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Stupid things other people (especially dog owners) have said about your fur baby...


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Okay, I just have to rant.:mad: Here are just a few of the 'stupid, ignorant and arrogant' comments we have put up with in the last 6 weeks:

1. "Is that a wolf?" No comment.

2. "My God! That woman has a wolf!" No comment - just a dark, 'goth' stare.

3. "Is it for sale? (No pause) Can I buy it off you? (No pause) How much? Will you breed it and give me some money?"

No, no, and no was my reply. (Inside thoughts: "What an asshole.")

4."Keep it under control"! - Number one asshole (in my book) who kicked my pup for trying to sniff him - dealt with (with the help of this forum).

5. " you're supposed to let your dog stop and sniff; it shouldn't be attached to a bike. " (Arghh - we were in training at the time!) I might add that stupid old cow was stood on the spot 'gassing' for a good 15 minutes with other dog walkers at the time.

6. "Hi! What lovely markings. What breed is it?"

"Thank you. She's a 6 month old Husky."

"Oh, there is (sic) 2 at the bottom of our garden, but they are much bigger and fluffier."

"Yeah. Probably fully grown - mine's a pup...as I said." (Inside thoughts: Duh! Molly is a pup and your neighbours dogs not only grown -up , but are probably Mal's.)

What a bunch of nitwits!

Please let me know what else we can expect by posting your own experiences. :D

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" Omg a wolf puppy!"

" Is that a fox?"

Them:" OMG is that a purebred husky I use to have one"

Me: ye I love them

(and continue me walk and then hear)

Them:" That cant be purebred its too fat"

"Oh wow is that a Wolf?"

Them:"Is that a male? How old is he? Is he fixed? Are you breeding him? I have a female at home I want to breed"

Me: Yes, 5 months (at the time), no, yes, Thats nice -.- (I didnt say that last part to her I was sitting outside the Tim Hortons and she was in her car in the drive thru...like really? Thats not how you find a stud...)

"Did you get him from Greg?" Now I count this as a stupid question becasue hes a local BYB/Puppy Mill and seems to ALWAYS have litters despite the fact that he only has 2 or 3 females...

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Sunday at the meet. Me, James and Stormy walking with Kita, Shadow and Diesel. A group of kids see us. 1 walks over and says 'excuse me, can you tell me mate they arent wolves?' All of us at the same time 'They arent wolves!' lol

'Does she bite?' 'HE is 6months old and wouldnt hurt a fly!' (Due to lack of brain power lol)

'what breed?' i say husky they say 'oh i thought it was' WHY ASK???

'you only get blue eyed sibes' (a statement not a question) i said 'no you get blue, brown, bi and party eyed sibes' they said 'no you dont' i just walk off thinking (IDIOT!)

'Is it pure?' (im guessing because he's still small) 'Yes he's just a baby

'He's gorgeous, how old? Are you breeding? You HAVE to breed him! Atleast once! C'mon you have to!' My reply 'NO i am not breeding him! EVER! and if you ever come near me again he WONT be as calm!' (A total lie but he was quite persistant and i dont want to be approached on my own by him)

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I think the most annoying comment came from a KFC worker when i was going through the drive through with maya and togo in the car a cple mths ago -

KFC: "are they huskys"

ME: "Maya is, Togo is a husky cross"

KFC: "they are so cute, how old are they"

ME: "Thanks, Maya is 16wks old and Togo is 8wks old"

KFC: "Are you breeding them, id love one for xmas"

ME: (rolls my eyes) No, im not breeding them and they are still babies"

KFC: "Can i buy one of yours"

ME: (no reply, roll eyes and drive off)

Other common comnents are

"She looks like a White Fox"

"They cant be huskys because Huskies are well bigger than them"

"They are dangerous dogs to let near children"

"Its cruel to not let them off lead"

They are the annoying comments that stick out in my mind anyways.

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Here are most of them:

1. Is that a wolf?

Response: Either a blank stare, a glare, or pity-eyes

2. Is that a wolf-dog hybrid?

Response: "No", or a glare.

3. Is that a Husky?

Response: "What does he look like? A beagle!?"

4. Let him off-lead! You're being cruel!

Response: "It's illegal to let them off-lead. Stop bothering me or I'll report you." (That usually works.) or I actually try to explain to them that huskies can't be trusted off-lead. Some of them believe me, some still think I'm killing him. *rolls eyes*

5. That's not a husky! He doesn't have blue eyes!

Response: *face palm*, or pity-eyes.

And more recently...

6. Is that a coyote-hybrid?

Response: "No."

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i like when people think Qilaq looks wolfy :) But then again, she doesnt look what most people would regard as a 'normal' coloured sibe i suppose.

