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Lesson I learnt today


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Ok so I had a bad day today :(

To start I had a throbbing headache all night and today and didn't get much sleep so naturally was emotionally unstable!

I decided to take Gizmo, Marley and Bandit out to Wareham Forest in the truck for a good 14 mile treck together to get some fresh air, so I got ready and the boys in the back of the truck. And left for the forest.

I'm not sure how the next part happened! As I leave home, the boot door opened, which meant the dogs just had to run!!!!!! As soon as I realised I stopped and ran around to shut the door, but it was too late!!! The boys made a break for it, I left the car, boot open still, and ran to get them! Panicking like I was the boys weren't listening to me and just kept going! They ran across the main and busy road!!!!! Fortunately for me and them they crossed at the crossing and the lights were on red!!!

A woman they went passed called them and Marley turned back to her and Bandit and Gizmo followed!

I couldn't believe my luck and was soooo thankful!!! I was sooo relieved, I was lost for words!!

I was recovering from the panic attack and then I get a lecture from the woman saying how irresponsible it is of me not to train my dogs to have a good recall and i shouldn't give them an option but to come to me etc etc! Being over sensitive ATM I just took it and let it get to me :( really got me down but once back in the car I carried onto the forest.

On our walk I started to calm down and started to enjoy our walk when we bumped into some dog owners. They went to fuss Gizmo and I said he wasn't friendly and not to fuss him. Then they start to have a go at me on how irresponsible I was to own a dog I can't control thats aggressive etc etc and that was that!

I felt so upset, I just wanted to disappear and felt so horrible and worthless :( and have been dwelling on it all day!

Whilst it still hurts, it hurts more to the fact that I didn't stand up for myself and my boys, but I did learn something....

I know I ain't a perfect dog owner BUT I know there is no such thing as a perfect dog owner!!! All that matters is that I love my boys and wouldn't change them! They do have issues but I do anything I can to help them relax as much as possible!!!!

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Don't take it to heart - it's amazing how much non-Siberian owners know about owning Siberians! Sometimes it's just easier to not get into it and let it go - I think you did the right thing... You could have stood up for yourself and them, but being in the wrong frame of mind, it would have been more difficult to have done so in a way that would have taught them something... Lose your cool in a situation like that, and they feel justified!

Great, big, major hugs! :grouphug:

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By the way - I've had Siberians for 25 years, and I still occasionally make mistakes and let a dog get loose! Mistakes happen, especially when we're already having a bad day... I also have dogs that aren't perfect, so don't kick yourself for not being a perfect person - you're perfect for YOUR dogs, and they love you regardless (and so do we!)!

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Don't let it get to you. Accidents happen. Thankfully everyone of them is safe.

No one has worked harder with their huskies than you have, I've always said that and will continue to. I know the work and dedication you've put into your pack and they are fortunate to have you.

Now, can I speak to the boys?

*You little poops! Don't be scaring your mum like that again!*

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I applaud you for caring so much for your boys. I don't always do the right thing, and even when I do, it is often by accident. I would not let the comments weigh one bit.

Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk.

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I know the indians dont train there dogs for recall but I have done it with both mine and they respond somewhat and it doesnt seem to affect there pulling power maybe its worth a try on the training lead ?? The best thing we found was saying ta ra which we don't normally say but some how the dogs come running . As for the agression people shouldn't approach your dogs without asking so its there fault. Dont feel guilty just feel lucky there was no idiot drivers around.

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Oh babe don't beat yourself up. Gosh none of us are perfect but we all do whats best. Mistakes happen normally only once as we learn from them. As for the plonker wanting to fuss Gizmo well deff don't feel bad he is the t**t. I cannot stand people that just come straight in to stroke my girls.

Hope you have a better day tomorrow. Hugs

Edited for language ............ (Val)

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Let it be as water off a duck's back.

