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Question about temperament!

Amy/Jay & Koda

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I have a siberian husky that is almost five months old. He has only growled once when he was maybe 12 weeks since then he hasnt growled once. I was wondering if all siberian huskies very mellow or is it just certain huskies. I'm not saying i want him to growl but i know other puppie breeds do. Since I'm new to the husky family I'm still trying to figure out everything. My huskie is very very very timid.post-2387-0-78655700-1366116639_thumb.jp



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I'll give you my comments and then others can chime in. Misty - my Side - is VERY laid back, she may howl to get my attention, but most of the time she's just chillin'. Walk time is easy since she doesn't try to make a tug of war out of it. About the only time I see her correct one of the other dogs is when I've given her something ( left over from my meal ) and she's protecting it. She doesn't get into the other dogs "specials" and they shouldn't get into hers - fair enough.

I think you'll find that Husky's will generally be laid back dogs - maybe not so much as mine, but generally real easy going.

sutsibe - I'm almost done, do you have your comment up yet??

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Nooks when I got him was a very excited pup, he'd run up and say hello to every dog adult and child he met after a while though once he reached about a year old he calmed right down, now he's happier off doing his own thing. Growling wise he's only every growled twice at a human and he got told for both times, other dogs very rare unless its a staffy as he's been attacked way too many times by them. Ayasha on the other hand as a pup used to growl and snarl at me whenever I went to pick her up, now she's pretty calm until its playtime with her sister :D Amazingly with fireworks night both were so laid back I had to check if they were still breathing lol after the initial looking out the window to watch the ones the neighbours set off they settled and went to sleep, nooks on the bed and Ayasha in her cage.

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My Alice was very very timid with people, but loved other dogs. Spent a whole week with me and my family and no one ever got to truly pet her once, after 5yrs+ of a relationship, she finally allowed my landlord to pet her, and at times would let you pet her backwards. She was fine loving and cuddly and all the norm for a husky with us, but no one else. She wasn't socialized with people much as a pup due to living in the boondocks, and thought that may have played a part, but I think more so it was her personality and temperament. My new girl Gracie will love anything that breaths, she actually waits by cars when going for walks in town anticipating the next person to get out....can't get enough of people or other dogs. Out of two Huskies thus far: Polar Opposites. Both my huskies only growled in defense of toys or food with other dogs and sometimes with us....or when you by accident bother them or step on them while sleeping......but they both talk a lot, one was high pitched and the new one is lower pitched.

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There are a wide variety of temperaments in the breed. I have one dog that is quite timid, but most are very outgoing and bold. I couldn't envision many circumstances where any of them would growl at a human - maybe if they were with me and felt that the person was truly threatening? They do growl at each other upon occasion, however - usually in the normal course of family interactions - "sibling" rivalries...

If it's possible, try to get him out and meeting new people and experiencing new things as much as possible. Try to keep your attitude as calm as possible, so that he thinks it's no big deal - there's nothing scary about any of it. (Your attitude will go a long way toward convincing him that it truly isn't scary. I should have gotten my guy out more when he was about that age - I had 3 littermates, and he just didn't get out enough...:(

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Marius is really laid back sometimes when he talks he growls a bit but not aggressivly he snort barks sometimes too but in a plauyful way. Its kind of hard to explain lol but in general the breed is supposed to be friendly towards people Ive known huskys and mals to be agressive towards eachother. Socialize him more like Gigi said

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Max,my 4 year old has a superb temperament,he is always happy,gentle as a lamb and happy to meet everyone.He goes up to people and gazes right into their eyes as if working them out!He is very close to me.

He has a fairly good start in life before his first family split up,and then he was given to me.

The only time I saw him retaliate was when a Staffy tried to attack him when out walking with a pack of dogs,he gave as good as he got and surprised me!

Blue on the other hand came to me at 10 months old-boy what a difference!He had been badly treated and caged all day long in his first home,then handed over with his sister to SHWA.

He was in survivor mode.Eats like it's his last meal,although rapidly improving all the time.

It makes me sad when he cowers as his is afraid of being hit-goodness only knows what happened to him in the past.

He is more rough and tumble than Max and sometimes plays very rough.

Blue will be 2 in Feb.

Recently he started to growl at Max when Max licks him.I always keep close eye on him and correct him,he stops.

Max wags his tail and is not phased at all by his growling.

Blue is very smart and watches what shoes I wear as he knows where I am going!!:)

Max does grumble at Blue if he stands on him when he is asleep.Max seems to tolerate him as he knows he is a youngster.

Blue learns from Max,and amazingly,they understand a great deal of what I say to them!

They are very different and each have their quirks, likes and dislikes.:wolf:

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Thanks everyone. I take him out as much as possible so that he knows its okay. He barks at my chihuahua or his brothers when it comes to food. He has snarled at simba one of my chihuahua when they have been in a intense conversation...lol, He is very vocal when he wants to be. He walks like he is a very proud dog and very confident. he is protective over me.


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