Most stupid comments i face are related to my 100ft lead and my unwillingness to let her off. The most infuriating one ive had was "yeah, shes still only young but youve got to do it sooner or later" to which i responded "no, im afraid not. she's husky, which are notorious for one day just running and not stopping". She continued to question my training methods, my training skill, my relationship with my dog etc. So i told her that ANY Sibe organisation/club will tell you to never let them offlead. To which she responded "well, i dont think so. [in an arsey tone], because our dog trainer has one and his comes back everytime - he only has to click his fingers.. not a problem with his".....

To which i responded, in a slightly muttered voice Would you kindly vacate the area.....although i shortened it into two words...thhe second one being "off" ;)

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I haven't had too many idiot questions about Winter. Probably the silliest was something along the lines of why wasn't she as well behaved as Mara.

Werl. She's younger, and Mara isn't a husky. Winter is far more independent and while she obeys, she doesn't have the instant plop-the-butt reaction to SIT! that Mara does.

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With Akuma it was constantly "is he a German shepherd" "no he's a husky" "really he looks just like a German shepherd"

With Kobi this guy said I have to be careful cos huskies are known to be aggressive.

Again with Akuma I lost count of number of times people (whether with dogs or not) would cross the road rather than pass by us, I AM clean and Akuma was very well behaved aswell as good natured!!

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When responding to the question which breed they are: "That can't be huskies! They don't have blue eyes!"

Also got a bunch of kids running by screaming "Look, it are werewolves!".

I even got a TEACHER telling her class with little children I was walking two wolves :confused: :confused:

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Oh I have more to add I didnt think of at the time

Them:"is that a husky?"

Me:Yes he is a siberian husky


Me: yes

Them:"oh thats what I thought he still a pup?"

Me: yes hes 7 months old

Them: "hes going to get so much bigger!"

Me: no actually siberian huskies arent supposed to get that big I think your thinking of a malamute

Them:" oh hes going to be big"

Me:...uhh ok?

I get the "hes going to be so much bigger" comment so much -.-

Them:"Does he have a brown eye and a blue eye? Most huskies have that"

Me: no hes go two blue eyes

Them:" ohhhh is he purebred?"

Me: -blank stare- uh yes....

Them: "because they usually have both"


So I go to the dog park one day with Marius anndd

Them:"Not trained?"

Me: " oh hes trained"

Them: -looks at me weird-

Me: I cant let him off Huskies are notorious for just taking off

Them: "well you should train him"

Me: " well hes trained its just part of his breed so ye"

I really wanted to hit this guy in the face...He looked at me like I was the most terrible person ever because I was the only person who had my dog on a leash at the not fenced dog park ..

I find kids know what Marius is better then adults :P

The only problem with the wolf bit that I have really is that people will actually leave the dog park when I arrive or they will be walking towards us and notice us and start walking the other way -.- becasue I LOVE wolves and I would take that as more of a compliment :P

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I really HATE it when people walk passed & call Luna a "wolf dog", Dan's had to stop me a few times from yelling after people "SHE'S A HUSKY ACTUALLY!!" ..... Well she's technically a huskador but if you tell people that first they look at you cross eyed!!!

"Oooh, that's unusual, a friendly husky!" - this idiotic sentence sends me in to a long rant!!

"Ooh, is that an albino German Shepherd?" - errrr no....she's white, yellow & grey does that sound albino to you??

"How much?" - didn't dignify that one with an answer!

And then there's the one that got old really quickly "oh you should get a sleigh & let her pull you"....hilarious.

Some people can be total idiots

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I really HATE it when people walk passed & call Luna a "wolf dog", Dan's had to stop me a few times from yelling after people "SHE'S A HUSKY ACTUALLY!!" ..... Well she's technically a huskador but if you tell people that first they look at you cross eyed!!!

"Oooh, that's unusual, a friendly husky!" - this idiotic sentence sends me in to a long rant!!

"Ooh, is that an albino German Shepherd?" - errrr no....she's white, yellow & grey does that sound albino to you??

"How much?" - didn't dignify that one with an answer!

And then there's the one that got old really quickly "oh you should get a sleigh & let her pull you"....hilarious.

Some people can be total idiots

Lol a husky being friendly unusual! that one made me lol >.>

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We always get asked if he is a wolf and on saturday a kid asked me if he turns into a werewolf!

ROFL! I think I had a PARENT say Suka looked like one of the werewolves from Twilight. I wanted to smack her for 3 reasons: He's a husky, werewolves don't exist, and Twilight doesn't deserve to be mentioned in any conversation.

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