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Fears and How to Desensitize them


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When we first got Micah she was afraid of sticks/twigs. I made a point of picking them up in the garden, I would sit on the ground, level with her, and encouraged her to come and fetch it from me (we usually have a few lying around as Ozzy loves to pull them off the shrubs and trees). After a while she realised no one was going to use it on her, and now her favourite passtime is munching on, and de-barking sticks and twigs.

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Kita is afriad of the hoover and skateboards o_O

the hoover we have tried having it off around her, when we do hoover, everyone ignores her etc, I think she's getting slightly more confident around it, she used to just run for her life! no she jumps around it and barks, but she's still very much afraid of it.

skateboards, i'm not so sure about that one, i don't use them and we rarely see them

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Either the vacumn cleaner or being left alone.

Seriously. When I tied him up to a tree one time to keep him slightly away (cousin didn't want him near her newborn baby), he yelped and cried as if I was killing him when I was only...oh...10 meters away from him! And he could clearly see us! We were sitting down, so it was obvious we weren't going anywhere.

Another time, I tied him up to a tree because I got all muddy (we were hiking, and I slipped and fell into a mud puddle!), so I wanted to go down to the creek to wash off (about 2 meters away!). As soon as I turned my back, he started yelping! It's like he was abandoned there before, or maybe he's just a huge suck about it.

There's also the situation that I told many times on here. It ended up with him jumping out of my room window (2nd story), walking on the ROOF, and jumping down without hurting himself. Then trotting around to find us.

Needless to say, wherever we go...he goes.

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The vacuum cleaner. When he was a pup he was really scared of it.

We starting by giving him treats when the vacuum was off and we actually put the treats on the vacuum for him to pick them up. When he was comfortable with this, we did the same, only the vacuum was on. I think at some point he must have realized that the vacuum won't hurt him, although he still doesn't like it. Even though he will still avoid it if he can, at least he doesn't mind walking past it when it's working and he doesn't bark at it anymore.


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Roxy was afraid of pretty much everything when we first got her! People, cars, other dogs, the wind! We found that exposing her little and often was the best thing, long enough that she could have a good experience with whatever it was but not so long that she became stressed by the situation. Also lots of praise and treats when she was brave. She is 50x better than she was although still a bit wary.

I think the main thing is to give them time, it takes a while for them to overcome their fears and a little patience goes a long way :)

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Keeva is afraid of a few things. Some days he gets a bit jumpy at everything. His biggest fears are Trucks, Gargage Trucks and Wheelie Bins. I walk him for 45 mins on a path every morning that has more than 5 trucks pass us. He's getting better. Still have to put 2 collars on him so that when he does freak then i still have a hold of him as he's big for 8 month old.

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Lol Bella was afraid of plastic bags I think more just cause she didn't know what they were on walks shed avoid them as much as possible n would crouch down n slink past them worked on it by holding them near her n leaving them around the house gave her treats for sniffing them n not running away now she's fine

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For those who have a new puppy, if you get it at 8 weeks then you are in the "fear" period.

http://www.diamondsintheruff.com/DevelopmentalStages.html is an awesome site that shows what physiological changes your dog goes through in the different weeks as it ages.

I read a book that said there was a certain time when they are close to one that the cycle returns. I think it must have been in one of the mushing books I read. It described them as "juvenile shakies". Sadly I can't find anything on google when searching the term, it was a really interesting read.

Kira was terrified of EVERYTHING! Anything that moved on its own, garbage bags, dust, you name it. Terrified of wires, he's tripped on them and got stuck on some before so that's an understandable fear. He'd get so scared of the wires that if you were playing a console and he walked OVER the CHORD in the first place without noticing and then turned around, uh-oh! He'd notice the chord and stand frozen for half an hour, usually you would have to move the chord or have to get him to go around another way. He eventually worked up the courage to run over them really fast, he always ended up running in spot for the first few seconds since it was always laminate floor. Hilarious to watch. He's mostly over that fear now because a chord from the deep freeze runs across the hall entrance to the kitchen, no way of getting by it. Sadie's not afraid of anything so that's really been a big help.

He was scared of EVERYTHING! I can't stress that enough, a bag was sticking out of the closet one day, blocking the hallway (not really, he just didn't want to get that close to it). He stood there, barking/whining at it until we moved it. We've learned to just ignore something when it bothers him, because making a big deal over it never seemed to help any. Coaxing him just seemed to worry him more. Now he's soooo much better with everything, it's awesome. He does have his moments when the broom is left out, he hates it because it's fell on him a few times. He usually stares at it then runs by it really fast and stays clear of its path until it's put away. He's so cute <3

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dakota is in this phase right now its kinda cute (I know that sounds mean). She is petrified of the radio especially if its loud and there is a males voice. The TV she seems ok with thogh. I think her fear is strangers especially men. Anytime she hears a man that is not my son or husband she runs away. Other dogs etc. Newspapers we don't use it to punish her though maybe loud noises? To get over the male voice thing we've been slowly introducing her to more men in a controlled environment, leash, our house etc.

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Shadow can cower down if a man raises his voice or his arm but that is all but i think now that is dissapearing completely now that he realises he is safe now :) He also is a bit scared of water as someone decided the best way to put him in water was to take him out in the sea and completely put him in! Since then hes scared of it but again hes slowly getting better with that i just let him either go in if he wants or not he has got up the part of his legs no in it :D Apart from those Shadow truly is a fearless dog!

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