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fight broke out

Storm Angel n Auroras Mum

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Aww hun I'm sorry, these things do happen. God when I got Shiloh it was hell on earth for a while. Shiloh had bloodied Yuri's neck and it all got infected, He wouldn't stop treating him like a chew toy for about 3 weeks it was horrible. He growled at me when he had a chew as I didn't know he was food possesive and snapped at me over a toy he was possesing over. It scared the crap out of me! I did however learn how to deal with Shiloh's quirks and he is a lovely boy even though he is still poorley with his food we are working on it. Freya and Aya had a few spats when she moved in. But she has settled in just fine because I knew how to deal with them. Some people might not agree with what I do, but I seperate them and grab them by the scruff and say 'no' that is how they tell eachother off, now I may not be a dog, but this does work. They soon stop thoses fights. Itll take Angel and Miska a while to settle in together. Particulary if they are intact. Keep at it, and I would say let them have it out when your other half is there, but step in if it gets too serious. When I say let them have it out, let them sort out their pack order, don't let them savage eachother to death.

Good luck, your braver than me, I couldn't foster, Id want to keep the dog.xx

I think you have enough pmsl

I grab their snouts coz then they cant bite!!

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Rain cirles my two and tells them off for playing most of the time. i been squirting her with water and she seems to think twice, but if a full on fight breaks loose i tend to just drag them away from each other, robert keeps pinning Rain down on the floor, which in my opinion is making her more afraid etc. and whats the worse of it, when they fight its AURA who starts it!

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Rain cirles my two and tells them off for playing most of the time. i been squirting her with water and she seems to think twice, but if a full on fight breaks loose i tend to just drag them away from each other, robert keeps pinning Rain down on the floor, which in my opinion is making her more afraid etc. and whats the worse of it, when they fight its AURA who starts it!

seems like the same think is happening in both our houses then.

will try the squirty water thing

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its not too bad, the first time it happened i was quite worried and as that was the first time when i got bitten by AURA and Rain. I'm not worried too much as they don't actually hurt each other only had a couple of puncture wounds so far, and although Rains the bigger of the dogs and more intimidating she doesn't start it, and she hasn't injured my dogs at all so far, its rain whos had the puncture wounds, its gettin better and better each day, having them sleep together, and play slightly together and howl together has made things better, but every now and again they have a full on fight, which is usually broken up pretty fast, and it usually when a new person or dog is around. so maybe shes ok gneerally with my two now, even with food, just having new people and dogs visit makes it that much more tense etc.

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its not too bad, the first time it happened i was quite worried and as that was the first time when i got bitten by AURA and Rain. I'm not worried too much as they don't actually hurt each other only had a couple of puncture wounds so far, and although Rains the bigger of the dogs and more intimidating she doesn't start it, and she hasn't injured my dogs at all so far, its rain whos had the puncture wounds, its gettin better and better each day, having them sleep together, and play slightly together and howl together has made things better, but every now and again they have a full on fight, which is usually broken up pretty fast, and it usually when a new person or dog is around. so maybe shes ok gneerally with my two now, even with food, just having new people and dogs visit makes it that much more tense etc.

im not sure who bit me lol

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this is exactly what happened

If you are all by yourself and have to separate them, I would try to tie one of them to something with a leash before pulling the other one away. It may be difficult, but as long as you manage to tie one dog to something (a slip leash would work here), you can drag the other one out of the room so they are separated.

This stuff just happens, mine has been involved in a couple of fights as well. Best way is to prevent them, but sometimes that's impossible.

Dog fights can look much scarier from the outside, so I would really take a minute to come up with a plan before jumping in, even though sometimes you can't avoid getting hurt, most of the times you can.

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If you are all by yourself and have to separate them, I would try to tie one of them to something with a leash before pulling the other one away. It may be difficult, but as long as you manage to tie one dog to something (a slip leash would work here), you can drag the other one out of the room so they are separated.

This stuff just happens, mine has been involved in a couple of fights as well. Best way is to prevent them, but sometimes that's impossible.

Dog fights can look much scarier from the outside, so I would really take a minute to come up with a plan before jumping in, even though sometimes you can't avoid getting hurt, most of the times you can.

I plan on getting a sliplead tomorrow.

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Fights happen- especially when you bring a new dog home. If you don't want to have to deal with it or can't deal with it you need to stop taking on temporary dogs. It will only make things worse for you and your own dogs. You need to get Angel spayed as soon as you can if you want to continue doing this. It is very unwise to bring in a new strange intact female into your already established pack which already includes an intact female. I know you can't afford it at the moment but before you do this again I strongly suggest you put your dogs needs first and have that taken care of.

