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How or why did you choose your husky?

Val (Zebedee)

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with kimba - i wanted a male, he was the only male of the litter so choice made up on that one lol

with kaiser, again, wanted a male, there were 2 left, he was literally days old so i went for what markings i thought he'd have when he grew up - if he'd have been older i'd have gone for personality etc but looking at how he is now - i wouldn't have made a different choice

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My husband picked Wyatt, sight unseen, from a for-free ad on a usedeverywhere.com website. He wanted a husky, and here was a free purebred.

We got Scout because he was deemed unadoptable (had been rehomed and returned to the humane society several times), and a friend who works at the society begged us to take him - she knew we were looking for another dog and knew we could handle "husky quirks" so it would be a good fit. It's a kill shelter, so "unadoptable" meant he was next up for the long nap. We brought Wyatt to meet him (and another on death row), and since Scout was the one who got along best with the old man we took him.

I'm glad we did! We did NOT want another husky, but Scout (who is half GSD) is one of those special few that enter our lives so rarely. Every single person who returned him screwed themselves out of an incredible dog!

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Luna came into the rescue centre I was volenteering at but we'd already started the rehoming process for a GSD. Sadly it fell through as the GSD had massive hip problems & aggression issues that were unstable, he ended up being pts, which broke my heart.

The rescue manager recommended Luna (then called Hollie) saying that he'd assessed her and she was great with kids & had no negative issues other than SA & a tendency to be destructive. Me & my fiance took her out into the enclosed exercise feild and fell in love! I still felt awful about JJ (the GSD) but Luna/Hollie was so desperate to play & was jumping up & running around us like a lunatic that she soon had me smiling! We reserved her that day & a week later she was home!!

We've worked on the SA and until very recently she had never chewed anything that didn't belong to her. I put her previous destructive tendency down to lack of exercise & boredom with her previous owners who gave her up because and I quote "she got too big and bouncy"

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I was searching through the recue sites as usual & came across Maia. She was so skinny, half bald & she looked so sad. I sent the email application straight away & received a call the next day for a telephone interview & the rest is history, well after the homecheck & going to meet her we brought her home. She is an ex-breeding dog & had never lived in a house before, she so deserved to have the sun on her back, a warm & comfy bed & everything she would ever need after being thrown away at only 3 years old. She melted my heart the very first moment I saw her :wub:

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I waited forever for the right litter from this amazing red female :P and I was on the waiting list for a red female...well she had 3 boys and someone was already on the wiating list for a red boy so I had a choice between the agouti and the silver boy :P The silver boy caught my eye so it eas easier to choose him and the agouti boy had a "dirty" face and I dont much like the dirty face markings :P So it was the silver boy. It was fate becasue Marius is the most amazing sibe


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In Kiska's litter there were two bitches and two dogs. I knew I wanted a bitch so that narrowed my choice a lot :P I didn't have the benefit of getting to see Kiska before I picked her up so I based my decision on appearance. This was the photo that done it for me...


Those socks!! If she didn't have those socks I would have left my decision until a few weeks later when all of their markings came through, and if I had done that then I almost definately would have chosen 'Big Boy', one of the dogs, because he was just gorgeous! But I'm SO glad I didn't. Kiska is the most incredible dog, I DEFINATELY got the best of the litter, without a shadow of a doubt. I love her so much, and I have those great big socks to thank :D

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I contacted breeders looking for show dogs and told them that I had a special place in my heart for the darker colors. But in the future we'd choose based on personality alone. (ok, I'll admit I'm craving an all white...but the personality has to be right!)

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We knew we wanted a red and white Sibe, and Sherlock was the only one of the litter (his siblings were all blond just like the mom and dad). I was hoping for blue eyes, but he had the cutest green eyes (which have become more hazely amber as he's gotten older). We did want a boy - so we lucked out that he was available. He was a cute little alpha male haha.. but he's been totally been put in his place in our house.

