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Toddler at the dog park?!


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what was that woman thinking treating a dog park like its some kind of petting zoo? Personally my two boys( aged 3 and 9months) wouldnt come with me, you don't know what the other dogs are like and its a dog park for dogs not a play park if i had no choice but to take my boys with me and miska, they certainly wouldnt be allowed to pet random dogs and run around like crazy. Parents wouldnt tolerate it if a dog ran around a playground why should it be any different the other way round. There are separate places for a reason not just coincedence!

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thats a ridiculous thing to say imo. Why should she?? why shouldnt she take her dog and kids out together?

...Like I said before I dont have a offlead park near me, if I did I would take my kids and my dogs together as the family unit they are.

*headdesk* If you want to take the dog out as a family, do it with the dog on a leash in a normal park or go out to the country where he can run around but you don’t have to worry about other dogs. It’s not that hard, and it’s not that unreasonable to ask. It’s that attitude of entitlement that bothers me. “What, just because I have kids I can’t enjoy the offleash park anymore?†No, you still can, just be responsible and don’t take your small children when you go.

Why? Because it’s not just about you and what you want. You’re putting your kid at risk of being knocked over or hurt by other people’s dogs, and the likelihood of it happening is high. You’re subjecting other dog owners to the risk of their dog being the one to hurt your kid, and that’s not fair to other people. It’s selfish and it’s deliberately putting your kid in a situation where they can get hurt by other people’s animals, and most people who do this then blame the other people involved.

Why can’t you take your kids into the bar with you? Would you rant and rave because you can’t have an evening out and take the kids along when you go drinking? It’s not like you’re going to feed your kids alcohol, right? Why should you have to strap them into a carseat or use a seatbelt? You’re a safe driver, and your cousin’s sister’s best friend’s husband was actually saved from a wreck because he wasn’t wearing one. Why should a smoker have to freeze their ass off outside to smoke instead of staying inside? It’s not like a few minutes of second hand smoke is going to hurt you. Why should my kid be forced to wear a helmet? They’ll grow out of it right away and need new ones, plus the strap hurts their chin. It’s a stupid law and I won’t make my kid wear one.

people take their dogs to childrens parks, in england they do. In fact in my local park they actually let their dogs off in the playing field which is part of the childrens park! SO does that mean I shouldnt take my kids to the playing field in case they come into contact with offlead dogs??

Nowadays there are offlead dogs everywhere.

Yeah, and just because they do doesn't make it right. If your kid gets mowed down in a play field by someone else’s loose dog, the dog owner is 100% liable and probably entitled to a fine from the city to boot. Just as you shouldn’t have small kids at an offleash park, people shouldn’t have dogs in kids parks. Both of them happen anyway, despite rules against it. But the rules are there for a reason.

So yes, it’s different. In a dog park it’s your own damned fault for having a toddler there. Sure, maybe you could bring your kid 50 times and have nothing go wrong, and that just solidifies it in your brain that it’s perfectly fine. Then the 51st day a collie runs past your kid, sending them flying and they bust their nose on a stone. Or someone bring a 6 month old Labrador pup who thinks your child is a great playmate, runs up, knocks them down and playfully bites at them and scratches them with their claws. Your attitude is really “no big deal, it coulda happened anywhere?†It could have, but you statistically guaranteed it with repeated visits.

And those videos, of course in a home if you have dogs the child will get knocked over, ask my 5 year old who regularly gets knocked by my two if they are playing! No its not ideal, but what are you supposed to do? get rid of the dogs?? of course not.

That’s just my point with the videos. This happens all the time with dogs around the home, because toddlers are small and have no balance. So let’s bring them to a dog park with higher energy dogs, faster speeds, more room to run and less consideration for their surroundings… I’m not really getting why a person would vehemently defend this! If you insist in bringing your toddler to an offleash park, at least have the decency to acknowledge that yes, they can get hurt, and no, you don’t care because it’s just part of growing up. But I reiterate again, it’s damned selfish, because it’s other people’s dogs who are going to be doing that accidental hurting, and you are forcing them to have to deal with that when they shouldn’t have to worry about small children. You can walk your dog anywhere on a leash. You can take your dog to an offleash park without your kid for half an hour. It’s not an unreasonable request.

