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Hit by a woman!!!


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Walking Harley, Wifey walking Max a distance behind, getting used to walking him to a loose lead in a local large park...and the attack happens. Three off lead Jack Russels come charging at Harley.

As they approached I suspected an attack but wasn't sure - either way it was too much energy so I shouted for them to be recalled. Two middle aged women, one shouted "we're trying!" I worked fast (they were coming some distance!) put Harley to my right side, sat him, and stepped forward to block their energy.

One was blocked by my energy and the other two went wide and round one diverted Harley to the front and the other went for his rear. I turned and flicked the one attacking Harley's rear just as his teeth hit - my instep somersaulted him (I'm a 13x world champion at my sports - I can apply my feet accurately and effectively and my aim was to deflect and not hurt). The woman screamed at me as they were running over "don't you dare kick my dogs" to be met by "call them off then!"

I now had three dogs attacking, I flipped a couple of them with my instep during the attacks and was blocking them quite well with my energy - putting my hand down and snapping my fingers to deflect and block. The woman was screaming at me, and as I put my hand down one time she actually struck my arm! The cheek of it lol!!!

One got hold of Harley's bum (Harley wasn't responding bless him, he was looking to me) and my position was such I just grabbed him and threw him off - got a nick in my finger during the process.

The other woman arrived and they managed to get the dogs off by picking them up - eventually.

The woman had a right go at me! Apparently I was violently kicking her dogs for no reason! I told her "trust me, if I had, they wouldn't be here!"

I furiously asked what the hell she was doing letting her dogs to what they did and she replied...wait for it...it was the first time they'd been let off!! Apparently one was the dad and the other two were 7month olds, and they had never been let off before, they didn't know they'd be like that!


Ever heard of a risk assessment and managing that risk? What about prior recall training and doing it in a safe environment first? And letting them off as a pack? Let alone in this park the byelaws state all dogs are to be kept on a lead!!!! Doh!

All this happened as they were walking away. The woman who hit me's passing shot was "it's your dogs fault anyway because he's on lead!"

"Hey!" I shouted after her. "Do you want me to let mine off then?"

Grrrrrrrrrr....some people shouldn't be allowed to have dogs...

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Sounds to me like what you did was perfectly fine and respectable, Some people are so irrisponsible!!

Great job for controlling yourself by the way :up:

And here is to hoping they have learnt their lesson and will not be letting them off again

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ugh typical offlead dogs scenario. The sooner its illegal to have dogs offlead in public the better IMO.


I wouldnt have been able to keep my cool like that so well done to you too.

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You really should have hauled off and slugged her...

Many people will use the whole 'I don't hit women...' or 'I don't hit ladies'

My thoughts are...if your willing to put your hands on someone in that way, it doesn't actually matter what sort of genitals you have anymore...

Good on you for managing the incident though...what a cow.

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Ugh I don't think I would have been as nice as you to the ladies. I don't want to hurt another dog but when it comes down to my dogs or someone elses my dogs come first. You had every right to defend your dog in the manner you did. Some people are just stupid and ignorant and don't know how to own dogs responsibly.

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Walking Harley, Wifey walking Max a distance behind, getting used to walking him to a loose lead in a local large park...and the attack happens. Three off lead Jack Russels come charging at Harley.

As they approached I suspected an attack but wasn't sure - either way it was too much energy so I shouted for them to be recalled. Two middle aged women, one shouted "we're trying!" I worked fast (they were coming some distance!) put Harley to my right side, sat him, and stepped forward to block their energy.

One was blocked by my energy and the other two went wide and round one diverted Harley to the front and the other went for his rear. I turned and flicked the one attacking Harley's rear just as his teeth hit - my instep somersaulted him (I'm a 13x world champion at my sports - I can apply my feet accurately and effectively and my aim was to deflect and not hurt). The woman screamed at me as they were running over "don't you dare kick my dogs" to be met by "call them off then!"

I now had three dogs attacking, I flipped a couple of them with my instep during the attacks and was blocking them quite well with my energy - putting my hand down and snapping my fingers to deflect and block. The woman was screaming at me, and as I put my hand down one time she actually struck my arm! The cheek of it lol!!!

