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fight broke out

Storm Angel n Auroras Mum

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When you contradict yourself, it doesn't help.

While you have given much valuable advice to members in the past.

In this case I'm going to have to disagree with you.

Have to agree with Andy, you are completely contradicting yourself here. I also think no matter what you do as a job it doesnt always mean your way is the right way

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When you contradict yourself, it doesn't help.

While you have given much valuable advice to members in the past.

In this case I'm going to have to disagree with you.

Resource guarding a person is about possessiveness, not protectiveness, two completely different things.

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Let Mishka's mum know what has happened & that you're not 100% happy with the situation because if they have another scrap & there's kiddies in the room you just dont want the worry!! Is she looking for a new home for herself & Mishka? She needs to look a bit faster.

Take care hun, as far as I'm concerned my family comes first & no matter how much I wanted to help if someone did harm to my family I'm not sure how I'd cope having them in my house. Also, don't feel obliged to keep fostering Mishka, sometimes these things just don't work out & don't feel like you have to "soldier" on just because other people tell you to. If you're not happy & don't feel its right then ask Mishka's mum to make other arrangements.

Big love hun xx

I have done hun. there is another person who offered to have Mishka but she lives in manchester and we need to get her there if she goes there. I cant afford to drive her there and her mum doesnt drive.

When we took her on we knew it would be for ages and we knew it wouldnt be easy after the last one we tried to foster. We also dont want to give up at the first hurdle.

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Have to agree with Andy, you are completely contradicting yourself here. I also think no matter what you do as a job it doesnt always mean your way is the right way

Doesn't everyone think their way is the right way and that's why they post it in the first place?

Why would you make a suggestion that you didn't think was right?

ETA: By the way, I wasn't trying to use what I do in real life as a way of making myself sound more "right". I was just responding to Andy's insinuation that I don't have any real experience with dogs.

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Doesn't everyone think their way is the right way and that's why they post it in the first place?

Why would you make a suggestion that you didn't think was right?

ETA: By the way, I wasn't trying to use what I do in real life as a way of making myself sound more "right". I was just responding to Andy's insinuation that I don't have any real experience with dogs.

Sorry Bec, I wasn't insinuating that you don't have any real experience with dogs.

We all know that you do.

Just that in ALL your videos and posts YOUR dogs are very well trained and extremely well behaved.

Just that you may not have been in this situation having to actually deal with this as it happens.

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Doesn't everyone think their way is the right way and that's why they post it in the first place?

Why would you make a suggestion that you didn't think was right?

ETA: By the way, I wasn't trying to use what I do in real life as a way of making myself sound more "right". I was just responding to Andy's insinuation that I don't have any real experience with dogs.

I wasnt saying that, what I was reffering too was "I am an obedience instructor and I run classes every week, dogs from all backgrounds, breeds, sizes, temperaments and upbringings etc and I work for a company that runs the one of the biggest dog behaviour consultancies in the country. But of course that's all just ideas and theories ;)"

This comment read to me like im an obedience instructor, I work with dogs all the time therefore I know what im talking about more than you.

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omg guys I feel like I shouldnt have posted this now :( all I wanted was some sympathy and maybe some advice. I share all things on here so why wouldnt I share this. :( I feel even shittier than I did before now. I didnt want anyone to argue over it. thankyou all for the advice.

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Sorry Bec, I wasn't insinuating that you don't have any real experience with dogs.

We all know that you do.

Just that in ALL your videos and posts YOUR dogs are very well trained and extremely well behaved.

Just that you may not have been in this situation having to actually deal with this as it happens.

No you're right, my dogs don't fight each other, though one of them has been fear aggressive with other dogs so I know what it's like to get in the middle of dog fights and attacks. My dogs weren't always trained, that's how I go into dog training, they were out of control and I had to learn how to handle them.

I wasnt saying that, what I was reffering too was "I am an obedience instructor and I run classes every week, dogs from all backgrounds, breeds, sizes, temperaments and upbringings etc and I work for a company that runs the one of the biggest dog behaviour consultancies in the country. But of course that's all just ideas and theories ;)"

This comment read to me like im an obedience instructor, I work with dogs all the time therefore I know what im talking about more than you.

I didn't mean it like that, I was just insulted when I thought Andy was implying I wasn't talking from experience.

