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Pets and Ashma


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Really having a bad time. Its more of a rant as I am so confused.I will try and give a short update. Over a year ago I started getting Hayfever and slowly Its delveloped into Ashma have been put on Inhalers aswell as my hay fever pills. Last week I had an Ashma attack and ended up in Hospital.

(The rant) My hubby as really gone on one that Akia needs to be rehomed due to my health as Doctors last week said pets are the worst for allergies,Ashma ect to him. And as I was fine before we had Akia and Boris (he is an Iguana mainly hubbys pet ) that it is Akia and Boris thats causing it. This has been going on for a while. I said I think its the double glazing windows.

I know he has a point and he is scared after last weeks attack. yes I do keep making excuses but I feel I have to try other options first. My brother is going to take Boris on and I have spoke to a couple on here about them taking Akia on but they cannot at the moment due to there other dog not being well Understandable to foster at first to see how we go so was waiting till new year. I cannot imagine her with strangers. My Hubby went behide my back and spoke to them about taking her sooner rather than later. He said he knows I wont do it and someone has to. I am so angry and so hurt. I really am in pieces as I can't do it I cannot give her up but I also cannot stand the augments either.

Is there anyone on here with allergies coursed by dog fur and how do you get round it. There must be away. I have stopped using fabric softner in washing as heard from a friend not to use perfumed stuff,I dont wear perfume anyway. I hover a lot during the day rather than sweep. My Daughter brushes the dogs what else can I do. Oh and I have ordered an air purifier thing.

I know hubby is upset about Boris but he will see him and is a reptile its not the same as a dog.

Anyway rant over if anyone can come up or knows away of me keeping my baby girl please help I have worked so hard with Akia and she is such good girl and well behaved I cannot fault her on anything. I cannot split her and Willow up they are my girls, I am so devastated why is this happening.

So sorry if I am rambling just don't now where to turn.

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My boyfriend has allergies, right bad. He's TERRIBLE around animal fur of any sort. He was allergic to Kira when we first got him. I told him he was gonna have to take pills or just get use to it (I'm terrible), but after a week the fur did not bother him. The only time that he ever gets bothered by the dog hair is if he has to bathe them, since the hair will cling to his skin, I just don't let him bathe them and we are perfectly fine. Cat hair is a totally different story.

Huskies fur is more like human hair, but it can trigger allergies in some people. There are arguments on both sides about huskies hair being good and bad. You will look at one site and they will say NOT to get a husky if you are allergic just because of all the hair that they shed. Other sites will say that they have next to no dander because they are such clean dogs and that people with allergies won't have much problems. It all depends on the person and how well they do with their dog, huskies have all kinds of different coats/hairs.

I'm not saying it's the dog, but has there been any changes in the house? Mold, dust, dirt? Pollen? I know that a lot of allergies are triggered by carpets.

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I don't know that huskies are non-allergenic, so much as that they are less so. My understanding is that many people with allergies will not be affected by the dander from a Siberian, or will be less affected, but that some will still be allergic. I react pretty strongly to the dander when I use a high-speed blower on my dogs while dry, to blow loose coat out... Is allergy testing an option?

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I have asthma and ended up in hospital in January for three days - at the same time Ozzy & Micah were both blowing their coats so everyone presumed it was because of them. We have since found out it is not the huskies, but the trees surrounding our house that were in blossom which caused the bad reaction. My doctor has put me on a preventative medication (Symbicord) for the following month because the trees will soon be in blossom again :(

I am allergic to dogs, cats and birds and have an immediate reaction to them all - all except the huskies. I can put my face directly into their fur without any reaction whatsoever. I sincerely hope it is not the dogs you are allergic to, it could be something as simple as peanut butter that causes an asthma attack.

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Have only One carpet going up the stairs always have. Laminate flooring every where else. The only other change was last year we had new windows and doors (double glazed pvc) put in had simi glazed one before. We do have a cat but always have had her for over 10years. She is hardly in must admit she is an out door cat more. When she is in she is curled up on daughters bed.

I am googling husky fur and ashma/allergies but the one thing that did not help is the doctor as we had to write down all our pets he said the amount we have we need to cut down. So hubby is going on the grounds last in first out. Which is Akia and Boris.

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I have asthma and ended up in hospital in January for three days - at the same time Ozzy & Micah were both blowing their coats so everyone presumed it was because of them. We have since found out it is not the huskies, but the trees surrounding our house that were in blossom which caused the bad reaction. My doctor has put me on a preventative medication (Symbicord) for the following month because the trees will soon be in blossom again :(

I am allergic to dogs, cats and birds and have an immediate reaction to them all - all except the huskies. I can put my face directly into their fur without any reaction whatsoever. I sincerely hope it is not the dogs you are allergic to, it could be something as simple as peanut butter that causes an asthma attack.

I live in the country have said to hubby about the damp air, trees , he says I am making excuses. But this is all good I will be getting him to read this. I know he is worried but I am on pills and I do feel better.

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I've got an allergy to dogs but the huskies don't bother me :) hubby thought third one might be too much but no difference ... But if you asked the doctor he would say I was allergic to dogs and cats!! Have you been doing something different when the attack happened?? We had a little boy in school who had an allergic reaction twice on two separate days and it turns out he's allergic to tinsel!! Have you got a real Christmas tree??

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Aside from brushing like crazy and vacuuming daily, regular baths with moisturizing shampoo might also help keep dander production (and saliva build-up) to a minimum. You could increase the quality of your furnace filter and change it monthly instead of every 3 months.

I know a lot of people with asthma with huskies and they say they dont affect them at all.

Huskies are non allergenic dogs.

