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How or why did you choose your husky?

Val (Zebedee)

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I never made any choice LOL all I know is my classmate gave me a late-night call... Asking me how do I like to adopt an unwanted husky. The only details I know about the dog is that it is a purebred and it is black/white. NOTHING ELSE :P but I've been wanting an animal companion ever since I was 3, so my mom let me take this one in. When I saw him for the first time, the first word that came out of my lips is--> "How beautiful" :) and that will never change ;)

Heyyy you !! Welcome back xx

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Shadow i chose as he was the most laid back out of them all and seemed to like me lol! He has lived up to his laid backness and he is very friendly and is most definately a shadow lol

Logan i rehomed as his owner was terminally ill i took Shadow to meet Logan and the inital meet didnt go to well but after a long walk they started playing together and were fine so we took him home :)

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Looked online at all the bad websites:sorry:, as we didn't know any better.

Then an ad came up with a litter about an hour away, so arranged to go and see.

Took my 7 year old daughter with me and so was never coming home without a new addition to the family.

We chose Luna beased on criteria

a) wanted a female

B) Kathie said not to get an all white or she'd leave me!

There were 4 non-white females in the litter, all with very different markings and personalities. In the end we went personality wise for the middle ground.

Not the most adventurous, but not the most timid. Also Luna's markings as a pup were just STUNNING!

I'd never get another Sibe from one of these BYB's again, but have to be honest and say that we got lucky, as Luna is great, and we love her to bits.

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Well we saw the ad on Friday Ads website (yeah i know bad) but it was meant to be as it was on the main page and there was 3 boys left, no girls. Had there been girls I bet we would have had a girl.

So we went that day to view the boys (with the deposit money in my purse). There was one on the ad we liked the look of, he was brown gsd colours and had one floppy ear lol.

But when we got there and all 8 pups were bombing around, and weeing on the kitchen floor lol

Storm was the most lively one and apparently the noisiest one too (yup), but he climbed into my arms and laid there and slept for ages.

I took this pic of him in ALexs arms


and he took these of me holding Storm


Happy proud Mummy :heartbeat:

And I wouldnt change him for the world.

Now not all of you know I did try to rehome another female called Mya and I was going to call her Naiyah, unfourtunately she was intact and so was storm and unbeknown to me she was coming into season!

She stayed one night and we had to return her, it broke our hearts. :cry1: But alas it was not meant to be.

We got Storm neutered and one day I was browsing Huskies In Need website after deciding we were ready to consider another.

I saw this post-9421-13690691408705_thumb.jpg

and fell in love.

She came to visit us and her and Storm fell in love


so that settled it, on our way from our holiday we picked her up.

Now Im stuck with her foul smelling ass! :tmi: lol according to her fosterers (she had 4) she always had a foul bum!








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After the loss of our 15 year old Tabby Cat (Paco) and our 11 year old Miniature Schnauzer (Bugsy), we couldn't cope with such a quiet house. What made it so difficult was the fact that both animals needed to be put to sleep on the same day, 30 minutes apart. We were prepared for our cat due to her huge mass on her leg, but the dog was a sudden surprise. The day I was scheduled to put my cat down, I came home from work to pick her up and found bugsy unable to greet me at the door. He became completely paralyzed. I rushed him to the same vet as my cat, but was turned away and rushed him to another vet. After testing I was told he was in the advance stages of pancreatic cancer and had only a limited amount of time left. Picture this, my wife stayed with Bugsy while I had to transport Paco to the other vet. Needless to say, they were both put down 30 minutes apart. That was the hardest day for the entire family. After a week without our pets and the house feeling so empty I decided, along with the family, to obtain a dog breed I've always dreamed about having since the age of 17. I found a backyard breeder (I know I'm not supposed to do that) that was selling 7 week old Husky pups 40 minutes from where I live. He had 5 of 7 left to choose from and decided to let the pup choose us. Sure enough Macy came up to us, smelled us a bit, and rolled over on her back for us to scratch. The choice was made. We will always miss and remember the 2 we lost, but Macy sure does help the pain with her love and personality. Thanks for listening, so to speak...

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I knew I wanted a red and white Husky and I knew I wanted to do the puppy thing, so the breeder recommended a litter that would produce all reds and red piebalds. I had no preference for sex... as it turns out, Viggo was from a litter of 5 males (so a male it was for me). Also, all of Viggo's brothers were red piebalds. Viggo was the only pup that was mostly red. Luckily, I had first pick of the litter. So before I even saw the pictures, I figured the mostly red Husky would be Viggo. When I saw the pictures, I knew that he was my boy! :)

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we went to blazes breeder - he had 2 litters 1 litter was full ov blacks the other litter had a dark red a light red (aleu) and greys - so our decision came down to colour - we knew we wanted a boy - my lil bro nay chose a grey n white male - mum mentioned whilst we were there she would love a blue eyed pup - but blazes dad had bi-eyes n i wanted a bi -eyed pup

they were 4 days old when we veiwed them so couldnt really choose a particular pup as they would change as they grew up - when we went to go and choose our puppy - we were told by the breeder we had a little bi-eyed boy - turns out blaze was the ONLY pup in the litter to have a blue eye - they rest were brown eyed so he kept blaze for us - i think it was meant to be as hes perfect for us

with skyla she had a home but was being sold on so the breeder got her back n asked if we would give her her furever home - - i was doing overtime when he txt me so i said when i get home ill ask myparents - mum wanted a white sibe but she wanted a boy - however when i showed mum she fell in love - we just had 2 persuade dad but soon as he saw her he said - do what u want! which was a yes as other pups i looked at he said no

so both our sibes chose us really :)

