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Finnish Huskies?


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Whenever i take my kiddos anywhere of course i get the "Oh my is that a wolf?!" and that whole thing. But whenever i tell them yes both of them ARE Huskies they give me this business about how they've never seen a Husky that color before (black and tan). After i go into the whole thing about the AKC accepting any coloring for the breed they always walk away like i'm crazy.

So i've been doing a lot of research about colorings and "old type" versus "new type" of Huskies. I've found a LOT of info and pictures about the black and tan but it's all from Finland and Norway and other far off places. Nothing out of the US. And yes he is purebred after we got him from Animal Control our vet scanned him for a chip and checked him over for a tattoo because he was 100% positive Mickey was all Husky (ironically enough my vet used to breed working line huskies in alaska) He found a tattoo in his ear(?) and long story short we finally got in contact with his breeder in FINLAND. How he ended up in South Fl i have no idea... My vet even did one of the legitimate DNA tests and that came back confirmed 100% Husky.

Is there a difference between here and there when dealing with Huskies? Do they breed for a different standard? Has anyone ever even heard of (or seen) this coloring before? The more i find out the deeper the mystery seems to be. Any info/insight/opinions is welcomed!

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First off, I'm no expert on DNA. All I know is what I have seen on PBS and the like. But it is my understanding that DNA will distinguish a dog from a rat, but not a Chow from a German Shepherd, unless DNA samples were available for the parents as well. Like I said, I'm no expert, and maybe there is a test that is beyond what the PBS documentary I watched went into.

I have never seen a black and tan Husky. Our black and white, however, does have some tan on her rear legs between the black and the white. Our breeder told us Huskies come in all colors.

I recently learned from this PBS documentary (wish I could remember the title), that the Timber Wolf of North America and the domesticated dog, now share the same scientific name. Which would indicate they are considered the same spiecies. This, I believe, was determined from DNA sampling, and the fact that wolves and dogs can be bred, and their offspring are fertile.

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Nugget of Calivali was one of the orginal imports from the USA who has had significant input to Finnish pedigrees. << Suprise, suprise i cant find a pic of him on the net, but he was a beautiful, black/tan and white Siberian with blue eyes. He was of the working lines and was shown lightly due to judges opinions of the working siberian. Many of these types of sibes are found in Finland, and some breeders continue to keep the original imported sibes like Nugget. <<< If you want to know more about all imported sibes and their history i would highly reccamend this book:

The complete Siberian Husky


Heres a great site of all the eye colours, and coat colours:


A Black and Tan sibes:


I find that after people watching 'Snow Dogs', we have a lot of experts out there, my mum was walking Balto ( a pie-bald: http://www.huskycolors.com/piebald.html) and was told hes not a proper husky as they only come in black and white:eek::eek: Heres what i have had to endure so far:

- Sibes can only have blue eyes

- My two arent furry enough to be sibes

- Why are the so skinny?

- Huskies cant have spots

- There not like on the big screens are they?, 'cos their tails dont even touch their backs!!!

- Balto looks more like a Dalmation/G Shepherd cross

Good God im thinking lol

Here in the UK there is the show type and the working type. The sledding sibes tend to be a mixture of Alaskan huskies and sibes of different colours to the show type:



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I guess to the general public the only colors that huskies have are either: red and white or black and white. People even question Cheyennes coloring asking if i'm POSTIVE she isn't wolf >.< As Mickeys getting older i see some white coming in through the tan, especially in the hind quarters. Hopefully by 2 his coloring will be set. I'll check out that book, but there's no way he isn't a Husky my lord if i could only put my early memories of his "antics" into pictures! It's just frustrating to constantly have to explain to everyone that isn't a rottweiler/wolf mix!

I guess i shouldn't take it too seriously since most of the people i encounter aren't knowledgeable about Huskies, even if they own one! I remember at the park a few weeks ago a woman with a Wooly red and white husky was telling everyone he's so fluffy because he's part chowchow...

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Is Mickey the one in your avatar that's almost all black and tan?

I've never seen or heard of a husky with that colouring - I'd say he's part Finnish Lapphund which is another type of spitz breed, very popular and common in Finland. They look like this:


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To be honest guys when I first got Grey I thought his tail was short compared to other pics of huskies I had seen online(very tight loop tail to there back but grey's was more of a loose loop tail not so tight) but when I posted it on another Forum asking about it some other sibe owner sent me a very good link explaing why. Not all huskies look the same due to other countries breed standard but I have had a lot of silly things said to me by other people( non sibe owners)-

"all huskies have blue eyes and if they dont they are not real"

" Your is a fake cause the real ones live in snow"

"yours is to Grey and pale to be a Husky it should be more Black & White"

" If it has bi eye its not real"

The list goes on....... :rolleyes:

Here is the link that that another sibe owner sent me (Mick) it was really helpful!! Grey's tail is more like the last one on the end right of the first row of acceptable tails.