As for the fighting you need to be on the watch for behaviors that you know will result in a fight. If Angel is starting to circle around Mishka and Storm while they're playing (and you seem to know how it goes from there) you need to remove Angel from the situation and not let the situation escalate to an attack. I would work on walking Mishka and Angel together as i'm sure these are the ones who are clashing. If you aren't comfortable doing it yourself do it when your husband is home. But if you want to have the 3 of them living together for a while you need to be prepared to step up and work at that now- not just when there's a fight. If Angel and Mishka aren't getting along well when Storm is playing too I would crate and rotate. Yes, it is some work but if you want them to get along you need to work at it.

If a fight breaks out i've found things like smacking metal bowls together (once and LOUD) will generally stop things long enough for you to get the aggressor OUT of the room and separated, water bottles work well but I only find them useful before an actual attack is happening, putting the aggressor on a slip lead, lifting the back legs HIGH on the aggressing dog and pulling back... There are a lot of methods to stop a fight but the best is to keep it from happening to begin with. If Angel is being nasty be ready to put her away! Just because she's your dog doesn't give her any "right" to instigate a fight. Same for Storm. And Mishka as well- no one has any special privileges which make certain things OK for one to do but not another. When I bring a new dog home they're expected to act just like the others from day 1- rules are rules.

Don't take this the wrong way as i'm really trying to help, but you need to have a serious conversation with yourself and see if this fostering this really is a good idea for you and your dogs. Instability in the pack isn't something you want. Everything has to be consistent and you have to be confident- if you can't do that or at least try I don't think this is a good thing to continue.

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have they got harnesses - you could leave them on in the house to give you something to grab abit further away from the sharp end. I can't really give any advice as ours are done and it does seem to calm them down as mostly we can bring other females into the house with no real problems. I hope you are ok and not too sore.

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I didn't read all the responses, but I've heard pouring water on fighting dogs (like a water bottle) is a good way to stop a fight without getting bit. It also worked to get a pitt to let go of a friend's husky's head he was latched onto.

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i havent read all of the posts so forgive me if im wrong....having a new dog in changes the dynamics massively as they have to sort out who sits where in the pack.

from my fostering experience, i ensure all bowls are lifted, no toys (that may inc kids toys), no treats, etc. dont allow any dog to be stroppy over a certain bed or place to sleep etc. For a while i changed water bowls to a bucket so there was no ownership over a water bowl. If your dogs have any little amount of stroppyness of something then that needs to be dealt with before adding to your pack even temporarily.

The difficulty you now have is your anxcious and prob nervous and the dogs will know and are now more on edge.

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the one on my left hand is very neat two teeth barely broke the skin but bruised it and bleeding under the skin.

my finger on my right hand has a bit of loose skin and is a bit weepy.

there is also a bruise and a canine ( i presume) hole on my kneecap.

she isnt that sort of foster she is a foster while her mum gets a new home sorted for them both.

i cant take all 3 out and alex isnt home till 4:30.

they have been ok a few tiny scraps but nothing major this is the first proper scrap.

and thanks you seem to be the only one who understands how scary it was and how I dont want to leave them alone to fight. Mishka isnt mine, but Angel is my baby and im not going to leave her to some to harm. Thanks to me stepping in neither dog was hurt, I was but meh I can deal with that I spose. xx

Hi I hope you're ok sweet. I have three but Storm my middle boy hates confrontation - Skye and shadow kick off big style at least once every three weeks or so and they have the scars to prove it. When Shadow was a pup Storm used to grab his leg and drag him away from Skye (she's top dog - at the moment at least) strangely it is when I'm around and generally it's over a chew or bone or something. If I see it coming I remove the item and leave the room quietly. They dogs look at me all confused, discover there's nothing to fight over and then they get up and move to another area. When they do get to a high state of fight and i haven't seen it coming I make one single giant noise, grab both by the scruffs and pull them apart - without even thinking - must be mad). I stand over the trouble maker, big stance, quietly with a flat palm about two feet above his head as if I'm imaginary holding him down - usually Shadow but not always -and just until they calm down. After I separate them and once I know who started it I don't have to make physical contact with them. I don't know if this is right or wrong and I made it up as it happened - but for some weird reason this works for me.

Really hope everything works out....;) don't know if you noticed I'd posted an item a few days ago about a pet anticeptic wound treatment called Vetericyn - seriously this stuff is fantastic - I actually used it on myself as it is a non-alcohol based spray - no sting - and a serious wound I had was healed in super quick speed. (just an aside - thought I'd mention it as you said one of your wounds was a bit weepy).... :(

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After Logan and Shadow had a really bad fight when i was on my own resulting in quite a bad bite on my left hand i was a tad anxious the next day but i then had to think about it and not let it get to me from then on i watched their body language and was able to tell the difference between their play and fighting (as they played soooo rough) If i hadnt have seperated them that day though logan wouldve killed shadow so i had no choice and i do not regret stepping in atall! But from then all i had spoken to Kells and she told me about walking out the room etc so from then on i could tell the signs that it was about to kick off so i used to walk out the room and slam the door and it stopped anything happening every time after that!!

