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Disgusted, angry and upset


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My friend has been looking for a puppy for a while now. She is one of these people, who isn't willing to wait, and look for a proper breeder, she just wants it now.

One of her aunties friends, knows 'people' (I use the term loosely) who have a litter of jack russell puppies. So she asked me to go with her tonight to go look at them.

I wish I hadn't bothered, I'm sat here shaking with anger, and crying.

We got to the gate, and the smell was just unbearable. Didn't even know where to stand in the garden, for fear of standing in s***. The 'man' opened the door, and when the woman told him we had come to look at the puppies, he went back in the house, and brought out a little box with 5 puppies in, all sort of snuggled into a little thin blanket. Bear in mind that these puppies are only 2/3 weeks old. I was horrified! It's freezing cold, and he brings puppies out into the garden!

Then he started passing them around as if they were sweets. I couldn't even look. How I kept my mouth shut I'll never know, but I really wish I had the guts to open my mouth. He wasn't the sort of bloke that looked like he would listen, and he was drunk and slightly scary looking.

Anyway they started discussing when the puppies would be ready, and he said they would be ready the 2nd week of December. I was too mortified to work out dates at the time, but anyway, he then uttered the typical 'BYB' words I knew he would: 'I'll let them go sooner, I'll let you know when they are weaned off milk if you want and you can take her then. I want them gone as soon as. Our lass wants to buy xmas presents, and im sick of cleaning up after them'

I nearly cried. At that point I had to walk out of the garden and wait in the car, I couldn't listen to him anymore.

Apparently they are selling the mother aswell, for £50 because 'they have no use for her anymore'

When they came back out of the garden, my friends aunties friend said 'aw wernt they cute, I bet you wanted one aswell didn't you' so I answered with 'sorry, no, how can anyone think that that whole situation was okay? You can't take them from their mother before 8 weeks old!'

She gave me a look of disgust and walked away. I have tried to reason with my friend, but she now thinks that I'm 'elitist' and that I'm trying to ruin her sons Christmas because he wanted a puppy.

I can't believe it! I walked back through my door, and just cried.

I'm going to phone the RSPCA tomorrow, I have his address, I made sure I made a note of it while I was storming off back to the car.

Please, if any new people are reading this, and they witness something similar to what I have tonight, please please PLEASE walk away and report them. I absolutely hate that my friend is willing to hand him money, this is obviously going to encourage him to do it again.

Sorry for the long rant! I knew you guys were the only people that would understand how disgusted I am.

Edit to add:

Well I have managed to convince my friend that one of these puppies is not a good idea. As much as it breaks my heart to have seen them there, I wanted to take them all home there an then :-(

Im definately reporting these people tomorrow.

What worries me the most, is that he mentioned he had an American Pit Bull in the house, and after he had let that slip he said 'but don't worry, she's friendly'

If I report them, I know the dog will be seized and may be put to sleep.

I know its highly probable that she dog was a SBT, but what if she is taken to be investigated?

What do I do? I can't stop thinking of those poor puppies in that manky house, being taken to the doorstep and being passed around. Its the thought of him letting them leave in a couple of weeks that bothers me, he thinks it's okay as long as they are off the mothers milk. His friend shook her head and said 'even so, if they aren't weaned, you can buy puppy milk, so it doesn't really matter'

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My god.. Thank goodness you convince your friend that it isn't right for them to be taken away before 8 weeks. My cousin learnt the hard way after taking one at 5/6 weeks and the poor thing died the next day. It's so sad that people just can't wait to get rid of them for money in their hands without caring for the dogs. I'm sorry you had to witness this disgusting act but I'm also glad you did to report this stupid man! I'm glad there are people like you out there that aren't afraid to report people!

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I offer my full support for what you are doing. Please do contact the RSPCA and I pray that you get an intelligent response. Also contact your local dog warden who is responsible for licencing professional breeders. It could be that they have overstepped the mark for "private" breeding and would therefore be required to have a licence and abide by licence restrictions.

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Report them its the right thing to do. Alot of people will try to "save" puppies but in the end they are maybe saving those ones but not any in the future because it encourages the person to have more puppies all you can do is walk away and report them and hope they look into it. I don't know if I could have kept my mouth shut might be good that u did who knows what he would have done :S

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I'm in 2 minds :-/

I really want to report them for the treatment of the puppies, as it absolutely makes me sick.

But, I feel sick at the thought of a dog being pts because of me.

As above, he said that he had a pit bull. It could just be that the dog is a SBT, but what if it isn't?

Id be distraught if the RSPCA took it to be investigated and had it pts.

So therein lies the predicament :(

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I'm in 2 minds :-/

I really want to report them for the treatment of the puppies, as it absolutely makes me sick.

But, I feel sick at the thought of a dog being pts because of me.

As above, he said that he had a pit bull. It could just be that the dog is a SBT, but what if it isn't?

Id be distraught if the RSPCA took it to be investigated and had it pts.

So therein lies the predicament :(

It might and it might not it depends maybe if the dog gets put down that would even be a better for it :/

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I think these people should be reported or the cycle will never end. The fact they have a pit makes it even worse. I can't say for sure but given the info above I have a feeling they aren't the right type of owners for a pit bull. I really hope the pit bull won't be pts but at the same time these people can't be allowed to continue "breeding". I really wonder what condition the pit is in, how it's been raised, and if she is also used for breeding. Horrible situation :(

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If the guy is happy to do this to a litter of defenceless puppies I can't imagine how the suspected pit bull lives. If you call to report him you'd be saving these puppies and probably more in the future, so if I were you I would still call despite the risk to the pit bull. You're calling to report the puppies, not the pit bull, so pretend it wasn't even there. It will be sad if it ends up having to be destroyed, but because you've not got any form of relationship with any of the dogs just think of the numbers - you're saving more animals by reporting than you are by trying to save the pit bull.