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Lou you have to expect this, you have a pair, which although get on great together, arent completely settled yet, remember that angel is still relatively new to your house and so she is still getting used to everything.

Then you're bringing in another bitch, which your dogs havent met before, and just expecting them to get on?

We've had fights, we still do every now and then, as Keyu is really testing the other 2 and they are starting to get pissed off with it (Grey put a hole right thru her ear the other day, since then she's been pretty polite to him!)

Not being nasty, and please dont take this the wrong way, but you expect this to be easy and not have any issues between the dogs, but thats not the way it works, talk to any experienced fosterer and they will tell you the teething problems they've had.

There's no real need to worry about your daughter, I'm assuming you dont leave her alone with them, if not, then as soon as you see the warning signs, pick her up, put her in the next room and shut the door, if you cant do that tell her to jump up onto the back of the sofa and pull her legs in. Fights tend to stay close to the ground so she should be safe up there.

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omg guys I feel like I shouldnt have posted this now :( all I wanted was some sympathy and maybe some advice. I share all things on here so why wouldnt I share this. :( I feel even shittier than I did before now. I didnt want anyone to argue over it. thankyou all for the advice.

no one is arguing hun, its called a good old healthy debate ;)

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no one is arguing its difference of opinion

everyone thinks their way is right....

we have found ways that stop the fights between our guys/we know our dogs and so it works for us

we all give advice and sometimes we dont always agree

keep posting, you have had some good advice on here

take the advice you want and it will get better, we are here for you x

just breathe and be calm louise, i know its horrible right now but we are here xhugs x

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omg guys I feel like I shouldnt have posted this now :( all I wanted was some sympathy and maybe some advice. I share all things on here so why wouldnt I share this. :( I feel even shittier than I did before now. I didnt want anyone to argue over it. thankyou all for the advice.

No, No, No, as Suzanne says, it's a debate.

As with most things Husky, there is more than one way to tackle a problem.

I just hope that somewhere in all the "discussions" there is something you can use to help stop the fighting.

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I haven't read thru to the very end as my phone is playing silly buggers.

I can't advise...i have no experience in bad dog fights....but I can send you happy thoughts on angel wings! You'll get there. Bad days test us but there is always a better one coming soon.

If you can...crate all 3 and go out. Take yourself somewhere that you love and somewhere that you can just breath for a minute!

Good luck! Xx

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My aunt foster's shelties. She had one female and one male as well. The male was fixed and both the females weren't. They got in a fight over the male as well. My aunts arms got torn up pretty bad. She kept them separate until my uncle got off work at 6:30, arriving home at 7. She let them interact with each other until they went to bed at 11. That helped, but the main issue was that both females were still intact.

Once she got her female fixed, there was about 20% less fights.

The fights after that was mostly because the foster's were scared. There was one particular male that had gone through 17 owners and around 20 Foster's by the time he was three years old. My aunts friend worked at the shelter, and they were seriously thinking about putting him down, but her friend begged her to take him on. After a while my aunt agreed.

Poor dog just had really bad luck, because he was terrified. His first owner had died of old age when the dog was 1 and a half. Owner after owner and foster after foster gave up on him too quickly.

My aunt saw potential in him to be a great dog. But she had to dig incredibly deep to find all that potential. She was incredibly stressed out cause there was normally at least 3 fights a week. But she was literally this dogs last chance.

After a year, the fights were almost non existent. The dog wagged his tail when she had people from her church go over, instead of bitting at their legs and snarling.

The rescue then did some tests, and the dog let over 20 people handle him over a weeks time.

Eventually he got adopted to a lady who did agility with him and took him to nursing homes and there was never any issues reported.

Then she had some that felt like they belonged with her, and she bawled her eyes out when they got adopted.

Fostering is very hard. I haven't had the chance to do it myself, but I did watch my aunt go through so much in the years she fostered. It takes some very brave people to even attempt it. And not being able to doesn't make you a terrible person or a failure. Some people are just too soft hearted for it( I fear I'd be one of those people), and other people do just have situations where it simply doesn't work for one reason or another.

Just keep doing the best you can. If it turns out you can't, don't beat yourself up. You're very brave to even try. :grouphug:

Ugh. Sorry that was so long.

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Sorry to hear about this louise, hope you have got yourself to hosp or drs to deal with your bites!