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im glad that worked for you :)

we had a bad fight a week ago and echo was left quite damaged....

we left the room but she pulled out of darwins grip which was on her face......lots of blood and a vet trip

all fights between dogs are scary because if you dont see the signs then you have no idea why they are fighting and you dont know what to do.....

none of us want to haveto deal with our packs fighting but its a part of bringing a strange new dog into the mix,

hopefully we all get through this and our packs can settle and be friends

there is a lot of good advice on here and i hope louise finds something that works for her..



After Logan and Shadow had a really bad fight when i was on my own resulting in quite a bad bite on my left hand i was a tad anxious the next day but i then had to think about it and not let it get to me from then on i watched their body language and was able to tell the difference between their play and fighting (as they played soooo rough) If i hadnt have seperated them that day though logan wouldve killed shadow so i had no choice and i do not regret stepping in atall! But from then all i had spoken to Kells and she told me about walking out the room etc so from then on i could tell the signs that it was about to kick off so i used to walk out the room and slam the door and it stopped anything happening every time after that!!
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storm and mishka play, while they play Angel circles them like a bodyguard or something. the second angel sees mishka do something she doesnt like thats when it happens. this morning was the worst.

So it's not the foster, it's Angel who is starting the fights?

The circling behaviour is your cue that a fight is about to occur, as others have mentioned learn to read the signs that a dog is becoming aroused vs when they are calm. Having two dogs playing while all three are out is not a good idea when you've been having fighting, I would not be having all three out together at all for now.

Also learn which situations it is that triggers the fighting - is it just when Storm and Mishka are playing? Is it at other times too?

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No advice Lou (I only have the one dog) but I understand how scary it is when they get into fights and this has only happened to me when out walking and Sabes has been on his lead, must be awful when it happens in the house and especially when you have children. I hope your hands are ok and this issue gets sorted out. Big hugs to you :grouphug:

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So it's not the foster, it's Angel who is starting the fights?

The circling behaviour is your cue that a fight is about to occur, as others have mentioned learn to read the signs that a dog is becoming aroused vs when they are calm. Having two dogs playing while all three are out is not a good idea when you've been having fighting, I would not be having all three out together at all for now.

Also learn which situations it is that triggers the fighting - is it just when Storm and Mishka are playing? Is it at other times too?

seems like it yes. and she seems to belike it most of the time. but worse when storm and mishka are playing.

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i havent read all of the posts so forgive me if im wrong....having a new dog in changes the dynamics massively as they have to sort out who sits where in the pack.

from my fostering experience, i ensure all bowls are lifted, no toys (that may inc kids toys), no treats, etc. dont allow any dog to be stroppy over a certain bed or place to sleep etc. For a while i changed water bowls to a bucket so there was no ownership over a water bowl. If your dogs have any little amount of stroppyness of something then that needs to be dealt with before adding to your pack even temporarily.

The difficulty you now have is your anxcious and prob nervous and the dogs will know and are now more on edge.

I really didnt know she would react like this

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how are things going today lou?

um well I have been alternating them as I cant have them both out on my own. Alex is due home now. actually nope hes here lol. but I did try this morning and angel is really not having it at all. we are giving it till the end of the month.

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um well I have been alternating them as I cant have them both out on my own. Alex is due home now. actually nope hes here lol. but I did try this morning and angel is really not having it at all. we are giving it till the end of the month.

Have you spoken to the owner as where will the dog go? As she handed her to you as a long term foster a bit like my situation but worse than my situation and i know how shes probably feeling right now and she will probably panick so much like i used to when i was unsure of what was happening with shadow. So if your giving it till the end of the month make sure she knows whats happening so she can sort something out ready just incase as this isnt a rescue situation where you can hand the dog back.

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Have you spoken to the owner as where will the dog go? As she handed her to you as a long term foster a bit like my situation but worse than my situation and i know how shes probably feeling right now and she will probably panick so much like i used to when i was unsure of what was happening with shadow. So if your giving it till the end of the month make sure she knows whats happening so she can sort something out ready just incase as this isnt a rescue situation where you can hand the dog back.

we already have a place secured. She will go to Louise Platt in Manchester if it doesnt work out here. I have been in contact with Mishkas Mum all throughout this and she is very understanding and supportive.

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