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Stupid things other people (especially dog owners) have said about your fur baby...


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ROFL! I think I had a PARENT say Suka looked like one of the werewolves from Twilight. I wanted to smack her for 3 reasons: He's a husky, werewolves don't exist, and Twilight doesn't deserve to be mentioned in any conversation.

WOAH now no Twilight hating it is not the best I admit but its not terrible :P and werewolves could exist... dont crush my dreams

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Oh ive also had!

Them: What breed?

Me: He's a husky

Them: Oh thought she was, she's still a baby

Me: Yh HE'S only _ months (i smile thinking convo is over)

Them: Oh he's going to get ALOT bigger

Me: Yh i know

Them: You better be ready

Then they walk off. Im just stood there thinking (NO WAY! I thought i brought a teacup chihuahua!) Then i walk off wishing i'd said something REALLY sarcastic lol

But i get some good comments, like when i walk through a park i'll get LOADS of people saying 'oh he's a husky!' and 'look at his eyes' from a distance lol. Makes me feel proud :D

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Oh ive also had!

Them: What breed?

Me: He's a husky

Them: Oh thought she was, she's still a baby

Me: Yh HE'S only _ months (i smile thinking convo is over)

Them: Oh he's going to get ALOT bigger

Me: Yh i know

Them: You better be ready

Then they walk off. Im just stood there thinking (NO WAY! I thought i brought a teacup chihuahua!) Then i walk off wishing i'd said something REALLY sarcastic lol

But i get some good comments, like when i walk through a park i'll get LOADS of people saying 'oh he's a husky!' and 'look at his eyes' from a distance lol. Makes me feel proud :D

People get siberians mixed up with malamutes all the time >.< I just tell them siberians are medium sized build that are supposed to get to a max of 23 inches at the shoulder and 60 lbs and malamutes are a larger build dog that get to 25+ inches and some get up to 120lbs. They are similar but different :P but people will still insist they are going to get massive

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YES HUGE HORSE ONES LIKE IN TWILIGHT LOL then you could ride them O_O off into the moon...set..yeeee

Yeah but then you couldn't BECOME one, you'd have to be born with the genes. And that would suck, watching your friend frolicking in the woods as a wolf while you're stuck as a boring human being at a desk job!

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Yeah but then you couldn't BECOME one, you'd have to be born with the genes. And that would suck, watching your friend frolicking in the woods as a wolf while you're stuck as a boring human being at a desk job!

Lol that would suck BUT you could just ride your friend while they are frolicing in the woods :D good times had by all and you wouldnt get fleas :/ see..plus side lol

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Loving this thread.

My favourites....Parent: oh I heard one of the other mums taalking about your dog. Its one of those fox type dogs isn't it (grrr NO!) oh and it drags you all over (GRRRRR not at all! He doesn't pull! He is amazing on lead!)

Next favourite when teeko was only tiny....this fella's little yappy crappy jack russell was trying to eat teekol....teeko jumped about to play...fella said 'got your hands full there!' wtf! Your dog is trying to maul mine and I have my hands ful because he wants to play!

I also love how many people believe he's a mongrel. Haha! Usual convo....chavvy eejit 'is he pure? Must've paid a lot for im!'...me 'Nah, he's a mongrel. We got him cheap coz he's just a mix of everything!'...Chavvy eejit 'aaa thought he wasn't pure like' (bear in mind that Teeko has excellent markings. Spot on size-wise and has the biggest, bluest eyes I ever saw! Lol!)

The one that annoys me most is when you explain to people that he is still young and quite excitable yet they still insist on introducing their handbag sized ball of fuzz to him and screeching that he's attacking their dog when he tries to play. Do one!

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People get siberians mixed up with malamutes all the time >.< I just tell them siberians are medium sized build that are supposed to get to a max of 23 inches at the shoulder and 60 lbs and malamutes are a larger build dog that get to 25+ inches and some get up to 120lbs. They are similar but different :P but people will still insist they are going to get massive

Lol you clearly have more patience than me lol. I'd just roll my eyes and walk off. Clearly people without huskies know WAY more about them than i do lol

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Lol that would suck BUT you could just ride your friend while they are frolicing in the woods :D good times had by all and you wouldnt get fleas :/ see..plus side lol

True...but still. Seen the new Twilight movie yet? I'm scared of all the rabid fangirls - I think they have rabies.

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Lol, I get some of the above..." is that a wolf/fox etc" although mostly "oooh! a husky!" which is cool...everyone loves a husky...

Funniest one I got was two old women walking upholstered rollerskates instead of real dogs, on a canal path, with no control over their rats while I'm trying my best to keep two intact adolescent male huskies under control with no way of getting past... "oooh! Arctic foxes! I haven't seen those outside of a zoo!"

"Yeah, they're cool aren't they! But keep your dogs back please, these arctic foxes eat small dogs as their staple diet..."

They SOOO quickly picked up their little excuses...