I had a period when every 5 minutes Marley and Gizmo would break out in a large fight and now and then Bandit would get involved!

It was awful and one of the most undesirable things that I don't want to happen again!

Having 3 males I did expect fights but nothing like it was!

Mine would fight over things like food, toys, attention and even space!

The way I dealt with the problem was to separate them, at the time there was myself and jamie present so we could hold their back legs and pull them apart, then we would separate them for a while to calm down and then slowly re-intriduce them together again and if signs of another fight showed we would separate them again. My 3 eventually learnt to get along together.

Still now they occasionally fight but now Im more experienced I know the 'signs' (i.e. Body Language, vocal signs, etc) to look for and will try to redirect their attention to me, which does work occasionally but if it doesnt then I will separate them before the fight breaks out. Because I can get to them before the fight breaks out I now have a slip lead nearby so I can slip the lead onto one of the boys and lead them oput of the room. 99% of the time its Marley that will keep going at the other and Gizmo and Bandit tend to try and get away so I will always try to make sure I can get Marley as I know Gizmo and Bandit won't follow me trying to get Marley.

Using the slip lead means my hands are kept safe away from their teeth!

After keeping the separate for a short time or until they are calm I will then re-introduce but by using positive reinforcement with them so we will play a game together, or use treats and fuss - it depends what they where fighting about!

I did used to take them by the collar which IMO now is one of the worst things that I could have done as

1) It puts myself at greater risk of getting bitten

2) Taking a dog by the collar when they are fighting can be seen as a threat to the dog and therefore they could and often will re-direct their attack to you to get off them.

BTW, I am not implying that anyone has done this!

Things I have found most helpful with my boys is:

1) Understanding what can cause their fights and dealing with preventative methods

2) Knowing and understanding their body language and what signs mean that a fight could break out

3) separating them before the fight breaks out

4) using positive reinforcement to reintroduce them to each other

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My aunt foster's shelties. She had one female and one male as well. The male was fixed and both the females weren't. They got in a fight over the male as well. My aunts arms got torn up pretty bad. She kept them separate until my uncle got off work at 6:30, arriving home at 7. She let them interact with each other until they went to bed at 11. That helped, but the main issue was that both females were still intact.

Once she got her female fixed, there was about 20% less fights.

The fights after that was mostly because the foster's were scared. There was one particular male that had gone through 17 owners and around 20 Foster's by the time he was three years old. My aunts friend worked at the shelter, and they were seriously thinking about putting him down, but her friend begged her to take him on. After a while my aunt agreed.

Poor dog just had really bad luck, because he was terrified. His first owner had died of old age when the dog was 1 and a half. Owner after owner and foster after foster gave up on him too quickly.

My aunt saw potential in him to be a great dog. But she had to dig incredibly deep to find all that potential. She was incredibly stressed out cause there was normally at least 3 fights a week. But she was literally this dogs last chance.

After a year, the fights were almost non existent. The dog wagged his tail when she had people from her church go over, instead of bitting at their legs and snarling.

The rescue then did some tests, and the dog let over 20 people handle him over a weeks time.

Eventually he got adopted to a lady who did agility with him and took him to nursing homes and there was never any issues reported.

Then she had some that felt like they belonged with her, and she bawled her eyes out when they got adopted.

Fostering is very hard. I haven't had the chance to do it myself, but I did watch my aunt go through so much in the years she fostered. It takes some very brave people to even attempt it. And not being able to doesn't make you a terrible person or a failure. Some people are just too soft hearted for it( I fear I'd be one of those people), and other people do just have situations where it simply doesn't work for one reason or another.

Just keep doing the best you can. If it turns out you can't, don't beat yourself up. You're very brave to even try. :grouphug:

Ugh. Sorry that was so long.

thankyou so much Jamie. really a very nice thoughtful post. Unfourtunately getting angel done is not an option since its so expensive we cant afford it till after her next season which is due in the new year.

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Sorry to hear about this louise, hope you have got yourself to hosp or drs to deal with your bites!

I had a period when every 5 minutes Marley and Gizmo would break out in a large fight and now and then Bandit would get involved!

It was awful and one of the most undesirable things that I don't want to happen again!

Having 3 males I did expect fights but nothing like it was!

Mine would fight over things like food, toys, attention and even space!