Im thinking this is going the same way as offlead discussions. Face it, some people will be for it some against. Everyone has their own opinion, if we didnt we would all be identical.

It’s also not like the offleash debate at all. I didn’t hear anyone disputing that you have to keep your dog on a leash in regular parks, and what kind of argument would you get? “My dog listens to me, so what, you’re saying he can’t enjoy the freedom of being off leash? I can’t keep him cooped up all day! What else am I supposed to do? I intend to enjoy my time with him anyway, and that doesn't include a restrictive leash.†Those people would get fined, just as the ones who set their dogs free in children’s playfields could get fines. Do you agree with those people when they bitch and object and stamp their feet about how unfair the fine is, because they should have every right and “who are you to tell me what I can’t do?â€Â

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*headdesk* If you want to take the dog out as a family, do it with the dog on a leash in a normal park or go out to the country where he can run around but you don’t have to worry about other dogs. It’s not that hard, and it’s not that unreasonable to ask. It’s that attitude of entitlement that bothers me. “What, just because I have kids I can’t enjoy the offleash park anymore?†No, you still can, just be responsible and don’t take your small children when you go.

Why? Because it’s not just about you and what you want. You’re putting your kid at risk of being knocked over or hurt by other people’s dogs, and the likelihood of it happening is high. You’re subjecting other dog owners to the risk of their dog being the one to hurt your kid, and that’s not fair to other people. It’s selfish and it’s deliberately putting your kid in a situation where they can get hurt by other people’s animals, and most people who do this then blame the other people involved.

Why can’t you take your kids into the bar with you? Would you rant and rave because you can’t have an evening out and take the kids along when you go drinking? It’s not like you’re going to feed your kids alcohol, right? Why should you have to strap them into a carseat or use a seatbelt? You’re a safe driver, and your cousin’s sister’s best friend’s husband was actually saved from a wreck because he wasn’t wearing one. Why should a smoker have to freeze their ass off outside to smoke instead of staying inside? It’s not like a few minutes of second hand smoke is going to hurt you. Why should my kid be forced to wear a helmet? They’ll grow out of it right away and need new ones, plus the strap hurts their chin. It’s a stupid law and I won’t make my kid wear one.

The above is totally ridiculous.

I've already highlighted that the risk of a child being killed or even seriously injured is INCREDIBLY minute, going by your logic parents shouldn't drive their kids in cars, because even if you do strap them in or put them in a childs car seat, they can still be seriously injured why put them in a car? you could walk everywhere....oh no wait you could get hit by a drunk driver while walking, better just to keep the children in the house forever....

better not let them walk anywhere either thousands of children are killed on the roads every year.

I'm sorry but if we lived our lives because everything has a risk then none of us would do anything.

Life is a risk, theres no getting around that.

and once again you can walk around with your toddler in a dog park is absolutley fine, do you really think a dog is doing to just sprint over to you and maul your child? Give me a break, that is just obsuured and irrational, yes there is a chance they will get knocked over, but kids do that perfectly fine on there own and the risk is seriously mitigated if you are with the child.

parents should not be forced to stay away from dog parks because of a 0.001% chance that their child would be seriously injured. Its not fair and totally ridiculous to say they should, you say take ur kids to the kid park....but what if they fall off the see saw and bump their heads? fall off the slide?? or get bumped over by bigger children?

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The above is totally ridiculous.

I've already highlighted that the risk of a child being killed or even seriously injured is INCREDIBLY minute, going by your logic parents shouldn't drive their kids in cars, because even if you do strap them in or put them in a childs car seat, they can still be seriously injured why put them in a car? you could walk everywhere....oh no wait you could get hit by a drunk driver while walking, better just to keep the children in the house forever....

better not let them walk anywhere either thousands of children are killed on the roads every year.

I'm sorry but if we lived our lives because everything has a risk then none of us would do anything.

