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Do you have your dream job?

Tams Teeko and Keeta

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I just wonder how many people out there have their dream job! I love my job...I do....but really my dream job would be a writer. I now have a children's novel ready that I am attemoting to get published but I am not a confident person and find it hard to push it as I should (my confidence is so poor that even when the very few friends I have told about it praise it...I assume that it is just because they don't want to hurt my feeling!) And I am trying to really figure out how I can get my dream job! I don't even think I'd care if it was writing blurbs for other people who had been successful or even greetings cards!

So...I console myself with the idea that people don't really have their dream job but I am wondering if I am being defeatist! It occurred to me that I make assumptions too often and wondered....Do you have your dream job?

(Believe it or not....it has taken me about 2 weeks to pluck up the courage to do ask about this coz I didn't want to admit to people that I'd written a book!! Lol)

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Well I wouldn't really consider being a student a job. I want to run my own doggy related business. Boarding kennels, doggy day care, microchipping, scanning, home visits etc. But for that I need to pass my degree and own my own property. So no I don't have my dream job, yet.. I'm doing the next best thing going to work in an animal park in January :)

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Hey I think u should totally go for it. I was just reading some of ur treads and said to my self wow this woman has such illuminous language very colourful and descriptive- I can see the pictures and ur personality and humour comes through. Just like a writer. Then I came across this thread :-) I have really good instincts and I can say 90% of the time am always right lol. I don't know you so am not trying to 'spare your feelings' but I think you write really well so have confidence in your self. Stop consoling yourself that people don't have their dream jobs and start rejoicing that many do have them. It takes just as much energy and time to think positive as it dose negative, so I choose positive. I don't have my dream job yet but am working towards it and I'll never give up- have faith and ps go forward with it u have nothing to loose. The guy who wrote Chicken soup for the soul got rejected by more than 20 publishers now his sold over 100 million books. Get over that fear of failure and believe :-)

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Hey I think u should totally go for it. I was just reading some of ur treads and said to my self wow this woman has such illuminous language very colourful and descriptive- I can see the pictures and ur personality and humour comes through. Just like a writer. Then I came across this thread :) I have really good instincts and I can say 90% of the time am always right lol. I don't know you so am not trying to 'spare your feelings' but I think you write really well so have confidence in your self. Stop consoling yourself that people don't have their dream jobs and start rejoicing that many do have them. It takes just as much energy and time to think positive as it dose negative, so I choose positive. I don't have my dream job yet but am working towards it and I'll never give up- have faith and ps go forward with it u have nothing to loose. The guy who wrote Chicken soup for the soul got rejected by more than 20 publishers now his sold over 100 million books. Get over that fear of failure and believe :)

this is a lovely reply.

I don't have my dream job yet, I love my job but I will have my dream job one day.

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After many years of doing something I hate (Secretary/PA) I am finally doing something I am passionate about. I don't make as much money as I did, but I am happy.

As long as you believe in your work, you must keep pushing to have it published. You are the only one that can do it.

I wish you all the luck in the world :)

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I agree with Rosemary 110%. Also money is many peoples driving force, I don't earn as much money as I did in my previuos job, but if I still had my previous job I wouldn't have the time to own two gorgeous huskies. I enjoy my job and it gives me the work life balance that I want to enable me to do all the things that I want to do and have two furkids.

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I'd say go for it, the worst they can say is no and if that is the case, go somewhere else until you have someone that will say yes :D Take Stephanie Meyer as an example, her writing is simple, she hardly ever uses any big words.. Books are alright, movies are decent, people have gone crazy over them, why, I dunno. I'm sure you'll do fine if she can make something silly that big. :D

Nope, I do not but my job is a good one. I'd like to have my own doggy boarding place since I love animals, always have, when I was little I wanted to be a vet. After going through 2 years in college and only getting a year contract out of that work, I don't want to slave away for 4+ years and have another huge student loan (40k student loan was not fun D: ).