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Teeko was a bit of a fluke! We decided we wanted a husky and started saving then Ta Da...tax rebate...husky funds available and it just so happened that teeko's litter were born a couple of days after so they popped up when I went online. I wanted a girl, but when we got there we saw this lil guinea pig fuzzball with a big white squiggle down his back, pulling away from his litter and having a good nosey about. That was it! He was ours!

Keeta was the only girl left of the litter and when we went to visit her, she had that same squiggle down her back (completely random as different parents) so we knew she was right.

And my two little Squiggles....completely perfecr for each other and for us!

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We didn't get to choose ours, as he was a gift.

But there wasn't a loot of room for choice anyway, as we wanted a male and there were only two still available in the litter. Our friends chose him based on his sneaky personality (i.e. stealing and hiding his littermates food). I have no idea what made our friends think that choosing him was a good idea! I wouldn't change him for anything, but still, we were first time dog owners. Why on earth would we have wanted a puppy that exhibited mischievous tendencies (compared to the other pups in the litter)?

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I look into their eyes, then take a huge intake of puppy breath. If their eyes widen, that's it. I'm hooked.

With Elke, it was her mask and the fact that she was bi-eyed. Plus she was so darn cute, and a red and white. Zoya was a bit different. We only had photos, and lots of phone calls with the breeder. But when we visited the breeder to first meet Zoya, it simply confirmed what we had hoped for. Eisa was a rescue. Sally first met Eisa at the TV station she works for (Sally works at the TV station, not Eisa). She was so sweet that Sally just had to have her.

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Simba was a rescue from a home that wasn't Sibe-ready. He was terrorized by the other dogs in the home, but crawled cautiously to my wife and kissed her when she called him. It was all over at that moment. He is the biggest sweetheart you could imagine.

We wanted a red female and chose Nala for her unique mask and mischievous look. We certainly got mischief with her.

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I wanted a female. Searched for two weeks when I stumbled upon the ad for two husky puppies. Both male, but it seemed like huskies were rare in Idaho. We wouldn't have been able to travel too far.. so I emailed the breeder. We talked on the phone, quized each other, and then she told me I had first pick. They both looked exactly alike. But one had a little white spot on his shouler blade. I told her I'd take the one without the spot. For no real reason. But I added that if she felt the other was a better match I'd gladly take either one.

I got the one with the spot in the end. He was called Timber. As his and his brothers personality developed more, Kissu was closer to what I had wanted- snugly, talkative, playful, more easy going, and not quite as energetic as his brother.

Perfect for me :)

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I was looking for dogs at the humane society. I had an idea of what kind of dog I wanted (was originally looking for a GSD), but when I saw Suka he melted my heart. I just knew he'd be a good dog. My Dad was scared of dogs (even little puppies!) but I convinced him to go see him; instead of barking/growling at my Dad like all the other dogs, Suka just sniffed him and lied down. So that was that; I had already done research on huskies...but I never thought I would be lucky enough to snatch one. Now, I see they're a very common breed and too many end up in shelters... :(

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Me and Tim had been thinking about getting Koopa a buddy for a long time. We were debating between another pit, big dog, or a small dog. Well Tim has wanted a husky since he was little and I've always loved the breed. They are beautiful and growing up i loved watching the movie "The Call Of The Wild" and would always pretend my dogs (beagle mixes) were sled dogs LOL! Well we started looking at huskies online and came across Kuma. When we saw the pic his blue eyes and mask drew us in. He was a private rehome; his old owner could no longer keep dogs at the place he was renting. We decided then we wanted to add him to the pack.

Here's the first pics we saw of him. I think he looks quite different than he does now :P



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I had a choice of 2 remaining bitches, and Thunder was bi-eyed, my mind was made up there and then, she might not become a mountain of muscle, but she is the most calm and intelligent pup I've seen, and I'm not just saying that :P

I can't wait to get her out on a harness and get a good run out of her, red lantern incoming :D

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I REALLY wanted a husky puppy and i was always in p@h (im good friends with the staff) and 1 amazing day there was an add on the notice board showing husky pups for sale! I nearly passed out! lol

Mum called the breeder and he gave us loads of info about huskies before we met them. Then we went to see them 2 days after we saw the add, i brought my deposit money (i KNEW it would be impossible not to get 1) D was from a litter of 7, 3 males and 4 females. 1 male and 1 female were already reserved. I wanted a male. So i had 2 males to choose from. 1 of them was walking around, exploring, getting stuck in the table legs, being an idiot etc. the other was the runt of the litter and was laying on my lap, whining and being dead cute!