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the best ive had was the day we brought kaylo home

chav: is she a chihuahua?

us: no think you'll find HE is a husky!

chav: ere ow much was tha?

us: to much for you to think about

weve also had

old bat: your wolf is vicious you should get it put down! ive told people about your dog and they are agreeing with me to get him petitioned and banned from the park

to which we replied:hes a husky, are you thick!? hes a baby and just excitable, he just thinks everyone wants to play he wouldnt hurt a fly, he has many doggy friens in the park who would disagree

old bat: i dont care hes a disgrace!

us: whatever f**k off!!

she was the one with the most mistreat irish wolfhounds ive ever seen that i wouldnt let near a child or a dog if my life depended on it!

and the obvious wolf fox comments

weve also had a smack head ask us why our dog is so starved and skinny and why he apparently has clear signs of abuse

to which my reply was "get a grip you prat, he is a husky not a malamute, he is perfect for his height, considering he has stomach problems and is getting treat by the vet for it which btw is more than what you do for your sorry excuse of a dog!"

"is your dog blind?"


why are his eyes like that

they just are!

oh is he ment to be that small?

no hes a baby he has plenty of growing time

oh going to be huge then?

no not that big

oh but pretty big right like maybe 100lbs?

ermm no

oh is he under weight then?

no, are you getting anywhere with this?



there is a dog around our area that is well known for attacking other dogs, i saw it and its owner and kindly asked him not to cross the road till i got by as kaylo will want to play, he said yeah sure and just as we got level with him he brought his mongrel "thing" over and it lunged for kaylo and for obvious reasons kaylo was less than impressed and proceeded to head butt it to the ground and walk away like he was the boy!

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Lol you clearly have more patience than me lol. I'd just roll my eyes and walk off. Clearly people without huskies know WAY more about them than i do lol

I do but I think working where I do is starting to wear it off :P

True...but still. Seen the new Twilight movie yet? I'm scared of all the rabid fangirls - I think they have rabies.

I have and they do im pretty sure :S

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Seems like a lot of people here get angry when the general public can't tell the difference between a malamute and a husky or similar innocent mistakes. Before I joined the forum and before I started really looking into the breed I couldn't tell the difference and I'd have been a bit miffed if I'd accidentally called someone's dog the wrong breed and they'd gotten snotty with me. Or if I'd assumed huskies were a larger breed of dog than they actually are and the owner had given me a dirty look. Hope no-one's wearing their husky owners hoodies or patches then they're reacting to people like that! :confused:

When I get funny comments about Kiska I either brush it off or try to educate the person - I had one man come up to me over the field one day who asked me if Kiska was a chow-chow, and asked if my friend's jack russel was a chihuahua. I just told him their actual breeds and had a bit of a giggle under my breath once we'd walked away. I also had someone who owned a young malamute bitch (her and Kiska were having a good ol' wrestle while we stood chatting) who mentioned to me that he planned to breed her when she came into season because the vet had recommended it and he quite liked the idea of having puppies. I then spent the next half an hour talking him into getting her spayed instead - I'd read all of the articles and posts that had popped up on here and was able to point out all of the good reasons NOT to breed, as well as explaining that it would be insanely expensive and that a small rented appartment was not the place to be raising puppies. By being friendly and chatty about it, and adding in things like "Yeah I considered it for a while with Kiska [did not do this btw!] but after I'd researched all of that I decided against it and she's getting spayed now - I don't have that kind of money and it's not worth the risk for me, I love her too much to risk losing her like that" I was able to convince him not to do it (I also pointed out that she had a birth defect - double dew claws on her front paws!) and I feel I've prevented a little of unwanted puppies coming into the world :)

If you get snippy with people who make silly comments they're unlikely to listen to a word you've got to say after that so you're much better off approaching the situation in a friendly manner. I also tend to slip in some big words and slightly more detailed explanations to make what I'm saying sound more believeable to anyone who might be skeptical - so if someone were to say to me "No huskies are huuuuge dogs!!", I'd come back with the breed specific weight and hight limits set out by the kennel club for both the Siberian husky and Alaskan malamute because it doesn't leave them much to argue with. Slipping in "I'm on an animal behaviour and training degree at university" also tends to close people's mouths too :whistling:

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All the ignorant comments I have had were about Taz.

"THAT'S A WOLF!" *crosses the street*

"Is he fixed?" Yes "That's a shame"

"Keep that dog away from me"

"He's small for a Husky" (he was a 60 lb male.. everyone thinks Huskies are huge)

"Is he neutered? I have a female."

Some kids were also having an argument from a distance whether he was a wolf or a Husky.. kudos to the kid that was right! They asked me and he was so excited to be right :lolman:

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I thought it was funny when some kids thought Siku was a wolf and one little girl thought Elara was a coyote (well she said she had seen one before behind her house, which her dad told me what they saw).

I was a little upset when a long time friend at the dog park got all sad when she learned I had spayed Siku. She was like. "Oh, but she's so pretty!" But thankfully she got her GSD neutered a while back.

