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You ever think to yourself just how many friend you have through being on here?

Just been thinkin about it myself because of being out tonight and also laughin my head off at something Chris has just posted in Mod Room (you will have to wait till camp to find out). Been up to Suzanne and Tonys tonight because it was Tonys birthday, he's around the corner and a good m8. Me, Tony & Dad are gonna have a bit of golf on saturday. Something none of use would have been doing before the forum..... I mean golf, its not like we're a golf forum, but hey why not!

On top of that I got a m8 who is a punk. The kinda guy I would have been a little weary of before here and learning that stereotypes are just that, stereotype.Someone who is a decent guy who I have a laugh with when we meet up, even if it is only a few times a year.

I have a m8 who likes racin like I do that text me the other day about kartin.

A guy at the other end of the country Im doing his website and he is sorting out my lessons for adding things to my license. Costs niether of us anything and saves each other a fortune.

Was textin someone else to say congrats on their new job earlier today who lives absolutly miles away and yet I have seen him more in the last 6 month than some people who live around the corner.

I speak to one guy almost daily who Ive only met once. We have a lot in common and can have a laugh about some things others wouldnt even understand, and yet he lives about a thousand mile away.

Im talkin about people who I see as good m8s here. Stereotypin here I know, but no women. Im on about male m8s who I have a good laugh with. Sometimes I feel shit about this place I wont lie. But its times when I think like this I realise just what we all have. We have something most other people will never have in their lives. I love this place not for the forum. I love this place for what its seriously done to not only my life, but my families life too. We all live for the place, and I'll tell ya what I think I can honestly say we wouldnt have it any other way. Why should we, its ACE!!

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I envy you Marc and everyone else on here who has found people to be well and good friends with. I think about it everyday after every post I read. It's so fascinating to see the relationships that have formed on here and then to hear about how those have translated into the real world are just amazing. What's really great about this place is you can converse on so much more than huskies. You can actually form bonds over other things and create friendships that you never ever would've thought possible just off the street. Not many places online work this way. Alot of places I know are simply based on the subject at hand and that is ALL people talk about. I hope when I'm older I'll eventually grow out of my problems but for now I'm content watching people on here enjoy their lives and help each other through the difficulties all around. It's funny sometimes though isn't it that one small thing can show you that stereotypes, even if you convinced yourself your not stereotyping people, are nothing more than just a word attached to someone based on a lifestyle choice :)

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Great post,

I would say i have some great friends on this forum, and yeah they dont live close to me and yeh i dont see them much but that dont matter really... I still talk to most more than i do my mates at home lol...

I joined this forum just over 2 years ago now and from day one i have felt welcome, its great to be part of this place and meet some of you every now and then :D

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I envy you Marc and everyone else on here who has found people to be well and good friends with. I think about it everyday after every post I read. It's so fascinating to see the relationships that have formed on here and then to hear about how those have translated into the real world are just amazing. What's really great about this place is you can converse on so much more than huskies. You can actually form bonds over other things and create friendships that you never ever would've thought possible just off the street. Not many places online work this way. Alot of places I know are simply based on the subject at hand and that is ALL people talk about. I hope when I'm older I'll eventually grow out of my problems but for now I'm content watching people on here enjoy their lives and help each other through the difficulties all around. It's funny sometimes though isn't it that one small thing can show you that stereotypes, even if you convinced yourself your not stereotyping people, are nothing more than just a word attached to someone based on a lifestyle choice :)

Took the words right out of my... Fingers?

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Very true :) I've been lucky enough to have gotten to know someone through this forum who only lives about two minutes round the corner from me (at my family home in Kent) but who I probably would never have even bumped into over the field. When I'm home we meet up regularly to take the dogs for a walk (Kiska loooves her dog, as if she didn't have enough boyfriends already - she's putting me to shame! :oops:). She doesn't come on here much if at all anymore I don't think so I'm glad I had the opportunity to network while she was still around but I speak to her off of the forum and will no doubt be meeting her again once I'm home for Christmas :D Other than that I've had to add a whole new group on my facebook for 'Husky People' which is filled with people from here. I regretably don't talk to any of them anywhere near as much as I should/I'd like, but that's what university is doing to me :rolleyes: I still consider them all true friends.

This isn't something that's new to me though; my best friend in the whole world is a girl called Beth. I first spoke to her online almost 10 years ago now when I was about 12 years old, we met through a forum about killer whales (I was massively, humungously involved in the online killer whale community from the age of about 9 and am still an avid lurker/occasionally actively involved). We spoke for a good 2-ish years before we finally met for a day out at the London Aquarium, then over the next couple of years we took turns visiting eachother for a week at a time and meeting up for more days out (I even went to stay with her for 2 weeks when she and her mum moved to Spain for a couple of years), and now we have our annual holiday(s) together and we've both been to visit eachother at university. I don't know what I'd do without her in my life, I couldn't be more greatful to the community for bringing us together, but that place had nothing on here. I've never seen a forum with such an incredible atmosphere and bond - people love the forum for what it is, not necessarily what it's about. You could take away any mention of huskies on here and people would still want to stick around. What has been created here is incredibly rare and shouldn't be taken for granted, something I think people are realising more and more.

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I love this forum for that very reason and I was saying the same to Tony this morning, I was really grateful to both you Marc and Sarah for helping make Tonys birthday special because as you know he gets a bit depressed round his birthday usually because no one usually bothers but that was changed this year and im really grateful xx

I have met some fantastic friends through this website and I have to say its boosted my social life. Esp Marc and Sarah who I class as some of my best friends even though I have only known them less than a year xx

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awwww Marc you made tears well up. Mainly because I think you said exactly what I feel.

Not one day goes by that I dont come on here at least once a day if not more, hardly one day ever goes by that I dont have some sort of conversation or comment on facebook by someone I met through here. And I have almost 300 facebook friends!!!!!! 90% of them husky ones!!!

Time to get serious, ive moved around a lot throughout my life and never really had many friends. Not real keeper ones anyway. Before I found this forum I had just gotten Storm, had only been here for a year, was on my own all day with Storm and to be honest feeling pretty lonely.

Then I found this place, suddenly I am no longer alone, my facebook pings with chat messages, I have 50 odd notifications a day.

If I feel low, someone is always around to cheer me up and ask whats wrong and genuinely mean it.

On my birthday I had more messages than I have ever had.

I got to go camping for the first time, ok so it was cold, wet and muddy but I loved every second of it and I truely felt like I was meant to be there, like I belonged there.

I will always be truely grateful to Marc and Saz, I for one don't think they will ever truely understand how much this place and the people in it mean to me and how it has changed my life forever.

I love my Husky Family very much.xxxxx (tears flowing again)

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Nicely said, I am hoping to get some good friends from here aswell. hopefully can make it to a camp next year, if there is going to be one in the second part of next year. even will take the furkiddos with us then with the new rule change will make that easier..

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lol lou

marc i couldnt agree more - ive made alot of friends on here - some ive only met once but others like stacey ive met a few times and consider a really good friend

and also the past month or so got alot closer to some others due to them being there for me to talk about some problems and me being there for them

:) love this place

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Met some awesome people! ^_^

I wouldn't have met Sid_Wolf if it wasn't for the Forum, and she is now one on my closest friends, furthermore i woudln't have known about the Husky Meets either! Not to mention all of the other good friends I've made :D

aww u bloody sap :P lol totally agree Marc i've met some great people who i never would have known existed if it wasnt for this place :D

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