One got hold of Harley's bum (Harley wasn't responding bless him, he was looking to me) and my position was such I just grabbed him and threw him off - got a nick in my finger during the process.

The other woman arrived and they managed to get the dogs off by picking them up - eventually.

The woman had a right go at me! Apparently I was violently kicking her dogs for no reason! I told her "trust me, if I had, they wouldn't be here!"

I furiously asked what the hell she was doing letting her dogs to what they did and she replied...wait for it...it was the first time they'd been let off!! Apparently one was the dad and the other two were 7month olds, and they had never been let off before, they didn't know they'd be like that!


Ever heard of a risk assessment and managing that risk? What about prior recall training and doing it in a safe environment first? And letting them off as a pack? Let alone in this park the byelaws state all dogs are to be kept on a lead!!!! Doh!

All this happened as they were walking away. The woman who hit me's passing shot was "it's your dogs fault anyway because he's on lead!"

"Hey!" I shouted after her. "Do you want me to let mine off then?"

Grrrrrrrrrr....some people shouldn't be allowed to have dogs...

Woah - what the hell? Some people - honestly - and as her dogs attacked yours the law is on your side. I'm guessing that you are some sort of martial artist a lot more proficient than myself as a 13x world champion though - but with my knowledge I can easily see how you could have deflected the dogs without harming them as this is what we are trained to do, if needs be.

Just wanna say - 'shame on you not blocking the slap of a middle aged lady'..... You should've blocked it.:lolman:

Hope Harley is ok sweet.....;)

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Lol, I don't ever hit anyone (unless there is absolutely no alternative that is!) as no-one wins a fight, and I am a great believer in avoidance. I had the situation under control, and Harley knows it - that's why he can let me do what I need to do.

The situation was under control though only because I was taking action and I have the training I have. I am just pleased that it wasn't my wife with Max who were walking in front. Then they may well have seen a completely different situation - I can look after myself, and by God will I look after my pack!

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Lol, I don't ever hit anyone (unless there is absolutely no alternative that is!) as no-one wins a fight, and I am a great believer in avoidance. I had the situation under control, and Harley knows it - that's why he can let me do what I need to do.

The situation was under control though only because I was taking action and I have the training I have. I am just pleased that it wasn't my wife with Max who were walking in front. Then they may well have seen a completely different situation - I can look after myself, and by God will I look after my pack!

I'd be exactly the same. ;)

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I love the way she says-oh its you dog's fault for being ONlead, Im sorry-wha???? How does that one work?? Gah some people. Stormy got flanked like that by a group of collies and springers one day. I actually yelled at the owner 'call yer bleeding dogs back' Not amused. Kudos to you for keeping calm and glad Harley is ok :)

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Another reason I hate yappie dogs! Because they're small people dont bother with correct training.

Way to go Harley and your calm manner!

Personally if I was going to hit a bloke...i'd fully expect to be hit back! Cant stand women who think they can hit a man just because they possess boobs and not balls! Eejits!

You sounded eerily calm...i think i'd have hoofed the yappie terrors!

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I don't want to tar every small dog owner with the same brush but "small dog" owners have a tendency to think that they're precious little pooches are always the victims. Drives me mad, especially when the owners mistake Luna's playful jumps and neck grabbing as "attacks" and look at me like I've got the devil himself on the end of the lead!

It really worries me how little these people understand dogs!

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Omg, some people are complete idiots. I lost my collie/gsd cross about 3 months ago (he was 11) he had issues when we got him and we took him to a dog psycologist but whilst he was being sorted out he had to be muzzled, he had a huge bout of fear based agression, but he was only a youngster and deserved a chance, he never quite liked other dogs approaching him . Time and time again off lead dogs would hound him and I would always say please call your dog away and the dog would not pay attention to it's owner, their usual retort was my dog is ok .....well actually no it's not it does not come back when you call there fore you are not in control. And yes they always blamed me. I guess some owners just think about the bubble they are in and dont think about other dogs/owners. I dont have a Husky yet but am visiting one at the weekend that needs a new home I hope we like each other and his current owners can see that I am responsible enough to take on their little one. fingers crossed x

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