I did a trial at a doggy daycare and it was heartbreaking. I had Kira enrolled there for 10 days and after seeing how they operated, I will NEVER EVER take my dog to another doggy daycare unless I know the person running it. There were 5 enclosed cages that contained different groups of dogs: puppies, teenagers, older dogs, and there was always one cage that had only one dog in it that didn't get along with any other dogs. Last group was a mix of older dogs and teens that got along well with one another. They would let each group outside for 10 minutes and then bring them back in. Some dogs were kenneled (small kennels in a back room) the entire day except for their 5 minute breaks outside. It was gut wrenching, they didn't clean the pens up frequently enough, dogs were peeing and pooping everywhere. The NOISE was UNREAL! You were not allowed to wear ear plugs (illegal for sure) and you couldn't even scream at the top of your lungs to the person standing immediately beside you because there was just that much noise. I'd say on most days they had at least 40 dogs, usually more. There were a few workers there that were just sweethearts but the second in command for the daycare was appalling. There was this one puppy that was around 12 weeks old and it kept getting out of its section and running around getting all the other dogs all excited, the girl would grab it by it's collar and carry it back to the pen BY ITS COLLAR. Throat damage much! Some of the workers would kick the dogs back when they tried to get out the door, I don't mean like gently use your foot to push them back, I mean KICK! Ugh. So yeah, I was there two and a half days and I've never cried over a job before but it really got to me, still does. That's why I want a dog day care, a proper non-violent one. I'd ideally like to set-up a webcam outside in the backyard so people could check up on their doggies whenever they wanted.

So yeah, long post, sorry. Felt I needed to explain.

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I'd say go for it...definitely! I'd rather be in a job that paid less but suited my life and gave me satisfaction any day. Very fortunate to be doing my dream job but I took a few knocks on the way. Looking back know, it only me strong in other areas. This week I've made a similar 'leap' out of my comfort zone to open the opportunity to push myself, gain some more life skills but still stuck with idea that I HAVE to enjoy what I'm going for. I'm not in position to give out advice but it worked for me.

I'd be chuffed to write a book but I haven't the skill or talent!

Stick to your instincts, go for it :-)

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when I was younger I wanted to be an author. I used to write copious amounts of stories and poems when I was younger but as I got older it kind of fizzled out. Have you looked into creative writing classes? If there are any local to you perhaps you could join to both hone your skills and meet like-minded people who could support you and offer guidance, if needed. On the opposite end of the scale, I also quite fancied myself as a fire investigator. those people who go into buildings and work out how and where it started etc..... Pretty random, I guess but the reality is that not many of us have the 'ultimate job', alot of us are just greatful that we have a job fullstop! And who knows maybe oneday we'll get there........

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Hey I think u should totally go for it. I was just reading some of ur treads and said to my self wow this woman has such illuminous language very colourful and descriptive- I can see the pictures and ur personality and humour comes through. Just like a writer. Then I came across this thread :-) I have really good instincts and I can say 90% of the time am always right lol. I don't know you so am not trying to 'spare your feelings' but I think you write really well so have confidence in your self. Stop consoling yourself that people don't have their dream jobs and start rejoicing that many do have them. It takes just as much energy and time to think positive as it dose negative, so I choose positive. I don't have my dream job yet but am working towards it and I'll never give up- have faith and ps go forward with it u have nothing to loose. The guy who wrote Chicken soup for the soul got rejected by more than 20 publishers now his sold over 100 million books. Get over that fear of failure and believe :-)

Wow...i think I may love you! :-D you've almost made me cry and that is no easy feat...trust me! Lol! I've started on book 2 and i'm determined to send out the first to at least 20 agents in january. But thank you thank you thank you! You've just given me that little extra push! :-D xxxx

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I've got one of my dream jobs, I test Sony Playstation games all day for four days and then get to play with my kids and huskies for four days. I do not want to stay untill I'm 50 although I'm 38 now, I just find it so hard to leave a job I love and havnt had the.. aw I dont want to go in today blues. The worst part of my job is playing a game thats for kids (yes Dora thats you) otherwise I could be driving all the top race mod cars with an italian leather steering wheel, or getting a one shot kill to the head with my MSR whilst in a bush miles away(campers rule) I could be singing, of a sort, on the kareoke game and I can't forget my michael Jackson moves awwwwww you know I'm on my toes grabbing my bits.

My other dream job is to work with dog psycology or behavior. I have volentered at a dogs trust to get what experiance I can whilst waiting to do the course, then I will get my dog exercise park and day care den one day. Just got to take it slow as the dream job just keeps us afloat.

