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Odin says Hello!

Odin's Beard

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This is little Odin's Beard.


^This was the first day I got him, I help a friend at his comic shop and had been doing some inventory, Odin just slept on the table all day. Lol, it might look bad, but we were just messing around because he happened to be a very heavy sleeper.

He was a Christmas present to our family this year. A wonderful gift of life.

Let me rewind back a little, I've had a Husky before. She had died of old age about a year ago. Although some of us still haven't accepted her passing -- especially my 16 year old brother -- we all grieved. We are truly happy she lived an amazing 12 year life.

Now this is where this little guy comes in, Little Odin's Beard, or Odin for short. My comic shop friend has seen the hole in our hearts, the missing entity, you know? Odin was brought to our family almost a week ago and has help filled some of that emptiness. One day we will finally accept that our late husky has moved on to a better place, but of course, time heals all wounds.

We had rescued her when she was about 4 years old. She was already trained and, of course, gone through the puppy stage. This is where Husky-Owners comes in (hey you guys! :D). Since I don't know too much about puppies --specifically Husky puppies-- I have been reading this neat website ever since I've got him. I've now decided to join up on what looks like a very wonderful interweb community and hopefully will learn new things about raising up a happy, healthy puppy.

A little about Odin:

Odin is about 9 weeks old now. When my friend had got him, the breeder said Odin was more 'long-haired' than some of his siblings. Does that mean Odin is a wooly Husky? Just to know how crazy his coat-blowing will be once he gets older. x_x (but of course, I love him either way :))

Also, I haven't been able to tell if he's bi-eyed yet, but he does seem to be in that stage where his right-eye is turning greenish. I heard when it turns green it will turn brown. How do I know what his 'adult eye colors' will be?

Not that it matters what eye colors he will have, but I just want as much puppy information as possible :]

Here's a picture for an example, hopefully you can sort of see it.



He also seems to sleep A LOT. Is this normal for a puppy? My previous husky was older, so she was already pretty mellowed out (until she got to go outdoors lol) But I do hear that puppies can be very mischievous and hyper. He doesn't seem to be. I hope he isn't sick or anything?

I haven't taken him to the vet yet, but I will have time this weekend and hopefully he comes out fine.

Also, when is the best time to neuter?

And when is the best time to lead-train for walks? I tried once for about 5 minutes, but I feel like I'm choking his little neck because he wants to go one way while I'm going the other way :(

Oh, yeah! Isn't it uncanny how puppies almost looks like cats? 0__0


Anyway, any more questions I have, I will definitely post in the question section.

There might be more to come, updates and what-nots. (yes, pictures too! :])

Im more of a reader than a poster, so I'm a little bit shy about making my first couple of posts, but hopefully I will get used to it :)

Thank you for reading my post!

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welcome to the pack

hes gorgeous - deffo looks bi-eye

the sleeping is VERY normal - just wait u will soon wish he would just sleep all day lol - he will soon be a terror LOL

best time to neuter - that depends on ur preference - most vets will do it from 6 months old onwards - i prefer to wait till they are around 16months to 2 years of age

lead train as soon as possible - let him just drag it around ur house (supervised so he doesnt get caught on anything) so he gets used to having it on - then u can try and encourage him to follow you with some of his food or some treats :)

hope this has helped somewhat

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Welcome aboard! I'm so sorry for your loss, I had to deal with my first loss this year, it's so hard. I too brought home a pup (not as young as Odin, she was 5 months), because it's crazy how empty a house is without a dog. Odin is absolutely precious! He looks like he will be bi-eyed, but I'm not sure whether a green turns to brown or not. When I brought Echo home, she did sleep a lot, even at 5 months. At 6 months, she went through her first heat cycle, and that's when she really 'woke up' lol. Had her spayed since. So, at 8 1/2 months old now, she is a real live wire! I would wait on leash walking until he is up to date on all the shots that he needs, which I think would be around 12 weeks? I have not had a pup so young, but there are plenty of experienced folks on here that can give you more answers! Maybe for now, you can practice leash walking in the house, so he at least gets used to having a collar and leash on, and when you do get him outside, I would make the walks fairly short, 5-10 minutes at a time or so. Best of luck to you and Odin and look forward to hearing more about him & watching him grow! :)

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Welcome to Odin.

Yes they sleep a lot as a young puppy.

You've joined the worlds greatest repository of live Husky knowledge. :)

5.5 thousand members in over 60 different countries.