The way I dealt with the problem was to separate them, at the time there was myself and jamie present so we could hold their back legs and pull them apart, then we would separate them for a while to calm down and then slowly re-intriduce them together again and if signs of another fight showed we would separate them again. My 3 eventually learnt to get along together.

Still now they occasionally fight but now Im more experienced I know the 'signs' (i.e. Body Language, vocal signs, etc) to look for and will try to redirect their attention to me, which does work occasionally but if it doesnt then I will separate them before the fight breaks out. Because I can get to them before the fight breaks out I now have a slip lead nearby so I can slip the lead onto one of the boys and lead them oput of the room. 99% of the time its Marley that will keep going at the other and Gizmo and Bandit tend to try and get away so I will always try to make sure I can get Marley as I know Gizmo and Bandit won't follow me trying to get Marley.

Using the slip lead means my hands are kept safe away from their teeth!

After keeping the separate for a short time or until they are calm I will then re-introduce but by using positive reinforcement with them so we will play a game together, or use treats and fuss - it depends what they where fighting about!

I did used to take them by the collar which IMO now is one of the worst things that I could have done as

1) It puts myself at greater risk of getting bitten

2) Taking a dog by the collar when they are fighting can be seen as a threat to the dog and therefore they could and often will re-direct their attack to you to get off them.

BTW, I am not implying that anyone has done this!

Things I have found most helpful with my boys is:

1) Understanding what can cause their fights and dealing with preventative methods

2) Knowing and understanding their body language and what signs mean that a fight could break out

3) separating them before the fight breaks out

4) using positive reinforcement to reintroduce them to each other

thankyou very much Amy. I think getting a slip lead for this is a good idea. (wouldnt ususally use one)

I dont need to go to hospital or the doctors I dont think. its not that bad just a bit sore and bruised.

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Make sure you give them some TLC (your hands that is lol)

A quick point out with their body language

Using Marley and Gizmo as an example, when mine are about to fight - Marley will be very stiff and upright and stares straight at Gizmo with his tail curled high in the air. Gizmo will be still but will lower himself to the ground and will try to avoid eye contact, but he won't totally submit himself!

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Make sure you give them some TLC (your hands that is lol)

A quick point out with their body language

Using Marley and Gizmo as an example, when mine are about to fight - Marley will be very stiff and upright and stares straight at Gizmo with his tail curled high in the air. Gizmo will be still but will lower himself to the ground and will try to avoid eye contact, but he won't totally submit himself!

storm and mishka play, while they play Angel circles them like a bodyguard or something. the second angel sees mishka do something she doesnt like thats when it happens. this morning was the worst.

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aw hun hope ur ok - like sid says soon as angel starts to circle remove her from the room - quitely and calmly

even now skyla n blaze still have scraps i just go OI!!!!! really loudly n they stop usually - i have been bitten by skyla b4 too pushing her away from bings - not their fault

she needs time to settle in and angel needs to get used to another dog in her house aswell - she cant be allowed to be possessive over storm she needs to realise that and she needs to learn its ok for him to play with other dogs too - so removing angel from the room when she starts to circle or have the girls out in turns - have 1 crated the other out then switch after abit let them both see that they are are BOTH allowed to play with storm

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Aww hun I'm sorry, these things do happen. God when I got Shiloh it was hell on earth for a while. Shiloh had bloodied Yuri's neck and it all got infected, He wouldn't stop treating him like a chew toy for about 3 weeks it was horrible. He growled at me when he had a chew as I didn't know he was food possesive and snapped at me over a toy he was possesing over. It scared the crap out of me! I did however learn how to deal with Shiloh's quirks and he is a lovely boy even though he is still poorley with his food we are working on it. Freya and Aya had a few spats when she moved in. But she has settled in just fine because I knew how to deal with them. Some people might not agree with what I do, but I seperate them and grab them by the scruff and say 'no' that is how they tell eachother off, now I may not be a dog, but this does work. They soon stop thoses fights. Itll take Angel and Miska a while to settle in together. Particulary if they are intact. Keep at it, and I would say let them have it out when your other half is there, but step in if it gets too serious. When I say let them have it out, let them sort out their pack order, don't let them savage eachother to death.

Good luck, your braver than me, I couldn't foster, Id want to keep the dog.xx

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