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I'm only going to mention the puppies, but I know that if they investigate the property, they will take all the dogs, included suspected Pit.

The way in trying to think about it, is that it's just a Staffy, and he's pretending it's a pit.

If the worst happened and it was PTS, i would be really upset obviously, but I can't just close my eyes and pretend I didn't see it all going on.

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I'm only going to mention the puppies, but I know that if they investigate the property, they will take all the dogs, included suspected Pit.

The way in trying to think about it, is that it's just a Staffy, and he's pretending it's a pit.

If the worst happened and it was PTS, i would be really upset obviously, but I can't just close my eyes and pretend I didn't see it all going on.

thats a very good way to go.

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I'm only going to mention the puppies, but I know that if they investigate the property, they will take all the dogs, included suspected Pit.

The way in trying to think about it, is that it's just a Staffy, and he's pretending it's a pit.

If the worst happened and it was PTS, i would be really upset obviously, but I can't just close my eyes and pretend I didn't see it all going on.

It would be very sad if all the puppies and the other dog involved were pts...

However how much sadder would it be if you found out that after they'd gotten rid of the mum and the puppies they just got a new bitch to breed and your not reporting it ended up with 4 more litters of puppies of which 40% died from being weaned too early, 30% ended up later being pts in shelters or by vets because they never developed the social sklls they needed due to being seperated too early from mum and mates, 10% had genetic defects that also resulted in them being pts because of the cost of treatment, 15% were dumped, and 5% actually ended up with a forever home...and when the mother wasn't useful anymore...rather than being a loving pet she was sent off to die in a vets office or passed along to another byb...

Yes the numbers come from my bumb...but this is a what if situation...

What if the alcoholic byb is really a good person who was having just a bad afternoon? Okay so that seems unlikely given the picture you've painted...

Good on you for calling...

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report him hun

if the other dog has pit in it - it will b assessed - the owner will then have 2 agree to keep it muzzled and leashed at all times in public and i THINK they have 2 pay a fee to get the dog back aswell - its then in HIS hands on what happens to his dog not urs - its not nice but those poor puppies didnt ask to be born or kept in filthy conditions

whatever u do - good luck and im glad u pursuaded ur friend these were NOT the puppies she wants

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report the guy about the puppies, you dont have to say that the other dog is a pit bull....just say they are breeding puppies in poor conditions and they appear to have other dogs also in squalor in the house...

the rspca will see what the dog is and assess it.

i really hate people who breed purely for money and just get rid of pups and mum because they cant be asked anymore :(

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Well, my friend has now agreed with me, and is going to report them tomorrow.

I'm not even exaggerating, the smell that came out of the house nearly made me faint, I'm considering calling social services aswell as they have young children.

Not stopped thinking of those poor puppies all day, squished in that box all shivering because it was freezing :-(

But, on a slightly more positive note, Darren went for a walk earlier (they live fairly close to us) and he saw the suspected Pit in the garden. He didn't get a brill look, but from what he saw, the dog was a Staffy. I'm reckoning he just says it's a Pit to make himself look 'hard'

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I think you should BOTH put calls in. More reports = more weight.

The SPCA doesn't need to know you and your friend know each other - you are two separate people who went to look at puppies and found them in appalling living conditions and the owner stated that he would willingly remove them from the mother prematurely. Even if there were no puppies, he should be reported for his shit-ridden lawn alone - no dog should have to live in that.

The pit bull should not be a deciding factor, I'm afraid. Those puppies and their mother need rescuing, and that man should NOT earn a single penny off those dogs. I don't know what the dog laws are where you are, but I would hope the dog wouldn't be destroyed purely on it's breed!

On a side note, I'm curious as to why a staffordshire bull terrier is okay whilst a pit bull is not, and I question a person's ability to be able to definitively tell the difference between the two if it is a life or death decision.

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in the uk the pit bull is a banned breed and will be pts on proof of breed

the staff breed is acceptable and many people here have them

a staff is quite a small/medium dog that is usually quite friendly

a pit is a bigger dog and sometimes has yellow/sandy eyes, also friendly but are used in dog fighting and some people who have them train them to be very aggressive

this is in the uk though not sure what the laws/owners are like everywhere else

I think you should BOTH put calls in. More reports = more weight.

The SPCA doesn't need to know you and your friend know each other - you are two separate people who went to look at puppies and found them in appalling living conditions and the owner stated that he would willingly remove them from the mother prematurely. Even if there were no puppies, he should be reported for his shit-ridden lawn alone - no dog should have to live in that.

The pit bull should not be a deciding factor, I'm afraid. Those puppies and their mother need rescuing, and that man should NOT earn a single penny off those dogs. I don't know what the dog laws are where you are, but I would hope the dog wouldn't be destroyed purely on it's breed!

On a side note, I'm curious as to why a staffordshire bull terrier is okay whilst a pit bull is not, and I question a person's ability to be able to definitively tell the difference between the two if it is a life or death decision.

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