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So I adopted Rodeo from animal control. While I was waiting to get him they were rescanning him to be sure his microchip that they implanted was working. For some reason that chip wasn't showing up but a "new" chip was. They didn't do anything about it and let me adopt him but changed the microchip number information to the "new" chip so I could register him.

I get him home and begin to look up this microchip. It's an AKC Campanion microchip company, so I called the place looking to see if I could get information about where he was from. They wouldn't tell me anything but that he did have someone registered on his chip but wouldn't give me any details. After about a week of calling and speaking with different people- one woman finally would work with me. She said yes he was registered but there was no pet name listed. She said most people who don't list the pet name are the people who originally bred the dog. I asked if she could tell me where the chip was implanted, and she said Petland (major pet store chain.)

I looked up the closest petland to where Rodeo was picked up as a stray and went in there with his adoption information looking really for just a birthdate. The manager wasn't in but a woman working in the "kennel" area took his microchip number back and looked it up. I had found the right Petland. His birthdate is 4/10/11 which makes him nearly 7 months old now. This is where things get funny...

She said the man who purchased Rodeo had purchased at least 10 dogs from them in just the past year. Mostly Siberians. Rodeo was a "special order." Originally I had thought Rodeo was a BYB product as where he was picked up is littered with people pumping out puppies. So I guess I was half right- except Rodeo was purchased to be a stud. She had all his paperwork but was reluctant to give me anything because her manager wasn't in. She said I could come back in when she was and talk to her, as of yet I haven't returned. One of the girls who was working there said "Oh yeah I remember him- he came in like a month ago or something complaining that someone had stolen his puppy or it got lose, so he "special ordered" a new one." They didn't care I had Rodeo- they were glad that someone adopted him from the shelter. They said "Well it ain't his dog anymore!"

Question is: Should I go back to get more information on him? Or would it be smart to just walk away? I really really want to know more about Rodeo but i'm nervous at the same time...

Woah this is long!

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hmm thats a tough choice - the fact he is 'ordering' other dogs makes it seem like he doesnt really care what happened to him anyway

i personally would want to know more about him if he was mine but then it really is a tough choice n u have 2 think of his and ur safety just incase anything were to happen if he claims u stole his dog - tho if rodeo is chipped under ur details he probably wont be able 2 prove specially if u have his paperwork too

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Wow poor puppy. I don't know about any of this but by adopting him from the shelter does that make him 'legally' yours? If it does I'd go back and see what you could find out there may be something you need to know. I wish I had a clearer idea of my pups history it would have really helped with the first few vet visits and figuring out what food to put her on when I first had her.

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I'd want to know. Because I'd want to have some idea of where this fellow lives - so I can make sure to avoid it. The fact that he's bought 10 Sibes from them in the past year raises some major issues for me - as in what's he doing with them? You said the store was close to where Rodeo was picked up, but don't say how far that is from where you live.

There's no doubt in my mind that he's your dog, animal rescue picked him up, you rescued him; you have papers to show that, so I don't think there's any way he can claim him - legally.

Maybe it's just my paranoid little mind that says there's something "funny" with his purchasesm and I haven't a clue what. If he's a byb then he's got himself one big operation to purchase that many within a year, I'd think. I'd at least want to talk to the store manager and see what she would tell you - and pray that she's not on terms with the guy where she'd tell him.

This is one really rough call ... ignore it and you take the chance that he'll recognize Rodeo and become psychotic; if you don't, you potentially give him directions to your door ...

I'm really sorry that you're caught in this. Best of luck, no matter what you do.

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I'd want to know more too, but I dont think I'd chase it up-you may end up losing Rodeo if you push too much as it coud get back to the original owner. If he's got papers for Rodeo he may claim that you stole him- even though you didnt!! Just be glad you can give him a good home now and look to a brighter future with him i your pack. :D

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So I adopted Rodeo from animal control. While I was waiting to get him they were rescanning him to be sure his microchip that they implanted was working. For some reason that chip wasn't showing up but a "new" chip was. They didn't do anything about it and let me adopt him but changed the microchip number information to the "new" chip so I could register him.

I get him home and begin to look up this microchip. It's an AKC Campanion microchip company, so I called the place looking to see if I could get information about where he was from. They wouldn't tell me anything but that he did have someone registered on his chip but wouldn't give me any details. After about a week of calling and speaking with different people- one woman finally would work with me. She said yes he was registered but there was no pet name listed. She said most people who don't list the pet name are the people who originally bred the dog. I asked if she could tell me where the chip was implanted, and she said Petland (major pet store chain.)

I looked up the closest petland to where Rodeo was picked up as a stray and went in there with his adoption information looking really for just a birthdate. The manager wasn't in but a woman working in the "kennel" area took his microchip number back and looked it up. I had found the right Petland. His birthdate is 4/10/11 which makes him nearly 7 months old now. This is where things get funny...

