy had no right to tell him to get away. Im sure you would have done a lot more if you didn't have a child with you. I wont even get into a rant as i'll be here for ages, he sounds like a cretin, i hope he gets charged:mad: <<< And just for you having to encounter such an in-bred im added to your rep;)

Hugs for Grey

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Aww........ thanks your such a sweetie ;)

Yeah im sooo angry about the cheek of that owner!! Great tip on droping the lead in that situation I never knew that. I want to rep you for that but cant as I only just rep you half hour ago(pinch collar advice) and it wont let me but your rep has not been forgotten. :D

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Wow, that's terrible. I don't know what the environment on dogs is in the UK. Here in the US, in some communities, if an attack like that took place, those two dogs would be impounded, the owner would most likely find himself in a bit of financial straits with fines.

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Poor Grey, I hope he gets over it ok, it's sad that we are reading yet another attack & the other party doesn't care! Make sure you follow it through, he needs a short, sharp shock, like hopefully his dog's taking off him & putting with someone responsible.

husky hugs from here, x

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OMG poor Grey, give him hugs from me, gizmo, marley and bandit!

Im at the end of my thread with these aggressive dogs off the lead!!! Bandit has been attacked on several occasions and how he hasnt become fearful aggressive I will never know! Marley and Gizmo will stand their ground but never seem to get the aggressive dogs, its always Bandit! I've had countless arguments aswell with people like this, they never seem to care!!!! Its also people like this that put the bad name to caertain breeds like rotties and staffs, etc, I had a rottie before and he was as good as gold and as friendly as any dog could possible be.

Im thinking of getting a letter up together to see about possible getting some sort of authority around the areas where dogs have to be kept on leads and people dont!

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Thanks guys for your support you been great!! im still colling down form yesterday and will just have to keep an eye out for that owner & Dogs when im out walking Grey. I think its a great idea doing a letter and petition and sending a copy to the priminister to see if It can somehow help.

Thanks again love ya all guys! :60:

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First of all, I'm glad Grey and the rest of y'all are OK.

Don't have a lot of knowledge of the laws in your part of the world, but as the laws in this country have their basis in English law I suspect they may be somewhat similar, in that you can go to the magistrate's office yourself and swear out a warrant on this guy since it sounds as if the police don't want to be involved or can't be. (To be fair, over here, the cops would tell you to do this as if they do not witness the event, they can't do much else. Could be the same there too.). As it stands now, this clown will continue what he is doing and someone will get hurt eventually by these dogs. This is a prime example of why any dog of any breed should never be out in a none secure area off lead. For both your dog's safety as well as the safety of the other dog.

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