You know the nature of huskies and that the Wild Blue Yonder is an irresistible call for them - anything for adventure! Fortunately a strange person counted as adventure! One time Wyatt bolted out the open garage door, ran down the alley and leapt through a woman's open car door and sat in the back seat, excited to go somewhere (fortunately she took it well and was laughing when we ran up!). It's easy for a random person to finger wag, and maybe 2 minutes of Husky 101 would have changed her mind, but I doubt it. Either way, she dispensed her advice and probably won't think about it ever again.

What was Gizmo doing that was so out of control and aggressive?

So many people are poorly socialized with dogs and appropriate etiquette. They assume that all dogs are Lassie and should be friendly to everyone. When someone comments about a dog that doesn't like to be pet by strangers I ask them "how do you feel about random strangers walking up and hugging you without an introduction?" Some people might not mind but some people are very uncomfortable with that idea. It helps to put it in perspective a little bit without offending.

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Shizz happens! They are huskies you can train them to come back but it doesnt mean they always will and people who dont own huskies will never know that. As for the aggression people should ask first and do it properly your being responsible by telling them hes fussy its not your faul that they are dumb :P:grouphug:

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huge hugs :grouphug:

As has been said there is always the one's who know far more then you do about your own dogs!!!

you've had a fright,it was a pure accident.......please dont let people who'll you probably never see again get you upset.

you're ok,your furries are ok....no harm done hun :) so please dont dwell on it.

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Glad your dogs are safe,it is a reminder to us all about what can happen in a brief moment.

It is the worst thing for a Sibe owner to see one get loose,your heart literally skips a beat!

When I first got Max,my oh left the gate open and he ran off across a main road down a street,he stopped to sniff,I pretended to ignore him as he thought it was a game of chase,I managed to grab him.

I got him home and burst into tears of relief-thinking he could have been killed by a car.I was shaking!

You are a great owner-taking your dogs out to the forest,some dogs aren't that lucky.

As for the interfering people we all meet-not worth a second thought.

Give your pack a big hug and cherish them:)

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bloody hell Amy, now i understand your facebook status.

accidents happen, dont listen to them. honestly you are a good mum, dont let anyone tell you otherwise. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

lots of hugs to heal a bad day.xx

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aw :( i hate those bad days .. i had one last year after i lost my baby i wanted out with my son and the dogs to get my head free of the thoughts and take them out in the snow, ofc as weak as i was they pulled me down someone came over wanted to help me but could not at all reach me as my 2 mutts are to over joyed when someone comes to "greet" them, lol

just don't let it get to you hun ... plus siberians are known for running off if they have the chance, some people just have no clue about the breed plus, what the heck if you have your 3 boys with you and someone wants to fuss them and you even tell them its not a good idea then why don't they drop it? i learned that many kids like to grab huskies because they are seen as so nice and cuddely like a toy, but they are just simple as it is not a toy so i stopped taking my dogs for school runs as i found parents horrible who have no controll over their kids :)

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oh and not long ago someone left the outside gate open(we sadly have a shared garden but we do the bins so normal no one should be opening the doors besides us anyway) i let my 2 muppets out in the garden as i always do when i do the washings then out of a sudden someone knocks on my back door says well lady your dogs just ran out ....aaarrrggghhh knowing sky was pregnant and so am i (was 6 month then) i started to panik as there is a busy main road close aswell i started screaming calling their names, someone in a car stopped and said they are up the road ... there they was standing outside a gate greeting another dog ... phew ... its just one of those days and it can happen as long as nothing else happens and all are safe and sound i would just put the day behind me :)

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hun like i said on ur fb status u are NOT a bad dog owner n any1 who says otherwise needs slapping - accidents happen! mine have escaped n run off b4 LOADS of times - doesnt make us bad owners - makes us husky owners - try not to let them get to you as hard as it is

and if i know u - u would have had gizmo under control as uve worked SO hard with him - u told them he wasnt good n they should have just accepted it and kept walking - no need for them to critize u or ur dogs - uve done AMAZING with them and they have no idea how hard uve worked with them and its none of their business - they dont know u or gizmo so dont really get an opinion

luv ya aims xxxxx

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