Sorry, but this just isn't true. There is no such thing as a hypo (or non)-allergenic dog, though people often falsely label non-shedding dogs like poodles to be "hypo-allergenic." It's the dander people are allergic to, and all dogs still produce it. Generally speaking, non-shedding dogs produce less dander than shedding dogs, and it's less likely to get airborne.

Sometimes dog saliva is what will cause a person to react, and for them a husky might actually be a worse dog to have since they're far more meticulous about being clean and from my experience tend to lick themselves like a cat far more often than other dog breeds.

Whatever the scientific reason for it, though, some critters just have less of the allergy-causing proteins or whatevers than others. For example, a friend of mine reacts to cats, but found by accident that one of my mother's cats gave her no reaction. She was able to rub her face on the cat and there would be nothing. Every other cat caused her eyes to get red and water, but with this one she had not so much as a nose twitch! There was nothing special about this cat's breeding - my friend reacted violently to her full brother! - but for some reason she was essentially hypo-allergenic!

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Thankyou all for the advice. No I never had any reactions from my cat or from Willow. I do get very itchy tingerling chest then my eyes start nose blokes up, my antihistamin was helping alot in the summer months but had to up my dose. I do find when combing Akia I start sneezing I mainly brush the dogs out side so the hair does not float around the house. My kids have been doing it for the last few weeks bless them also Akia is blowing her coat.

Dust levels in my house are kept down can only use a damp cloth as cannot use polish. I have always had Allergies but never this bad and never needed Inhalers before so its all new to me.

Think this is why Hubby is getting worried. The evenings are the worst and during the night. No other changies that I can think of apart from Boris, Akia and the double glazing and now the house is more shut up I am feeling it more.

Its not helping that my mum and sister are in agreement with hubby so having them going on aswell I feel everyone is ganging up on me. So thanks Nix for the hug.

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a lot of people put an asthma attack down to pets straight away

there could be numerous things that will set you off....household dust,damp conditions....the list is endless

to blame it solely on pet hair you will need to have numerous allergy tests to confirm this.

my son ended up in intense care and we very nearly lost him to an attack....summer months and hayfever triggered it....not the dogs!!

:grouphug: huge hugs to you and i sincerely hope your meds can stabalise you xx

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Another thing you can do is limit where your dogs go in the house. Kicking them out of your room (if they go there) is a no-brainer, but you could make some of your more common living areas dog-free if possible. Or make the dogs a house outside so they can sleep outside from now on. You aren't visiting with them during the night anyway, and it goes without saying that huskies do just find as outdoor dogs! In East Sussex it will never get so cold that they can't be comfortable in a proper doghouse. At your coldest temperatures my dogs don't even use the doghouse!

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My living area is all open apart from Kitchen Its a small house. During the day Akia does spend alot of time in the garden. Both girls sleep down stairs not allowed in bed rooms. Apart from first thing when the alarm clock goes of they will come up and whine out side the doors,as if to say thats it times up we wont out......bless them.

Reading my post back I make it sound that I don't care about Boris but I do that sounded awfull how I wrote it. Doctors when asking questions ect said by taking Boris and Akia on with other pets already in home its pushed my alligies over the edge so we need to cut them back to a safe level amongst all the other things like dust, flowers, central heating ect all need to be looked into. Just think when he was going on about the pets, thats all hubby heard nothing about the smoking i don't see him giving up.

I think once hubby has calmed down he will come to his sences. Perhaps I need to calm down abit aswell. Been married for 23 years and not once has he gone behind my back like he did the other day just so hurt.

Thanks again you lot for being there it has helped more than you know. And Hubby has been reading posts to so think he may be coming round.

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Just think when he was going on about the pets, thats all hubby heard nothing about the smoking i don't see him giving up.

I think once hubby has calmed down he will come to his sences. Perhaps I need to calm down abit aswell. Been married for 23 years and not once has he gone behind my back like he did the other day just so hurt.

Thanks again you lot for being there it has helped more than you know. And Hubby has been reading posts to so think he may be coming round.

Oh yeah, for #&@$ sakes no smoking in the house!!! It's not too much to ask for, especially since your health is an issue here!!! My husband is also a smoker, and right from when we started dating I said I would never pressure him to quit, but my only conditions were no smoking in the house and no smoking in the vehicles. I can't make him quit, but he can't make me endure second-hand smoke and live in a house that reeks of ash. He was all resentful and whiney (and tried to be sneaky and think I wouldn't notice) at first, but he got used to it quickly and now it's just the way life is.

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  • 1 month later...

Ok its been awhile thought I would give an update........... My brother is taking on Boris as from this week. I have been walking with two other members on this forum for the past year every Monday so they have said they would love to take Akia on. I am finding it very hard as Akia is the most perfect Husky. I just don't have much choice and deep down I know its for the best. I will miss Akia dearly but will still get to have her close and walk with her every Monday. Which makes it a little easier. She is due to go to her new home at the end of the month so I am making the most having her around. Cannot really think of much else as I feel horrid talking about it. So will leave it there. Thankyou

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  • 3 weeks later...

My boyfriend finds that the smell of fresh cut grass or new grass makes him feel terrible, I assume that blossoming flowers would have the same effect. He doesn't even need to be outside, nor does a window need to be open for him to start reacting.

I / We / one of my beloved Huskies had the same issue. Every time he came close to the garden he started reacting on it feeling terribly bad and somehow suddenly getting to be really tired. I was wondering what the heck was wrong with him and I was really worrying sick that he might have caught something serious but with our floral delivery decoration it was the same. Every time he entered / or came close to the living room the situation started to get worse. That is why we decided to stop using floral decoration that is not faux at home. We wanted our baby to feel good in his own home and environment.

We still try to figure out something about the flowers in our garden for we want him to be having a good time outside as well without feeling tired or groggy.

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