Life is a risk, theres no getting around that.

and once again you can walk around with your toddler in a dog park is absolutley fine, do you really think a dog is doing to just sprint over to you and maul your child? Give me a break, that is just obsuured and irrational, yes there is a chance they will get knocked over, but kids do that perfectly fine on there own and the risk is seriously mitigated if you are with the child.

parents should not be forced to stay away from dog parks because of a 0.001% chance that their child would be seriously injured. Its not fair and totally ridiculous to say they should, you say take ur kids to the kid park....but what if they fall off the see saw and bump their heads? fall off the slide?? or get bumped over by bigger children?

Is it possible to illustrate your point without reaching to the most extreme possibilities? Comparing inanimate objects to the potential for injury that a toddler wandering through a dog park is ummm...well apples and oranges. I understand that you don't feel that there's a significant risk in small children being at dog parks. You've made that pretty clear.

Would you be opposed to parents who bring small children (again we're talking toddler age in my particular question) having to sign a waver not holding other dog owners, or the city or municipality responsible for the dog park liable? I'm not opposed to older children being there...in my own instance when I take the dogs there I find a sitter for wee ones if my husband isn't home...I don't think it's fair to other dog owners there to have to worry about whether or not I'm monitoring my kid...and realistically whether or not I am, it's still something that's going to be a concern for them...

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The above is totally ridiculous.

I've already highlighted that the risk of a child being killed or even seriously injured is INCREDIBLY minute, going by your logic parents shouldn't drive their kids in cars, because even if you do strap them in or put them in a childs car seat, they can still be seriously injured why put them in a car? you could walk everywhere....oh no wait you could get hit by a drunk driver while walking, better just to keep the children in the house forever....

better not let them walk anywhere either thousands of children are killed on the roads every year.

I'm sorry but if we lived our lives because everything has a risk then none of us would do anything.

Life is a risk, theres no getting around that.

and once again you can walk around with your toddler in a dog park is absolutley fine, do you really think a dog is doing to just sprint over to you and maul your child? Give me a break, that is just obsuured and irrational, yes there is a chance they will get knocked over, but kids do that perfectly fine on there own and the risk is seriously mitigated if you are with the child.

parents should not be forced to stay away from dog parks because of a 0.001% chance that their child would be seriously injured. Its not fair and totally ridiculous to say they should, you say take ur kids to the kid park....but what if they fall off the see saw and bump their heads? fall off the slide?? or get bumped over by bigger children?

We're not talking about protecting kids from getting hurt ever. We're talking about deliberately putting them in a situation to get hurt as opposed to not exposing them to that risk. I could go mountain scrambling with a baby on my back too. I love it, I'm good at it, I'm not hurting anyone by doing it. There's only a risk of injury under the relatively small chance that I could fall, thereby hurting my baby too. But would any rational person take that risk? I should hope the answer is a resounding no.

Let your own dogs knock over and hurt your kids. Don't bring them to the public offleash park to get knocked around and put the onus on other people. Period. Have you ever BEEN to a dog park? Have you seen 8 or more dogs charging around in an excited group? Have you had dogs run into you while playing? Have you seen full-sized adults get taken off their feet? Have you been jumped on by strange dogs? Have you been scratched by rambunctious pups? Have you seen two dogs attack each other in the park? Because if you haven't you are going to the quietest dog park in North America, so enjoy the shit out of it. None of the above bothers me, but neither would I bring a toddler and happily walk them through it.

You keep forcing the OMG-serious-injury-fatal-mauling-DEATH argument, but I already stated that was a sideline and I agree that the risk is remote. I guess it's just because you can't dispute the other points.

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I just don't understand how a parent could think a park with a ton of offlead running dogs (who may or may have not ever been around children) is a place to take your kid and let him run around like he's one of the dogs. I don't care if you walk your kid in a stroller or if they walk next to you- that's your choice to bring them there and risk them getting hurt. But to let them run around yelling and screaming is just absurd and I can't see why someone would think that's a good idea...? And I can't see why it's a huge deal if I tell you to please STOP letting the kid smack/hit/yell at/chase/steal toys/and just otherwise be obnoxious to the dogs. It's dangerous and just plain dumb.

If you're going to bring the kid make sure they've mastered their own sit/stay/heel commands because it's unfair for us (the dog owners) to have to now worry about your toddler streaking up and down the field chasing or being chased by a bunch of dogs. I seriously cannot see what is so wrong about that.

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