If you need any help just shout there's almost always someone here. :up:

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Hey welcome to the pack! It's good to know that you decided to say hello to us all :D That's alright, not all huskies are hyper (one thing I have just learned as well LOL) and I believe it's a bit too soon to tell if he's going to be a woolly-coated or not. However, once he's fully-grown, it'd be easy to tell. If you ever need to know the difference between a woolly-coated and a normal-coated husky, check out Vlad's pics :) Vlad is one of our forum's wooliest husky. I forgot his owner's forum name, so I can't put up a tag :( however, my little boy here is also a woolly-coated :D not too woolly, but yeah he's sort of long-haired. As with bi-eyes, idk... Huskies are full of surprises. You'll never know LOL however my boy is blue-eyed so i don't know a lot about bi-eyes. Hope I helped and enjoy your stay! :clap:

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Hi and WavingWelcome.gif - He's a very handsome little guy!

At the moment, his coat looks like it will be normal, but perhaps a little longer than some - but not wooly. His eye that is now greenish should turn some shade of amber/brown - probably toward the lighter end of the spectrum, as opposed to a really dark brown/black - those tend to look more navy colored as they start to change.

I like to see puppies neutered around 6 months of age, but many on the forum (it's much more common to do so in the UK than it is here in the US) prefer to wait until they're fully grown at 1-2 years before neutering. I've never encountered a problem with neutering males at a relatively young age... (Spaying a female very young can sometimes cause urinary tract problems, if her anatomy hasn't had time to mature somewhat.)

As far as the leash training goes, Nix's idea of having him drag the leash around while supervised is a good idea. Odin will need to get some protection from vaccinations before you walk him much out in public - if the breeder hasn't already given him his first, you'll want to arrange for the vet to start them very soon. Usually they're given every couple of weeks until 16 weeks of age (the rabies vaccine isn't "legal" as far as registration is concerned until they're about 16 weeks old in most states).

Puppies get some immunity from their mothers, usually, but it wears off as time goes by, usually between about 6 and 12 or so weeks, and immunity for each disease covered by the vaccinations at a different time. This means that if a puppy is vaccinated against parvo virus and distemper at 9 weeks, and mom's immunity is still working for the parvo but not the distemper, the vaccines immunity for the distemper should start working in the pup's system, although that for the parvo won't be effective yet. If the maternal immunity for the parvo wears off a week later, and the next series of vaccines aren't scheduled until 12 weeks, that puppy is likely to be at risk for the parvo virus if it should come into contact with the disease in the time-frame where mom's immunity is gone but before the next vaccine is given. Because of this, it's a really good idea to stay away from any place where there are likely to be unvaccinated dogs, especially areas where large numbers of dogs (some/many of whom might not be vaccinated!) go, such as dog parks.

If you can find an area that's likely to be relatively safe to walk him, follow him around on leash first, and let him get used to the pull of the leash as he's leading you around. Another thing you can try is to have him on leash, and make a game of getting him to follow you, using as little pressure of the leash as possible - coax him, call him, use food treats - whatever you can do to get him to follow you without the leash being much of an issue. If he stops and balks at the end of the lead, stop and stand there, and wait for him to give up pulling at the end of the leash. As soon as he moves forward and the tension comes off the lead, make an absolute and total fool of yourself, telling him what a wonderful little dog he is! Actually, this technique - ignoring the unwanted behavior (as long as it isn't likely to be dangerous to him or cause damage otherwise) while effusively praising desired behaviors - will help with many (not all) behavioral situations... Good luck with him!

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Welcome. He is gorgeous! There's something extra special about having a dog from puppy age so i'm sure you'll love it.

You'll get loads of advice here from so many experienced people. It has helped me alot.

Sleeping...yeps...enjoy it while you can! Lol! I'm a firm believer in starting training from day one but like others have said, don't take him out of your own garden until he's had all of his jabs.

Neutering...personally I have always been advised to wait until a male cocks their leg before neutering but that is best to be done before the dog is a year old. But, different people have different views and you'll probably know yourself when the time is right!

Love the comic shop picture lol!

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lovemysiberian My condolences. It really isn't the same without a dog in the house.

As for the puppy naps go, yeah I really do enjoy it haha. But I'm ready for the storm once it begins to roll over x_x

I will keep the neutering, vaccination and leash training tips in mind, they are very helpful :) I was wondering how the puppy vaccination process goes and it slipped my mind in my first post haha

Thank you all for the warm welcomes and replies :) I am super glad to have stumbled upon such a great website with so many husky owners.

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Hello and welcome to the pack. So sorry to hear about your loss. Its never easy to lose anything your close with and while the void will lessen it can never be filled. I still miss my little Boston Terrier companion Slade and he's been gone about 3ish years now. as for Odin he is a real cutie! I'm sure he will bring you many years of joy, and probably some mischief too haha ;)

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