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I guess to the general public the only colors that huskies have are either: red and white or black and white. People even question Cheyennes coloring asking if i'm POSTIVE she isn't wolf >.< As Mickeys getting older i see some white coming in through the tan, especially in the hind quarters. Hopefully by 2 his coloring will be set. I'll check out that book, but there's no way he isn't a Husky my lord if i could only put my early memories of his "antics" into pictures! It's just frustrating to constantly have to explain to everyone that isn't a rottweiler/wolf mix!

I guess i shouldn't take it too seriously since most of the people i encounter aren't knowledgeable about Huskies, even if they own one! I remember at the park a few weeks ago a woman with a Wooly red and white husky was telling everyone he's so fluffy because he's part chowchow...

Dont worry lol, its very easy to get a bit narky when someone who clearly has little knowledge on the breed tries to explain to you he must be a mix. To me he looks like a beautiful Siberian Husky...end of really!!

A fellow husky onwer told me in the park mine were lab mixes 'cos the tails dont touch the backs:party::party: And then on another occasion >> same owner said "Oh, i think hes go tAkita in him 'cos his tail touches his back" !!!!!!!!!!!:eek:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OMG what a plank lol

Is Mickey the one in your avatar that's almost all black and tan?

I've never seen or heard of a husky with that colouring - I'd say he's part Finnish Lapphund which is another type of spitz breed, very popular and common in Finland. They look like this:



There ya go lol. Now weve all seen one, there deff can be Black and Tan >> Just like Nugget who is in a lot of significant pedigrees.

To be honest guys when I first got Grey I thought his tail was short compared to other pics of huskies I had seen online(very tight loop tail to there back but grey's was more of a loose loop tail not so tight) but when I posted it on another Forum asking about it some other sibe owner sent me a very good link explaing why. Not all huskies look the same due to other countries breed standard but I have had a lot of silly things said to me by other people( non sibe owners)-

"all huskies have blue eyes and if they dont they are not real"

" Your is a fake cause the real ones live in snow"

"yours is to Grey and pale to be a Husky it should be more Black & White"

" If it has bi eye its not real"

The list goes on....... :rolleyes:

Here is the link that that another sibe owner sent me (Mick) it was really helpful!! Grey's tail is more like the last one on the end right of the first row of acceptable tails.


Great link, could't add to rep tho:confused: My two would be the posistions that dont touch their backs...what about Grey?

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There ya go lol. Now weve all seen one, there deff can be Black and Tan >> Just like Nugget who is in a lot of significant pedigrees.

LOL - I didn't mean I think they don't exist, just that (as that link enforces) it's an incredibly rare colour. I'm not sure when the last time a solid black and tan Siberian has been seen? And I don't mean one where it's guessed it's pure Siberian - one with a pedigree to prove it.

The OPs dog may be purebred Siberian but coming from Finland I still suspect, given the extreme rarity of purebred black and tan Siberians, it's probably more likely he's got lappie in him.

ETA: Having said that I am only going by the pic in the OP's avatar which I'm still not sure if that's the dog in question - more pics would be awesome :)

Just to clarify - by seen I meant, you know, in real life :)

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LOL - I didn't mean I think they don't exist, just that (as that link enforces) it's an incredibly rare colour. I'm not sure when the last time a solid black and tan Siberian has been seen? And I don't mean one where it's guessed it's pure Siberian - one with a pedigree to prove it.

The OPs dog may be purebred Siberian but coming from Finland I still suspect, given the extreme rarity of purebred black and tan Siberians, it's probably more likely he's got lappie in him.

ETA: Having said that I am only going by the pic in the OP's avatar which I'm still not sure if that's the dog in question - more pics would be awesome :)

Just to clarify - by seen I meant, you know, in real life :)

OH gotcha lol I thought you meant you were unsure if they existed:rolleyes: They are rare, but if you and look at pics of him on his profile or gallery you'll see he really looks 100% sibe. Its kind of the same with Agouti sibes, although their a little more common some people will swear blind "this guy" sold them a wolf!! tututut lol <<<< I had to inform him its was just a agouti sibe with a mal mix >>> There was no way it was a wolf lool

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He is pure Siberian, when we got in contact with the breeder he sent my vet over some of the paperwork he still had left. So the pedigree in question is floating around the vets office somewhere! He said, i believe, that his dogs weren't bred for show. He used them to do their "god given jobs".

Ugh!! I get the "Oh he's Akita, his tail is really curled!" It is true, his tail curls more than the standard allows, but it's not always like that. Only when he's at full attention, there's food around, or he's introducing himself. His tail DOES lie flat sometimes. He's just happy for the most part i guess.

Here's 2 pictures of him from a few months ago now. Best shots i have of his whole body.

I actually saw an agouti Sibe a few months back. The woman and i were comparing mixes people thought the dogs were for an hour or so. Quite funny!