And Tamsim, When your book gets published, do a link on her as I would buy copy and I'm sure others would too. I know what your going to say rather people by the book because...... I would by the book to show our support for someone who believes in somthing with a passion.

All the best.

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I'd say go for it, the worst they can say is no and if that is the case, go somewhere else until you have someone that will say yes :D Take Stephanie Meyer as an example, her writing is simple, she hardly ever uses any big words.. Books are alright, movies are decent, people have gone crazy over them, why, I dunno. I'm sure you'll do fine if she can make something silly that big. :D

Nope, I do not but my job is a good one. I'd like to have my own doggy boarding place since I love animals, always have, when I was little I wanted to be a vet. After going through 2 years in college and only getting a year contract out of that work, I don't want to slave away for 4+ years and have another huge student loan (40k student loan was not fun D: ).

I did a trial at a doggy daycare and it was heartbreaking. I had Kira enrolled there for 10 days and after seeing how they operated, I will NEVER EVER take my dog to another doggy daycare unless I know the person running it. There were 5 enclosed cages that contained different groups of dogs: puppies, teenagers, older dogs, and there was always one cage that had only one dog in it that didn't get along with any other dogs. Last group was a mix of older dogs and teens that got along well with one another. They would let each group outside for 10 minutes and then bring them back in. Some dogs were kenneled (small kennels in a back room) the entire day except for their 5 minute breaks outside. It was gut wrenching, they didn't clean the pens up frequently enough, dogs were peeing and pooping everywhere. The NOISE was UNREAL! You were not allowed to wear ear plugs (illegal for sure) and you couldn't even scream at the top of your lungs to the person standing immediately beside you because there was just that much noise. I'd say on most days they had at least 40 dogs, usually more. There were a few workers there that were just sweethearts but the second in command for the daycare was appalling. There was this one puppy that was around 12 weeks old and it kept getting out of its section and running around getting all the other dogs all excited, the girl would grab it by it's collar and carry it back to the pen BY ITS COLLAR. Throat damage much! Some of the workers would kick the dogs back when they tried to get out the door, I don't mean like gently use your foot to push them back, I mean KICK! Ugh. So yeah, I was there two and a half days and I've never cried over a job before but it really got to me, still does. That's why I want a dog day care, a proper non-violent one. I'd ideally like to set-up a webcam outside in the backyard so people could check up on their doggies whenever they wanted.

So yeah, long post, sorry. Felt I needed to explain.

Omg am glad u explained, dat sounds horrible :( I don't understand how people can ever be cruel to animals. Aww d webam idea is brilliant if I left my girl at a day care I'd lv it if I could check on her. Am sure ur day care will be great!!!

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Wow...i think I may love you! :-D you've almost made me cry and that is no easy feat...trust me! Lol! I've started on book 2 and i'm determined to send out the first to at least 20 agents in january. But thank you thank you thank you! You've just given me that little extra push! :-D xxxx

Awwwwww ur welcome dear, its nothing far from the truth :-) look ur going to be a star u've already got fans waiting for your book :-D put me on the waiting list too lol and good luck with the agents, I wish u all d best!!!

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I've got one of my dream jobs, I test Sony Playstation games all day for four days and then get to play with my kids and huskies for four days. I do not want to stay untill I'm 50 although I'm 38 now, I just find it so hard to leave a job I love and havnt had the.. aw I dont want to go in today blues. The worst part of my job is playing a game thats for kids (yes Dora thats you) otherwise I could be driving all the top race mod cars with an italian leather steering wheel, or getting a one shot kill to the head with my MSR whilst in a bush miles away(campers rule) I could be singing, of a sort, on the kareoke game and I can't forget my michael Jackson moves awwwwww you know I'm on my toes grabbing my bits.

My other dream job is to work with dog psycology or behavior. I have volentered at a dogs trust to get what experiance I can whilst waiting to do the course, then I will get my dog exercise park and day care den one day. Just got to take it slow as the dream job just keeps us afloat.

And Tamsim, When your book gets published, do a link on her as I would buy copy and I'm sure others would too. I know what your going to say rather people by the book because...... I would by the book to show our support for someone who believes in somthing with a passion.

All the best.

Mate ur so bloody lucky lol dats ever guys dream job :D man give me Dora, nemo, powerpuff girls whatever as long as I get to test the new FIFA or call of duty

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