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Actually found the guts to say something!


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AGAIN - stupid dog owners!!

Ok, here's the story......

I've just walked my babies - in the pouring rain - with thunder rumbling overhead.....just to set the scene.....

Came across a woman with two dogs who she was clearly struggling with - bearing in mind they were a jack russell and some kind of miniature black labrador-looking thing - so they were walking towards me so I got my two sitting nicely so she could walk past.

Next thing I know her jack russell was barrelling towards me, snarling and growling at my Tikka - who was sitting there just as mystified as me......anyway, this JR came to a stop nose-to-nose with Tikka who stood her ground, kinda looking down her nose at it......at this point the JR whined a little and just stood there snarling.

The woman strolls up and gets the lead in her hand - no apology, as per usual with these owners.....so I said 'well, that wasn't very friendly' and she turned round and said - wait for it.....'No, that one isn't friendly'......??????!!!!!!!

Well, that was enough for me. I'd just about had enough of these IDIOTIC owners not having control of their aggressive dogs, and she was the last straw.

I actually got in her space and said ' Well then, why did you let it go you stupid f**£%&^g woman!'

She told me the lead 'slipped out of her hand'......so I said 'why the hell do you think it's got a handle? You are un-f***$$&g-believable and if this happens again I'll make sure your rat doesn't get anywhere near my dogs'......and with that I walked the other way.

Now, maybe I was out of line, I don't think I was seeing as those dogs are bloody vicious! Maybe she got the blast of everything I've ever wanted to say to other stupid owners......but I feel better for saying it!

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See I never understood how I can keep hold of a 23 kg worth of husky (read monster) and small dog owners can't hold they 2kg dogs!

The other day my mom was just telling me how a one of those snappy, yappy tiny dogs saw Kremlin and instantly charged at him. Obviously, the owner dropped the leash, so my mom actually had to catch the other dog and hold it by the scruff (all while it was throwing a fit) until the owner came to retrieve it. Seriously? Is it really that difficult to hold your miniature dog?

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Not so difficult to hold on to those mini's, but much easier to let the little b*stards do as they please..... Little dogs with attitudes are awful.

I owned a rat terrier at the same time I had Bo and she was a little evil thing to everyone but me. At seven pounds on a full stomach, she could drop 60 pound Bo in a milli-minute!

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i pull mine away as best i can....darwin likes to leap on small dogs to play.

the shitty rats usually go off and bark and the owners do nothing...

if echo barks or darwin whines then 'thise monsters are vicious!!!!'

um no not at all....control your lil stupid dog and ill continue on my walk with my mostly behaved pack.....

i love how i walk my three in one hand and ill see someone struggling with 1 much smaller dog!!! they look at me with such shock on their faces

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Heh, maybe a little over the top, but I think you made your point and I understand why you lost your temper! Hopefully lady learns to keep her grip next time! I find that little dogs are the worst for this sort of thing. My favourite response to the owners is "if this was a (whatever big dog comes to mind) would you allow this? How is it okay just because your dog is little?" or "would you be okay with this if it were my dog who ran up and did that to yours?"

Our neighbour's pomeranian gets in the faces of big dogs all the time. He's been "attacked" on numerous occasions and the owner just doesn't understand why. I had an altercation with him that was similar to yours - where my dog was sitting beside me and the pomeranian dragged his owner over to us, yapping and growling at him. Wyatt put his nose down to sniff and the pom bit him. Before I could react, Wyatt grabbed him by the shoulder and pinned him to the ground. We got them separated, my neighbour picks up his screaming, but uninjured pom and says "I don't understand why they do that? She just wanted to say hello. They must think she's a cat or something."

I tried to keep my cool and said "you need to understand that your dog started that. He can't run up and bite another dog and expect nothing to happen."

He totally didn't get it. We had 3 separate conversations about it (as we live next door) and dude is completely oblivious to the fact that he has a rude dog that runs all over him.

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see THIS is exactly why im not nice to ANY dog owners who have offleash dogs anymore - if u cant be bothered to train it to come back when u call it - or it doesnt like other dogs WTF is it doing offlead!? n how the hell can u NOT hold back a jrt!? ffs - its no wonder mine hate other dogs when people are like this n yet IM the 1 that gets filthy looks when mine react - i just flip out now at the slightest thing - n maybe i shouldnt but other people have made me that way the same way other people have made my dogs that way

so fair play to you for standing up for yourself! keep it up - glad tikka wasnt phased by it :)

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It goes back to owners being rude and allowing their dogs to be rude, as well! That's what I like about the article in the "Rude dog" thread (http://www.husky-owners.com/forum/threads/interesting-article-on-dog-behaviour.31285/#post-500571). People all too often don't feel a need to train their little dogs - they're small enough to be harmless, after all, aren't they? I think people are also both ignorant and lazy - they don't understand the differences between canine and human communication, and they don't want to take the time and effort to bother figuring it out.