One that really made me mad was when we were on vacation up in the mountains. There is a lot of static electricity up there and I watched as Elara very slowly went to sniff this old guy's hand. I guess when her nose touched his finger it shocked him and he started crying that she bit him! But I had to chuckle when he showed his finger to his wife who said, "It didn't even leave a mark" and then continued to ignore him. lol. But I did want him to shut his trap. He kept telling everyone in the group that she bit him. grrrr....

Oh and I've gotten:

Did you shave her? (No Siku just blew coat) That was annoying cause it was from one of my husky friends who works at a vet! You'd think they'd know the difference between a shaved husky and one out of coat.

Is she a wooly? (Talking about Elara as a puppy. No clue why they thought that. This again coming from another husky owner.)

"She's a husky right?" (refering to Siku.) Yes.

"Oh what breed is that other one?" (refering to Elara!) She's a husky too!

"Oh, but she doesn't have blue eyes, a curly tail, and she's so small!" (yeah, that's cause she's breed standard!) But I usually just pleasantly tell them about the breed standard and why Elara is within the standard while Siku is not.

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I haven't become annoyed with people yet and their questions; kind'a hope I don't, I like bragging my kids up. Like tonight I stopped to talk to a couple for ten minutes about them. The husband said he thought Shila was a Shepherd mix and I told him no, that her type of Husky can just come in all color types.

I think the biggest thing that annoys me more is when my dogs jump on people - which I'm still working on getting them not to do - I said "no, off", the people are like "Oh it's all right, I love animals!". :rolleyes: Not the point, the point is I don't want them to jump on people. But so far I look at the questions people ask as "innocent". At least for now anyway. :D

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I always, and I mean always....when I go through the drive-through at McD's or BK (my dirty secret of fast food has come out!) the person at the window ALWAYS asks if it's a wolf! Really? come on people, she is a typical Blk/Wht Husky, I just can't believe that there are that many people working in fast food that are that dumb!:groan:

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I have dealt with the stupid questions as well. The first time I encountered it. I was sitting in the waiting room of an animal hospital with my first sibe for an ultrasound. This little boy enters with his dad. I hear the little boy who was about 5 tell his dad that we had a wolf. The little boy turned to me and asked if he was a wolf and I told him no. He looked confussed and said what it it. I told him a siberian husky. He said OHHHH a snow dog and got excited. He asked if he could pet him and I said yes. His father ran over snatched up his kid and gave me a nasty look. That was tolerable.

This one not so much. I was walking Rusty and Teeki through petsmart and a lady asked id they were husky or Mal. I told her Husky's. She asked how old I told her teeki is 4 and Rusty is 3. She began to tell me that Rusty and Teeki were not that old that I had to be mistaken because they are way to small to be that old. I looked at her with the look of wtf. She began to tell me that her huskies were 100+ pounds and that my 40 pound dogs were not pure bread. I looked at her and then looked at the dogs and said to the dogs, "Don't we have something to do guys". We walked off. I was trying not to be rude.

Ohhh almost forgot this one. My step mother's friend told me that there had to be something wrong with Rusty because his eyes are barely blue and look almost white. I told her that he is fine and that his eyes are blue. She tried argueing with me and I excused myself and Rusty and I went outside to play. She later appoligized because she thought that she had made me mad. I told her she did not make me mad but rather annoyed.

Most of the time I get a ton of compliments and people trying to pet Rusty. Then they want to know why he hides behind me or tries to get away from them.

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I haven't had the displeasure of the stupid attacks. A bit disappointing to say the least because I'm a true believer in Bill Engvall and his "Here's your sign". I'm very quick and sharped tongued when asked the foolish questions and by the "you should engage your brain before your mouth" For instance... While patrolling one nite I had a tire go flat and obviously I changed it with the spare. One of my co-workers noticed I was "missing" a wheel cover and asked if I realized it was missing. I said No it's not missing, it's in the trunk with the flat tire. wait for it.... he replies..."Where did you have the flat?" me being me and knowing exactly what he was asking but instantly determining it wasn't relevant retorted with "On my F@*kin' car dumba$$!" See! Maybe that's why nobody asks me dumb questions...lol I'm not mean I'm just cynical and sarcastic...

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I've not really gotten anything negative toward Kuma. I usually have people tell me how pretty he is. They only things I've gotten is "is he a husky mix?" and "what kind of dog is that" Nothing more yet but I'm sure one day someone will say something stupid because there is no lack of idiots around where I live HAHA!

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I ALWAYS get how much did that cost you. Almost every person who sees Kira asks that question.

I also hate. Ohh 'HE' is cute what's 'His' name despite the fact she has a bright pink collar bright pink lead and a pink bandanna occasionally and even when I tell them 'HER' name is Kira they still say he (petty I know but it just gets me that people don't think, hmm perhaps pink=girl)

That's a wolf I get too, Once from my very drunk uncle. 'that's a wolf don't bring it to this house it'll eat me'

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