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Glaucoma in both of my 10 month old sibes eyes


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Hi all it's been a crazy couple of weeks for me and my sibe Marco who is 10 months old. It started on the 27 of October when me and my wife noticed Marco squinting in his left eye and we figured maybe he bumped it, so we waited til the next morning to take him to the vet. That morning we took him and he he was diagnosed with having a mild case of conjunctivitis in his left eye and was given instructions to use some eye drops in that eye for 5 days and if it gets better to stop if not to come back. 5 days later Marco is fine and his eyes are open and he's playful as ever, then two days later we start noticing some mucus forming in the corner of his eyes, we didn't think anything of it and took a cloth dipped in warm water and wiped it out and he was fine. The next morning (this past monday) when I got off work I went to feed him and noticed that he had a yellow mucus cover over his left eye, so I wiped it out and told my wife when she gets off work were taking him to the vet. That night we bounce around to 3 different vets until we find one that can check for glaucoma, by that time Marcos attitude starts calming down and we notice him started bumping into things. At the end of the night the last doctor tells us he doesn't have glaucoma from them testing him, but they don't know what's going on with him. They point out his nose being dry and the pink areas forming on the bottom of his lip so they send us to a specialist who is open that next morning. 12hrs later I get off of work and take him to the opthamologist at 7am, at that time Marco had both of his eyes closed and didn't want to open them. When we get in he is seen and there his where they diagnose him with having glaucoma in both his eyes, they tell me that his eye area is really swollen and prescribe me meds to give to him to help the swelling go down and to check back with them next week so they can see if surgery is possible and how bad his eye loss is in both eyes. Right now as I'm typing this Marco is laying down but as I have him one of his eye drops I can see with each day going by his left eye where all this started is complete grey (his eye color is brown) but his right eye is showing signs of color but still has a grey film over it. I'm just praying something can be done since all this happens so fast, but I'm taking it hard and it's not any easier on my wife seeing him so depressed, but if anyone's husky is showing signs of conjunctivitis to make sure they keep checking back with the vet even if everything seems okay because things can change in the matter of 1 day.

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What an ordeal. Hope that something can be done for him. Would you please keep us posted. Husky Hugs from Zoya and Eisa.

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Huge sympathy Marco - we have nursed a husky with Glaucoma so I know how distressing it is - even more so when it is your own dog. What this should underline for people is the crucial importance for puppy buyers, of buying from a breeder who does all the appropriate health testing (and who can trace health tests in several generations earlier) before even thinking of breeding. For eyes, testing for Glaucoma and Hereditary Cataracts are the bare minimum.


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Hi all it's been a crazy couple of weeks for me and my sibe Marco who is 10 months old. It started on the 27 of October when me and my wife noticed Marco squinting in his left eye and we figured maybe he bumped it, so we waited til the next morning to take him to the vet. That morning we took him and he he was diagnosed with having a mild case of conjunctivitis in his left eye and was given instructions to use some eye drops in that eye for 5 days and if it gets better to stop if not to come back. 5 days later Marco is fine and his eyes are open and he's playful as ever, then two days later we start noticing some mucus forming in the corner of his eyes, we didn't think anything of it and took a cloth dipped in warm water and wiped it out and he was fine. The next morning (this past monday) when I got off work I went to feed him and noticed that he had a yellow mucus cover over his left eye, so I wiped it out and told my wife when she gets off work were taking him to the vet. That night we bounce around to 3 different vets until we find one that can check for glaucoma, by that time Marcos attitude starts calming down and we notice him started bumping into things. At the end of the night the last doctor tells us he doesn't have glaucoma from them testing him, but they don't know what's going on with him. They point out his nose being dry and the pink areas forming on the bottom of his lip so they send us to a specialist who is open that next morning. 12hrs later I get off of work and take him to the opthamologist at 7am, at that time Marco had both of his eyes closed and didn't want to open them. When we get in he is seen and there his where they diagnose him with having glaucoma in both his eyes, they tell me that his eye area is really swollen and prescribe me meds to give to him to help the swelling go down and to check back with them next week so they can see if surgery is possible and how bad his eye loss is in both eyes. Right now as I'm typing this Marco is laying down but as I have him one of his eye drops I can see with each day going by his left eye where all this started is complete grey (his eye color is brown) but his right eye is showing signs of color but still has a grey film over it. I'm just praying something can be done since all this happens so fast, but I'm taking it hard and it's not any easier on my wife seeing him so depressed, but if anyone's husky is showing signs of conjunctivitis to make sure they keep checking back with the vet even if everything seems okay because things can change in the matter of 1 day.

hi ..so sorry to hear about marcos eyes ..very upsetting to see your beloved dog poorly ..i do hope every thing turns out well for u and marco x