It was a REALLY tough choice, so i went back on the friday and spent another hour there deciding. Guess which 1 i went for? The exploring one lol :duh:

I've always been told to go for the more adventurous puppy, so i did. And tbh i think it was the right choice, the other was clingy and D is clingy atm so who knows how clingly the other 1 is compared to him. I can imagine whoever took him is going to have SA problems

All the days coming up to bringing him home i had the thought 'what if i chose wrong, what if he doesnt like me' But he loves me more than anyone else in my family and i think i made the right choice :)

This is a pic of me and him 2mins after i chose him :)



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With Taz, I heard about him online, his owner was walking him in New York City and someone had approached to pet him. The owner asked this person if she wanted him, and that he was putting him to sleep shortly because he was loud in the apartment (he also owned 2 other Sibes, both younger than Taz) and of course he chose the older dog to go, not that doing that to any of them would have been right. The woman who met him told him to hold off so she could try to find someone before he made such a hasty decision. I saw his ad online (was looking for a Husky to foster, had always wanted one, but wanted to get some experience through fostering), but not too many details. Even though it wasn't detailed, there was no picture, out of all the Huskies listed, that was the one ad I was responded to, and I think I was meant to. I found out he was 9 years old. Once people found out that age, people lost interest. So, he was transported to me on Long Island, NY and it only took a couple of hours for us to become very close and attached, as nervous as he was. The next morning, he cuddled and hugged me when I was waking up, and that was that. It took me less than 24 hours to become a failed foster mom. And he lived for another 5 1/2 years, and was very healthy, except for the hip problems which showed up suddenly.. his last owner got him from a pet store. What a scum he was for even pursuing euthanasia on a perfectly good and healthy dog! He was pretty overweight too, for his size, 80 lbs, I brought him down to 60 lbs and he was just like a youngster again and his last years were his best and happiest!

As for Echo, I am currently fostering her (completing adoption this week though :P). I always wanted a white. And I have never seen a white show up in the shelter I work at, not until Taz passed. The first one was Cleo, a 1-2 year old female, great girl, she came to the shelter in June, just 1 1/2 months after I lost Taz. Everyone was encouraging me to adopt her and while I did think about it, all that thinking just brought me to tears and realized that my heart was not ready to let in another dog. So, she was adopted. Low and behold, in August, ANOTHER white shows up, this one about 5 months old. I almost feel like I was supposed to take her, like Taz would not stop sending white Huskies to the shelter until I took one :heartbeat: Although my heart was still not very open, I decided to try Echo (whose shelter name was 'Laila') out, because I feel like my guardian angel Taz was trying to tell me something! The bond didn't come as quickly, took some time and definetly isn't the same, and she is no Taz, but I have definetly grown to love her. For a puppy, she does not need a crate and is perfect in the house, doesn't tear anything apart, isn't loud, doesn't potty inside, and being good in the house was definetly most important, especially since I live in an apartment and have a neighbor downstairs. It's so strange I got lucky... does Taz drop in and give her warnings to behave herself? LOL. I don't know, but I lucked out!