I do find it more helpful, generally, to speak firmly to the ignoramus, however, and try to educate them. No matter how good it feels to vent at them for their idiocy, they are more likely to be receptive and to learn (helpful for future encounters!), if I use a little more restraint - at least at first! - and try to be helpful and educate them...

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It really is unbelievable how we all have basic control over our huskies, and can hold them back if need be, yet these mini dogs people have are obviously soooooo much stronger than they look :rolleyes: and I have decided now that I WILL be saying things to people who don't have control of their dogs, because I'm so fed up of having mine scared by aggressive animals.....obviously I wouldn't allow my two to attack any dogs that were attacking them because I wouldn't like them to get hurt, so I will have to take care of them myself.

And yes, Nix, luckily Tikka didn't seem to be scared by the little rat, but it would definitely be a different matter if it was a bigger dog as she's nervous around larger breeds

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It goes back to owners being rude and allowing their dogs to be rude, as well! That's what I like about the article in the "Rude dog" thread (http://www.husky-owners.com/forum/threads/interesting-article-on-dog-behaviour.31285/#post-500571). People all too often don't feel a need to train their little dogs - they're small enough to be harmless, after all, aren't they? I think people are also both ignorant and lazy - they don't understand the differences between canine and human communication, and they don't want to take the time and effort to bother figuring it out.

I do find it more helpful, generally, to speak firmly to the ignoramus, however, and try to educate them. No matter how good it feels to vent at them for their idiocy, they are more likely to be receptive and to learn (helpful for future encounters!), if I use a little more restraint - at least at first! - and try to be helpful and educate them...

ive tried that - unforutnately i just got a mouthful ov abuse :( so i gave it back

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Gigi - I had started off being nice about it, but I just flipped when she said that that one wasn't friendly, but she'd let it go without trying to call it back or even warn me that it was nasty. My girl could have been badly bitten as she had lowered her head to sniff it as it got to her, so her nose was basically well within biting range.

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ive tried that - unforutnately i just got a mouthful ov abuse :( so i gave it back

I probably would have, too, at that point - at least pointed out to her that it's no wonder her dog is rude, with such a rude owner!

Gigi - I had started off being nice about it, but I just flipped when she said that that one wasn't friendly, but she'd let it go without trying to call it back or even warn me that it was nasty. My girl could have been badly bitten as she had lowered her head to sniff it as it got to her, so her nose was basically well within biting range.

Point out to her that your dog is much larger, and if she had wanted to do more than make a point, would have done so very, very quickly and efficiently! And might in the future, if it should happen again! (I might also point out that I'm much fiercer than my dog, and if it DOES happen again, I WILL step in between them, and will NOT allow the JRT to come near, even if I have to kick at it to stop it!)

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i do usually try to explain WHY mine are reacting the way they do - n this woman does now say sorry (cuz shes not stopped letting it offlead n still hasnt fixed her gate to stop it escaping) but sumtimes people just dont understand n thats when i rant - not always to their faces mind but i still do rant lol

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I probably would have, too, at that point - at least pointed out to her that it's no wonder her dog is rude, with such a rude owner!

Point out to her that your dog is much larger, and if she had wanted to do more than make a point, would have done so very, very quickly and efficiently! And might in the future, if it should happen again! (I might also point out that I'm much fiercer than my dog, and if it DOES happen again, I WILL step in between them, and will NOT allow the JRT to come near, even if I have to kick at it to stop it!)

Heh, I've tried that approach kind of approach and failed too (granted we both had our hackles up and the other owner wasn't in the mood for a lesson). I asked what if my dog was had attacked hers? She'd be the one calling for my head, figuring I ought to pay because she couldn't keep her dog from mobbing a strange dog. Her response was "nuh-uh! That's not true!" Then she wanted to keep arguing about how horrible I was because I had got between and shoved her dog away from mine. My repeated response was just "get your dog on a leash - control your dog."

It's like a drunk person getting behind the wheel - you're automatically at fault, because if you hadn't been on the road you wouldn't have been in an accident. Same with a loose dog. If your dog wasn't loose the altercation would never have taken place.