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dief was the only dog left in his litter

taz was the only dog there as he was pick of the litter but was returned

tori was the only dog left in her littter

foxy was a rescue we picked her up, she got toris seal of approval , so shes staying (plus i wanted a red girl lol)

didnt know you had a fourth?

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i rescued jessie because she was being mistreat by teenagers she wasnt supposed to stay as i was going to rehome her when she had put weight on but a year down the line shes still here as her and my eldest son have grown very close. with diva we had looked for a while to find a husky but there didnt seem to be any in our area so we traveled to cambridge after seeing an add for 8 week old husky pups to see them got there to find 7 gorgeous little bundle of fluff lol saw mum and dad who were gorgeous , diva kind of picked us because she was the one who came strainght up to the side on the pen to see us and althought see was the small she was one of the more confident females of the little so we chose her and after loads of questions about the breed she came home the same day and we havent looked back lol

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My first husky, Bo, came to me for all the wrong reasons. Our home had been broken into shortly after Christmas some 17 years ago. I wanted a bigger dog, inside for peace of mind. OH was reading the paper the following day and found one that simply read "Siberian Husky pups for sale." We called, not knowing a thing about the breed, nor understanding what it meant to purchase from a BYB. I had just one request, that it be male. Bo was the only male there. He came home with us that night. Over our 15+ years together, he patiently taught me everything I know about huskies, including that when he passed I had to have another husky in my life. He was that once-in-a-lifetime dog....the one that knew everything about me and loved me anyway. He was, and ever shall be the blue-eyed love of my life.

With Ryn, I'd done a story for my newspaper on Gigi and her huskies, shortly before I lost Bo. After he passed, I knew I wanted another, but OH said 'No!' One day I called Gigi, just to see if I could visit her kennels and get a husky-fix. It was then that she told me that she was expecting a litter of pups. I was able to share in the pregnancy and labor, still thinking I couldn't get another husky. Before long, I'd changed my mind, I was having another with or without OH approval!

When the four pups finally arrived, I had my heart set on another blue-eyed boy. If not blue-eyed, then a male anyway. But the other male was a wooly and I was afraid that the grooming would be too much for me. Gi had bonded with the little bi-eyed girl, but also dearly loved the blue-eyed boy. I sat back, waiting for her to make a decision (rather impatiently, I admit!). I visited the pups almost daily, still not telling my OH that I was getting one. Finally, Gi called one day and asked which pup I REALLY wanted. I'd been there the day before and the little blue-eyed boy had ignored me something fierce, but the little bi-eyed girl had snuggled up and fell asleep in my arms. The two pups personalities had almost switched overnight. I felt the boy would require a stronger hand and the little girl might be just right.

She is!

I told my OH that I was getting her just two days before she came home. He was adamantly against it. I brought her home anyway and he is smitten with her and she knows how to wrap him around her front paw, but she knows shes my girl!

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A year ago last July my Stormy girl told us it was time to go to the Rainbow Bridge, and we listened. After crying for well over a week, and seeing her at every turn....we were trying to get used to a quiet house, and often would stay out later and later so we would not have to be the first one home. Then the axe dropped, and I lost my job, so at no fault of my own, I was home alone in an empty house losing my mind. We decided we ought to just foster, as we were thinking about the freedom we could have without dogs.

Found a rescue organization and brought Andy home. We were foster failures in about 5 minutes. Maybe a little longer, but when he waited for us to brush our teeth and was in the middle of the bed, we knew we were done in by this skinny, scraggly red and white husky named Andy. He was my velcro pup, and never left my side. Broke out of the crate more than four times, and we gave him a chance, and he was an angel. He still did not like being alone, so we decided (first to adopt him) and then that he needed a pal. We searched, and then saw Jack (then named Miller) on petfinder, but no picture. It took forever for them to get back to us, but then a picture was there, and though Jeff wasn't crazy about his tail (he loves it now and Jack is a daddy's boy) . He came to meet us and Jeff knew when he saw his big head in the back window that he would stay. They were great together and we brought him home the next day.

After husky camp last September, and after deciding again and again that 2 were enough, we decided to keep searching for the right little girl. Jeff found Jessy on the owner surrender portion of Adopt a Husky. When the owners told us about how she kept breaking her chain, and they had her tied outside to a shed (all 37 lbs) with a pinch collar, we couldn't stand it. We were at the same time considering one of Gigi's boys, and knew that he had a good home, and this little girl might be sent to the pound! He drove more than 8 hours to get her and evidently she ran to him, leaned into his legs and looked at him with her big eyes, and they were bonded. Loving our pack of 3!

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