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With Taz, I heard about him online, his owner was walking him in New York City and someone had approached to pet him. The owner asked this person if she wanted him, and that he was putting him to sleep shortly because he was loud in the apartment (he also owned 2 other Sibes, both younger than Taz) and of course he chose the older dog to go, not that doing that to any of them would have been right. The woman who met him told him to hold off so she could try to find someone before he made such a hasty decision. I saw his ad online (was looking for a Husky to foster, had always wanted one, but wanted to get some experience through fostering), but not too many details. Even though it wasn't detailed, there was no picture, out of all the Huskies listed, that was the one ad I was responded to, and I think I was meant to. I found out he was 9 years old. Once people found out that age, people lost interest. So, he was transported to me on Long Island, NY and it only took a couple of hours for us to become very close and attached, as nervous as he was. The next morning, he cuddled and hugged me when I was waking up, and that was that. It took me less than 24 hours to become a failed foster mom. And he lived for another 5 1/2 years, and was very healthy, except for the hip problems which showed up suddenly.. his last owner got him from a pet store. What a scum he was for even pursuing euthanasia on a perfectly good and healthy dog! He was pretty overweight too, for his size, 80 lbs, I brought him down to 60 lbs and he was just like a youngster again and his last years were his best and happiest!

As for Echo, I am currently fostering her (completing adoption this week though :P). I always wanted a white. And I have never seen a white show up in the shelter I work at, not until Taz passed. The first one was Cleo, a 1-2 year old female, great girl, she came to the shelter in June, just 1 1/2 months after I lost Taz. Everyone was encouraging me to adopt her and while I did think about it, all that thinking just brought me to tears and realized that my heart was not ready to let in another dog. So, she was adopted. Low and behold, in August, ANOTHER white shows up, this one about 5 months old. I almost feel like I was supposed to take her, like Taz would not stop sending white Huskies to the shelter until I took one :heartbeat: Although my heart was still not very open, I decided to try Echo (whose shelter name was 'Laila') out, because I feel like my guardian angel Taz was trying to tell me something! The bond didn't come as quickly, took some time and definetly isn't the same, and she is no Taz, but I have definetly grown to love her. For a puppy, she does not need a crate and is perfect in the house, doesn't tear anything apart, isn't loud, doesn't potty inside, and being good in the house was definetly most important, especially since I live in an apartment and have a neighbor downstairs. It's so strange I got lucky... does Taz drop in and give her warnings to behave herself? LOL. I don't know, but I lucked out!

I'm sorry about Taz...it must have been a deep bond you two shared. And he's still with you, in your heart...we just forget that sometimes. :)

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Thank you :heartbeat: Yes, we were extremely bonded, he was my world! He is in my thoughts and heart every single day!

Those are the really extra-special ones - I've been fortunate to have had lightning strike several times for me, having had several that were true heart-dogs...I still miss my Shad, who passed over the Rainbow Bridge in July.

Having shown and done sledding, I do look at how a dog is put together - the conformation and movement matter, but personality and temperament are what I ultimately am interested in.

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I never made any choice LOL all I know is my classmate gave me a late-night call... Asking me how do I like to adopt an unwanted husky. The only details I know about the dog is that it is a purebred and it is black/white. NOTHING ELSE :P but I've been wanting an animal companion ever since I was 3, so my mom let me take this one in. When I saw him for the first time, the first word that came out of my lips is--> "How beautiful" :) and that will never change ;)

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Lumikki - Well since Lisa pups were born I had asked Lisa numerous times about the 'white fluffy one' I thought she would have been the first to go but I kept asking about her even though I didnt think I would be able to afford her. She was then supposed to be going to someone else.

I got a photography job doing a wedding and the amount I got was the same as the price of the pups, I knew she was taken but I asked Lisa if she had any pups left. She told me that the person who was supposed to be having my white fluffy bundle had backed out and so she was available. So I told her I was having her :D

Its weird, I had my eye on her right from birth I looked at pics of her on Lisas wall ALL the time even though I thought I knew I couldnt have her. Its like she was always meant to be mine :heartbeat:

With Marley we were originally supposed to be getting a girl. We were told that they only had girls left but when we arrived all the pups were there as we were the first. The bloke told us that non were reserved as such and that people had just specified what sex they preffered but I was first there so I had pick of the litter. All the others were fast asleep and Marley was being a little terror, he was bouncy and pawing at the window to get outside. He was also the chunkiest biggest pup.

With Bear there had been a fair few up for rehome at the time on this board but something just stood out for me with him.

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