She said the man who purchased Rodeo had purchased at least 10 dogs from them in just the past year. Mostly Siberians. Rodeo was a "special order." Originally I had thought Rodeo was a BYB product as where he was picked up is littered with people pumping out puppies. So I guess I was half right- except Rodeo was purchased to be a stud. She had all his paperwork but was reluctant to give me anything because her manager wasn't in. She said I could come back in when she was and talk to her, as of yet I haven't returned. One of the girls who was working there said "Oh yeah I remember him- he came in like a month ago or something complaining that someone had stolen his puppy or it got lose, so he "special ordered" a new one." They didn't care I had Rodeo- they were glad that someone adopted him from the shelter. They said "Well it ain't his dog anymore!"

Question is: Should I go back to get more information on him? Or would it be smart to just walk away? I really really want to know more about Rodeo but i'm nervous at the same time...

Woah this is long!

Long answer too I'm afraid. stick with me.... firstly it seems clear sthat this guy care nothing for the dogs he has. They are a pay cheque......nothing illegal about that though.

I have done a bit of digging on this one and there are a few things to mention. Not least of which is contractual obligation.

1. You now have a pup who legally (certainly in Florida) - belongs to someone else. Especially as this guy has mentioned to the pet shop 'someone had stolen his puppy or it got lose'

2. You would be certain to have firmer grounding if you take him back to the shelter and have him re-scanned and re-registered with the chip they put in. Is this possible/permitted?

3. The documentation for the transfer of ownership - in the event that no other owner is proven to exisit - is with you from the shelter. However, they should have checked for another chip at the point they took him in. So I am a bit surprised about that fundamental error.

4. anywayzzz - Once you can show the petshop that you are the legal owner - and that the old chip - (current legal owner) has been formally superceded by the new one (shelters chip) they should have no problems handing you the paperwork. (Presumably these are copies that they hold as the previous owner would have the originals?) You will have to prove the linkage to the petshop.

5. You need everything to tie up - in writing, even with the petshop.

6. This may become an uncomfortable exercise but stick to your guns, and please, please, please be happy with the decision you make - whatever you decide to do. Good Luck....

Maybe the answer is to have pup registered with the Shelters chip and let things die down for a while - in the meantime gather information and written support from the shelter and then dig into the paperwork. I'm second guessing speed of receipt of paperwork is not a major issue for you?

As an aside for others my understanding is this: Please be careful......If another party is looking after your pet dog, cat, parrott or whatever, and there is NO written agreement - e-mails, traceable electronic conversations etc,. are valid in this instance or NO proof of intention between the parties for example consideration (transfer of monies/ dog food etc,. from you to them as part of an agreement for looking after your dog) which displays the first owners intention then the adopter can make the return of the dog extremely uncomfortable for you. Not to say that the dog will not be returned, eventually depends on the ruling, but there could be quite a costly legal wrangle.....

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Rodeo was picked up as a stray in Seminole reservation territory. (I live about 30 minutes away from where he was picked up) The man who bought him from the pet store i'm sure is Seminole or at least lives on the reservation therefore regular Florida laws don't necessarily apply. I don't think reporting how many puppies he's bought would do anything as on Seminole ground... it's really their rules and I don't think there's many of them.

Sibemum The issue with the chip that he "supposedly" had inserted (at the shelter) is that it actually was never picked up in the scanner- the other chip (the AKC one) was discovered... I don't know why that chip was never looked into at that moment it was discovered. But knowing what I do now... I'm glad it wasn't. He's registered with my vet and i'm planning on getting him another microchip inserted by a clinic and put my info on that as well as changing the info on his old AKC chip to me (because it's really easy...)

Speed isn't important I just don't want my curiosity to get the better of me... I think i've just got a lot to think about. He's not even AKC registered so I couldn't get that much history on where he's from... He's registered with the ACA.

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I personally wouldn't mess with it. The fact there was an original chip from the store can legally allow him to be taken from you if this guys gets wind of it and really wants to fight the system. The fact that he lives on native land would also work in his favor if he wanted to push it.

Remember in this country those with the best intentions usually are the ones that get screwed over. Our legal system only provides real support if someone is getting to much heat from the media and the general public rises up in arms to right a wrong (which usually involves discrimination and this would be a prime case for it) . My gut is telling me you got his birthday and know his age so I would leave it alone. I may be cynical but after being pretty much thrown in the trash by the so called legal system and watching my disabled brother get royally let down by our supposed government I don't trust anything to the high ups when it comes to something I love.

An idea though if you DO decide to tip toe around go in and talk to the manager. Start up a simple conversation nothing involving your dog just general interest in the store and maybe a puppy and feel out their personality. I have no doubt you'll be able to tell if they are someone you can trust to get info and not worry to much about word getting back to the original owner.

It's a hairy situation but it's your decision and whatever you go with keep us up to date. Good luck with whatever you decide.

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Given that what you know of the original owner sounds shady, I wouldn't risk it. What good is the info, really? Rodeo is your pet, and you love him regardless. I wouldn't risk doing anything that could potentially have you crossing paths with a puppy mill person who might try to take legal claim to him. I think further pursuit of the information for curiosity's sake could put you at risk of serious heartbreak, even if he is legally yours.

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I've been thinking about it and i'm going to leave it how it is. I found out what I wanted so i'm going to walk away before I get myself into something that I don't want to be involved in. Thanks guys- you've made me realize what I already knew... I don't want to compromise Rodeos safety and well-being with me because I wanted to be nosy.

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