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HELP!!! Husky puppy won't eat!


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Hello all,

My baby girl Rockette and I are new to the forum and hoping someone out there can give me some insight.

Rockette is a female husky pup about 6 months old now. I rescued her at 10 weeks and she has been with me since. Since the day I brought her home I started feeding her Blue Buffalo puppy, about 2 to 2 1/2 cups a day, three times a day. Once she finished about two bags of BB I started to mix transition her to Orijen puppy at about 2 1/2 to 3 cups.

Everything has been fine up until last week when I noticed that she didn't finish her bowl of food. I do not free feed her. I will usually lay a bowl out for her to eat or feed her by hand...usually both. For the last six days she hasn't been eating her normal 3 cups of food (of which she has no problem eating at all). The first four days she ate about 2 cups a day and the last two days she has eaten about 1 cup of food. Today, she has still not eaten.

Rockette and I go on walks 2 to 3 times a day for a good 30-40 min. On her walks Rockette seems normal exploring everything in the neighborhood and getting excited over everything. We usually play rough for 10-15 min before her walks to calm her down and she has plenty of energy it seems even without eating her full meals. I did notice during her walks the past week she has been what seems like marking which she has never done before.

Other things to note:

*About the same time that she stopped eating that same day she tried digging into the neighbors yard which she has never done before (they have two female dogs and one male). Usually she will climb on a planter and watch them from there but for only seconds at a time, then she goes about her business.

*Same day she stopped eating her personality somewhat changed. She was and has been a lot more mellow the past week. Usually she is a ball of energy and sprints everywhere (hence her name...Rockette)

She is a female and has not been fixed so I have considered heat. As it stands I have not noticed her vagina swell or start to bleed. There are several dogs in the neighborhood, sadly some with irresponsible owners who let them roam the streets and I have not noticed them hanging around the house. I have been keeping a close eye on her to be sure nothing happens to her while she plays outside. She does whine when she sees another dog but I am not sure if it has to do with "possibly" being in heat or if she wants to play as she has always whined when she sees dogs.

All her stools have been normal with the exception of one, yesterday that was more like diarrhea and of course she hasn't gone as frequently.

I have tried to include everything I can to add on here so if anyone needs more info please let me know. As it stands if she doesn't start to eat by Tuesday I am taking her to the Vet. Its gonna leave me in a pinch financially as I am unemployed and the VA has yet to finish my disability claim...15 months and counting :mad:. Still well worth it for my baby girl who keeps me sane :). Thanks all.




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There will definitely be plenty here with good advice but I can tell you that our male went through a phase for a couple of weeks where he totally lost interest in his food. We just carried on as normal and didn't give him anything etc and eventually he came round again.

If she is healthy in every other way i, personally, wouldn't worry but keep a close eye. If she is in season, this can have an effect on appetite.

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Sorry to hear your baby girl isn't feeling well (she's beautiful, by the way! :) )

Has she vomitted at all? Maybe she ate something funny in the backyard, and now she's feeling a bit nauseous?

Or she could be starting her first heat, which would make her appetite go down. I think her starting her first heat is more likely, though, because her lack of interest in food has been somewhat gradual.

Do you plan on spaying her?

EDIT: Oh, it sounds like she's entering her first heat when you mentioned she's marking on walks. Female dogs tend to start marking a lot while they're in estrus.

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Any signs of a temperature? are her ears especially hot? do you have a thermometer? Dogs can hide their symptoms well sometimes.

As far as feeding, if you want to make it a goal of getting her to eat, my old tricks of dealing with this are....heat up the wet food if you are giving her any wet food or try baby food (you'll have to try a variety to see what she likes), or warm broth over the food. As far as drinking, in emergencies I have used a syringe and put pedialite and water into the back of their throats (of course emergencies, as not to make unneeded stress)

But I would make a vet appt for sure if her appetite doesn't increase by mid-week.

warm thoughts and keep us posted:grouphug:

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Shawn, when I'm not sure what to say, I just set back and let those who do answer - I hate being ignorant, I hate looking ignorant worse!

I did go wandering around the web after I read your note, and I think you may be spot on regarding her coming into heat the first time. If you google "dogs first heat" you'll come up with a few sites that have some good information - and aside from the digging all pretty much fit a lot of what you describe.

Best of luck there (and with the VA, I'm having a go at them as well at the moment!) //al

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She is very possibly coming into heat - that can cause them to lose appetite. Something else to consider, is that she has now gotten the majority of her upward growth, and has, by what you've said, also become somewhat less active. Both of these would mean that she is requiring less fuel! For her age with the foods you are/have been feeding, 2 cups per day sounds like about the right amount. Many of them will cut themselves back when they no longer need the amount they previously did. You might want to start feeding her twice a day, rather than free-feeding, if you're concerned about her not eating or being picky. That way, she has time to become hungry between meals, which will stimulate her appetite to eat. To make it work, however, you'll have to put the food down for perhaps 10 minutes, then pick it up until the next meal, no matter how much or little she's consumed... It's extremely rare that a healthy husky will starve itself, truly - when she's hungry, she WILL eat!

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Hey everyone, thanks for all the great insight! I myself was sick yesterday so Rockette and myself just stayed in bed all day and kept each other company. As of now she has still not touched her food so I am taking her to the Vet today. Actually in half an hour. Hopefully whatever is the issue, it is treatable and doesn't cost too much. I realize the cost if taking her to the vet very well may put me in financial distress but she is worth it. She has helped me so much with my PTSD and I love her to death. Maybe by some miracle the Veterans Department will finally award me my disability and I don't have to worry so much about money. You all are great!


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Hey everyone, thanks for all the great insight! I myself was sick yesterday so Rockette and myself just stayed in bed all day and kept each other company. As of now she has still not touched her food so I am taking her to the Vet today. Actually in half an hour. Hopefully whatever is the issue, it is treatable and doesn't cost too much. I realize the cost if taking her to the vet very well may put me in financial distress but she is worth it. She has helped me so much with my PTSD and I love her to death. Maybe by some miracle the Veterans Department will finally award me my disability and I don't have to worry so much about money. You all are great!


Best wishes on all accounts - let us know how it goes!

Thank you for your service!

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Marius went thru phases of not eating and being lazy I think its just part of growing up. Marius is also on Orijen I found that after a while he got bored of the Orijen puppy formula so we switched to 6 fish (for all life stages) and he eats it up right away. Also before I switched his food I was giving him raw carrots and I would add plain yogurt on top of his food make sure the yogurt you use has nothing other then the bacterial cultures and cream no sugar or suclarose or aspratame. Could try that for now but its probably just part of growing up as Marius did the same thing :P

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