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I actually saw an agouti Sibe a few months back. The woman and i were comparing mixes people thought the dogs were for an hour or so. Quite funny!

ooh put it in the mistaken identity thread lol :P i love readin the stories about what our sibes get mixed up with - dont no if uve seen the thread but my fave with my boy has 2 b when he was called a werewolf lol ( thats happened twice now lol :P )

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I love Mickey's colouring - very unusual, but stunning. The colour variation is one of the things I love about Sibes. We took in a little rescue boy at the weekend who is mostly dark grey, but has really unusual light tan spectacles:




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Dont worry lol, its very easy to get a bit narky when someone who clearly has little knowledge on the breed tries to explain to you he must be a mix. To me he looks like a beautiful Siberian Husky...end of really!!

A fellow husky onwer told me in the park mine were lab mixes 'cos the tails dont touch the backs:party::party: And then on another occasion >> same owner said "Oh, i think hes go tAkita in him 'cos his tail touches his back" !!!!!!!!!!!:eek:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OMG what a plank lol


There ya go lol. Now weve all seen one, there deff can be Black and Tan >> Just like Nugget who is in a lot of significant pedigrees.

Great link, could't add to rep tho:confused: My two would be the posistions that dont touch their backs...what about Grey?

Hey ya, :D

yeah in general Grey's tail dont touch is back cause it is more of a loose curl but when he is alert (spots somthing like another dog or sees us coming towards him or when we come home through the front door his tail tightens up and touches his back with excitment) thanks for trying to Rep me but I think Mick deserves it as it was him that sent me that link. (added to Rep Mick)

You can Kinda get a look at Grey's tail in the video of Tony walking him (Grey's day out) Have you any pics of your sibes tail?

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I love Mickey's colouring - very unusual, but stunning. The colour variation is one of the things I love about Sibes. We took in a little rescue boy at the weekend who is mostly dark grey, but has really unusual light tan spectacles:




Aww......Very Stunning pup!!

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He is pure Siberian, when we got in contact with the breeder he sent my vet over some of the paperwork he still had left. So the pedigree in question is floating around the vets office somewhere! He said, i believe, that his dogs weren't bred for show. He used them to do their "god given jobs".

Ugh!! I get the "Oh he's Akita, his tail is really curled!" It is true, his tail curls more than the standard allows, but it's not always like that. Only when he's at full attention, there's food around, or he's introducing himself. His tail DOES lie flat sometimes. He's just happy for the most part i guess.

Here's 2 pictures of him from a few months ago now. Best shots i have of his whole body.

I actually saw an agouti Sibe a few months back. The woman and i were comparing mixes people thought the dogs were for an hour or so. Quite funny!

He's very handsome!!! I think he just looks like a workign Siberian:)

ooh put it in the mistaken identity thread lol :P i love readin the stories about what our sibes get mixed up with - dont no if uve seen the thread but my fave with my boy has 2 b when he was called a werewolf lol ( thats happened twice now lol :P )

A werewolf!!!! lol i know hes big but...:eek:

The funniest thing for me is when people think Balto is Alaska's mum 'cos of the size difference...some people eh!?!:cool:

And Mary >>> Here are some pics of Alaska's tail, it never touches her back, but when she is alert it curves into a perfect sickle and looks really cool >> But she always moves so i dont have a pic:confused: When she darts through long grass like a whippet her tail goes round and round and is in a kind of swirl lol

Other than that when she walks its either down, or mid-way, Same with Balto's tail in the last pic;) Im on a crappy laptop and cant watch videos:rolleyes::rolleyes: Got any pics?

.................soz its being really shitty and not letting me upload for some reason?

Here they are on my photobucket:


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Mickey is gorgeous colour, I have to agree he is the fist sibe I've seen black and tan like that. He is most unique :D

I love Mickey's colouring - very unusual, but stunning. The colour variation is one of the things I love about Sibes. We took in a little rescue boy at the weekend who is mostly dark grey, but has really unusual light tan spectacles:


I agree mick, I love the many different coat colourings, markings, eye colours of sibes, they must be one of the most colourful breeds of dogs I know off :)

Your new rescue is so sweet Mick :) beautiful markings

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I love Mickey's colouring - very unusual, but stunning. The colour variation is one of the things I love about Sibes. We took in a little rescue boy at the weekend who is mostly dark grey, but has really unusual light tan spectacles:




Gorgeous coloring. Cheyenne used to have really defined "eyeliner" around her eyes like that but didn't have the brown eyeglass look. Unfortunately as she's getting older the black is starting to fade around her eyes just a bit. I'm sure she'll always have the rings, just not as defined.

Ironically enough, yesterday a friend called me swearing she was looking at Mickey (impossible, she lives on the other side of the country). She had run into a woman walking her 6(!) Siberians and of course she had a black and tan... as well as an agouti :eek: And of COURSE she had no camera!

Werewolf! Haha haven't heard that one yet. Although people ask if Cheyenne is "all there" because of her bi-eye a lot! Poor little Cheyenne...

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