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there really is no need to be nasty to people.. just smile sweetly and ask them to get their dog away from yours, otherwise you will kick the little sh1t! it happened to me with a lhasa apso, the bloke dropped the lead as it walked past growling and snapping and it was like a whirling dervish.. the poor bird couldnt get away. lucky the bloke got it quickly and was very apologetic but i'm sorry that dog would have got a swift boot up the butt from me for attacking my dog

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I was nice to her, until she told me her dog wasn't friendly (even though she'd let it go), and there was no apology, even after she'd casually strolled over to get her nasty little rat. THAT was when I got nasty. I am not normally a nasty person, and it usually takes a LOT to wind me up, but to know that her dog could have badly bitten mine just wasn't on. I wouldn't let mine near cat-sized dogs because I know what they would do, so why would she not try and retrieve her nasty dog knowing it was aggressive?! I'm sure she would have had something to say if it was mine behaving in that way towards her dogs.

I'm starting to dread walking my two because I always come across stupid dog owners, so yes, I will start telling people what I think. There's no need to be ignorant and rude just because they don't know me. I even apologise to people when mine try and greet them, it's called manners and it doesn't cost anything to use them. I would be mortified if my dogs tried to attack someone's dog, I certainly wouldn't just ignore the fact that it had happened!!

Perhaps if these owners realise how rude and annoying it is, they might think twice before allowing it to happen again, and the only way they are going to know it is not acceptable is by telling them.

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I was nice to her, until she told me her dog wasn't friendly (even though she'd let it go), and there was no apology, even after she'd casually strolled over to get her nasty little rat. THAT was when I got nasty. I am not normally a nasty person, and it usually takes a LOT to wind me up, but to know that her dog could have badly bitten mine just wasn't on. I wouldn't let mine near cat-sized dogs because I know what they would do, so why would she not try and retrieve her nasty dog knowing it was aggressive?! I'm sure she would have had something to say if it was mine behaving in that way towards her dogs.

I'm starting to dread walking my two because I always come across stupid dog owners, so yes, I will start telling people what I think. There's no need to be ignorant and rude just because they don't know me. I even apologise to people when mine try and greet them, it's called manners and it doesn't cost anything to use them. I would be mortified if my dogs tried to attack someone's dog, I certainly wouldn't just ignore the fact that it had happened!!

Perhaps if these owners realise how rude and annoying it is, they might think twice before allowing it to happen again, and the only way they are going to know it is not acceptable is by telling them.

It's the lack of apology that gets me. I mean, even if it was an honest mistake, apologize for it! Wyatt got away from me once, and I came running after him, hollering at the people he was heading toward "He's friendly! Please grab him!" Once I got closer I apologized profusely. Or the first (and last!) time I let Scout off leash in a public park, he ran up to a family with a small dog. He ignored me when I called him back and set to visiting with the dog. I hollered assurance that he was friendly and apologize profusely as I came running up. The family took it all in stride, and actually laughed when I grabbed Scout and said "you just lost your privileges, bucko!"

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I don't think I'll ever understand 90% of what most people do lol. I have a small dog and have had others. However it does seem small dogs have a tendency to be on the nasty side. In my opinion the reason for this is most little dog owners forget that toy breeds are still dogs and should be treated like dogs and not babies. Most small dog owners let them do as they please and unintentionally or sometimes intentionally reinforce bad behaviors. I do spoil all my dogs to a point but I never forget they are dogs and don't allow them to misbehave.

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My little Blue has a built in "small dog sensor"when he sees one,he decides that he will treat it like a chew toy and slavers all over it!!This has happened when my friend comes to visit with her Yorkie,luckily she finds it amusing.I apologise profusly and try to correct his behaviour but he seems obsessed with gently chewing until he is soaked through!

Mind you,the little Yorkie does always start and provokes him until he leaps towards him.

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Kira and I both almost got eaten last night by a Staffy. The owner did stop and pull the dog behind a car - so she knew it was nasty. Unfortunatley she had it on a retractable lead (I HATE those things) so it could still reach us. Kira thinks all dogs are nice (probably because I dog sit and get them introduced both inside and outside the home first) and wants to play so she started to pull towards it. I ended up lifting her up and away muttering about useless leads. The woman just stood there laughing. If this happens again I will NOT be being polite about it.


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Kira and I both almost got eaten last night by a Staffy. The owner did stop and pull the dog behind a car - so she knew it was nasty. Unfortunatley she had it on a retractable lead (I HATE those things) so it could still reach us. Kira thinks all dogs are nice (probably because I dog sit and get them introduced both inside and outside the home first) and wants to play so she started to pull towards it. I ended up lifting her up and away muttering about useless leads. The woman just stood there laughing. If this happens again I will NOT be being polite about it.


See, the thing about retractable leads is that you can lock them in place! I've never understood people who let their dogs run helter skelter on them or how they managed to get tangled up! I think they're wonderful because when I let one of my dogs "loose" on one they have a wide swath they can run around me, and I never have to worry about them (or me!) getting tangled in the leash because there's never any slack. When someone approaches, they heel at my side and I lock the lead short. It's such a simple concept, I don't understand why it's so hard for people to grasp!

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