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Whats the best training advice for a newbie :-)


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Hello everyone

I'm really new to owning Huskies so when we decided to have one in our life we researched the breed to the extent that our eyes and brains couldn't take anymore information lol.

The problem Marie and myself seem to have is so many people have them and used different ways to get the Husky to obey and listen that for newbie's like ourselves its like walking through a mine field of information that's correct and not correct , so what I thought i'd do is start this thread ''which more than likely have been asked a million times before:)'' and ask you the experts. I know that most of you will of owned them for years and will of learned through your own past experiences.

Thank you for reading my question and hope to pick up some information to set me on the way to bringing up a happy puppy and a nice living environment.


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well what can I say? It's hard to spit out useful information without any specification... What kind of help do u need? About health, training, or something else? Anyway whenever someone ask me what can I tell them about huskies, I always say the same thing: there are three basic things you have to know about a husky. First, it takes 100 years to teach them how to walk off-lead. And when they finally reliable off-lead, you'd be a professional marathon athlete already. So better off without any attempts to teach them how to walk off-lead. Second, they howl. It's cute at first but it won't be as cute if they only howl at bedtime. YOUR bedtime :P Third, they shed. They shed the softest, fluffiest, whitest fur twice a year and your house would be covered in white fluffs even if it's not snowing. Consider a doggie brush.... Or two! :confused:

but oh well that's what mere husky lovers need to know x) husky OWNERS don't need to hear it---they LIVED it LOL

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Without doubt it is to be consistent with everything you do and try to teach them. Decide what you will allow and what will not be allowed - and stick to it and never give in. One huge problem we had was teaching Ozzy & Micah not to jump up on visitors. The problem was that we allowed them to do it to us - so everyone else was fair game in their eyes. We still have the problem today - two years later, but it is a work in progress :rolleyes: Consistency is key.

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hi your new addition is lovely:) you have obviously done your research on the breed .ive owned sibes for 16yrs and everything you read abt them is true! they only do what they want to do!lol they are a challenge sometimes i wish i had a labrador that listened! only joking .i wouldnt have any other breed never trust a husky off a lead they will always suprise you! i noticed as mine got past 7 you could trust them a bit more otherwise they have selective hearing! the only place mine go off is my local beach ive been going there forever ! :wtf::kimba2:but have to go as far away from other people as possible otherwise they do a runner!

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Oooooop's sorry first newbie mistake lol, well thanks for your replies it's always helpful to receive information. I guess the information I'm after is things like house training 'I know from reading this can be hard' tips to get Sasha to listen to us outside and in, how to stop bad habits if she gets any, the correct way to punish a Husky if she does something wrong.

Guess I'm asking for any information that will genuinly help in bringing Sasha up so I dont make the mistakes that I've herd so many people do make when dealing with the Husky breed.

Thanks again Dave&Marie

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They are addictive and you can never just have 1 you will always want another i have 3 and want another!they are all different yet all the same all dont listen,dig holes in the garden,run away want to kill anything furry and small that runs or basically anything that runs they want to chase!oh but i love them:D

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i just use treats (only small 1s tho like pedigree cheesey bites) and ive got a book called 101 dog tricks by kyra sundance which i cannot reccomend ENOUGH its an awesome book that really helps as it has a step by step guide and pictures it also has suggestions on what to do if ur dogs not getting the trick aswell :)

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Husky need consistency and patience, lots and lots of patience. they're very strong willed and independent. As long as you start training right away and are consistence you'll be fine. Just make sure everyone in your house uses the same commands or the pup will get confused. For example I use off to get Bart off the couch, bed, people, etc and use down for him to lay down. My father was telling him down when he jumps and the Bart was a little confused on what to do.

Also start leash training. Huskies tend to pull and Bart loves to jump when he sees new people. Some people are a little afraid when they see a "wolf" who is tugging and jumping. I use a harness as it gives me more control to pull him back when he's pulling or going to fast (aka walking me!)

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Hi, here are some tips:

1. Be consistent and fair, set rules and never break them

2. Remember everything you do all the time with them is training, they are always learning

3. The rule of associated learning from neuroscience - what fires together wires together

4. Behavior rewarded is behaviour that persists

5. Treat as animal first, then dog, then husky, then pet

6. Exercise as per genetic need - dawn and dusk will help to give a peaceful day and peaceful night

7. A happy husky is a tired husky

8. Give as much company as you can

9. Expose to as much stimulus as possible - people, other homes, other dogs, noises, weather, everything!

10. Practice NILF

11. Heel train before training to tow!!

12. Mental stimulation is more tiring than physical exercise but should be additional to migration

13. Practice the quiet command as early as possible!

14. Read as much as you can, Fogle and also Dunbar should be compulsory

15. Never, ever trust off lead - a husky which has gone hind brain will not ignore you, it won't sense you in the first place for the signal to be ignored

16. Practice emergency recall - now! What are you doing still reading lol?

17. Consolidation of learning comes with the breaks - short and sharp training with lots of breaks brings fast results

18. Let your husky learn your emotions, tones, body language

19. Huskies are hyper intelligent and learn quick - keep their safe areas safe

20. Budget for a second husky - one is never enough, for you, or for your husky!

21. Never under-estimate the warmth of a cold nose :)

22. Trawl the forums here - you'll learn many views on everything and anything you'll ever need...

23. If you don't get the result you want think about how you have asked for it

24. Smile happily knowing you don't have a dog, you have a husky ;)

Hope this helps!

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Hi there! I'm not what i'd class as experienced...i have a 1 year old male and a 4.5 month old female. But..... I do know about being new to the world of huskies and I will say...they are unlike any other dog I have ever met! They demand a different type of respect! They are amazing and you will love every second you are around a husky!

As for advice...this is the place to be. Snoop about and you will find thread upon thread of guidance. Ask around and you will likely get advice from what amounts to hundreds of years of experience! Joining this site is the best thing I did.

With training...patience is key. They will test it! Lol!

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As has been said, persistence and consistency are key! Crate training is a big help as far as house training goes - and can help keep puppy from chewing and destroying a wide-variety of items, some very expensive - or hurting itself! If you need help with crate training (some pups can be resistant to it, at the start, but most will soon learn to consider their crates a very safe and comfortable place to be, if they're taught that's what it is!), there are a number of threads on the forum about the topic, as well as lots of information available on the 'net.

Lots of good advice has been given already, so I'll shut up for now!

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Hello everyone

I'm really new to owning Huskies so when we decided to have one in our life we researched the breed to the extent that our eyes and brains couldn't take anymore information lol.

The problem Marie and myself seem to have is so many people have them and used different ways to get the Husky to obey and listen that for newbie's like ourselves its like walking through a mine field of information that's correct and not correct , so what I thought i'd do is start this thread ''which more than likely have been asked a million times before:)'' and ask you the experts. I know that most of you will of owned them for years and will of learned through your own past experiences.

Thank you for reading my question and hope to pick up some information to set me on the way to bringing up a happy puppy and a nice living environment.


hello and :welcome: i agree with stacey mae this is a wonderful site and it can answer all of your questions i to am new to this site but so far i love it:kimba2:

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There is some absolutely wonderful advise already here (wish I had had this when I was a new Siberian owner!), but my add would be research positive and reputable training programs. Structured classes not only help your dog learn, but teach you how to best teach your dog (and perhaps if you take your significant other get some consistency), as well as good socialization time! It's always good to see how well you are doing when there are all those distracting other puppies to potentially play with!

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