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Hi all it's been a crazy couple of weeks for me and my sibe Marco who is 10 months old. It started on the 27 of October when me and my wife noticed Marco squinting in his left eye and we figured maybe he bumped it, so we waited til the next morning to take him to the vet. That morning we took him and he he was diagnosed with having a mild case of conjunctivitis in his left eye and was given instructions to use some eye drops in that eye for 5 days and if it gets better to stop if not to come back. 5 days later Marco is fine and his eyes are open and he's playful as ever, then two days later we start noticing some mucus forming in the corner of his eyes, we didn't think anything of it and took a cloth dipped in warm water and wiped it out and he was fine. The next morning (this past monday) when I got off work I went to feed him and noticed that he had a yellow mucus cover over his left eye, so I wiped it out and told my wife when she gets off work were taking him to the vet. That night we bounce around to 3 different vets until we find one that can check for glaucoma, by that time Marcos attitude starts calming down and we notice him started bumping into things. At the end of the night the last doctor tells us he doesn't have glaucoma from them testing him, but they don't know what's going on with him. They point out his nose being dry and the pink areas forming on the bottom of his lip so they send us to a specialist who is open that next morning. 12hrs later I get off of work and take him to the opthamologist at 7am, at that time Marco had both of his eyes closed and didn't want to open them. When we get in he is seen and there his where they diagnose him with having glaucoma in both his eyes, they tell me that his eye area is really swollen and prescribe me meds to give to him to help the swelling go down and to check back with them next week so they can see if surgery is possible and how bad his eye loss is in both eyes. Right now as I'm typing this Marco is laying down but as I have him one of his eye drops I can see with each day going by his left eye where all this started is complete grey (his eye color is brown) but his right eye is showing signs of color but still has a grey film over it. I'm just praying something can be done since all this happens so fast, but I'm taking it hard and it's not any easier on my wife seeing him so depressed, but if anyone's husky is showing signs of conjunctivitis to make sure they keep checking back with the vet even if everything seems okay because things can change in the matter of 1 day.

I am so very sorry to hear about Marco. I can't imagine how difficult it is for you folks. I'm hoping the vet can find something that will work for the boy. My prayers are with you and him. Do keep in touch with the site and let us all know what' s happening with the boy!

Blessings and thanks.

Carmen OFM

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  • 3 months later...

Marco_Bell, how is Sibe? What is the update on his glaucoma? My husky Mia was diagnosed with glaucoma yesterday. She is only 2 years and 9 months old, and the doctors say it is serious and may require laser surgery. However, she may not be a good candidate for the laser surgery, because of the lack of pigmentation in her eye. Any info that you have found that may be helpful? Thanks in advance!

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This is sort of a two edged response. The Active ingredient in Can-C is reported to cure cataracts over the course of about 4 - 5 months. It was discussed in one of the other threads about cataracts but I don't know if anything was resolved. The double edge is that I'm considering a little "self doctoring". I have a cataract forming in my right eye and the VA will do the cataract surgery after I can't see at all and I'm not interested in spending x number of years until they decide they'll do surgery if these eye drops work. The thing that makes it appropriate here is that much of the original testing was done on dogs, reportedly with amazing results (total cure in 75%+ of the cases.) It might be worth, at least, discussion with the ophthalmologist (( and thanks to my spelling checker, I only thought I knew how to spell that word! )).

Shoot me, after I posted this I realized the topic was glaucoma not cataract ..... if I weren't there already I'd say "I quit, I'm going home!!" Sorry .....

Now you may all go back to your regularly scheduled discussion.

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Marco_Bell, how is Sibe? What is the update on his glaucoma? My husky Mia was diagnosed with glaucoma yesterday. She is only 2 years and 9 months old, and the doctors say it is serious and may require laser surgery. However, she may not be a good candidate for the laser surgery, because of the lack of pigmentation in her eye. Any info that you have found that may be helpful? Thanks in advance!

Hi Stephanie&Mia sorry I havn't frequented the site as much as I should do to moving into a new house and all, but as for Marco he is doing a lot better since his last updated condition on here. Basically after about a 3-4 week treatment of his eye drops as well as medicine and a strict watch on his changing conditions his eyes started to go back to having a slight color. When we took a trip back to his ophthalmologist for a check up his eye pressure in both his eyes went down dramatically!! to the point where they said it was normal reading. They couldn't believe it and neither could I, along with that they told us to keep checking back because they warned us that his body can get use to the medicine and start rejecting in all of a sudden. So far to this day, we've had one relapse on his eyes (when me and the doctors tried to take him off the medicine for 2 weeks to see how his body would react, his eyes started tearing back up and running so bad that the area where his eyes would run started turning raw and losing hair) so we went back to the doctors and they re-prescribed just the eye drops instead of the pills he was taking and so far hes doing better. Marco can't see %100 and I honestly don't think his eyes will get better but with what he can see and mainly since right now he is the EXACT same dog as we was before all this happend.... Mischievous, Smart, Kind, Destructive and Happy. I think it honestly help draw him and my family together more since he learned to depend on us a lot more.

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Marco_Bell, how is Sibe? What is the update on his glaucoma? My husky Mia was diagnosed with glaucoma yesterday. She is only 2 years and 9 months old, and the doctors say it is serious and may require laser surgery. However, she may not be a good candidate for the laser surgery, because of the lack of pigmentation in her eye. Any info that you have found that may be helpful? Thanks in advance!

If you want a list of the care regiment as well as the medicine I did for Marco to help him let me know I will post it, but I hope all the best for your pup and I will keep her in my prayers. Don't let the doctor determine your dogs fate, because if it was up to my doctor Marco would have both of his eyes removed instead of now being able to see partially out of them. In the long run I think that decision helped Marco out of his mini depression.

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